1474 LAC NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. (KELLY'S LAcE CuRTAIN DRESSERS & CLEANERS Mason George, Britannia place, Wil- Park Fergus Wm. jun. (to E. E. Har- -continued. longhby st. New Lenton, Nottingham court Vernon esq.), Grove, Retford fhornley Miss Jane, to Maples street, Sims George & Sons,6s North Sherwood Parkin Frederick Thomas (to Viscount Hyson green, Nottingham s:reet, Notting.ham Ga.lway). ~erlby, Ba~try •runnicliff John, 69 Lambert street, Swift & Wass, High Church street, New Parkm 'Wilham (to L1eut.-Col. Henry Hyson green, Nottingham Basford, Nottingham Denison R.E., J.P. ), Babworth, Retford Wagstaff H. 152 Birkin aven. Nottnghm Thorntou&Co.Nth.Sherwood st.Nttnghm Pearson Thomas (to the Countess of Walker Mrs. '1'. 8 Orange st. Nottingham LACE MACHINE HOLDERS. Carna~:v~n), Teversal, Mansfield Wardley Charles Herbert, 30 Radford Archer George, Cos.Sall, Nottingham Snow Vhlham (to Count. de Fully), road, Hyson green, Nottingham Bates George, Clarke's factory, St. Ann's Manor hous~, El ton, Nottmgham Wise Mrs. Rebecca, 43 Palin street, Hill road, Nottingham Turner Frederrck John (to the Duke of Hyson green, Nottingham Birley Thomas, Cossall, Nottingham Portland), Mansfield Woodhouse Burton & Olifford Carver'sfactory Ash- Wordsworth Robert W. (to Earl Man- LACE CURTAIN MANUFRS. f or th s t reet , N o'tt' mg h am ' vers), Whitemoor, Ollerton S ee a lso L ace M anuf ac t urers. Doughty Edwin & Co. Limited, Alfred LAND SURVEYORS. Aldham Allen, Cossal, Nottingham street north; Carver's factor,v, Ash- Rradwell & Son, II Thurland st. & New Armstead Samuel, c. Boul~vard works, _ forth street & Hes'•ey st. N ottmgham Cattle mrkt.London rd.Nottinghm.&at Radford boulevard, Nottmgham Farmer Joseph, Bates' factory, Grant Southwell & Swan hotel Mansfield Astle & Co, I8~ Player's .factory, Player's street, Radford, Nottingham Hoyte William Henry, Ashbourne cham- .st~eet, Radford, Nottmgbam . Kirkland John, Carver's factory, Ash- hers, Bridlesmith gate, Nottingham Btrkm T. I. & Co. Broadway, Nottn~gham forth street, Nottingham Lucas Geo. Rock, Bridge st. Worksop Bradshaw & Co. Hartwell st. N,ottmghm Price & Trivett, Carver's factory, Ash- ~eale Chas.Jas.High Oakham,Mansfield Broadhe~d George, I2D, Player s!actory, forth street, Nottingham Potter Aug. Hy. 5 West gate, Mansfield Players street, Radford, Not~mgham Saywell William, Herbert's factory, 4 Butler Samuel, Russell st. Nottmgham Grant street Radford ~ottingham LAND& BUILDING SOCIETIES. Emmett William Gidley & Co. 38 St. Tattersall & H~ward Co~sall N ottnghm Arnold&District BuildingSociety(Wright Mary's gate, Nottingham ' ' Ellis, sec.), Arnold, Nottingham Harrison John & Co. gA, Player's factory, LACE MTAECRHSINUERY- Basford & District Building Society (E. Player's street, Radford, Nottingham SET , P. , P. Bartlett, sec.), 24I Radford road, HolmesG. Lenton boulevard, Nottnghm Bore?a~k John & .Son, I7 F?rman s Hyson green, Nottingham Jackson J. Foster, Boulevard works, bmldmgs, Goldsmith pi. Notti~gham