Astronomy magazine author index 1973-2000 Challenging Simulation Program, A, 5/88:79, 81 A Baliunas, Sallie Unfolding Mysteries of Stellar Cycles, 5/92:42–47 Abell, George O. Baneth Allen, Joseph Beyond the Milky Way, 1/75:6–24 Compact Disc Bound for Mars, 11/93:26 Achenbach, Joel Satellite Finds New Radiation Belt, 11/93:26 Captured by Aliens, 7/00:42–47 Barclay, Jim Adams, Amy Under the Southern Sky, 10/94:73–77 Triumph of Hipparcos, The, 12/97:60–63 Barger, M. Susan Adams, Fred C. Moon on a Silver Plate, The, 10/87:98–103 Embracing the End, 10/00:48–53 Barnes-Svarney, Patricia Ainsworth, Diane Chronology of Planetary Bombardments, 7/88:20–28 Mars Observer: Return to the Red Planet, 9/92:28–37 Frozen Assets, 10/97:46–47 Akins, Val Bartusiak, Marcia Successful Schmidt Camera Photography, 12/84:75–77 Astronomy Careers Beckon, 11/00:50–55 Albin, Edward F. Beast in the Core, A, 7/98:48–53 Observing the New Mars, 11/92:74–79 Catch Gravity Wave, 10/00:54–59 Allen, David Cosmic Jekyll & Hyde, 5/98:50–53 Huntsman Nebula, The, 9/92:38–39 Gravity's Rainbow, 8/97:44–49 Allen, Joseph Baneth New Dark Age of Astronomy, The, 10/96:36–39 Asteroid Narrowly Misses Earth, 5/91:22 Outsmarting the Early Universe, 10/98:54–59 Did Viking See A Martian Landslide?, 11/92:22, 24 Remarkable Odyssey of Jane Luu, The, 2/96:46–51 Radio Images Reveal Hidden Arcs in Orion, 8/91:22 Underground Astronomer, 1/00:64–67 Anderson, Jay What Makes Galaxies Change?, 1/97:36–43 Eclipse Prospects for the 1990s, 2/89:71–76 Baumgardt, Jim Return to Darkness, 11/93:88–93 Astrophotography without a Telescope, 1/87:46–51 Sunblock, 2/94:74–78 Simple and Inexpensive Tricolor Photography, 11/83:51–54 Andreadis, Athena Baum, Richard Good Planets Are Hard to Find, 1/99:64–69 Neptune's Discovery 150 Years Later, 9/96:43–49 Annett, Clarence H. Vulcan Chasers, 12/97:42–47 Infrared Universe, Part 1, The, 9/81:66–71 Beabout, Greg Infrared Universe, Part 2, The, 10/81:74–79 Your First Date with a 2.4-inch Telescope, 1/93:80–85 Apsi, Frank Begley, Sharon Find a Comet, 11/75:26–31 Cosmic Flood, 6/99:44–49 Observing Venus, 2/78:48–53 Bell, Jim Transit of the Sun, 11/73:15–18 Awash in a Sea of Crises, 9/98:94–95 Arp, Halton Colors on the Moon?, 5/00:48–51 NGC-1199, 9/78:15 Dome Sweet Dome, 10/98:94–99 Asimov, Isaac Exploring Crater Rays, 5/99:86–87 Planet of the Double Sun, 9/74:4–12 Far Journey to a NEAR Asteroid, 3/96:42–47 Augensen, Harry Bell, Trudy E. Electromagnetic Spectrum, The, 6/82:6–22 History of Astrophotography, 7/76:66–79 Aveni, Anthony Shaky Machine, The, 2/78:6–17 Stairway to the Stars, A, 11/97:92–97 Belton, Michael J.S. Uranus and Neptune, 2/77:6–17 Bennett, Gary L. B Return to Jupiter, 1/87:6–15 Voyage into the Third Dimension, 5/87:14–22 Bagnall, Philip Benningfield, Damond April Shower, An, 4/96:72–73 Galaxies Colliding in the Night, 11/96:37–43 Gearing Up for the Perseids, 8/93:76–81 Mysteries of the Moon, 9/91:50–55 Stormy Perseid Forecast?, A, 8/94:69–71 Odd Little Moons of Mars, The, 12/93:48–53 See the Orionids, 10/95:67–71 Where Do Comets Come From?, 9/90:28–36 Winter Rich in Meteors, A, 11/96:90–93 Benton, Julius Bagnall, Philip M. Vanishing Rings of Saturn, The, 6/95:70–73 Observe the