MEC Section II 1912 Page 1 Moss Exchange Club, S·ECTION II.) "'* ........ ... --- .. REPORT FOR THE .YE.AR 1912. ·. _.,.. .... .., .. -. --,... ,,,, - DISTRIBUTER: Mr. G. B. SAVERY, Silverton, Exeter. $ECRETARY _: . .Mr. D. A. JONES, ·F.L.S., Rock· House, Harlech, N. \Vales. TREASURER: . Mr .. J. B. ·DUNCAN, Bewdley; Woreestershire. · BEWDLEY: . W. E. TOC,.LEY, PRINTER, 2g,' LOAD STREET MEC Section II 1912 Page 2 2 LIST OF MEMBERS, 1912. .. Mosses Hepatics Total. Mr. W. Bellerby, 8 Burton 8tone Lane, York ... 140 20 160 Miss Florence Bentham, The Towers, _Scarborough - - - Rev. H. Boyden, 46 St. Leonard's Road, Exeter - - - Mr. H. C. Broome,Netherthorpe,Failsworth,nr.Manchester 26 61 87 ' . Mr. R.H. Corstorphine, B.Sc., Hillside House, Arbroath, N.B. - - - . Mrs. M. Corstorphine, Hillside House, Arbroath, N.B. 51 - 51 Mr. J.B. Duncan, Bewdley, Worcestershire ... 56 15 71 Rev. T. E. Evans, Braeside, Aberdare, Glam. 18 - 18 Mr. J. Glover, Sea View, Kirkcubbin, Co. Down 63 - 63 Mr. J. W. Hartley, Mill Head House, Carnforth - - -- Rev. H. H. Harvey, Clawton, Holsworthy, Devon. 14 - 14 Mr. A. R. Horwood, The Museum, Leicester · ... - - -- Miss E. M. Hough, Codsall Wood, near 'Volverhampton .. 40 - 40 Rev. R. Jackett, St. Ishmael's Vicarage, Milford Haven .. 18 6 24 Mr. D. A. Jones, F.L.S., Rock House, Harlech, N. Wales .. 168 71 239 Miss C. E. Larter, F.L.S., 2 Summerland Terrace, St. Marychurch, Deyon 3 5 8 Mr. John Mennen, 27 Neville Street, York 104 8 112 Mr. G. W. Moses, 19 Victoria Street, Bishop Auckland .. --- - - Dr. H.F. Parsons, 4 Park Hill Rise, Croydon 53 7 60 Mr. W. H. Pearsall, Dalton-in-F'urness, Lanes. --- - -- Rev. P. G. M. Rhodes, M.A., The Vicar~$e, Kidderminster 139 15 154 Miss C. E. Ruddy, B.A., Brynrefail, Cwm~y-Glo, Carnarvon - - - Mr. G. B. Savery, Silverton, Exeter 190 -- 190 Miss H. D. Sharpe, 17 Highfield Road, Edgbaston, Birmingnam .. - - - Mr. "\V. R. Sherrin, Mena, Macdonald Avenue, V\.,. estcliff-on-Sea .. 126 -- 126 Mr. R. W. Smitham, Fowey, Cornwall - - -- Mr. W. N. Tetley, Portora, Enniskillen 50 - 50 Mr. W. G. 'Travis, 9 Barton Road, Liverpool 27 53 80 Mr. J. C. "\Vilson, F.L.S., 914 Ashton Old Road, Manchester 35 47 82 -- 1321 308 1629 I MEC Section II 1912 Page 3 3 REPORT· OF SECRETARY, (1912.) Three new members were admitted during the year, making a total of 29 on roll. YVe very much regret to announce the death of l\1r. S. J. Owen, who for some years had acted as Treasurer and Referee in Hepatics. By his kind and genial manner and his readiness to assist members in their d.ifficulties, he had endeared himself to all those who knew or corresponded with him. The Club has suffered much loss by his death. Mr. Hodge is another member who died during the yea;r. He was a promising bryologist who had lately joined the Club. \Ve regret to say that Miss Larter is obliged to sever her connection with the Club through pressure of other duties. She has been a very faithful and active member since the commence1nent. Now that Mr. l\!Iacvicar's excellent Handbook of British Hepatics has been published, it is greatly to be hoped· that in­ creased interest will be taken in this interesting subject. The second edition of the Hepatic Census Catalogue has been issued. Price of Catalogue 1/1, post free and 1/7, post free (interleaved.) A copy of the shilling edition will be sent to members on the receipt of postal order for 7d., post free. .Members who desire to have a copy. are requested to communicate at once with ·the Secretary. Additional copies may be had from Mr. vV. Ingham, B.A.; 52 Haxby Road, York, at published prices. The thanks of the Club are due to Mr. Savery for the excellent work he has done as distributer during the last two years. He bas kindly promised to continue to discharge these rather troublesome duties. · Mr. Duncan has rejoined the Club and resnmed _the duties of Treasurer. · D. A. JONES, March, 19 l ~3. Harlech. Mr. :B~. Clemjnshaw sends me the follovving note to which it is desirable to call the attention of members in the hope that the moss may be refound in the locality mentioned:-. "While working througl~ the. collecti~n of the !a~e R~v. Augustin Ley who bequeathed all lus coll~ct10ns to the U n1vers1ty of Birminaham I have found a specimen labelled Pal,udella squarrosa, Scawfell Pikes, Cumberland, .August, 18_71. The l~and­ writina is that of Mr. Ley. The specimen consists of a single stem s~nt to 1Ir. H. Boswell, May, 1874, for verification." D. A. J. MEC Section II 1912 Page 4 4 REPORT OF DISTRIBUTER (1912). This year contributions were sent in by eighteen members, which is an increase of two