MENTALMENTAL DISORDERSDISORDERS InIn thethe U.S.,U.S., mentalmental disordersdisorders areare diagnoseddiagnosed basedbased onon thethe DiagnosticDiagnostic andand StatisticalStatistical ManualManual ofof MentalMental Disorders,Disorders, fourthfourth editionedition (DSM(DSM--IV)IV).. MENTALMENTAL DISORDERSDISORDERS MentalMental disordersdisorders areare commoncommon inin thethe UnitedUnited StatesStates andand internationally.internationally. AnAn estimatedestimated 22.122.1 percentpercent ofof AmericansAmericans agesages 1818 andand olderolder——aboutabout 11 inin 55 adultsadults—— suffersuffer fromfrom aa diagnosablediagnosable mentalmental disorderdisorder inin aa givengiven year.year. WhenWhen appliedapplied toto thethe 19981998 U.S.U.S. CensusCensus residentialresidential populationpopulation estimate,estimate, thisthis figurefigure translatestranslates toto 44.344.3 millionmillion people.people. MENTALMENTAL DISORDERSDISORDERS ManyMany peoplepeople suffersuffer fromfrom moremore thanthan oneone mentalmental disorderdisorder atat aa givengiven time.time. 44 ofof thethe 1010 leadingleading causescauses ofof disabilitydisability inin thethe U.S.U.S. andand otherother developeddeveloped countriescountries areare mentalmental disordersdisorders majormajor depressiondepression bipolarbipolar disorderdisorder schizophreniaschizophrenia obsessiveobsessive--compulsivecompulsive disorderdisorder MENTALMENTAL DISORDERSDISORDERS MOODMOOD DISORDERSDISORDERS Depressive disorders encompass major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, and bipolar disorder. Approximately 18.8 million American adults, or about 9.5 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year, have a depressive disorder. Nearly twice as many women (12.0 percent) as men (6.6 percent) are affected by a depressive disorder each year. These figures translate to 12.4 million women and 6.4 million men in the U.S. Depressive disorders may be appearing earlier in life in people born in recent decades compared to the past. Depressive disorders often co-occur with anxiety disorders and substance abuse. MENTALMENTAL DISORDERSDISORDERS MOODMOOD DISORDERSDISORDERS Major Depressive Disorder Major depressive disorder is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. and established market economies worldwide. Major depressive disorder affects approximately 9.9 million American adults, or about 5.0 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year. Nearly twice as many women (6.5 percent) as men (3.3 percent) suffer from major depressive disorder each year. These figures translate to 6.7 million women and 3.2 million men. While major depressive disorder can develop at any age, the average age at onset is the mid-twenties. MENTALMENTAL DISORDERSDISORDERS MOODMOOD DISORDERSDISORDERS Major Depressive Disorder five or more of the following symptoms have been present during the same 2-week period; at least one is depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure depressed mood markedly diminished interest in pleasure significant weight loss or weight gain insomnia or hypersomnia psychomotor agitation or retardation fatigue feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt diminished ability to think or concentrate, indecisiveness recurrent thoughts of death, recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan MENTALMENTAL DISORDERSDISORDERS MOODMOOD DISORDERSDISORDERS BipolarBipolar DisorderDisorder BipolarBipolar disorderdisorder affectsaffects approximatelyapproximately 2.32.3 millionmillion AmericanAmerican adults,adults, oror aboutabout 1.21.2 percentpercent ofof thethe U.S.U.S. populationpopulation ageage 1818 andand olderolder inin aa givengiven year.year. MenMen andand womenwomen areare equallyequally likelylikely toto developdevelop bipolarbipolar disorder.disorder. TheThe averageaverage ageage atat onsetonset forfor aa firstfirst manicmanic episodeepisode isis thethe earlyearly twenties.twenties. MENTALMENTAL DISORDERSDISORDERS MOODMOOD DISORDERSDISORDERS Bipolar Disorder manic episodes with or without periods of depression manic episode characterized as a distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood, lasting at least 1 week; including three or more of the following: grandiosity, inflated self-esteem decreased need for sleep more talkative than usual flight of ideas, racing thoughts distractibility increase in goal-oriented activity excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences, unrestrained buying, sexual indiscretions or foolish business investments MENTALMENTAL DISORDERS:DISORDERS: DELIRIUM,DELIRIUM, DEMENTIA,DEMENTIA, AMNESTICAMNESTIC ANDAND OTHEROTHER COGNITIVECOGNITIVE DISORDERSDISORDERS DeliriumDelirium disturbancedisturbance ofof consciousnessconsciousness (reduced(reduced