There's no such thing as an "old" CHESS REVIEW The issues of CHESS REVIE W may get worn and yellow with age-but the contents never grow old I The games that were played in the match~s and tournaments of last year and other years arc just as important, just as interesting as they were at the time they were pla}'ed, The annotations by leading ma s· ters arc just as inst ructive. Chess problems, cnd_game studies, articles on theory and practical play, analyses of openings, pi c. tures aod personality sketches of the masters, features by Reuben Fine, Kashdan, Reinfcld, Marshall, Horowitz, Cherney and other masters- these things never grow old. They make as good reading now a~ on the day they were published. Handsomely bound in cloth, each volume of CHESS R EVIEW is a treasure of entertainment and instruction, a constant sou rce of rderence. Each volume i~ com· pletely indexed. The 1942 volume, published in a special bind. ing, is the rnst complete year in our new format. With pictures and d iagrams galore, this volume con· tains the record of such important events as the U. S. Championsh ip Tourney, the Open Federati on Tour. ney, the Rapid Chess Championship Tourney and Ventnor City Tourney. T here are eight '·Game of the Month·· features by Reuben Fine, 8 IllA Y THE MASTERS, Chess Thrillers, End_games and othet BOUND VOLUMES oddi ties by Irving Chernev, a book_ full of chess prob­ lems, serials by Frank Marshall and Fred Reinfeld, OF CHESS REVIEW the scores of 131 games! As the years go by, the bound volumes of CIIESS 1935. 1936 or 1937. REVIEW become more and more valuable. We bind Each ............. $2.50 only a li mited number each yc ar. Some volumes are now out of print and book dealers sell them at a 1941 Volume . , . $3.00 high premium . The volumes still available are: listed in the box al the left. At these low prices they reo 1942 Volume .... ..... S3.50 present value you cannot duplicate, an opportunity you cannot afford to miss. Mail you r order NOW. Bound Volumes for 1933, 1934, 1938, 1939 and 1940 are out of 'print. St ock of remaining volumes is getting CHESS REVIEW low, Order now befo re it is too lat e. 250 West 57th SI. New York. N. Y. These Chessmen Can Take It! ~~ LIBERTY" CHESS SETS \latle ill tI le U. S. of gl'lluln() O livowood, th c~o c he~~nw n '11'(' de jj igm~ d for Il nl'abilily, They C illL SIZES FOR EVERY NEED take it: D1'01) t hem, balljl; th(!1lI around all yon "'ani (within n ;,H;on. o [ course: Iion't u~c a Iwm· m er) "mll )uu'll fi nd the} sta nd up under the p u nlllh· " Lib!;'l'!)" C1w"" S('I~ are mad!' ill four si lr.{,11 ment, ~~ tI~tf'd Iwl(l"', Pdf'\' ;" rlud .. ,. f'O llllllt't e soil o f r,>I\I'd (·jl('~snll'!I in w()ud;'l1 ho x with hln~(ld L llliko m:~Il~' i m ported "f'I~, ill(:ludin>;: the llIoSt l ill :llId \·Lo~I J . a ~ i I1n sil'atctl. ('x )J " lI~i l'l' , L lbel'l)" CheS81lWll will not c)]ip, crack 0 1' Wil l 1'. 1';i\(' 11 I'lf'('e , i])eluding lil lo! Knight, i s caned No. l00-~I \ldl'"t :-;i,.f) - I~in/: H e ight;;', from one solid pieee of seasoned w ood. There lin! bn~ (' diametl' l" I\,~. 1·'01' bo;Hd ~ no ~cr e \\',.. no gluC, 11llthing 10 CO IlI C apal;t . Evory with l~N SQUIIl"('!I __ ___ ____ ___ $ 6.00 piece j" un('olldil!uJlillly gllaranteed fur li fe! NO. IOI -~mali Clull- Kiug Ht'l,l::ht 3~ ", I.ibe rty ehcssllw n Ilre u;;,:,t! by leading clubs and haM' dianlt'\cr 1 %". For board"}"Cl"l; throug-IIOllt the COllntry, l\eHhe vllkr ilud wilh 2 " ~qU<lI·t· .. ___ ____ _______ $ 8.00 Ka" 1,,lan used a Libel'l ; /IIa~lcr f'N In theil' Cham· No. I02_ Clnb S iz <, - l\i ll j.\" Hpi..:ilt I", l'i()n~hil' mat r;l l, " Liberly Clnh Sd i s now b eing \'>1"'" tiiamdpl' I L'. ", FOl' boards Ilse d to i l l\l ~II',I T (' (he "'H I'IIIY ('hess" ~ e ric ~ by w il ll 2 ', " 01' ti l]llHI'eS __ __ $10.00 2'h" Chel'llo\" and Harkn e s~ . No. lM-.