Hist The Chronicle Coll CHS of 1942 1942 Edited by the Students of Chelmsford High School 2 ~{ Chelmsford High School Foreword The grcalest hope for Lh<' cider comes f rorn l h<' spiril of 1\mcrirnn youth. E xcmplilit>cl hy the cha r­ aclcristics of engerne%. f rnnk,wss. amhilion. inili,lli\·c'. and faith. il is one of the uplil'ling factor- of 01 1r li\'CS. \ \ 'iLhoul it " ·e could ,, <'II question th<' f1 1Lurc. \ \ 'ith il we rnusl ha\'C Lh e assurallce of their spirit. \ Ve hope you\\ ill nlld in the f oll o,, ing page:- some incli­ cnlion of your pasl belief in our young people as well as sornP pncouragcmenl for the rnnlinualion of your faiLh. The Chronicle of 1942 ~ 3 CONTENTS Foreword 2 Con lent 3 ·I 5 Ceo. ' . \\' righl 7 Lucian 11. 13urns 9 r undi y 11 13oard of l:cl ilors . Ser I iors U11dcrgrnd1rnlcs 37 .l11 nior Class 39 Sopho111ore Cb ss ,JO F reshma11 C lass 4 1 S port s 43 /\ct i,·ilies I lumor 59 Autographs 66 Chelmsford High School T o find Llw good in llE'. I've learned lo Lum T o LhosE' \\'ilh w hom my da ily lol is rasl. \ \/hose grncious h111n11n kindness ho lds me fast. Throughout the ycnr I w a nl to learn. T ho1 1gh war may rage and nations overlum. Those deep simplirilies Lhat li\'C and lasl. To M. RIT !\ RY J\N vV e dedicate our yearbook in gra te/ul recognition o/ her genial manner. her constant interest in. our ac/iuilies. ancl her sincere deuolion lo our school. 6 ~ Chelmsford High School The Nation Called \ \le ha Ye no\\' completed se\'crnl rC'gi stralions made necessary by the \ \Ia r. l know \\'hat a prolongC'd e ffort this has been for all concerned. It has been a contin11011 s physical and nervous strain on each one o[ us. Yet. despite this fact . we may properly feel that \\'e have had the great privil ege of engaging in vital emergency war work. or real value on the home front as well as in the combat zones. Many communicalions have been received which give evidence of genuine apprecialion b y the p1 1blic. I have also received ,everal messages from \Vashing­ ton ofricials. commending highly the Massucl1llsett · Lcnchers for this work. Hy zealous. unilied efTorl, inspired by Lhis pri\'ilegc of serving w hen the lation called. the job has nol only been done, b ul done well. " No one has deser\'ed heller of the Republic Lhan Lhe unkno\\'n teacher. o one is more \\'Orlhy lo be enrolled in a democra lic aristocracy, 'king of himself. and ser\'ant of mankind' ··. ( H ENRY \ ' ,\,..; DYKE ) \ \IA LTER f. D o \\'NEY Commissioner of Educalion Jay I , 1942 Cf-:O l~C I: 5. \\'RICI IT Superin/C'ncfC'n l o/ 1/w Sch.ools o/ Cfwfms/'ord 8 ~ Chelmsford High School lt is the lirsl duly of every citizen lo supply vigorous, acti ve fa ith to his coun­ try. For more tha n any other efsentia l. mate ri a l or of the spirit, we shall need failh in the months lo come. Peattie U 'Cf,\ J\: II. Hl 'NN::;. Principul o/ 1/1e Clwf,11 :;/orcl f /;y/i School 10 ~ Chelmsford High School Reverie of a Tea cher I \\'rile rn,· \\'Ords on human lwnrls. The r<';·ords of m,· daik Loil [\ lav nol he found i.n bus~· rnarls­ lhe mind and piril ar~· m y soil. T lw shif ling Lide· of loud ncclaim. T he frenzy of Lhe market plan· I ,<' ,W<' 1TH' 11nmov0cl. whil e yd I f'rn nw 1 ligh 1h o1 1ghls Lhal lime cannol <'ffan·- l{m c' lhoughls of youthful. growing mine!:-. ( )f broadened vbions, richer livl's: Th0~0 mc1kc Lhe si lken li e thal binds [\ ly hHnd s: 011 lhcm m y nrdor thrives. horn rich ancl poor. from high and le)\\. l·:,wh vcar Llw v cro\\'d Lhis room and ha 11 - Young li·,·cs \\'ho~e f11lurc none cc1 11 kno\\ Sa,·e I lim "ho nrn rks lhe sparro\\'·s fall . Tis Cd11rnlio11·s ch0rishcd end T o aid <'Heh youlh his place to find . T lrnl head t1 ncl lw nd and hcarl ma y blend In usl'ful ·cn ·icc lo mankind. YCS, \\Ti((' ill w ords of' li ving -flame The lends of thal Causl' which !ills [\ ly mind beyond all necting famc, t\ 11d courage in my hca rl inslills. Cfwrfe:. G. R eigner FACULTY 12 ~ Chelmsford High School F. C'11R1ST11\'E Boom. A.B. V 1<·1• l'rinnpn/ l.ntin /looHe,•/Hllfl, T )'pc•wrilrng Co/1,y Solem T eocl,ers College l)ROCTEK P. \\'1LSO/\, .B. Sct1•nres Mo-s. / 11.,l,tule o/ Teclmo/ogy DAISY B. J\ IAc BR Ar :-.:E . CrnKcE I<. K N1c11-r1.Y, /\.B. A.B .. A.0 1. Sorio/ ~denn·~ Engli.,/, fl. ,,,./,nl/ Boston L'n1t'C"rs1t y rlurorn Col/1·r,,• Slwrtl,ond, T vpe1,r1l mg Offu.:c P rodwe Su/cm Teodwr, Coll,•ge EARL J. \ V AH, A.B .. A.M. H ELEN R. POLAND, A.B. French General Science, Hiolor1Y J\1hletics 13asket ball l for vord University Boston U niversily The Chronicle of 1942 ~ 13 C1.0RGE \\'. l>mTE. /\.B. ISAIIELL 0 I. DonE, I I <St on•. r r,•nrl, B.:. in P.. L. Fm,1/,ull ,\/otll!'mlllw,, A/11,•l,rn Tu/t, Bo.,ton l'nl!'ernly 0 l ARY E. P ou. ARD, HS. l~ll., M ..C. l:nm,nnw ... Ty1wu·,1tmg J:nnl,,/, /.ou-,1/ Stoll' T eaclu•r< College /lo.,/011 U niv<'r,,ty B1.,,N,11E F:. R o111NSON, S.B. C 11ARLOTTE S. CARRIE!., A.B. f-nr1/"/,. Sonni .C::.tu ,JU', English, I /islory /Jo,lon u,, ... ,.,,,ty ,\fount I lo/yoke College GERALD A 1\'ERS, l>.T.C. ,\f«t/11•1110/cc<, Sr1<•n,·e fln,kc 1/,01/ /.ouA/ T,,,1.J,. /11,lilulu C11RIST1NA N .• l~IPSON, R. Superl'i,or o/ ,\/u,u Sc/100/ 1\' urse f.ott'dl Teachers Co/h,ge f.ou •,·11 G,·rwrol /-lospilal /n,lclule o/ ,\/usic Pedagogy New York Polyclinic 14 ~ Chelmsford High School The Editorial Board 12 is pleased to have this opportunity to acknowled embers who have, during the past year, embraced olttd· 11e,us ot endeavor. Catherine Mooney Barrows, formerly of the Commercial Department, who had sought a leave of absence May 1, 1941, later resigned her post. Mrs. Barrows is now a secr etary at Camp Rucker, Ozark, Alabama. We hope t hat she still possesses the willing spirit and outstanding ability which marked her teaching days with us. Donald H. Fogg has entered the service of his country, and is now sta­ tioned at Fort Blanding, F lorida, where he has recently received his com­ mission as captain in the United States Army. To him we wish all good fortune and continued success. E. P aul Gauthiel', an active leader who participated in and guided many of the school organizations, is now at Worcester Academy. There he is enjoying a continuation of the excellent reputation established at Chelmsford High School as a teacher and friend. Th e Chronicl e of 1942 ~ 15 Board of Editors This edition of our Year Book is presented to you with the sincere hope and thought that you will keep it as a r eminder of your happy days m Chelmsford High School. S eniors Juniors Lois Abbott Robert Hill Harold Clayton Priscilla Nelson Eleanor Coppen Richard Lee Nelson Dutton Thomas Palmer Virginia Eriksen Patricia Monahan Virginia Fox Gwendolyn Rhodes Edward Fox Roland Marr Mildred Leclair Richard Rogers Wesley Harper Henry Zabicrck David Mason Sallie Swallow Literary Adviscrs-M. Rita Ryan, Charlotte S. Carrie) Business Adviser-C. Edith McCarthy 16 ~ Chelmsford High School Cl ./\~S f\ I( )TTO Courage, I lope, Faith. Lil)('rly CL/\ 'S COLORS Maroon and Gold "Eno11gl1. ;J ~onH:tl1i11g Jro111 our fw,ds lwi•c power. To /i!'c. w1d cicl. u/l(l sen•c J/w Jut ur<' hour... \\'1Lu,,:--1 \\'oRDS\\'ORTII SENIORS Class Officers ELMER ROBERT HILL, JR. "Bob" Clas.~ Vice-Presidmt '42: Honor Student; Football '38, '39; A.A. Member '38, '39, '40, '41; A.A. Board, Senior Member '41; Debating Club '38; Slide Rule Club '40, '41, Vice-Pres. '40; Chemiqt1·y Club '40; Senior Show; St1tnt Ni(/ht '38; Year Book Staff '40, '41; Chairman, Senior Prom Commit­ tee; Chairman, Senior Show Committe.~; Booster Day Dance Committee '41; Stunt Night Committee '41. " Flakey"-fut u re admiral- archer par excellence-im­ maculate dresse r-stalwart build-even disposition-so­ cialite-pedals an English bike-conservative-keen, scien­ tific mind-sterling character- debutante's delight. GRACE LOUISE DECARTERET "Gracie" Class Secretary '42: Honor S tudent; Clee Club '38 ; Musi­ cal Per/01'/nrtnce '38; Latin Club, A edile '39: ChtJmistry Club ''10; S lide Rule Club '40; Red Cro.~s Hygiene '41; Stunt Night Committee '40 ; Senior Show Committee '41. A diligent scholar-tops in studies-conscientious-de­ pendable-well groomed-supposedly quiet- treads lightly -a gentle voice-calm, cool, and collected-a friend in need and a friend indeed. EVELYN RUTH SMITH "Smitty" C:rcidnation Spenker; Class ,Trewmrer '40, '41; Class Mar­ shal '41; A.A. Member '38, '39, '40: Dramatic Clu/1 '38, '40; Dramatic Club Show '40; Stunt Night '39, '40; Latin Club 39; Mrrns.
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