Directories Lists List of Abbreviations AAJE American Association for d died Jewish Education dem democrat acad academy dept department ACLU American Civil Liberties dir director Union dist district act active, acting div division ADL Anti-Defamation League admin administrative, administration econ economic, economist adv advisory ed editor affil affiliated edit edited agr agriculture editl editorial agric agriculturist, agricultural edn edition Am. Jewish educ education, educator Com American Jewish Committee educl educational AJCongress .American Jewish Congress Eng English, England AJYB AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR estab established BOOK exec executive Am America, American amb ambassador fd fund apptd appointed fdn foundation assoc associate, association, fdr founder associated fed federation asst assistant for foreign atty attorney au author gen general Ger German b born gov governor, governing bd board govt government Bib. Bible bibliog bibliography, bibliographer Heb Hebrew Bklyn Brooklyn hist historical, history bur bureau hon honorary hosp hospital Can Canada HUC-JIR .. .Hebrew Union College- CCAR Central Conference of Jewish Institute of Religion American Rabbis Hung Hungarian chmn chairman CJFWF ....Council of Jewish Federa- ILGWU International Ladies' Gar- tions and Welfare Funds ment Workers' Union CJMCAG .. Conference on Jewish Ma- incl including terial Claims Against Ger- ind independent many inst institute coll collector, collective, college instn institution Colo Colorado instr instructor com committee internat international comdr commander Ital Italian comm commission commr commissioner JDA Joint Defense Appeal comp composer, composed JDC American Jewish Joint Dis- cond conductor tribution Committee conf conference JEC Jewish Education Committee cong congress, congregation JNF Jewish National Fund constr construction, constructed JPA Joint Palestine Appeal contrib contributor JPS Jewish Publication Society corr correspondent JTA Jewish Telegraphic Agency 641 642 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1972 JTS Jewish Theological Seminary ret retired of America Rum Rumania JWB National Jewish Welfare Russ Russian Board RZA Religious Zionists of JWV Jewish War Veterans of America America SCA Synagogue Council of lang language America LCBC Large City Budgeting Com- sch school mittee sci scientific leg legal, legislation sec secretary lit literature, literary sect section sem seminary mag. magazine soc society med medical Sp Spanish mem member spec special, specialist metrop metropolitan subj subject mfr manufacture, manufacturer supt superintendent mng managing mngr manager techr teacher ms manuscript theol theological tr translator, translated NAACP .... National Association for the trav travel, traveler Advancement of Colored treas treasurer People nat national UAHC Union of American NATO North Atlantic Treaty Hebrew Congregations Organization UAR United Arab Republic NCC National Council of Churches UHS United HIAS Service of Christ in U.S.A. UIA United Israel Appeal NCCJ National Conference of UJA United Jewish Appeal Christians and Jews UN United Nations NCRAC National Community UNESCO ...United Nations Educational, Relations Advisory Council Scientific and Cultural Or- NY ANA ... New York Association for ganization New Americans univ university N.Y.C New York City UNRWA ...United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine off office, officer Refugees org organized, organizers UOJC Union of Orthodox Jewish orgn organization Congregations of America ORT Organization for Rehabilita- UPA United Palestine Appeal tion through Training USO United Service Organizations, OSE Oeuvre de Secours aux Inc. Enf ants Israelites vol volume Pal Palestine v.pres vice-president phar pharmacist, pharmaceutical west western phys physician WIZO Women's International Zion- pres president ist Organization prin principal WJC World Jewish Congress prod producer, production, pro- WZO World Zionist Organization ducing prof professor Yid Yiddish pseud pseudonym YIVO YIVO Institute for Jewish pub publish, publication, pub- Research lisher YMHA Young Men's Hebrew Association rabb rabbinate, rabbinical yrs years RCA Rabbinical Council of YWHA Young Women's Hebrew America Association reed received rel religion, religious Zion Zionist reorg reorganized ZOA Zionist Organization of rep representative America National Jewish Organizations1 UNITED STATES Organizations are listed according to functions as follows: Religious, Educational 650 Cultural 646 Community Relations 643 Overseas Aid 648 Social Welfare 663 Social, Mutual Benefit 662 Zionist and Pro-Israel 666 Note also cross-references under these headings: Professional Associations 672 Women's Organizations 672 Youth and Student Organizations 673 COMMUNITY RELATIONS basic nature of prejudice and to improve AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR JUDAISM, INC. techniques for combating it; promotes a (1943). 