Gas Tax Allocation Table 2019-24Opens in New Window

Gas Tax Allocation Table 2019-24Opens in New Window

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment 2019-2024 Municipal Allocations for Gas Tax Funds Distribution of Gas Tax with Base Allocation + Per Capita Municipality 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2016 Pop 5 Year Total Allocation Allocation Allocation Allocation Allocation Admirals Beach 135 29,622 13,553 14,169 14,169 14,785 86,298 Anchor Point 314 45,312 21,067 22,025 22,025 22,982 133,411 Appleton 574 70,098 31,982 33,436 33,436 34,890 203,842 Aquaforte 80 24,049 11,244 11,755 11,755 12,266 71,069 Arnold's Cove 949 103,216 47,725 49,894 49,894 52,063 302,792 Avondale 641 73,704 34,795 36,376 36,376 37,958 219,209 Badger 704 83,519 37,439 39,141 39,141 40,843 240,084 Baie Verte 1,313 136,381 63,005 65,869 65,869 68,733 399,857 Baine Harbour 124 28,418 13,091 13,686 13,686 14,281 83,163 Bauline 452 54,621 26,861 28,081 28,081 29,302 166,947 Bay Bulls 1,500 140,811 70,855 74,076 74,076 77,297 437,116 Bay de Verde 392 51,997 24,342 25,448 25,448 26,555 153,790 Bay L'Argent 241 40,233 18,003 18,821 18,821 19,639 115,518 Bay Roberts 6,012 544,074 260,269 272,099 272,099 283,930 1,632,472 Baytona 262 40,229 18,884 19,743 19,743 20,601 119,200 Beachside 132 29,355 13,427 14,037 14,037 14,648 85,504 Bellburns 53 21,910 10,111 10,570 10,570 11,030 64,190 Belleoram 374 51,688 23,586 24,658 24,658 25,730 150,321 Birchy Bay 550 66,529 30,975 32,382 32,382 33,790 196,059 Bird Cove 179 32,875 15,400 16,100 16,100 16,800 97,275 Bishop's Cove 287 41,833 19,934 20,840 20,840 21,746 125,192 Bishop's Falls 3,156 306,399 140,374 146,755 146,755 153,136 893,418 Bonavista 3,448 330,464 152,632 159,570 159,570 166,508 968,745 Botwood 2,875 279,025 128,578 134,422 134,422 140,267 816,714 Branch 228 37,958 17,457 18,250 18,250 19,044 110,960 Brent's Cove 157 31,852 14,476 15,134 15,134 15,792 92,389 Brighton 188 32,784 15,778 16,495 16,495 17,212 98,764 Brigus 723 82,443 38,237 39,975 39,975 41,713 242,344 Bryant's Cove 395 52,041 24,468 25,580 25,580 26,692 154,361 Buchans 642 76,429 34,837 36,420 36,420 38,004 222,109 Burgeo 1,307 140,313 62,753 65,606 65,606 68,458 402,736 Burin 2,315 228,030 105,069 109,845 109,845 114,621 667,410 Burlington 314 46,339 21,067 22,025 22,025 22,982 134,439 Burnt Islands 622 73,529 33,997 35,542 35,542 37,088 215,698 Page 1 Distribution of Gas Tax with Base Allocation + Per Capita Municipality 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2016 Pop 5 Year Total Allocation Allocation Allocation Allocation Allocation Campbellton 452 60,116 26,861 28,081 28,081 29,302 172,442 Cape Broyle 489 61,136 28,414 29,705 29,705 30,997 179,957 Cape St. George 853 97,115 43,694 45,681 45,681 47,667 279,837 Carbonear 4,858 444,548 211,824 221,452 221,452 231,081 1,330,358 Carmanville 740 82,619 38,951 40,721 40,721 42,492 245,504 Cartwright 427 58,289 25,811 26,984 26,984 28,157 166,226 Centreville-Wareham-Trinity 1,147 119,661 56,037 58,584 58,584 61,131 353,996 Chance Cove 256 40,767 18,632 19,479 19,479 20,326 118,684 Change Islands 208 37,515 16,617 17,373 17,373 18,128 107,006 Channel-Port aux Basques 4,067 383,949 178,618 186,737 186,737 194,856 1,130,897 Chapel Arm 