A t.es Pu~ Th Endorsements TIJ 87 LQ TAKE THIS SLATE SHEET TO THE POLLS ON TUES. NOV. 7th AND Polls OPEN at 7am (2 and CLOSE at 8pm 11 For more inforl11ltion call: (213) 463-3928 / 463-3184/660-2987 p~ MAKE YOUR GAY VOTE COUNT ti 1 a c r E 1 L...._~"":.... ....J* * Governor Jerry BROWN * Lt. Gov. M:!rvyn DYMALl Y' Sec. State Mlrch FONG EU Att. Gen. Ywnne B. BURKE Olief .listice Rose BIRD * Asterisks ("J indicate incumbents *STATE ASSEMaLY' *STATE PROPOSITIONS OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICES 34th District. Larry Chrrnbole " Prop. 1 .$500 million for Vet home loans . YES Controller Ken Cory' 37th District..... OPEN Prop. 2 Changes PUG hearing procedures . NO *Treasurer.......... Jesse M. Unruh" 38th District..... Roger Bolli nger Prop, 3 State land transfer to park use.: . YES Brd. of Equahz ation > l George R. Reilly' 39th Dis trict.... Jim Keysor' P 4 I hi ti h I rop. ncreases c rroprac IC sc 00 regs . YES Brd. of Equaliz~tion.:r4 Richard Nevins' 40th District.... Tom Bane' Prop. 5 Regulates smoking in work places . OPEN *CALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT 41st District OPEN Prop.6 Briggs Anti-School Employees Law . NO YES for Chief Justice Rose Bird" 42nd District... Judy Tejeda Prop. 7 Briggs death penalty statute . NO YES for Assoc. Justice ...wilp.y W. Manuel" 43rd Drstr ic t.... Howard Berman' ·Prop.8 Lower assessment for home disasters . YES YES for Assoc. Justice .. Frank C. Newman" 44th District.... M~ldon Levine' *L.A. COUNTY PROPOSITIONS *CONGRESSIONAL OFFICES 45th District... Herschel Rosenthal" Prop. A Private contractors do county work . NO 18th District.. ... Rober tSoqqe 46th District.... Mike Hoos" Prop. B Gives civil service power to supervisors. NO 20th District..... Pat Lear 47th District... Teresa Hughes' Prop. C Establishes elected county executive . YES 21st District.. ... James C. Corman' 48th District.. Maxine Waters' Prop. D Ooinion-countv/ctrv service merger . YES 22nd District.... Robert Henry. 49th District Gwen Moore Prop. E Senior county staff-no civil service . YES 23rd District.... Anthony Beilenson ' 50th Dis tr ic t.... Curtis Tucker' Prop. F Supervisor's deputies-no Civil service . YES 24th District.... Henry Waxman' . 51st Drstrict.... OPEN Prop. G Changes county recall procedures . YES 25th Distri~t.... Edward R. Roybal" 52nd Dis tnc t.i. OPEN Prop. H No contracting to new counties . NO 26th Drstr ict.... Do NOT vote this race! 53rd District.... Cindy Wear Prop. I Advisory vote-3 mass transit proposals. OPEN 27th District.... Carey Peck 54th District..... Frank Vicencia " Prop. J Builds 5,000 county housing units . YES 28th District.... Julian Dixon 55th Dis tr ic t.. Richard Alatorre" Prop. K Canyon County as new county . NO 29th District.... Augustus F. Hawkins" 56th Drs tr ic t.... Art Torres' Prop. L New Canyon County seat.. NO 30th District.... George Danielson" 57th Drstric t.. Do NOT vote, this race! *LOS ANG.ELES CITY PROPOSITIONS . 31st District.... Charles WilsQn' 59th District.... Jack Fenton' Prop. M School board district elections NO 32nd District... Glenn Anderson 60th District.... Sally Tanner Prop. N No city funds for 19&4 Olympics YES 33rd Districv.... Dennis Kazarian' 62nd Drs trrc t.... Sandy Baldonado Prop. 0 Repealsprevailinq wage clause OPEN 34th District..... Mark Hannaford' 63rd District.... Bruce Young' P P P' do ci k NO . rop.. nvate contractors 0 city wor . 35th District.... Jim Lloyd' 64th DisHict... George Juric Prop. Q Citv-council election date change t, YES *STATE SENATE 65th District ..... Bill McVittie' Prop. R Reduce Vet job bonus from 10 to 5% YES 16th District.... Walter Stiern " *L.A. COUNTY OFFICES Prop. S Changes city recall procedures............... YES 20th District.... Alan Robbins' County Assessor....... Alexander Pope' _ 22nd District... Alan Sieroty' *L.A. SUPERIOR COURT 24th District.... OPEN Office # 2 Judge Everett Ricks 26th District.... Do NOT vote this race! Office # 3 Judge Irwin Nebron 28th District.... Ralph Dills' / Office z: 15.. Judge Leopoldo G. Sanchez Fill out this coupon and mail it to Stonewall Oemocranc Club 30th District.... Diane Watson *L.A. MUNICIPAL COURT Post Office Box 39495. Los Angeles. Cal ifornia 90039 32nd District.... OPEN Office::;: 1..... Malcolm Mackey Nam'L ------- -- __ ------- _ --- ---- Office 1: 5..... Paul Metzler Address, · _ STONEWALL Ottice x 9..... Ronald Schoenberg *LONG BEACH MUNICIPAL COURT Clt'L ZiP. SUPPORTS Office:;: ,3..... Judge Marcus O. Tucker' : Telephones Enclosed $ _ THEOOORS • BOVCOTI .., *LOS CERRITOS MUNICIPAL COURT: $5. Student! Unemployed / Seruor Citizen $ 15. Regular Office # 1..... Richard Hanki I $ 25. Stonewaller $ 50 Big Stonewaller Other$ _ A Lesbian Feminist Publication written by and for The Rising Tide of Women Today rIDE PUBLICA nONS 8706 Cadillac Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90034 ' VOL. 8 No.3 NOVEMB-ER/DECEMBER 1978 (2J3) 839-7254 The Lesbian Tide is a radical feminist PERSPECTIVES publication published by Tide Publica- tions, a division of The Women's.Center, '4 Where Have All The Teachers Gone? Inc., a California