OREGON September-October 1991 WILDLIFE a- s I j T !!!! - . ' . .( L ' . : -F - - 4. .,, (» .!1#. .. r ' t . ? - 14 -- 4_ 4 . OREGON WILDLIFE September-October, 1991 Vo!. 47, No. 5 Fish and Wildlife Health OREGON FISH AND WILDLIFE COMMISSION James VanLoan Chairman ... Steamboat Large portions of eastern Oregon's forests are dyhig. Disease, insect infesta- Linda Borine fions and prolonged drought are turning once Vice Chairman .............................................................. Bend productive lands into graveyards. Ken Jernstedt ................................................................. Portland The Forest Service and timber-dependent commimities have rightly identified Pete Bamhisel .............................................................. Corvallis Sandra Lazinka ........................................................... Pilot Rock the situation as a major crisis in forest management. Phillip Schneider ........................................................... Portland BobJacobson ................................................................. Newport Attention is now focused on how past forestry practices may have contributed to this growing devastation, and future RANDY FISHER. Director what practices may be required both for short-term timber salvage and long-term resource recovery. As a whole, the issue Oregon Wildlife (ISSN 0094-7113) is published every other month by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife at 2501 SW Ist. is called "Forest Health." Portland, Oregon 97201. Volumes I through 28 were entitled OregonGame Commission Bulletin. OregonWildilfe isdrcuìated Make no mistake, the scope of this problem is huge. While much of the Forest free of charge with second dass postage paid at Portland, Oregon. Health attention has centered on the national forests of the Blue Mountains in Copyrightl99l bytheOregonDepartmenlofFishandWildlife. AU rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced northeastern Oregon, the sight of reddish-brown, damaged or dying trees without written permission of the editor. Readers and POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: extends throughout the Ochoco Mountains and the east slope of the Cascades from Mount Hood to California. OREGON WILDLIFE P O Box 59 This edition of Oregon Wildlife devotes five pages to an aspect of the Forest Portland, OR 97207 Health issue that must not be overlooked - the health of fish and wildlife that When sending addresxchanges, be sure to send in both old and depend on forest for survival. new addresses with zip codes. habitats Actions taken over the next,few years will set the course for wild populations extending well into the 21st Century. Big Jim Gladson, Editor decisions must be made in a small period of time. Managing Editor Wildlife depend on these forests for cover and for living places. Fish need trees Randy Henry, Staff Writer to shade streams, protect banks and provide diverse, Penny KoeKier, Editorial Assistant instream habitat. Simply Sharon Torvik, Graphic Artist going in and removing as many trees as possible to serve a short-term timber Reader comments are welcome. Send to P O Box 59, market is not a recipe for maintenance of fish and wildlife resources. We know Portland, OR 97207. that, and, fortunately, so do the Forest Service and private land managers. The Cover As department deputy director Mike Golden notes in the article that begins on page four, the level of communication and coordination between this agency and Wary but uncertain, a Rocky Mountain the Forest Service on the Forest Health issue sets a high, new standard for bighorn ram watches biologist Vic sharing of concerns and on-the-ground cooperation. Coggins approach his sanctuary in the It would be very difficult to overstate the huge magnitude of the Forest Health Wallowa Mountains. crisis, and the potential impacts on fish and wildlife. The situation has never been Photo by Pat Wray this bad before. For hunters and other people who use and enjoy forest lands, actions taken over next two years wifi be critical to future recreation opportuni- TABLE OF CONTENTS ties. Decisions made in this short run wifi Page have incredibly important long term Letter From the Director ........................ 2 impacts on wildlife such as elk and nongame birds as well as the vitality of fish Update ...................................................... 