,ilL 2.. 1~3, .- ~ (s ·Rote r Ration Calendar Cold FUEL OIL eo.p... IIsp.rea A,rll 1e; COFFEE eoupltl ~u e.1l,b.. -,prU S~, ~s~ip~' D. E and F blue . l.mpa t"flre A.ril 30: IOWA: Conllnued cold in lIoulh A I nd n red I ,arop. ellp re APril 3tH and east portion today GA.S "A" eO\lpOA& D expire May 11; THE. DAILY IOWAN. - II OAR eouPoll I' eltPl.el M.y 31: )fit1~i :. and tomorrow. 880B8 coup." 11 ."plr.. J... 15. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper nes,of8 TUE ASSOCIATED passl IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, APRIL '3, 1943 'rill AIiSOCIA'rID .al8s VOLUME XLm NUMBER 161 " I n· itt9.~ FWECENTS - 'I' " orities at ·the the Pl~ira WHEN A FOXHOLE'S MIGHTY HANDY ht men ~' Ii'nd , , ..... """" Allies. Continue Massive Aerial Assaults on Rommel- I '. • y anhounces ScoU; ~2'; bf e . " ,~' uS · unlS * * * NEVER TO FIGHT* AGAIN* * FOR IL DUCE * * * Russians Report 1,193,525 Nazi Casualties Algiers Reports In Great Winter Offensive of Soviet Army LONDON. Saturday (AP) - German suffered 1.11)3,525 cllsuulties British, French - 850,000 dead nnd 343.525 captured-in the grent Red army winter . -' .. offensive which swcpt back the Germans to the west as much as 135 miles and freed 185,328 square miles oC Sovict tcrritory, Russia an­ Its In ; \ nounced early today in a special commulliquc. In Maleur Area r At Stalingrad on the Volga where Ule Russian oIfensive began last II . ~;~ - ' I Novcmber, the Russians "inflicted on the German Fascist troops lhe ---.,... biggcst deIeat in the history of wal's," said the buUetin recorded by o[ NeW -York lhe Soviet monitor. Have Nearly Regained ital . T , In addition to these powerful blows to Adol! Hitler's military man­ All African Positions 11:3 'of :'Cl'~. power, the Russians announced. • '1"-,~ ~ Lost in Counterattack this toll of German equipmcnt in 0 d I .. of cumming, tbe pcrlod bctween last Nov. 10 r ers nveshgaflon \ ....:" and March 31: A JJ 1.1 lED IIEADQUAR. A2' ot: Y·ililk. '['ERS I~ NOR1'H AFRICA . ~. Captured Destroyed Tota.l Of OPA I Dt . -Plancs ...... 1,490 3,600 5,090 0 e ermme (AP) - Bl'iti~h Fit· t army A2 ' .of Mt. cAPT. C, T. IULLMAN of Turners Falls, l\[ass., gives a deltlonstra.­ Tanks ........ 4,670 4,520 9,190 f t l'OOPS in tlte north fought t heir t_l. ~ P 0 . \len, daring army maneuvers in Louisiana, JIOW 10 escape via a Lox ­ ' '1 _ • Guns ..... .15,860 4,500 20,360 0 'way 10WUl'd 1110 axis strong­ ~oIe ~rom being crushed to death by a 30-ton tank. (International) Other booty reported captured ower rganlzatlon ! 0 f Sh eldon, holds of Tunis and Bizerte yes­ ~ ~ .' ';1' included 30,705 machineguns, , -.... terday while Gen. 1\fontgom­ i of ' BUIlllng_ 9,835 mortars, ovcr 500,000 rifles, Committee Chairman ,.. " ) 4 • J 7 ,000,000 sheUs, 128,000,000 cart­ ~ry'" Eigllih army gathered ~3 of. Ch.e,~ea, ridges, 123,000 trucks, 890 loco- I Declares Bureau Not £ol.'ce in the south for more , . Drive 1o Override Presidential motives, 22 ,000 railway carraiges, Following Regulations mashill~ blow coupled with the ,2 o(~ l~na , " . 1,825 dumps of various kinds of continuing' ma h 'e air assaults . , ~ ~ .. Wal' material, "as well as mallY WASHINGTON (AP)-An im­ on Mat'Sbal Rommel '8 divisions or' Humlfl>ldt, radio transmitters, motorcycles, medialc investigation of the officc FIGHTING'S OVER for this Italian soldier captured by Yank Infantrymen 011 the Tunisian desert, This retrcating up the rruni~ian cust :' :1 /" Velo', on,Bankhead Bill Looms and other military equipment." of price administration. to deter­ scene Is typical of thousalJds of others taking place In AfrJca as British, American and French units coast. : n!)~\ ,Jiowetl The regular midnight com­ mine whether the agency has ex­ sweep Rommel toward the sea. (The Algiers radio said Brit­ .' • '1t" I munique disclosed that a Czccho­ ceeded powers granted by congt'ess, ish and French forces in the north __._ 'J. Slovak military unit formcd in was ordered last night. had "left Sedjenane well behind" ••• I Russia under the command o! Chairman Patman (D-l'cx.) of and were sl ashlng a t the retreat­ Al; Congr~s~ional. ~~.,tle · Bqi~s... .. ISUe~ .'i 1 'i. , . Colonel Svoboda now is in action the house committce on small busi­ ing 'Germans "in the vicinity of Ie ljc:"me, m " . against the Germans on the north­ ness assel·ting OPA l'egulotions Amendmen(fnr' Sch·oo/ ·Code Mateur," wihich is only about 18 --: ' .. , ! • wASHINGTON (A1-') - Witll the aSSl'rtioll that pr 8el~t, crn Donets L'lvcr front in the unduly h<1ndicap thc nation's re­ miles south of