state non-profit corpor- 6 Profile: Sasha Gregory-Lewis, Radical Right Watchdog ation. It is financially supported by the community it serves. The publication 7 Feminist Ethics: Enemies & Allies, Part 11 receives its political direction' from the 8 Columns: Publishers (Barbara Gehrke, Sharon , Lynne Shapiro, Feminine Mystique to Radical Chic McDonald, Jeanne Cordova), a collective Jeanne Cordova, From the Closets to the Stage of lesbian feminists. The EditoriaLBoard (see staff box) is responsible for editorial Robin Tyler, Adventures of a Sensuous Dyke' direction. ' Stona Ferrett, Of Rabbit,S & Radicals The Lesbian Tide is produced by the pride and energies of a staff who are 10 Don't Turn This Page (Survey) commited to one or moredepartments within the magazine. The staff is open RIGHTS, & REFERENDUMS to women who wish to become involved 12 Hollywood, Reagan Turn Out Against Prop. 6 in journalism or who see media as a vehicle for activism. 15 With a Little Help from Our Friends EDITORIAL POLICY 16 Seattle Vote, Mayor's Wife Speaks Out In the interest of fostering open commun- ications and progressive theoretical devel- NATIONAL NEWS opment, The Lesbian Tide prints a wide variety of views from the lesbian, feminist, 17 National March Set for '79 and gay communities. Our editorial per- '18 East Coast Confab: "Are you Ready To Fight?" spective also includes coverage of other social change movements as they relate to SPECIAL HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE women. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of 20 Tide Publications or The Editorial Board SHORTCURRENTS unless specifically by-lined as such. , 28 STAFF Editorial Board: Cheri Lesh, Jeanne, EDITORIAL Cordova, Bridget Overton, Sharon .31 Coming Out In The Tide? McDonald Art & Design: Susan Rowe Advertising: Jeanne Cordova LETTERS Circulation Subscriptions: Starlyn Howard 31 Jesus Freaks Reply - Lesbian Addicts National Sales: Barbara Gehrke Production: Barbara Gehrke MOTHERS Layout Crew: Barbara Gehrke, Susan 32 Artificial Insemination (Sex Selection), Part II Rowe, Jeanne Cordova; Jamie Jamison, Janine Bacr, Lynne Lahr REVIEWS Second class postage paid at Los Angefes, 33 Rita Mae's new novel - Cris Williamson album - "Burning Questions" CA. SUBSCRIBERS: If you move, we are COMMUNITY FOCUS not forwardable; send us your address, change. 36 Local Events - Hudson House for Lesbians Covet photo by Sue Cooke On The Cover: Lesley Mallgrave leaflets at No On 6 Rally. Subscribe! Name Address Subscribe! City =-- State'-- _ ZIP__ Subscribe! Subscribe! One year subscription (6 issues): $6 individuals $8 overseas & Canada $10 institutions Mailed in Plain Brown Wrapper The Tide 8706 Cadillac Avenue, Los AngelesrCa 90034 / PersRectives SHARON MCDONALD, EDITOR Where Have All The Teachers .'Gone? By Bridget Overton Editorial Note: At press time, we are encouraged by the polls which indicate that passage of the Briggs Initiative in California may not be certain. Regardless of the outcome of the election, this article reflects the mood of lesbian teachers throughout that state: In the interest of protecting these teachers from dismissal, the women quoted remain nameless. I . A tradition of lesbian oppression pre- it. If it passes, I'll be much more careful cedes Proposition 6. Many lesbian and very scared. I'll be on guard and less teachers were forced out of the profes- open which is difficult for me." sion long before anyone had ever heard This teacher, who was reluctant to be of John Briggs or his abhorrent initiative. interviewed, explained how passage of 6 In small towns and rural communities would interfere with classroom discus- the abuses have been more widespread. sion. "I teach a Women's Issues class to As one teacher, herself a victim of such high school girls. My own sexuality is discrimination, said, "This town is so never mentioned although I think a few small. They don't miss a thing. They of them suspect. We talk about sexuality notice who comes and goes from your and alternative lifestyles. Under 6 I house. Sometimes I think that they would stick to Rape Crisis and menstrua- know the color of my underwear." tion and steer clear of sexuality. This woman; a team sports specialist, "If 6 passes, I would consider getting was victimized b..ya parent who objected another degree and doing something to her daughter- routinely warming the else. However, I don't really want to. I bench. The mother consorted with the haven't been teaching for that many local Anita Bryant, a member of the years and I don't know that I would school board, and the campaign to oust want to teach for the rest of my life with the teacher began. "My contract wasn't or without 6. But when and if Ldo leave renewed. The kids and some of the par- teaching I want it to be, my choice. ents were great, very supportive. But Lack of Options this one complaining mother and 'her alliance with this homophobic school "For many working class women who board member outweighed all those who do not have family money to fall back were on 'my side.
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