Ibe Folklore_______ MMIHHHHIHHflHi Box 19114,20th Street Station, W ashington, DC 20036 j UNBBIHTHI VOLUM E X V I I , NO. 8 APRIL 1981 PHONE (703) 281-2228 Nancy Schatz, Ed it o r Roy Harris Featured in April 10 Program Our April program w ill feature folksinger Roy Harris, Roy, who comes from Nottingham, England, is one of the finest sing­ ers of traditional songs and ballads. His repertoire is about 80# traditional song with the rest being a mixture of contem­ porary material, parodies, music hall numbers, even an occa­ sional popular song from the 1930*s. A ll are presented with a warm, sometimes humorous st yle t h a t 's a l l Royf s own. Roy has been singing full-tim e since 196^ in folk clubs a ll over Europe, Canada, and the United States, He has served as director of the National Folk Festival in Loughborough, Eng­ land, for four years. He founded the Nottingham tradition al Music Club, He has six solo albums, five of them on the Topic label and one on F e lls id e . The program begins at 8i30 p.m., Friday, April 10, The place* the Washington Ethical Society auditorium, 7750 16th St., N.W. (at Kalmia Rd.) Admission is free to FSGW members, $2 for non-members. Come early to be sure of getting a seat. Battlefield Band to Perform April 18 Battlefield Band can best be described as a high-energy Scottish band. They have just completed their sixth album (Horae Is Where the Van Is, for the Flying Fish label). In divi­ dually they are Duncan M acGillivray, who plays highland pipes, whistle, mouth organ, and guitar? Brian M cNeill, fiddle, banjo, mandolin, cittern, and concertina; Alan Reid, keyboards; and Ged Foley, Northumbrian pipes and guitar. They a ll sing, and their music is mostly Scottish, with a few dashes of Iris h and English (usually Northumbrian). A list a ire Clark of Edinburgh1s The Scotsman describes them this way* '’What is so marvelous about them is that they can tackle the most complex of interwoven instru­ mental sequences without sounding like a bunch of drawing­ room pansies, and when they let their hair down, they show they can take on any foot-tapping c e ili band at their own game, and win." In other words, be prepared not to sit s t ill. The Battlefield Band w ill perform in concert at the Wash­ ington Ethical Society auditorium, 7750 16th St., N.W., on Saturday, April 18, at 8* 30 p.m. Admission is for FSGW members, $5 fo r non-members. - 2 - NOTES OF IMPORTANCE FAMILY DANCE APRIL 4 BOARD MEETI NGi The Apr i l FSGW Boar d meet i ng The Apri l FSGW Fami l y Dance wi l l f eat ure wi l l be hel d Wednesday, Apri l 1 (no comment s Bob Dal semer, one of the ar eafs most popu­ pl ease) , at 8 p.m., at the home of Claudia lar dance callers. His accomplishments are Kravet s i n Reston, VA, Board meet i ngs are too numerous to mention, but he sings, open t o t he membershi p and your par t i ci pa­ plays, and cal l s real good! He wi l l be tion is encouraged. For directions, call joined by a few friends for some musical Cl audi a at 703/ 435-2458. good ti mes. The dance wi l l be Saturday, Ap­ NEWSLETTER DEADLI NEi The deadl i ne f or t he ril 4, at 7*30 p.m., at the Takoma Park Jr. May Newsl etter i s Wednesday, Apri l 15. Hi gh auxi l l i ary gym, Pi ney Branch Rd. at Pl ease get your materi al i n on ti me! WRITE Grant St. (just past Rt. 410, Phi l adel phi a YOUR ARTI CLE OUT, and mai l i t, as earl y as Ave, / E-W Hwy, ) Admi ssi on i s free to FSGW possi bl e, to Nancy Schat z, 3312 Gl enway Dr., me mb e r s ? $2 for non-member adults? $1 for Kensi ngt on, MD 20795* Remember to i ncl ude non- member ki ds over 14 ( ki ds under 14 your name and phone number, free). Call the FSGW Hot-Line (281-2228) bef or e