309 Fifth Ave., Suite 303-6, philosophy of Jewish integration by N.Y.C., 10016. Pres. Clarence L. Cole- projecting a balanced view with respect man, Jr. Seeks to advance the universal to full participation in American life and principles of a Judaism free of national- retention of Jewish identity. AMERICAN ism, and the national, civic, cultural, and JEWISH YEAR BOOK (with Jewish Publica- social integration into American institu- tion Society of America); Commentary; tions of Americans of Jewish faith. Brief; Insight; Newsletter; Proceedings of An- Special Interest Report. nual Meeting. AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE (1906). In- AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS (1917; reorg. stitute of Human Relations, 165 E. 56 1922, 1938). Stephen Wise Congress St., N.Y.C., 10022. Pres. Philip E. Hoff- House, 15 E. 84 St., N.Y.C., 10028. Pres. man; Exec. V. Pres. Bertram H. Gold. Arthur J. Lelyveld; Exec. Dir. Naomi Seeks to prevent infraction of civil and Leyine. Works to foster the creative religious rights of Jews in any part of religious and cultural survival of the the world and to secure equality of eco- Jewish people; to help Israel develop in nomic, social, and educational oppor- peace, freedom, and security; to eliminate tunity through education and civic action; all forms of racial and religious bigotry; seeks to broaden understanding of the to advance civil rights, protect civil 1 Includes national Jewish organizations in existence for at least one year prior to June 30, 1971, based on replies to questionnaires circulated by the editors. Inclusion in this list does not necessarily imply approval of the organizations by the publishers, nor can they assume responsi- bility for the accuracy of the data. An asterisk (•) indicates that no reply was received and that the information, which includes title of organization, year of founding, and address, is reprinted from AJYB, 1971 (Vol. 72). 643 644 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1972 liberties, defend religious freedom and CONFERENCE OF PRESIDENTS OF MAJOR safeguard the separation of church and AMERICAN JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS (1955). state. Congress Bi-Weekly; Judaism. 515 Park Ave., N.Y.C., 10022. Chmn. , WOMEN'S DIVISION OF (1933). Jacob Stein; Exec. Dir. Yehuda Hell- Stephen Wise Congress House, 15 E. 84 man. Coordinates the activities of major St., N.Y.C., 10028. Pres. Mrs. Jacqueline American Jewish organizations on the Levine; Exec. Dir. Esther H. Kolatch. American scene as they relate to Ameri- Committed to the preservation and ex- can-Israeli affairs, and problems affecting tension of the democratic way of life, Jews in other lands. Annual Report. and the unity and creative survival of CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL OF JEWISH OR- the Jewish people throughout the world. GANIZATIONS—CCJO (1946). 61 Broad- way, N.Y.C., 10006. Hon. Chmn. Ren6 ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF B'NAI B'RITH Cassin (Alliance Israelite Universelle); (1913). 315 Lexington Ave., N.Y.C., Co-Chmn. Jules Braunschvig (Alliance 10016. Nat. Chmn. Seymour Graubard; Israelite Universelle), Harry Batshaw Nat. Dir. Benjamin R. Epstein. Seeks to (Canadian Friends of Alliance Isra61ite combat antisemitism and secure justice Universelle), Victor Lucas (Anglo- and fair treatment for all citizens alike; Jewish Association); y. Chmn. Marcel through public information, education Franco (American Friends of Alliance and community action seeks to achieve Israelite Universelle); Deputy V. Chmn. greater democratic understanding among Alexander E. Salzman; Sec-Gen. Moses Americans. ADL Bulletin; ADL Re- Moskowitz. A nongovernmental organiza- search Reports; Facts; Law; Rights; tion in consultative status with the UN, Freedom pamphlets; One Nation Library UNESCO, International Labor Organi- series. zation, UN1CEF, and the Council of ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH COMMUNITY RE- Europe. Cooperates and consults with, LATIONS WORKERS (1950). 15 E. 84 St., advises and renders assistance to the N.Y.C., 10028. Pres. Herman Brown; Economic and Social Council of the Sec. Sidney Kellner. Aims to stimulate United Nations on all problems relating higher standards of professional prac- to human rights and economic, social, tice in Jewish community relations; en- cultural, educational, and related matters courages research and training toward pertaining to Jews. that end. Conducts educational programs COORDINATING BOARD OF JEWISH ORGANI- and seminars; aims to encourage cooper- ZATIONS (1947). 1640 Rhode Island Ave., ation between community relations work- N. W., Washington, D.C., 20036. Co- ers and other areas of Jewish communal Chmn. David M. Blumberg (B'nai service. Community Relations Papers. B'rith), Michael Fidler (Board of Depu- BUREAU FOR CAREERS IN JEWISH SERVICE
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