Gray: Accreditation Visit Going Better This Year by RaoAnbar check," he explained. "Sometimes Staff Writer an institution will have to ask "Loss of accreditation would kill questions it never asked itself an institution," said Hector Lee, betore." the vice-chairman of the visiting The 'entire campus of UCSD will Western Association of Schools and be covered by the accreditation Colleges (W ASC) accreditation with the exception of the medical school, which is accredited by the The Triton Times will carry Association of American Medical coverage of the anti-accreditation Colleges. rally, held yesterday on the gym "Remarkably WeU" steps, in Monday'" paper. " Things don't seem to be going committee at a press conference badly," Acting Dean of Graduate yesterday. Students Manuel Rotenberg said of the present accreditation visit. Committee chairman Richard Three years ago, UCSD was Gilman, the president of evaluated to have too many ad­ Occidental College, said he felt a ministrators and a disorganized major institution such as UC San organizational structure. It Diego would have no problem received only a three-year ac­ receiving accreditation. creditation. UC San Diego was visited by " Accreditation is usually no two unexpected celebrities Wayne Grey, executive this week. Private Party problem but it's a ' good self- secretary of the UCSD ac­ presidental candidate Mister creditation steering committee Trash (right) made a stop Committee which has been Pt"eparing for this along his San Diego tour visit since last year, feels Tuesday. Then, on Wed­ nesday, Holy Hubert (left) " everyone on campus has done made his annual visit to Appl ications remarkable well." Unlike 1973, exhort UCSD students to Gray said everyone this year has change their sinful ways. been able to answer questions (TT photos: Bill Brooks) Avail able posed to them by the accreditation by Mark Stadler team. News Editor Gray suggested he is able to Walsh Main Issue in District One Race Applications for next year's gauge the accreditation team's campus-wide committees are now concerns by the questions they by Sara J. Lowen budsman to question people on that's good, and for everything available. asked. One of those concerns, Community Editor property assessment and a citizens that's bad," Feeley said. The committees control nearly according to Gray, was the T A First district Supervisor Jack advisory council. Managed Growth- e\'erything that happens at UC San situation. Walsh says he is seeking re­ Seven people are challenging All the candidates cited unem­ Diego, from " What goes in your There is a good deal of interest in election this year because he Walsh: Ernie Azhocar, a ployment as the major problem head to what goes in your the problem, said Gray, especially " needs a job." businessman; Jim Feeley, a facing the district. Walsh believes stomach," Mark Fingerman, due to the anti-accreditation rally His opponents would prefer to county welfare employee; Tom that managed growth is necessary Student Cooperative appointments held at noon yesterday and see him in the unemployment line. Hamilton, mayor of Chula Vista; to keep the unemployment rate and evaluations coordinator, said because of some of the visiting The main issues in the first Frank Matta rocc i, a real estate from increasing further. in an interview last week. team's members feeling that T As district supervisorial race are salesman; Bob Miller, a former " Before we try to attract people, Fingerman, who makes Coop are not good in the first place. Walsh's style and the high deputy county clerk; Don Perry, a we have to analyze the impact appointments to campus com­ Gray feels that the campus unemployment rate in the district. realtor; and· Bert Stites, mayor of they'll have on San Diego. We have mittees, said the committees are defended its position on TAs; Walsh's opponents have.accused Imperial Beach. to figure out where we build useful for disseminating in­ mamly by emphasizing efforts him of being fiscally irresponsible, All of Walsh's opponents said homes, what will be the burden on fgrmation, educating students on UCSD has made to receive more ignoring his constituents and Walsh's performance as super­ facilities," Walsh said. the bureaucracy and com­ state funding for TAs. bickering with the other super­ visor was a factor in their decision Feeley charges that the Board of municating ideas between students The accreditation team was visors and Sheriff John Duffy. to seek office. Azhocar and Stites Supervisors has increased and administrators, as well as for sufficiently aware of the rally to Walsh contends his opponents criticize Walsh for making trips to unemployment by putting a freeze presenting a student viewpoint on send at least two of its members of wouldn't know if he's been Washington, DC to advise the on county hiring and letting illegal decisions. witness the events. (Two members responsive. He accuses them of President when, they said, he aliens in the country. 