Beeston Mutual Permanent Building Radford boulevard Nottingham Knowles H. 224 Alh·eton rd. Nottmgham Society Wh1te Linn inn Middle street James Mrs. Hannah,' Pollard's factory, Knowles Mrs. Mary Rebecca, :Milton's west, Beeston, Nottingham Ueeston, Nottmgham - ~lead yard, Wollaton st. Nottmgham Heathcote Mutual Permanent Building King Thomas, I8F, Player's factory, Wiles C. 8 Haven st. Radford, Nottnghm Society(Thos.Richmond Proctor, sec.), Player's street, Radford, Nottingham LACE PATTERN READER. I4 Lamartine street, Nottingham Martin & Holliwell, IOD, Player's fac- Baker Richard, Crown court, LoJlg row Mansfield & District Permanent Benefit tory, Player's st. Radford, Nottinghm west, Nottingham Building Society (W. E. Stokes, sec.), Mason Edward, Boule':ard works, Rad- LACE THREAD MANUFACTRS. 8 Queen street, Man~field ford boulevard, Nottingha~ Bradlev M. G. & A. I Bridge st. Mansfld Morley House Co. Lim. (J?uncan ~· Parsons Edward P. oo Players factory, Cash John & Sons Portland mills Basden, sec.), r & 2 Kmg John s Player's street, Radfor~, Nottingham Victoria street, Ma~sfield ' chmbrs. Bridlesmit~ g~te, Not~inghm Peach S. & Sons, Grey Frtar gt.~ttnghrn Johnstou & Co. 2 Clinton street, Notting- Morley Perma~ent Bmldm~ Socrety (S. ~latts J. 31 Hollow stone, Not:m~ham ham & Maythorn mill, Sonthwell P. Derbysh1re, sec.); offices, .Morley S~ottorn John, Roden s.treet, .N ottmghm 0 liver 'r. & Sons, gA, Wars er gtc.Ntt.nghm house, Shakespeare street,Nottmgh~m Srm~m l\Iay & Co. Weekday .cr?ss. & Peat Edward, Son & Co. Park street, Newark-npon-Trent Permanent Bmld· Liverpool st.reet & 65 (back of) StatiOn New Lenton, Nottingham ing Society (Edward Brooks, sec.); street, Nottmgham office, 74 Barnby gate, Newark Smith E. & Co. 3 Broadway, Nottinghm LACE YARN MANUFACTR. Nottingham General Permanent Build­ 'fhompson & Twigg, D Boul.evard works, Gaunt Jn. S. 6IA., Hounds gt. Nottnghm ing Society (John s. Kirk, sec.), IS Radford boulevard, Nottmgham LADDER MAKERS. Low pavement, Nottingham ThorntonJoh~, re, Cly~eworks,Denison Daws James Roberts, Abbott's factory, Nottingham House & Land Co. L~m. street,, Radtord, N.ottmgharn I<'orest street, Hyson green, N ottinghm (Dun,can I<'. Basde~, sec.), I & 2 ~mg Turner S. & Co. 27 Pll~her gt. N ottnghm J arvis H. 17 Mount East st. Nottingham John s Ghmbrs. Bndlesm1th gt. N ham W~r~urgR.?.&C0.14Pilchergt.~ttng.hrn LAGER BEER IMPORTERS Nottingham & Midland Counties Per- Wilkmson F. & Co. Anglo-Scotmn mills, J b F & C . t f P'l · & manent Benefit Building, Investment B N tt' & t Ch'l 11 aco . o. 1mpor ers o tsener d h eeston, o mg1 1am; a 1 we Vienna lager beer & Theobald's & Lan Soc. (S. Ha1 ),G,res am 77 79 lam~sec. & Borrowash road Lo don w ' chmbrs.Beast Markethrll,Nottmgham Wills R. C. 24 High pavement,Nottnghm ' n 0 Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Mutual Wooto~ I. C. & Co. 30 High pavement, LAMP & OIL DEALERS. Benefit Building Society (Robert Mor- Nottmgham Bevan Robert Eaton, 9 Quarry road, ley, sec.), 2 3 