clarityclarity ofof awarenessawareness ofof thethe environment)environment) reducedreduced abilityability toto focus,focus, sustain,sustain, oror shiftshift attentionattention changechange inin cognitioncognition (memory(memory deficit,deficit, disorientation,disorientation, languagelanguage disturbance)disturbance) MENTALMENTAL DISORDERS:DISORDERS: DEMENTIADEMENTIA development of multiple cognitive deficits manifested by both memory impairment (inability to recall information or learn new information) with one or more of the following: aphasia (language disturbance) apraxia ( impaired ability to carry out motor activities despite intact motor function) agnosia (failure to recognize or identify objects despite intact sensory function) disturbance in executive functioning (planning, organizing, sequencing, abstracting) Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type with Early Onset Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type with Late Onset Vascular Dementia Dementia due to other causes MENTALMENTAL DISORDERS:DISORDERS: Alzheimer'sAlzheimer's DiseaseDisease Alzheimer'sAlzheimer's disease,disease, thethe mostmost commoncommon causecause ofof dementiadementia amongamong peoplepeople ageage 6565 andand older,older, affectsaffects anan estimatedestimated 44 millionmillion Americans.Americans. AsAs moremore andand moremore AmericansAmericans livelive longer,longer, thethe numbernumber affectedaffected byby Alzheimer'sAlzheimer's diseasedisease willwill continuecontinue toto growgrow unlessunless aa curecure oror effectiveeffective preventionprevention isis discovered.discovered. TheThe durationduration ofof illness,illness, fromfrom onsetonset ofof symptomssymptoms toto death,death, averagesaverages 88 toto 1010 years.years. MENTALMENTAL DISORDERS:DISORDERS: SCHIZOPHRENIASCHIZOPHRENIA ANDAND OTHEROTHER PSYCHOTICPSYCHOTIC DISORDERSDISORDERS Schizophrenia two or more of the following, each present for a significant portion of time during a 1-month period delusions hallucinations disorganized speech grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior negative symptoms, i.e. affective flattening, alogia, or avolition social/occupational dysfunction signs of disturbance persist for at least six months MENTALMENTAL DISORDERS:DISORDERS: SCHIZOPHRENIASCHIZOPHRENIA ANDAND OTHEROTHER PSYCHOTICPSYCHOTIC DISORDERSDISORDERS SchizophreniformSchizophreniform DisorderDisorder SchizoaffectiveSchizoaffective disorderdisorder DelusionalDelusional DisorderDisorder BriefBrief PsychoticPsychotic DisorderDisorder SharedShared PsychoticPsychotic DisorderDisorder PsychoticPsychotic DisorderDisorder NOSNOS MENTALMENTAL DISORDERS:DISORDERS: SCHIZOPHRENIASCHIZOPHRENIA ApproximatelyApproximately 2.22.2 millionmillion AmericanAmerican adults,adults, oror aboutabout 1.11.1 percentpercent ofof thethe populationpopulation ageage 1818 andand olderolder inin aa givengiven year,year, havehave schizophrenia.schizophrenia. SchizophreniaSchizophrenia affectsaffects menmen andand womenwomen withwith equalequal frequency.frequency. SchizophreniaSchizophrenia oftenoften firstfirst appearsappears earlierearlier inin men,men, usuallyusually inin theirtheir latelate teensteens oror earlyearly twenties,twenties, thanthan inin women,women, whowho areare generallygenerally affectedaffected inin theirtheir twentiestwenties oror earlyearly thirties.thirties. MENTALMENTAL DISORDERSDISORDERS ANXIETYANXIETY DISORDERSDISORDERS VirtuallyVirtually everyoneeveryone hashas oneone thingthing oror situationsituation thatthat isis aa sourcesource ofof fearfear andand subsequentsubsequent avoidance.avoidance. ItIt isis onlyonly whenwhen thethe fearfear isis excessiveexcessive oror unreasonableunreasonable andand isis clinicallyclinically significantsignificant thatthat aa diagnosisdiagnosis ofof aa phobicphobic disorderdisorder isis warranted.warranted. ExamplesExamples includeinclude fearfear ofof height,height, flying,flying, animals,animals, injections,injections, blood,blood, storms,storms, elevators,elevators, enclosedenclosed places,places, etc.etc. MENTALMENTAL DISORDERSDISORDERS ANXIETYANXIETY DISORDERSDISORDERS AnxietyAnxiety DisordersDisorders AnxietyAnxiety disordersdisorders includeinclude panicpanic disorder,disorder, obsessiveobsessive--compulsivecompulsive disorder,disorder, postpost-- traumatictraumatic stressstress disorder,disorder, generalizedgeneralized anxietyanxiety disorder,disorder, andand phobiasphobias (social(social phobia,phobia, agoraphobia,agoraphobia, andand specificspecific phobia).phobia). MENTALMENTAL DISORDERSDISORDERS ANXIETYANXIETY DISORDERSDISORDERS Panic Disorder with Agorophobia Panic disorder without Agorophobia Agorophobia without Panic Disorder Social
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