Bizerte. They thus (eils'Ol). Miller chileks ,.on wa«es and prices musl be fir/ldy mamtained, President Ukl'aine and durillg yesterday's tailers, announced: would have regained almost all RQOsev~1t yesterday- vetoed the BauklH'ad and set the stage for operatjons the Czechs destroycd .7i ng" ITJB:r:{iage bill "I have ordered an investigation the ground lost when Col. Gen. R critical battle bl'twppn nd\,niuistl'alion snpporters ill congress 22 Nazi tanks and killed more into u11 phases of the i suance of PaS,sed, ttouse Jurgcn von Arninl's axfs forces . Wal!A~r; ~, 21 , Rev;siOn ._,B.iI~ qy. berg 21','. boJh 811~h leg;islatol" ' c1l"mandi ng higher £a1'1n price~. than 400 Germans. orders and regulations by the OPA. sprang an offensive a month a8,o.) l Aerial Assault E. P9~,g~ ;and Senator Ballkhead (D-Ala, ), author of thc measure, wbich The speCial communique in Our committee is convinced that ,rg, - bot.!t . 01 wo'li1d incl:ease ceiling prices on ~ome ' lal'Ul commodities, "aid a dc- telling of the German equipment the emergency price control ael An allied communique de­ .. , ,. has not been complied with. Hoarding Housewives Cloud : Meal Horizon scribed the Tunisian fighting as Ulll1iincd effort. '"Ivonld. be made to oycrride the veto when .the losses said 3,600 ' planes, 4,520 R~fuses to.(ul , HI, .~ .1p,ya f ' . b I 'r 1 1\1" LIB kl tanks, and 4,500 guns were de- Plenty of Trotlble "generally quieter yesterday," but qI1C~ , 1011 IS roug It up ncxt. nese ny. aJorlty eae er al" ~y stmyed and the remainder weJ'e "Conditions are forced upon re­ told ot terrific punishment being Foste~,' l1l. 01 (D:Ky.) was none too ontimi tic that Illl" (,llatc would Sllstal11 As Survey Shows Supplies Again Adequate vid ' M., .. ... captured as the Russians swept tailel'S and wholesalers which do dealt the axis from the air. In ·Jonn. th~ ' Pl'll ident, Qut said th e house might. IIe remarked that the westward from Stlliingrad to lib­ onc raid on El Maou air field at ~. Lacke~cf~, not follow the provisions of ihis Major p~rlion y. ' "Clty" ,"ote iN muclllnl'ger in the llom;e. el'ate the Volga and DOll river val- act. Th i~ has caubed no end uf WASHINGTON (AP) - Meat for co.nnet fish-total 21. Not Sfax on the coast 100 light and , ;. Iu returning tho bill to 1he Sl"nntC' 11l1l5igul'tl, MI'. Hoo 'evillt \"ig- leys, and mo~t 9f the Caucasus. .1J.·~..wailtr·" 1.l;~l,I)pli.L'5,· ~ 10 1derjlttrl-e- k i.. lr-'I\'hllt he cotlld mcd m alIicobom1Xirs plastered ~ QrOu • ~~3~t tllOlt liD el'.()- -. -.-------...... V'u otCl!or ' ~ rriJll ry Patman's uction made Ule .con­ in most sec:llons of the United get [or U1C weekend, nol' how the stratel(ic base wilh a shower luishee[ Stlltes, 1I SUl'V!!y indicated last much it would weigh, she put off of bombs that must have de­ 1l0Ifljc\~rQup could hope to gl:dll AII,oes Blast 2 Enemy , equipment fell into Russian hands, gressional probe of OPA a double­ Of oposal night, but prospects for the 1irst buying any more meat until Sal- stroyed 01' damaged practic~llY .moned ndwmtngr ill ,,,arthtll'l. it added . header, as various operations of .t<t·fx, the agency have been designated week-end Ot point-ration buying urday, feeding her family in mid- everything within the target area. res yesterday, l'ifrlrc tilllC bu~ COin!'," he "The Rcd army at Stalingl'ad ' Off N I I d inflicted Oll the German Fascist Cal' study by a house special com­ Des Moines, (AP)-The big bill wcre clouded by housewivcs' re- wcek with such unrationed goods As in the Wednesday raId by i a. J'll'., we! at snid. "wben all of us - Inl'1lL- IPS ew re an troops the biggest defeat in the mittee investigating actions of fed­ to I"ewrlte Iowa's school laws and luctance to part with points until as poultry, eggs and fresh oysters- nearly 100 American FIym.. le second' fire Sh ers, workers, rnanugers and inves- history of wOlrs," said the special eral agencies to determine whethel' they found just how many they or beans, which are rationed. but Forlre 5eS on the Sardlnl~n I. to earmal'k $1 ,000,000 a year in m, at ' Il21 tors - must realize that we COIl- buJletin. they exceed authority granted by needed to purchase Sunday dinner. on blue coupons. Today, if she port of Cagliarl, not a sin&'le al· oa!:\. Damage lIot improve our Hving standards 2 LEI . The fOUl" months and 20 days congress. state funds (or local school support "People are poarding their red finds tomolTow's dinnqr t<1kes only licd bomber or escort was lost in i ··od of ttl 0 the arge Xp oSlons stance~: .
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