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Gravel y was unable to demics with social and community BYMATT APUZZO be reached f or comment on Tuesday. BY RENEE LAJEUNESSE responsibilities," Jill Marshall '98, News Edit or Chenevert reported that a back ground check Editor-in-Chi ef 1997-98 SGA Yice President, told was run on Gravely when he was hired, after quit- the Echo in February. Derrick R. Gravely, 27, of Waterville, was ar- ting his job as a prep cook at Dana Dining Hall. After almost a year of discus- The Code was met with mixed rested shortly after 4 p.m. Wednesday,Nov. 25 on This background check, he said, is standard for sion, the prospect of an honor code reviews by last year's Council. an outstanding warrant for drug trafficking. new employees in the Security office. at Colby has formally been aban- The Colby Code Task Force, Gravely, a part-time officer for Safety and Secu- The department was reportedl y in the process doned. According to Dean of Stu- formed last spring, was comprised rity,had worked only 10 days before being escorted of checking Gravely's references when the situa- dents Janice Kassman, the Colby of SGA President Ben Langille '99; Jfroin Mayflower Hill in handcuffs. tion came to a head. Code Task Force decided at a Nov. SGA Vice President Brad Sicchitano Director of Security Peter Chenevert reported "He started working for us and we were train- 20 meeting "that there was not '99; two members of last year's Presi- that questions about Gravely's past arose follow- ing him and I put in calls (to his references) and enough interest or consensus that a dents' Council, Patricia Akins '00, ing a dispute over his status as we were waiting for people to get code was something that Colby Heather Daur '00, Kim Schneider a licensed driver. back to us as far as — he has an- needed." '01, Elizabeth Wainwright '01; Bill Gravely, who several times other job in town and we were 1997-98 Student Government Riley '99; Polkinghorn; Kassman; operated Security vehicles, did I'm not going to have waiting for his supervisor to get Association President Shannon Dean of the College Earl Smith; As- not submit a valid driver's li- back to us, just to check his refer- Baker '98 first raised the possibility sistant Dean of Students Mark cense to the department upon him come ba ck, to be ences," said Chenevert of a social or academic honor code Serdjenien; Dean of the Faculty Ed starting work. Instead, he sub- honest with you, The reason offered hy at Colby last December. Baker, along Yeterian; Assistant Professor of mitted a facsimile of a State of —Peter Chenevert Chenevert for the warrant not with Will Polkinghorn '99, drew up American Studies Margaret Maine identification card. It showing up upon running the a preliminary proposal based on McFadden; and Admissions repre- wasn't until a week later that Director of Security first check was that the birthdate their research of other schools with sentativeMattRush. The Task Force Chenevert heard , from people in in the police department' s com- codes, and presented a rough draft met five times this fall. the office/ that he did not pos- puter did not match Gravely 's proposal to the Presidents' Council The Task Force "decided to de- sess a valid license. correct birth date. The clean in late February. cide" upon the issue at their last "I called him in and I asked him about it, and record on the first check , he said, was the result of Theproposed "Colby Code" was meeting, said Langille. They dis- he said he had a license, it was under suspens ion this mix-up. designed to encompass both social cussed possible academic and so- (in Mas sachusetts ) but he called down there and -"When we ran it again they had corrected and academic aspects of collegiate cial implications of a code, howsimi- said TH he able to pick it. up. on Friday.. I have to the problem and we got the hit on it and then life and placed the responsibility for lar codes worked at other schools, pay the fiirte and it'll be -reinstated' -,' -' said we called Watervil le T. D. and made arrange- student conduct in the hands of the how they f elt the student body and Chenevert. ments and they came up here ," said Chenevert. students. It concentrated specifically the faculty would respond to a code Tha t promp ted Chenever t to run a back ground But earl y this week, it was determined tha t on allowing students to schedule and any possible alterations that a check on Gravel y throug h the Waterville Police De- the warrant was a holdover from charges ori gi- their own exams and strengthening code could cause for the Colby com- par tment The check showed a long outstanding na ting in 1993 and that the charges were satis- the power and visibility of the stu- munity. warra nt for drug trafficking and Gravely was fied, mean ing the warrant was no longer out- dent-run Judicial Board . According to Langille, the argu- promp tly arrested. He made bail Wednesday see SECURITY on page 2 "For Colby, we need something ments in favor of the code were not new and unique that integrates aca- see CODE on page 3 NESCAC student leaders discuss more than just athletics Eastern College Athletic Conference BY BECKY POLLARD tournaments. Sports Editor Members of the forum agreed unanimously to pressure their re- Athletics have brought members spective college presidents to re- of the New England Small College consider their decision. That was Athletic Conference together for the group's first collective resolu- countless games, matches and tion . If the group carries out its aims, meets. But as of the Nov. 14 forum at though , it will be the first of many. Amherst College, held to discuss The NESCAC college communi- the conference's post-season fate, ties confront many of the same is- the NESCAC schools are now linked sues - more than just athletics. The by more than sports, forum addressed social policies, stu- Representatives from 10 of the dent government roles, aims for di- 11 NESCAC schools decided to es- versity and funding practices. Is- tablish a group of student govern- sues initiated by one student gov- mentpresidents and representatives ernment president were immedi- as a body called the NESCAC Stu-
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