Geminids - Before They Disappear, 12/90:72–75 Bergman, Marcel W. Watching Halley's Debris, 5/92:78–81 Hop into Deep-Sky Observing, 9/92:60–65 Bahcall, John N. Berman, Bob Where Are the Solar Neutrinos?, 3/90:40–45 Art of Skyspeak, The, 9/99:54–59 Bailey, James Desperately Seeking Dark, 8/00:82–86 page 1 Astronomy magazine author index 1973-2000 Less is More, 10/99:84–88 Update on the SCT: Meade, 10/90:74–77 Sinister Sky, The, 11/99:82–85 Uranus: The Voyage Continues, 4/86:6–22 As Time Goes By, 2/00:56–59 Vacation and Travel Astrophotography, 5/77:26–31 Berman, Robert Viewing the Full Moon, 6/76:18–24 Blue Sky Gazing, 9/97:72–77 Voyager 1 at Saturn, 1/81:6–22 Easy Guide to the Sky, 5/98:92–95 Voyager 2 at Saturn, 11/81:6–30 Lesson from Hollywood, A, 10/97:76–79 Voyager: Discovery at Uranus, 5/86:6–22 Magnitude Cum Laude, 12/98:92–95 Voyager: Science at Saturn, 2/81:6–23 Mastering the Mysterious, 6/98:58–63 Voyager's First Glimpse of Neptune, 10/88:46 Seeing Red, 7/98:82–87 What Have We Learned From Comet Halley?, 9/86:6–22 Turning Familiar into Fantastic, 1/98:74–77 Working in the Digital Darkroom, 8/94:62–67 Berry, Richard Birriel, Jennifer Approaching Neptune, 8/89:30–36 Blue Dwarf Galaxies Not Infants, 7/98:26, 28 Astrographic Cameras, 11/76:34–39 Blair, William ASTRONOMY Tests Two CCD Cameras, 12/90:67–71 Astronomical Spectroscopy, 6/78:6–19 Astrophotography - With Camera Only!, 6/78:42–47 Block, Adam Astrophotography With Newtonian Reflectors, 9/77:46–48 Observing Like a Pro, 10/00:80–85 Celestial Seeing: Three Imaging Technologies, 2/92:68–73 Bobb, Mary Ellen City Astrophotography, 10/76:50–55 Catch the Capital View, 10/97:90–95 Clear Skies for Winter Star Party, 5/89:20 Boelke, Michael Clear Skies on Mars, 7/93:72–77 Space Shuttle, 8/81:6–22 Closer Look at Saturn's Rings, A, 2/82:74–79 Bogard, Donald Cold Cameras: Part 1, 2/77:50–54 Fragment from a Young Asteroid?, 6/76:14 Cold Cameras: Part 2, 3/77:42–47 Bok, Bart J. Colors of Neptune, The, 9/89:34–35 Bigger and Better Milky Way Galaxy, A, 1/84:6–22 Digital Darkroom: "Developing" the Image, The, 3/93:72–79 Bond, Bruce Digital Darkroom: "Printing" the Image, The, 4/93:72–77 100 Years on Mars, 6/94:28–39 Exploring the Milky Way, 8/76:26–31 Celebration of Light, A: Yerkes in Perspective, 12/82:6–22 Exploring the Milky Way: Part 2, 1/77:50–54 Bond, Peter Exposure in Astrophotography, 1/85:35–37 Bright Double Quasar Discovered, 9/93:22 Films That Shine on Photo CD, 7/94:64–67 Close Encounters with a Comet, 11/93:42–47 First Discoveries at Neptune, 10/89:32–34 David Malin's Universe, 7/95:30–37 Giotto Encounters Comet Halley, 6/86:6–22 Interstellar Dust Invades Solar System, 8/93:24 Going Digital in Color, 7/92:80, 80–85 Lunar Windows to the Heavens, 9/96:50–55 Last Quarter Moon, The, 9/76:38, 42–45 Pulsar Sighted Beyond Milky Way, 9/93:22 Light Pollution: A Losing Battle?, 9/77:26–31 Bortle, John E. Look North for Aurorae, 10/76:43–45 Halley Chronicle, A, 10/85:98–110 More Science from Saturn, 3/81:16–19 Boss, Alan P. Neptune Revealed, 12/89:22–34 Genesis of Binary Stars, The, 6/91:34–41 New Generation of Dobsonians, The, 4/89:62–67 Boutwell, Ed Observing Galaxies, 5/76:36–39 Star Parties in Kansas and Texas: The Ultimate Star Party, 7/92:24 Occultation Photography, 4/76:43–44 Bova, Ben Photographing Star Clusters, 1/79:52–53, 52–53 Search for Intelligence, The, 5/75:6–17 Photograph the Moon!, 2/78:34–39 What Chariots of Which Gods?, 8/74:4–18 Piggybacking - Without a Drive, 4/79:32–35, 32–35 Bracher, Katherine Printing Your Astrophotographs Part 3: Nebulae, 4/77:46–52 Lifetime Devoted to Astronomy, 10/89:50–54 Renaissance on Mount Wilson, 4/88:18–23 Bradsdon, Terry Running Rings around Neptune, 5/89:36–40 Astronomers in Australia Complete Major Sky Survey, 9/81:59 Search for the Primitive, 6/87:6–22 Brake, Mike Searching for the 'Real' Triton, 2/89:20–26 Fighting Astrofiction with Facts in the Media, 5/88:30, 32 Seeing Sharp, 7/90:38–41 Brandli, Hank Serious Imaging, 5/91:73–77 Earth and Moon Together, 10/87:20–22 Setting Up An Astrodarkroom, 6/76:42 Glare of Night Lights, The, 11/85:12–22 Snapping the Planet - Electronically, 8/91:54–55 Brandli, Henry W. SR-V 3200: Superfilm from Konica, 11/87:78–83 Observing Earth from Space, 11/78:22–27 Telescope-Making Revolution, 8/98:104–9 Brasch, Klaus Telescope that Defies Gravity, 7/88:42–47 Secrets of City Astrophotography, 1/89:90–95 Total Solar Eclipse in Java, The, 9/83:35–38 Brasch, Klaus R. Triumph at Neptune, 11/89:20–28 Duplicating Your Success, 2/93:66–71 Update on the SCT: Celestron, 10/90:78–81 Brecher, Kenneth page 2 Astronomy magazine author index 1973-2000 Will Supernova 1987A Shine Again?, 2/92:30–37 Nightscape, 6/92:72–77 Bretl, Thomas C. Nightscapes, 6/92:72–77 Aquarius, 9/73:42–45 Ohio State Withdraws from Columbus Telescope, 3/92:28 Aries, 11/73:28–31 Owners of Saturns, Meet Saturn, 4/93:22 Capricornus, 8/73:42–45 Burgess, Eric Observing Double Stars, 5/74:52–56 Close-Up on Jupiter's Moons, 10/76:18 Observing Nebulae and Clusters, 1/74:36–41 Comet Exploration From Space, 5/75:28–33 Pisces, 10/73:42–45 Planet Mercury, The, 12/75:20–23, 27–30 Realm of the Galaxies, The, 6/75:35–38 Science on the Moon, 9/76:28–37 "Stoplight" Stars: The Red Variables, 10/77:52–55 Voyage to the Stars, 3/75:20–29 Taurus, 12/73:58–61 Burnham, Richard Broadhurst, Leigh Voyager 2 at Saturn, 11/81:6–30 Earth's Atmosphere: Terrestrial or Extraterrestrial?, 1/92:38–45 Burnham, Robert Brophy, Thomas ASTRONOMY's 1989 Sky Guide, 1/89:78–89 Motes in the Solar System's Eye, 5/93:34–39 ASTRONOMY's 1990 Sky Guide, 1/90:70–81 Brown, Jeanette ASTRONOMY Surveys Twelve Small Refractors, 10/89:80–85 Casting a Shadow, 8/99:80–82 ASTRONOMY Tests Celestron's Ultima 8, 5/89:78–83 Gifts for Budding Astronomers, 12/98:86–89 ASTRONOMY Tests Epoch Instruments' Shake-Enders, It's Just a Phase, 4/99:76–79 2/90:64–65 Bruning, David ASTRONOMY Tests Four Medium-Aperture Refractors, All Eyes on the Comet Crash, 6/94:40–45 6/90:52–58 Astronomy Books for Kids, 11/94:78–81 ASTRONOMY Tests the Meade 2120/LX6, 12/89:68–73 Astronomy's Future: Dusk or Dawn?, 7/95:40–43 Catch a Cosmic Streaker, 8/91:56–59 Blasting Along the Infobahn, 6/95:74–83 At the Edge of Night: Pluto and Charon, 1/94:40–47 Building Astronomy's Future, 9/93:40–45 Exploring Sinus Medii, 12/96:84–89 Build Your Own 10 Inch Portascope, pt.
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