The#218: noVeMBer 2016IndypendenT • IndypendenT.org peace, LoVe & droneS, p6 woMen & TrUMp, p17 reVerend BILLy'S heaLIng wordS, p22 The end IS eLecTIonnear SUrVIVaL gUIde STarTS p8 DAVID HOLLENBACH 2 reaDer'S The Value oF WaTeR, p10 | IndypendenT open The deBaTes! p14 | RoJaVa’s WaRRIoR Women, p18 The IndypendenT Voice #217: ocToBeR 2016 • IndypendenT.oRg THE INDYPENDENT, INC. 388 Atlantic Avenue, 2nd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11217 212-904-1282 www.indypendent.org Twitter: @TheIndypendent AN APP OF OUR OWN INSANE CLOWN POSSE facebook.com/TheIndypendent I’m for unions creating apps and putting together their Not sure adding more clowns to the appedcircus will make To Be BOARD OF DIRECTORS: own businesses. They could tout them to customers the debates any more or less enjoyable. What I would as a services that provide workers economic justice. really like to see is some policy talk. Ellen Davidson, Anna Gold, hoWscReWed The gIg economy Is changIng Alina Mogilyanskaya, (“Apped to be Screwed,” Oct. Indypendent). The Way— WeFreya WoRk and M. lIVe Ann Schneider, John Tarleton By peTeR Rugh, p4 — Terry L. david hoLLenbaCh PEACE WITH JUSTICE EDITOR: John Tarleton CRUDE AWAKENING The Colombian government of Manuel Santos and Álvaro Uribe will continue, with the assistance of the ASSOCIATE EDITOR: I have signifi cant respect for Jeremy Brecher's work US, to carry on a program of exploitation and oppres- Peter Rugh (“DAPL and the Future of US Labor,” Indyblog). I re- sion against the majority of the people in Colombia member using his book Strike! as a basis for student (“After 50 Years of War, a Chance at Peace,” Oct. In- CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: teaching back in 1994. His scholarship and attention dypendent). People want peace with justice which is Ellen Davidson, to detail is on display in this article, which is as accu- a long way coming. The peace vote was defeated by Alina Mogilyanskaya, rate as anything I've seen on the Dakota Access pipe- the Right but the people of Colombia should not be Nicholas Powers, Steven Wishnia line. But I think here, as in many progressive corners blinded, the struggle continues! of the Internet, the case against the pipeline is more — Gustavo M. ILLUSTRATION DIRECTOR: assumed than proven. The pipeline will hardly play Frank Reynoso a role in expanding petroleum development. Bakken crude has had no problems fi nding its way to market LET IT SNOW DESIGN DIRECTOR: by rail — a more dangerous and carbon-producing mode of transportation. Excellent review, right to the point (“The Full Mikael Tarkela — Geoff H. Snowden,” Oct. Indypendent). I'd like to add that Oli- ver Stone’s fi lm was visually breathtaking. The color DESIGNERS: and set design were brilliantly executed. One of my Steven Arnerich, Anna Gold FROM SANDY TO MATTHEW favorite scenes was the aerial view of the forest where basic training was taking place. The shot of the indigo SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER: Really strong refl ection on the effects of climate and white trees from above was like nothing I'd ever Elia Gran change and Hurricane Sandy on his home by Liam seen on fi lm. Flynn-Jambeck (Hurricane Matthew, a Deadly Re- — Carol L. INTERN: minder of Climate Chaos to Come,” IndyBlog). Well Eliza Relman worth the read. — Raquel TELL US WHAT YOU ARE THINKING: GENERAL INQUIRIES: [email protected]. [email protected] WAKING UP FROM A NIGHTMARE SUBMISSIONS AND NEWS TIPS: [email protected] Trump is a byproduct of our corrupt corporate media ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION: that has given him billions of dollars in free air time [email protected] while censoring progressives like Bernie and now Jill Stein (“What Are They Afraid Of?,” Oct. Indypen- VOLUNTEER CONTRIBUTORS: dent). Both parties and their puppet candidates are Sam Alcoff, Linda Martín two sides of the same counterfeit coin. Time to reject Alcoff, Bennett Baumer, Devika the two-party nightmare and support real progressive Bilimoria, Duane Bruton, José champions of democracy, human rights, peace and environmental justice. That is why, after 29 years as Carmona, Shawn Carrié, Hye Jin a Democrat, I have awakened to reject both parties. Chung, Annette Elizabeth, Renée Feltz, Ersellia Ferron, Daniel — Dave E. Fishel, Bianca Fortis, Lynne Foster, Robert Gonyo, Michael Grant, Michael Hirsch, David Hollenbach, Rebeca Ibarra, Dondi J, Mamoudou Keita, Margarita Kruchinskaya, Rob LaQuinta, Beatrix Lockwood, Gary FoLLow The IndypendenT onLIne Martin, AnnMary Mathew, Erik www.IndypendenT.org McGregor, David Meadow, Mike Newton, Jackie O’Brien, Maya FaceBooK.coM/TheIndypendenT Peraza-Baker, Robert Pluma, Anna Polonyi, Andy Pugh, Conor Tomás TwITTer.coM/TheIndypendenT November 2016 Reed, Jim Secula, Matt Shuham, Andrew Stern, Gabriella Szpunt, InSTagraM.coM/The_IndypendenT Lisa Taylor, Leanne Tory-Murphy, Cindy Trinh, Solange Uwimana, Maria Vassileva, Matthew Wasserman, Beth