457 58,015 27,070 28,301 28,301 29,531 171,219 Charlottetown (Labrador) 290 43,440 20,060 20,972 20,972 21,883 127,326 Clarenville 6,291 566,222 271,981 284,344 284,344 296,707 1,703,598 Clarke's Beach 1,558 148,439 73,290 76,622 76,622 79,953 454,926 Coachman's Cove 105 25,563 12,293 12,852 12,852 13,411 76,972 Colinet 80 25,255 11,244 11,755 11,755 12,266 72,275 Colliers 654 74,952 35,340 36,947 36,947 38,553 222,739 Come By Chance 228 37,958 17,457 18,250 18,250 19,044 110,960 Comfort Cove-Newstead 407 55,032 24,971 26,106 26,106 27,242 159,458 Conception Bay South 26,199 2,292,019 1,107,718 1,158,069 1,158,069 1,208,420 6,924,294 Conception Harbour 685 78,386 36,642 38,307 38,307 39,973 231,615 Conche 170 32,430 15,022 15,705 15,705 16,388 95,250 Cook's Harbour 123 30,116 13,049 13,642 13,642 14,235 84,685 Cormack 597 70,362 32,948 34,445 34,445 35,943 208,143 Corner Brook 19,806 1,786,022 839,340 877,492 877,492 915,644 5,295,990 Cottlesville 271 40,987 19,262 20,138 20,138 21,013 121,538 Cow Head 428 57,038 25,853 27,028 27,028 28,203 165,151 Cox's Cove 688 76,866 36,768 38,439 38,439 40,110 230,622 Crow Head 177 33,724 15,316 16,012 16,012 16,708 97,773 Cupids 743 83,824 39,077 40,853 40,853 42,629 247,236 Daniel's Harbour 253 39,874 18,506 19,348 19,348 20,189 117,265 Deer Lake 5,249 473,374 228,238 238,613 238,613 248,987 1,427,825 Dover 662 76,291 35,676 37,298 37,298 38,920 225,482 Eastport 501 60,598 28,918 30,232 30,232 31,546 181,525 Elliston 308 45,536 20,815 21,762 21,762 22,708 132,582 Embree 701 78,829 37,314 39,010 39,010 40,706 234,868 Englee 527 66,266 30,009 31,373 31,373 32,737 191,758 English Harbour East 139 29,532 13,721 14,344 14,344 14,968 86,910 Fermeuse 325 45,667 21,529 22,508 22,508 23,486 135,698 Page 2 Distribution of Gas Tax with Base Allocation + Per Capita Municipality 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2016 Pop 5 Year Total Allocation Allocation Allocation Allocation Allocation Ferryland 414 55,969 25,265 26,414 26,414 27,562 161,624 Flatrock 1,683 156,723 78,538 82,108 82,108 85,678 485,154 Fleur de Lys 244 39,473 18,129 18,953 18,953 19,777 115,284 Flower's Cove 270 42,551 19,220 20,094 20,094 20,967 122,926 Forteau 409 54,138 25,055 26,194 26,194 27,333 158,915 Fortune 1,401 143,511 66,699 69,731 69,731 72,763 422,436 Fox Cove-Mortier 295 44,779 20,270 21,191 21,191 22,112 129,543 Fox Harbour 252 40,053 18,465 19,304 19,304 20,143 117,268 Frenchman's Cove 169 31,983 14,980 15,661 15,661 16,342 94,628 Gallants 50 21,643 9,985 10,438 10,438 10,892 63,396 Gambo 1,978 193,386 90,922 95,055 95,055 99,188 573,605 Gander 11,688 1,030,423 498,547 521,208 521,208 543,870 3,115,256 Garnish 568 66,392 31,730 33,172 33,172 34,615 199,082 Gaskiers-Point La Haye 232 37,510 17,625 18,426 18,426 19,227 111,214 Gaultois 136 30,828 13,595 14,213 14,213 14,831 87,679 George's Brook-Milton 768 84,936 40,126 41,950 41,950 43,774 252,736 Gillams 410 53,200 25,097 26,238 26,238 27,379 158,152 Glenburnie-Birchy Head-Shoal Brook 224 38,271 17,289 18,075 18,075 18,861 110,571 Glenwood 778 86,721 40,546 42,389 42,389 44,232 256,277 Glovertown 2,083 204,221 95,330 99,663 99,663 103,996 602,873 Goose Cove East 174 33,948 15,190 15,881 15,881 16,571 97,470 Grand Bank 2,310 227,406 