3 populations. Forest Health ................... Jim Gladson 4 The Forest Service and other land managers have made substantial commit- AROUND Timber Sale ......... Pat Wray 7 ments to including fish and wildlife health as part of the overall effort on forest A Day In The Life .......... Randy Henry 9 recovery. Members of the Department of Fish and Wildlife will devote the High Country coming days, months and years helping translate these commitments from Sheep Survey ............... Pat Wray 12 general philosophy to actual practice. LII Young People Get A Chance ......... Randy Henry 14 Shooting Safety Quiz For Kids ....................... Bill Hastie 15 .................................. Back Cover Randy Fisher Printed on recycled paper Director OREGON WILDLIFE "UPDATE" Commission Adopts Upland Game Bird, Waterfowl Seasons Oregon Fish and Wildlife Deschutes, Lake and Kiamath cember 28. bag limits and regulations Commissioners adopted up- counties, which make up Zone The daily bag limit of four remain similar to last years. land game bird, goose and 2. ducks may include not more The 1991 Early Game Bird duck seasons during the Au- Commissioners approved than: Seasons synopsis covering gust 21 commission meeting duck seasons as follows: Three mallards, of which not August and September in Pendleton. Zone I - (Except Morrow and more than one may be a hen. seasons is available at license This year's split duck Umatilla Counties): October 12 One pintail of either sex. agents now. The full hunting seasons reflect the to October 20, and November Two redheads, or two synopsis that covers all adoption of hunting zones, 16 to January 4, 1992. canvasbacks, or one redhead gamebird regulations will be allowed this year in Oregon Zone 1 - Morrow and and one canvasback. available in mid-September. for the first time by the U.S. Umatilla counties: Oct. 12 - Oct. The Commission also Fish and Wildlife Service. 20, Nov. 9 - Jan. 4, 1992. The special Northwest adopted 1991-92 upland Zone i includes all areas Zone 2- October 12 - Decem- Oregon Permit Season was set game bird bag limits and of the state except ber 1, and December 21 - De- for Nov. 16 - Jan. 19, 1992. season dates during the corn- Steel shot is now required mission hearing. statewide for waterfowl The eastern Oregon ex- Public To Review Willamette Plans hunting. Other goose seasons, tended pheasant hunting set for Oc- Fish management plans for All meetings start at 7 p.m. zone season was the Willamette River basin Copies of the plans, or sum- tober 12 to December 8. The of eastern will be discussed at a series maries of each sub-basin plan, remaining areas of three public meetings are available by writing Wil- Tip of the Hat Oregon will be open October 'cheduled for late September. lamelle Plan, PO Box 59, Port- 12 to December 1. Western simi- The Willamette basin plan land, OR 97207. Florence Offender Oregon seasons remain consists of several sub-basin Written comments on the Gets loo Days lar to last year's, October 12 plans including the Clacka- plan will be accepted through to November 10. Actual jail time is a sentence Chukar and Hungarian mas, Tualatin, Molalla/Pud- October 15 at the same ad- rarely carried out in most game partridge season will open ding, Santiam/Calapooia, dress. The Willamette Plan offenses. However, a Florence Long Tom, Coast Range and will be heard by the Oregon October 5 and continue man has been sentenced to through December 31 in each Willamette River fork as Fish and Wildlife Commission serve 100 days for a violation well as the mainstem. in November. Wallowa, Union, Grant, stemming from an earlier Morrow and Umatilla coun- Meeting Date Locations poaching incident. ties. All other areas are open The earlier incident occurred Sep30 Albany Linn/Benton CC, Board rms A & B October 5 to January 31, in 1989 when Florence game Sep 25 Springfield Dept. of Forestry, 3150 E. Main 1992. officers arrested a subject found Sep 25 Portland Mt. Hood CC, Room 1303 Valley quail season in with a deer which had been western Oregon will run recently spotlighted. The per- from October 12 to Novem- son was fined $250, sentenced ber 10. The eastern Oregon Two-day Session Will Set Fishing Rules to 60 days in jail with 57 days season will run from October suspended, had his hunting Oregon sport fishing regu - agenda for hearing proposals. 12 to December 31. privileges suspended for two lations for 1992-93 wifi be set Mountain quail seasons in years and was put on probation during a Fish and Wildlife Klamath and Wallowa coun- for three years. He was also Commission hearing Septem- Monday, Sep. 23 ties were set for October 12 required to pay $400 restitution ber 23-24 at Department of 10 am Statewide to November 24. There is no to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife headquar- Columbia open season in the remaining Fish and Wildlife. ters, 2501 SW First Ave. in I p.m Southwest area of eastern Oregon. Earlier this year, the man Portland. Northeast The spring gobbler season again appeared in Florence Jus- The two-day session will Marine for wild turkey will run tice Court for failing to meet his begin with a staff presenta- Tuesday, Sep. 24 April 15 to May 24, 1992, financial obligations to the _4on on proposed regulations 8 a .m Northwest statewide except for Snake court -a violation of his proba- geographic region, fol- Willarnette River islands. One gobbler y tion. Judge Cindy Nicholson lowed by public testimony. I p.m Central per day, two per season will sentenced the man to 100 days For the convenience of people Southeast be allowed. El in the Lane County Correc- who wish to testify, the corn- 3 p.m. Open testimony tional Facility with no time sus- mission has set the following 4 p.m.
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