Whitney, and To SIgn Up For oUr e-newSLeTTer, [email protected]. The IndypendenT Amy Wolf. 3 coMMUNitY caleNDar noVeMBer THU OCT 27 takes over all four of Theater for the MON NOV 7 all over the world. Visit ImagineTh- GOPHANDSOFFME.ORG 7PM • FREE New City's performance spaces, 7PM–9:30PM • FREE isProds.com for tickets and more BOOK LAUNCH: DEMAND THE plus its lobby and the block of E FILM SCREENING: REFLECTING information. IMPOSSIBLE! WITH BILL AYERS 10th St. between 1st and 2nd Aves. HER Wythe Hotel AND DANNY KATCH Customarily over 1,500 wildly-clad This documentary on women’s re- 80 Wythe Ave In critiquing the world around us, celebrants gather for dancing, productive rights will be followed by Bill Ayers, an insurgent educator dining, showing off costumes and a panel discussion on why our presi- FRI NOV 18 and activist, uncovers cracks in our viewing acts from the cutting-edge dential candidates are so silent on 8PM–11PM • $20 online, $30 at the political system, raises horizons of cabaret and theater. More details women’s issues this election year. door radical change, and envisions at theaterforthenewcity.net. Bluestockings Books RECEPTION AND SILENT AUCTION strategies for building a movement 155 1st Ave 172 Allen St. • 212-777-6028 • blue- FOR INTERFERENCE ARCHIVE we need to make a world worth liv- stockings.com A fundraiser to support the riveting ing in. Ayers will be in conversation MON OCT 31 exhibitions, public programming with socialist comic Danny Katch 7PM–10:30PM • FREE WED NOV 9 and collections at Interference and signing copies of his new book, WEST VILLAGE HALLOWEEN 11AM • FREE Archive. Get your wallets ready Demand the Impossible!. PARADE The day after Donald Trump has for an amazing silent auction of Barnes & Noble — Upper West Side Hundreds of puppets, 53 bands, cemented himself forever in history social movement ephemera! Visit 2289 Broadway dancers, artists and thousands as a LOSER, Americans of all stripes interferencearchive.org to purchase New Yorkers in costumes of their and creeds will gather at his offi ce discounted tickets in advance. THU OCT 27 own creation will be on hand to point and laugh. NOTE: At the Verso Books 7:30PM • FREE for one of America’s most wildly time of this writing there is a 12.3 20 Jay St DISCUSSION: H.P. LOVECRAFT’S creative participatory events. This percent chance this event will be LIFE AND LEGACY year’s theme is reverie. More at canceled, according to election SUNDAYS NOV 20–DEC 18 With his latest work, In the Moun- halloween-nyc.com. forecasters at fi vethirtyeight.com. 1:30PM • $15 tains of Madness: The Life, Death, Btw Spring and 16th St. on 6th Ave Trump Tower HOLIDAY SHOW: REVEREND BILLY and Extraordinary Afterlife of H.P. 725 5th Ave AND THE STOP SHOPPING CHOIR Lovecraft, award winning historian SUN NOV 6 Earthalujah! Reverend Billy and the W. Scott Poole turns his attention 2PM–5PM THU NOV 10 Stop Shopping Choir, an NYC-based to the godfather of American horror. 5TH ANNUAL MOMO CRAWL IN 7PM–10PM • $0 - $50 radical performance community Poole interweaves the legendary JACKSON HEIGHTS PARTY FOR FARMWORKER JUS- that includes 50 performers and writer’s biography with an explora- A momo is a dumpling of Himalayan TICE a congregation in the thousands, tion of Lovecraft as a phenomenon, heritage. There are over 20 places This fundraiser for Rural & are back at Joe’s Pub. Join wild while challenging some of the views that provide momos in Jackson Migrant Ministry Inc. will feature anti-corporate gospel shouters and held by Lovecraft devotees. Poole Heights. Every momo vendor in the performances by Lady Quesa'Dilla Earth loving urban activists as they will discuss the life and legacy neighborhood will be offering their (Alejandro Rodríguez), a set by exorcise the demons of Consumer- of Lovecraft with Victor LaValle, version of the dish at the Momo DJ Beto, a silent auction, an open ism and Militarism from our city and whose most recent novella, The Crawl and participants will vote for beer and wine bar, local, small the planet this holiday season. More Ballad of Black Tom, is a reworking of the momo they like best. Momos are batch and sustainable foods, at RevBilly.com. Also, check out Lovecraft’s The Horror at Red Hook. $1 each. as well as other fun surprises! Reverend Billy’s new advice column Greenlight Bookstore Diversity Plaza Admission is $50, $20 for students on page 22. 686 Fulton St. 37 Ave and 74 St. and free for farmworkers. Joe’s Pub Mayday Space 425 Lafayette St. SAT OCT 29 SUN NOV 6 176 St Nicholas Ave laSt laUgHS: Trump 9AM–4:30PM • $5–$20 suggested 4PM–10PM • $5–$20, pay what you WED NOV 23 Tower in Midtown has been SLAFF JONATHAN donation can FRI NOV 11 6PM - 8PM • $12, 18+ the site of numerous protests NYC SOCIAL JUSTICE CURRICU- GET OVER HERE: A SCORPIO 7:30PM–9:30PM • $6–$15 THE REAL HISTORY OF THANKS- this election year, including LUM FAIR PARTY BOOK LAUNCH: ANTHROPOCENE GIVING this Oct.
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