104,859 109,626 109,626 114,392 665,908 Grand Falls-Windsor 14,171 1,260,175 602,783 630,183 630,183 657,582 3,780,906 Grand le Pierre 235 38,850 17,751 18,558 18,558 19,365 113,081 Greenspond 266 42,239 19,052 19,918 19,918 20,784 121,912 Hampden 429 56,279 25,895 27,072 27,072 28,249 164,567 Hant's Harbour 329 46,872 21,697 22,683 22,683 23,669 137,605 Happy Adventure 200 35,462 16,282 17,022 17,022 17,762 103,548 Happy Valley-Goose Bay 8,109 714,802 348,301 364,133 364,133 379,965 2,171,333 Harbour Breton 1,634 165,891 76,481 79,957 79,957 83,434 485,720 Harbour Grace 2,995 289,857 133,615 139,689 139,689 145,762 848,613 Harbour Main-Chapel's Cove-Lakeview 1,067 112,619 52,678 55,073 55,073 57,467 332,909 Hare Bay 969 105,937 48,564 50,772 50,772 52,979 309,024 Hawke's Bay 315 45,892 21,109 22,069 22,069 23,028 134,167 Heart's Content 340 48,657 22,159 23,166 23,166 24,173 141,321 Heart's Delight-Islington 674 78,209 36,180 37,825 37,825 39,469 229,508 Heart's Desire 213 36,218 16,827 17,592 17,592 18,357 106,587 Hermitage-Sandyville 422 55,654 25,601 26,765 26,765 27,928 162,714 Holyrood 2,463 215,448 111,282 116,340 116,340 121,399 680,810 Page 3 Distribution of Gas Tax with Base Allocation + Per Capita Municipality 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2016 Pop 5 Year Total Allocation Allocation Allocation Allocation Allocation Hopedale 574 67,150 31,982 33,436 33,436 34,890 200,893 Howley 205 35,773 16,491 17,241 17,241 17,991 104,738 Hughes Brook 255 38,444 18,590 19,435 19,435 20,280 116,186 Humber Arm South 1,599 162,994 75,011 78,421 78,421 81,831 476,678 Indian Bay 175 32,339 15,232 15,924 15,924 16,617 96,037 Irishtown-Summerside 1,418 143,642 67,413 70,477 70,477 73,542 425,551 Isle aux Morts 664 73,967 35,760 37,386 37,386 39,011 223,510 Jackson's Arm 284 43,843 19,808 20,708 20,708 21,609 126,676 Keels 51 21,776 10,027 10,482 10,482 10,938 63,706 King's Cove 90 25,745 11,664 12,194 12,194 12,724 74,520 King's Point 659 76,246 35,550 37,166 37,166 38,782 224,912 Kippens 2,008 187,171 92,181 96,371 96,371 100,561 572,656 LaScie 872 95,726 44,492 46,514 46,514 48,537 281,784 Labrador City 7,220 666,998 310,981 325,116 325,116 339,252 1,967,463 Lamaline 267 41,435 19,094 19,962 19,962 20,830 121,283 L'Anse au Clair 216 34,967 16,953 17,724 17,724 18,494 105,862 L'Anse au Loup 558 66,170 31,310 32,734 32,734 34,157 197,105 Lark Harbour 522 62,782 29,799 31,154 31,154 32,508 187,397 Lawn 624 74,556 34,081 35,630 35,630 37,179 217,077 Leading Tickles 292 44,825 20,144 21,059 21,059 21,975 129,062 Lewin's Cove 544 65,771 30,723 32,119 32,119 33,516 194,248 Lewisporte 3,409 323,994 150,995 157,859 157,859 164,722 955,429 Little Bay 105 26,278 12,293 12,852 12,852 13,411 77,687 Little Bay East 127 28,239 13,217 13,818 13,818 14,419 83,510 Little Bay Islands 71 24,274 10,866 11,360 11,360 11,854 69,714 Little Burnt Bay 281 42,415 19,682 20,577 20,577 21,471 124,721 Logy Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove 2,221 209,286 101,123 105,720 105,720 110,316 632,164 Long Harbour-Mount Arlington Heights 250 41,214 18,381 19,216 19,216 20,052 118,079 Lord's Cove 162 31,806 14,686 15,354 15,354 16,021 93,221 Lourdes 465 61,230 27,406

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