\la~l .. r Si,... - I' ing HO' jght -I %", Tlw~ , ' IIf'a'·Y. durable ch e~,;ml'lI ;o rr) made in four ba:"f' diamf't('I' 1 t~N. For board" f>i z:ef>. as 1I !:; lcd ill tltl' adjo ining box. All I l i f' ce~ with :!"~ ~ or :! 'h- IOQuHr" !I ___ _$16.00 ar t' r",ILCd UII\! Hl"f' made ill cOnfol'mily with gO"CI'n · me llt l"e~lllatl u u", (' o« tai()i(l~ 110 lead, The lSUTI\l l y SUPPLY LIMITED - ORDER NOW ! or l ilt'He lill" .'f" !~ is lilllil .. ,I. O rd r ]' 110\\' fl'om CHESS HEVII·;\\,. Equipment DOI't., ~!)(j Wr ~l 5illl Sl,.<,n. N t'\\' Y Ul'k l ~, N. Y. rAUL Ii S T _ S E 1''1" I' Mill: 11. , I ~H 3 '" "GALLANT KNIGHT" Molded Chess Sets of Beauty and Distinction These beautiful chess sets are ideal for home usc. The pattern is distinctive and pleasing. More im. portant, the mcn are intensely practical and will stand hard usage. The pieces ;IrC made in two sizes- Standard and Student. The Standard set is designed for usc on boards with 2.ill(/J J(jllareJ. The bases of the larger pieces measure IH" in diameter, giving just the right proportion and balance when placed on 2_inch squares. The height of the King is 2f4". The Standard set comes in an attractive wooden chest with hinged lid, shown at the left. The Student size is intended for usc on boards wilh I Y2" or 1%" squares. The diameter of the King base is IlIJ"; the height of the King is 2%" . No, 75 or No, 76 Student sets are packed in cardboard boxes, as pic. Standard Size in W ooden Chest tured. The dark·Colored llJell of bot h s iz es are available in B lack or Red. The light·colored men are normally Ivory, but during the war a pure ivory is not per· mitted; a lighUy tinted color is now being pro· duced. NO . 75 (Black) 01" No. 76 (Hed): Complete Sel of Standard Size chessmen, felted, in wooden eh.est with hinged lid, as mus· ira ted --------------- ------ ------ ------- $ 6.50 No. 35 (Black) or No . 36 (Hed): Complete Set of Student Size chessmen, felted, in cardboa.rd box, as illuslrated ___ ______ _ $ 3.50 No. 35 or No. 36 Supply limited. Order now from CHESS H~~ VIEW , Student S ize i n Display B ox Equipment Dept., 250 W. 57th St., New York 19, N. Y. 226 CHESS R EVIEW CHESS LETTERS Re a ders are Invited to Use Ihese Columns for Their REVIEW Comments on Mailers of Interest to Chess Players VoL 11, N o, 7 Aug.·Sept., 101:~ DOESN'T LIKE magaJ,ine, not Il pi cture book. Sirs: 1'\,'1' DA NIEL LB VIN I~ OI-'VlCIA L OHGAN 01" T H E H ave I received a subscri llUOll Ca m p Wolters, Texas U. S. C Jl ~:SS F'EDEHATION to 11 chess lntlgazinc or are you E DITOH now counu ing your e ffo rts to a I. A. Horowitz lIew illustrated monthly ? PHOTOS SWEL L MAN A G IKG E DiTOlt I have wnded through your S irs : K enne th Harkness last i~sue~ In search of master The m oral e of each soio.lilJr jll [)EPAW['lI1F:NT EDiTOHS gameR a n(1 ha ve fo und, with the an individ ual problem ; In my f'~cep t . i on of UlOse ill YOUT' ll eubcl1 j"illc- G,Il"e of lli e /11011111 ca~e Jironll)t receipt of CHESS " Chess 'l'rnJ)~ nn d Thrille r s" de· 1'. I,. 1tothenberg- P roblem6 1l.l~ V IE\V iH II pr ime factoI', and partment, just three. [ n[ng Cherne\"- Oddities , alt hough SOllle of m y non·chessic Jac k W, COllins- Postal Che!!s Three gallles. Hidden In 120 frieuds s nickered wheu I showe d A. S. Pinkus- Questions Iln .e:c s o f photoil, beginners in· them the rhnpsodlc declaration structlons, problem s, selecled o f a not her C I-I J::SS In~V IEW fa n PH OTOGHAPHE HS lehers o r praise and va.r1ed Ked Goldsch midt (when he mnde lID invidiOUS brands of tripe, co mparison bet ween his idol a nd Baoul Echel'crria T do not Ukc pictuI'c mal;n· H edy LamarrJ- yet J am ccr, Published monthly O ctober to M ay. zincs. Whe n J pick up tL perlodl­ tainly on his ~ ide! Your mag bi-monthly .June t o September ilt ~a l I want t o do more than look improves with ca ch issuo - IS Montgomery Street, Middletown, at pictures, nnd this particularly photos are ~well, fentures mos tly N.
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