"T "■' . ’ ••• ' Average Daily Net Press Ron For the Week Ended The Weather Febrdary 4, 1967 Snow beginning' this evenlnf'.; 3 to e inches accumulation peeled; snow ending tomorrow 15,069 morning, low in 20s, high tb* morrow about 82, v Manche$ter^A City of ViUofe Charm VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 125 (T^N TY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1967 (Classified Advertlsliig on Pag^e 17)' ICE SEVEN CENTS ’t Reconsider er Decision M ore Funds , G ears W ay For Highway To Imprison Construction Union Boss < WASHINOTON (AP) — The Johnson' administration relaxed WASHINGTON (AP)— (A P)— The Supreme Court partly today the freeze of high­ turned down today twin ef­ way construction funds it put * * forts by Teamsters Union into effect last Thanksgiving as President James R. H offa an anti-inflationary measure. to stay out of jail. And Secretary of Transporta­ tion Alan S. Boyd told a Joint Within mlmrtes alter the high Senate-Hopse hearing the ad­ court’s rulings were announced, 7 ministration is ready to order a Hoffa’s attorneys were planning further thaw if economic condi­ another maneuver to keep Wm tions warremt during the'current out of prison — at least tempo­ i m fiscal year and the fiscal year which begins July 1. rarily. Boyd, In testimony prepared The two pleas rejected by th* for the hearing, said the admin­ high court without comment istration had rejected any idea were based on claims of wide­ of cutting an additional |400 spread government eavesdroi>- million from the highway pro­ ping at Hotfa’s lederled Jury- gram as had been contemplated tampering trial and a claim tiiat earlier. testimony by a paid government Instead, he said, the govern­ informer should have been ex­ ment will make an additional cluded. $176 million available to the' Thus the court refused to re­ states for highway contracts consider its Dec. 12 dccisdon Young King Ppps Kiss on Poppy Queen during the current fiscal year upholding Hoffa’s Jury tamper­ which ends June 30. ing conyictlon, eight-year prison Gerald Lucas pops a kiss on the cheek of Nancy Patrick after the young- This will raise the amount of (AP Fiioiofax) sters were named king and queen of the Indianapolis, VFW post’s poppy sales sentence and $10,000 fine. The federal funds available .for high­ Cheshire Marine Wins Highest Honor ruling consisted of a brief order, drive. The'pop-eyed queen looks as though she expected a handshake. way contracts to |3.'478 billion, ivithout comment. It was noted compared with the 33.3 lion Capt. Harvey C. Barnum Jr. of Cheshire receives the congratulations of Sec­ that Justices Byron R. 'White available imder the'cutback. retary of the Navy Paul Nitze today after being awarded the Medal of Honor, and Abe Fortas did not partici­ Congress had authorized $4.4 the nation’s highest decoration. Barnum took command of a rifle company in pate. billion for the fiscal 1967 high­ Vietnam Dec. 18, after the company commander was mortally wounded. The lulling presumably, Enemy Shelling at Da Nang way program. But Jt^inson, an­ cleared the way for Jai'Ung ot^ nouncing the freeze last Novem­ the head of the 1.7 million-mem­ ber, called the freeze a rroo-mll- P y v p e # f o D p / p f f / l / i n f ber union — possibly in leee lion cut, expWnlng that he orle- * » than a month. inally had planned to spend only Cleanest Air Kill 11 GI’s, 35 Villagers $4 billion. ' Under normal court proM- HARTFORD (AP) — Thp dure, the court’s Judgment Boyd wad a surprise opeidi% State H^th Departnjent DA NANG, Vietnam (AP) — at latest count 39 rounds on the ’ The body of a Vietnamese witness. o om m itt^ brigi- would be relayed down the fed­ U.S. Marines found 46 rocket- base and six on a nearby Viet- wearing a mllltary-tyi)e uniform in . 'r o | w rt 3 ■ , Litchfield ' g^ - eral .tatlder(to'.the Chatijanoqga hally' had been advised' Out ■'erealy has shown the lowest firing positions near the big U.S. namese village, with a red star was found near Gardner Ackley, 'chairmiui of trial court where Hoffa’s airest airbase here today following a Thlrty-4wo Americans and 70 <me of the firing positions, the rate of air pollution in the could he ordered. J<dmson’s Ooimcll of Eoonomle state. Communist attack in- whleh li-Vietnamese were wounded sources said. - However, Hoffh's attocney, Americans and 3S South Viet- the attack. Eleven planes were One of the main targets ap­ (See Paga Nioeteetq it bases this on air Joseph A. Fanelh, was ex namese civilians were killed. slightly damaged. peared to be the military com- samplings taken in 21 pont- ^ ask JuklM The Marines found the posi- The informants said the rock- mulunications compound Just I JAP) — ,A