on last year, while all the thirty mem-. hers received parcels of specimens. The packets of mosses contributed were more numerous than last year by 263, but against this must be placed a de:crease of 120 in the hepatics. Many rare species were sent for distribution, and of particular interest were a number· of specimens from the herbarium of the late William \Vilson contributed by Mr. She.rrin, and others from that of the late Dr. Fraser sent by Miss Hough. On the whole the speci1nens were good, and they showed an improvement on those of last year, though a faw were somewhat scanty in quantity and contained a good deal of foreign matter. Many, even of the commoner. species, are wel('.?ome if the material is really ~ood, but poor specimens of them ·are useless. Some of the packets were not quite satisfactory, and memhers ·seemed to forget that these will eventually be placed in the various herbaria, · and should be made .suitable for that purpose. Pockets should be made of fairly strong, flexible paper, very stiff paper not being so suitable. Then, as to size·; it is desirable that the packet should hold the specimen securely and easily, but it is better not to make it unduly large, for in ~hat case it takes up too much space when mounted. Among those distributed were a number of excellent packets, which may be taken as models and. will show exactly what is wanted. · The club is very much indebted to Mr. N. Dixon and l\'Ir. \V. Nicholson, who contributed large and very interesting collections, and to Mr. E. Clerninshaw and the Rev. C.H. Binstead, who sent a number of excellent fruiting specimens of Buxbaumia i'nrliisiata and Brachythec1:11m albicans ·respectively. The thanks of the club are due also to the referees. Mr. 'Jones has taken charge of the hepatics in addition to verifying the more critical mosses, Mr. Sherrin has corrected. the Sphagna, and Mr. Travis, with the· assistance in difficult cases of Mr. J. A. Wheldon, has done the same for the Harpidia. G. B. SAVJ1JtiY, Distributfff. March, 1918.. MEC Section II 1912 Page 5 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT FOR YEAR ENDING 31st MARCH, 1913. ~e.c.eivt~. ~~v.en.b-itur.c. £ s. d. £ s. d. Bal~nce from last year's Account 3 18 8 Printing Report (191 :!) 1 17 0 14 Subs. for 191:! 1 15 0 Secretary's Expenses 1 0 6 l!Subs.forl913 .. 1 15 0 Distributer's 14 6 " Arrears of Subs. paid .. 2 7 6 Treasurer's 3 9 6. " Other Subs. paid in advance -·----- 7 Balance in hand .. -----6 7 6 £10 3 3 £10 3 3 :Jlst March, 1913. J. B. DU.NCAN, Hon. Treasurer. Ul MEC Section II 1912 Page 6 6 M'osSES. Sphagnum papillosum Lindb., var. confertum Lindb., wet common, Strensall Co1nmon (62), Nov. 1912, J.M. •'This can scarcely be · the var. confer:titm; the branching is quite normal whereas in that ·variety the branches are very densely and closely arranged some-· what after the heath forms of S. compactum. I should name the · plant S. papillosum Lindb., var. normale W." ,V.R.S. Sphagnum papillosum Lindb., wet places on moors: Kircnbbin, · (I. 38), June 1912, J.G. "I make this to be S. cymbifolium. Kotice the entire absence of papillae on the walls of the chlorophyllose cells, which are of equal thickness all round." 'V.R.S. Sphagnitm squarrosiwn Pers. var. spectabile Russ., Askham Bo!!, Yorkshire (64), April 191:2, V\7.B. "This plant is clearly var. siih­ squarroswm (Russ.); only the lower leaves being di:3tinctly sqnarrosA and those of the greater part of the upper branches irnbricate." \V.R.S. Sphagnum acutifoliitm Elirh. var. qitinquefarium Linrlb., Queens Co. (~. l4), April 1912, \Y.N.T. "Equals S. qiiinquefariurfJ; var. pallesr:,ens W." . W.R.S. Sphagnum intermedium Hoffm:, :::llieve Bloom, Queens Co. (I. 14), April 1912, W.N.T. "Eqnals S. recurviwri var. mucronatnm." vV.R.~.; S. intermedium, Truskmore (I. :29), April HW9, vV. N .T. "Equals S. recurvum var. mucronatu,m \Varnst." \V. R.~. S. intermediwni, North of Hawes (65) Aug. 1909: \V.N.T. "Equals S. recnrvurn var. amblyphyllitm \Varnst." \V.R,.S. Sphagn1,{,m crassicladum \V., Goatliland )Joor (6'.l). SPpt. 1909, W.B. "The specimens labelled thus are very much mix:Pd. Three packets contain S. crassicladum, one S. crassiclarln-in & S. inunrlat,u1n, one only S. initndat1um, one S. crassfolcidiim & S. recu,r1Yum vnr. amblyphyllum, and two S. recnr1vum var. almblyphyllmn only." W.R.b. Oatharinea crispa J arnes, Staley, Brushes (58), July 1908, \f. Stanley, J.C.\V. and H.C B., qomm. H.C.B. Ditrichu,m tenuifolium Lindb., waste gronnd nPnr an old mill, Dallingford Forest, Sussex (14), Aug.
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