38 Committees of the team are involved with spending so much time politicking should be representing his con­ Mattarocci believes' that The Coop coordinator-who said student affairs on their own that they haven't got the facts stituents. government should not be a applications for committees are campuses. ) right. " We don't need Walsh in makeshift employer, "because due next Friday in the second floor Gilman, in an interview Walsh has been involved in Washington; we have a lobbyist such an action would increase of the student center-reviewed the yesterday, described the team's controversy with Duffy over and Van Deerlin there," Azhocar county spending, which he believes campus-wide committees and the visit as a time, "to look and to funding and control of tbe county said. is already "exorbitant." reasons for filling next year's listen and not to make a jail since last summer. Walsh responds to this charge by Perry and Stites also charge that student posts this spring. pronouncement. " Seven Challengen saying, "My parents taught me Walsh has been too loose with the There are 38 campus-wide For this reason the committee Besides trying to gain control of that it was discourteous and un­ tax dollar. "The county budget has committees that need student set up an informal meeting with the county jail, Walsh has been patriotic to turn down the president tripled," Perry said. " If we waste members. These include Academic students at 9 this morning. involved in restructuring county when he asks you for help." our resources, we're destroying Senate, administrative, student Members of the committee have . government into an agency and Hamilton, Perry and Mattarocci our future." affairs advisory and business and also spoken to students in the reducing the county budget. feel Walsh has been too busy All of Walsh's challengers favor finance committees. library, bookstore, and other Walsh's major programs have bickering with the sheriff and the attracting light industry to San The panels range from the locations on campus. included establishing a senior day other supervisors to get anything Diego as a means to provide jobs Program Review Committee Lee, who was chairman of the care program, an alcohol done. 'for the unemployed. (PRC) to the Committee on WASC's Senior Commission of detoxification center, an om- "He's been against everything Continued on Page 3 Continued OD Page 3 Continued on Page I libertarian Kinsky ' Senate Candidate is Not Easily Catagorized by Ja mes G. Soto She would also abolish all regulatory agencies CltyEdJtor because she contends that they do not protect the consumer. In fact, she argues that these federal Liberta~ians present a paradox to the American agencies have become the tools of the bWliness voter. They seem both conJerVative and liberal, interests they are supposedly regulating. radical and reactionary. Victimle.. CrIme. Lynn Kinsky-the Ubertarian-endorsed can­ These seemingly conservative ideas are con- didate for US Senate-was at UC San Diego earlier -trasted by Kinsky's views on foreign policy. Here this week as part of her first statewide swing for she is an isolationist who would withdraw American votes. participation from the poUticaland mllltary affairs Kinsky believes as aU Ubertarlans do that of the rest of the world. government should be drutlcaUy llmlted. She said "The United States should mind its own that if elected to the Senate, she would vote for no business, "is Kinsky's approach to foreign policy. , . Libertarian Party senat rial c ndidate lynn Kinsky outlined spending at aU, on the grounds that the money is not She compared her views on foreign policy to those her campaign views Monday at the A v II forme I lounge. the Senate's to spend. CoatlDued 08 Pale t (TT photo: Bill Brooks) . Page 3 Pale I Friday, AprU30,197' Friday, AprU 31,1171 •r'.oll .1'111('8 .! Letters to the Editor Women Denied Right of Voter ~egistra .tion Deadline Nears Students have 10 days left to Students turning 18 on or before Student Relp Needed in Prevention Adequate Health Care register to vote in the June 8 June 8 may register. byJaaetBUI primary election. Most Americans would agree that health care is a right, not a privilege. Low Students who have moved must of D< uglas Smith's Dismissal It was on such an asslUllption that the UC San Diego Student Health " For students to exercise their re-register, as must students who political clout in the June 8 failed -to vote in November, 1974. It bas come to our attenti,m that research creativity. From all involves UCSD as weD as the entire Center was established. The Center is currently supported by a sizeable portion 01 each student's registration fee ..yet, women at ucm, half the primary, they must be registered Students who have changed names the UC San Diego biology depart- biology department professors that UC system and that is, whether or Blows or occupations must also register.
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