form- and arms by boat for a military . munities for one-week perfr' ^ o hhti IX CMhan Senator, an; exiled tlons about three miles south­ et-firing portions found by the m:ross r a road from the village. expedition agWijgtHaiti. ' ■ ods in each three months Over this area of the federaJI Haitian) priest, and hire other west of the airbase during a Marines were about 30 ’nches Two equipment vans with secret Splitup Denied Named in t% indictment are'; during the past year. The couit system, to hold up the sweep of the area. They also deep and 18 inches wide. electronic, gear were hit and meil were liwiicted • today on — Rolando Masferrer Rojas, general conclusicm was that Judgment pending lower cour$ charges of oemspiring to' invade found six unused 140mm rockets Detonation wires led from a most of the civilian and military By Friends of 49, a Cuban citizen and former air over cities is dirtier than decisions on other legal chal­ Haiti from the Florida Keys and two rocket tubes. 'Military central control point to tho sites telephone circuits were tempo­ Cuban senator who came to the air over small communities. lenges Hoffa has made to Us last month.. , sources said the 85-pound pro­ where the rockets were rarily knocked out. Four sol­ Meg andTony United States in 1969 and now In the last sampling, Jan. 1964 (xmviction. They were among 76 battle- lives in Miami. 24-31, the highest count of jectiles carried Soviet and launched electrically. Each diers and one Marine were Hoffa’s attorneys claimed clad exiles and American ad­ — Father Jean Blaptiste suspended particles was' Chinese markings. rocket apparenUy carried 26 kiiled in. the compound. LONIDON (AP) — Friends of Vick relayed legal defense plane venturers rounded up Jan. 2 Georges, 47, a Roman Catholic over ’Thomaston. It had 159 The Viet Cong shelled the air- pounds of explosive, the sources Other shells hit at least half a Princess Margait^ and L<»d to the government. Snowdon say their sev^-year when customs agents barged priest and former minister of miicrograms of particulate base early this morning, lobbing said. dozen barracks buildings on the The lawyer, Z. T. Oshom Jr., base. Most of the servicemen marriage has its tqw and downs into their camp on a secluded education in Haiti. A Haitian matter per cubic meter. but deny London society gossip island near Marathon. A small citizen, he lives in Maml. Hartford had 101. Among was convicted of attempting to killed and wounded were in bed tamper with the Chattanooga when the shelling started. that it’s on the rocks. ' arsetwl was confiscated. — Rene Juares Leon, 32, a. places with higher readings Talk aixMit r(^al marriages, a . TSia indictments were re­ Haitian citizen living at Elm­ were Naugatuck, 142; Jury, sentenced to three y e a n la Air Force Col. James B. Ran- prison and fined $5,000. dels of Ardmore, Okla., said the favorite subject in London’s turned by a federal grand Jury hurst, N.y. Bridgeport, 133; Winches­ in Miami. Acting Atty. Gen. Vick had claimed Osborn In­ New Vietnam Blows pattern of the shooting indicated Mayfair, was spurred by tiie — Julio Aton Constanzo ' Pa- ter, 116; Ansonia, 112, and Ramsey d a rk announced in structed him to offer a britte to the guerrillas were aiming for recent announcement of the di­ New Haven, 110. Washington that the charges (See Page Nine) a prtxspeoUve Juror. Oaborn'e the airplanes and people. vorce plans M Lord Harewood, had been made. coniriction was affirmed Dec. 12 U.S. guhship helicopters flew cousin of Queen HUizabeth n . Defended by Johnson Clark said the seven are by the Supreme Court. over the' area in an effort to lo­ The tumors aJbout the Snowdons charged with conspiring to 'vio­ cate the enemy firing positions. grew largely out of stories in At the Circuit Court bearing WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ tect the national Interests of the late a federal law which forbids A spokesman said there weis no foreign publications. Feb. 7 HofCa’s attorneys dent Johnson said today the lat­ country and freedom and hu­ preparing or launching from effort by the enemy to enter the ’The royal court correspondent claimed seven male Juron at est American strikes at North manity in the world.” this country a military expedi­ Senate Opens Inquiry I>erimetr defenses as has hap­ of The People, a Sunday news­ Chattanooga were furnished Vietnam are more far reaching Johnson was asked whether tion against a nati<m with which pened in some past attacks. paper, said simday the Snow- with prostitutes and liquor by but still are designed to promote the latest actions represented a the United States is at peace.
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