St.James' st.Nottingham Bulwell, Nottingham . Nottingham Permanent Benefit Building LACE MACHINE BUILDERS. Bo~er Wm. 49 Glasshouse st. Nottnghm Society (Fred·~rick Felkin, sec.), 46 Basfordl.Pollard's fctry.Beestn.Nttnghm Chdds Sampson, Radford st. Man~field Bridlesmith gate, Nottingham Bates Stephen, Bates' factory, Grant Hildred Harry, 2 Church gate, Retford Nottinuham Real Estate Investment Co. street, Radford, Nottingham Hughes W.II. 6 Carrington st. N'ottnghm Limited (Samuel Halstaff Coles, sec.), Booth, Woodhouse & Co. Hockley mill, Pegg James Alfd. Church st. Mansfield 9 St. Peter's Church walk, Nottinghm Woolpack lane, Nottingham Short J. Jubilee ter.Kimberley,Nttnghm Osmaston Freehold Land Society (Cor- Burton R.Park st.NewLenton,No~tnghm LAND AGENTS. nish Gibbs Askew, sec.), 24 St. James' Carver .Tames, Ashforth st. Nottmgham See A ents-Land House & Estate. street, Nottingham Cooke Alfred, Melbourne works, .Rud- g ' Retford & Bassetlaw & Investment Co. dington, Nottingham L~D STEWARDS. Lim. (I. Hill, mngr. ), r Union st. Retford Cooke William, Castle wharf, Lenton Bell Josepn Askew (to Lord Savrle), Starr-Bowkett BuildinO' Society (John boulevard, Nottingham . Wellow, Newark Hy. Marr, sec.), Exchan!l'e st. Retford Cooper Joseph, Prospect place, Wll- Burrows Thomas Jessap (to Col. E. S. Sutton ParkFreeholdLandSoc.(Edwd.G-. loughby st. ,New J--enton, Notting.ham Pegge-Burnell), Winkburn, Southwell Sackett, sec.),r7 Lowpavernnt.N'ham Foster John, Fosters factory, Newdigate Cro~ar.John(to Mrs.BoddamWhetham), Woodborough Co-operative Land & street, Nottingham . , K1rkhng:t~n, Southwell Building Society Lim. (J. Richardson, Gee, Dore & Co. Buntmg s .factory, George Wilha~ (to Earl Cowper), Moor assist. sec.), Woodboro', Nottingham Garden street, Radford, Nottmgham green, Nottmgham Working Men's Mutual Benefit Building Heighton Thomas, Clyd~ works, Denison Haslam Joel (to Duke of Newcastle), Society (Thomas Richmond Proctor, .street, Radford, Nottmgham . Park s~reet, 'Yorksop sec.), q Lamartine street, Nottinghm Hill Jas. & Co. Crernornest. Nottmgham Ha~sall George \to Earl. of Carnarvon), LANDSCAPE GARDENERS Humphrev & Wyer, Portland works, Shelford manor, Nottmgham • Portland road & Phrenix foundry, Hodgkinson Henry (to H. V. Machin King Joseph, Lambley, Nottingham Raleigh street, Nottingham esq. J.P.), Gateford, Worksop · LockerW.25rNth.Sherwood st..~ttnghm Jardine John, Deering street & Raleigh Innocent John (to Mrs. Dickenson Hall), Marston Robert, Victoria street, Staple- street, Nottingham Whatton, Nottingham ford, Nottingham Kendrick Thomas, 22 Baldwin street, Lister-Kaye Charles W. (to F. J. Savile- ToddR.W.179Woo:.iboro'rd. Nottinghm Radford, N ottingbam Foljambe esq. ), Osberton, Worksop ToopT. 15Market pi. Carrn~n.N ottnghm Lake & Wigley, Rawson street, New MacCallum Thomas W. (to the Duke of Watson James, I Morley terrace,Church Basford, Nottingham Portland), Woodhouse hall, Worksop drive, Carrington, Nottingham .
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