coming, f or any changes. These FESTI VAL VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDi Our annual Wash­ dances ar e get t i ng bet t er as t he season pr o­ ington Folk Festival, to be held at Glen gr esses— see you t her e! Ec ho Par k J une 6 and 7» is shaping up, and now i t i s t i me f or vol unt eer s, who keep ever yt hi ng ( member shi p t abl e, hospi t al i t y, HOUSE CONCERT WI TH BOB WEY trash detail, craft area, parking lot, set­ up, tear-down, etc.) runni ng smoothl y, to Bob Wey wi l l perf orm a house concert f or come f or war d. Thi s year we wi l l al so need FSGW on Thursday, Apri l 23. Bob si ngs and peopl e weekday eveni ngs t he week bef or e t he pl ays gui tar, but hefs known most l y for hi s Festi val to hel p set up stages and get the hammer ed dul ci mer wor k. He was t he 1977 Park ready. If you are wi l l i ng to help, Fi rst Pl ace wi nner of the Nat i onal Hammered pl ease cal l Jody Fi tterer (864-4131) or Ju­ Dul ci mer Gat heri ng i n Bi nghamton, N.Y., and lie Musgrave (home 942-4382, or at work Wed.- was a member of the "Joyful Noi se" stri ng­ Sun. ni ght s 686-9189). Thanks—we need you! band. He pl ays fi ddl e tunes, dance tunes, and more ecl ecti c thi ngs, too. So come on GETAWAY PUNS. ALREADY 1 Do you want t o hel p out and wat ch t he hammers f l y at Mike pl an and pr esent t he f al l Getaway? Good Ri vers* house i n Fal l s Church, VA, at 8 p.m. jobs available for those with energy and on Thur sday, Apr i l 23. Admi ssi on f or FSGW commit ment . Come t o a pl anni ng meet i ng on members i s $2, for non-members $3. Cal l Tuesday eveni ng, Apri l 28. Phone Nan Gol and Mi ke at 241-7445 for di recti ons. (332-0232) or Nancy Schatz (933-3073) for location and more information. OPEN SI NG El l en Maske, the l eader of the Apri l Open SUSI E ROTHFI ELD & ERIC THOMPSON IN Si ng, i s aski ng the musi cal questi on, "What woul d you si ng i f you coul d choose your own HOUSE CONCERT topic?" Come with your answer to the Ethi­ cal Soci et y Bl dg, , 7750 16t h St. , N.W., on Susi e Rot hf i el d and Eri c Thompson, members Fri day, Apri l 3. Be there around 9 p.m. of t he Backwoods Band, wi l l do an FSGW house Admi ssi on i s $2 f or everyone, Ref reshment s concer t on Sat ur day, Apr i l 11. Fi ddl er Su­ ar e avai l abl e. si e has per f or med wi t h t he Any Old Ti me In May, Bill Day’s topic will be "Oaths, St ri ngband, Kl ezmori m, Franki e Armst rong, Threat s, Promi ses, Wishes, and Assort ed John Wil cox, and Jody Stecher. Gui t ar i st Spel l s and I mprecat i ons, " Eri c has a sol o bl uegrass al bum and has been Af t er the May Open Si ng, there wi l l be a featured with Mac Benford, Mike Seeger, Jody 2-month break unless sufficient interest is Stecher, and the Charl es Ri ver Val l ey Boys, indicated. This is because the June Open Look f or ol d- t i me, bl uegr ass, Caj un, bl ues, Si ng i s the ni ght before the Washi ngt on Fol k and I ri sh musi c. They*11 be at the Schwel - Fest i val (at whi ch we hope rnar^y of you wi l l lings* in Chevy Chase, MD, on Saturday, Ap­ be vol unt eer s) and t he Jul y Open Si ng i s on ril 11, beginning at 8130 p.m. Admissi on i s the July 4th weekend. If you wish to give $3 f or FSGW member s, $4 f or • non- member s. an opi ni on, pl ease cal l Dol or es Ni chol s at For di recti ons, cal l 986-0629. 938- 4564. •J \ ' i/l Z - 3 - APRIL SUMDA^ MONDAV TU6S DM< lO«£tiK£”S0AV THaRSOMc* FR. \ 0/ VY SATU- RDAr y 1 3 FSSW FAMH-y DAMC6 -T- SO Boak& .V.30 fieu) SicnskiA-c- James *&ou)meu\ A JoLnn^ Loose' s l+oujTMucwart or a Eos T * Hokokoe - CoEFeeLoi ese OPeti 51^ Takomo- Tf l Lp Rap U- MA.
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