JAN - MAY 2021 1 Please note that CMD events will be held as video link until official clearance has been received. We are monitoring the situation carefully. We offer you our prayers and best wishes. Revd Dr Earl Collins is vicar of St John the Baptist, Hove, and CMD Officer for the diocese. [email protected] DATE INDEX Wed 13-Jan 10.30-13.00 Preaching in a Scientific Age, Revd Jennifer Brown, Director of Training for the College of Preachers Tue 26-Jan 13.00-14.00 An evangelical philosophy of science? From Bacon and Paley to Stokes' - Faraday Institute Wed 03-Feb 13.00-15.00 Modern Approaches to the Eucharist: Beyond Catholic and Protestant, Revd Dr Earl Collins Tue 09-Feb 13.00-14.00 How the Quantum Revolution Vindicates Aristotle's Metaphysics - Faraday Institute Wed 10-Feb 15.00-17.00 How to Craft a Faithful Sermon, Revd Prof Karoline Lewis, Professor and Marbury E Anderson, for the College of Preachers Wed 17-Feb 10.00-12.30 Preaching on Mark's Gospel through Lent, Revd Dr Ian Paul, for the College of Preachers Tue 23-Feb 13.00-14.00 Theology Past the Tipping Point: God’s goodness in a world of rapid change - Faraday Institute Tue-Thu 23-25-Feb 3 day course Music for Mission and Ministry - RSCM Thu 25-Feb 10.00-12.00 The Office and Work of a Priest in the Church of God, Revd Dr Earl Collins Tue 09-Mar 13.00-14.00 From Biology to Theology: How viruses challenge our perception of good and evil - Faraday Institute Thu 11-Mar 13.30-15.30 The Dark Night of the Soul - exploring its imagery in prayer and theology, Revd Dr Earl Collins Thu 18-Mar 10.00-12.00 Celebrating Easter for Lay Minsters and Readers, Revd Dr Earl Collins Sat 20-Mar 10.00-16.00 'End of Life Matters' - Faraday Institute Wed 24-Mar 14.00-16.00 Speaking to a Distant Congregation: Preaching On-line - College of Preachers Fri-Sat 23-Apr 10.00-15.00 Wells in the Wilderness, BRF Online Fri-Sat 23-24 Apr 2 day course Engaging With Science - Faraday Institute Tue 27-Apr 10.00-12.00 Managing Your Time Efficiently, Revd Rob Dillingham Thu 29-Apr 10.00-12.00 Running an Efficient PCC, Revd Rob Dillingham Tue-Thu 4-6-May 3 day course Music for Mission and Ministry - RSCM Wed 12-May 10.10-14.50 Lamenting the Past, Embracing the Future, Praxis Tue 25-May 10.00-12.00 How to Interview Candidates for Parish Posts, Revd Rob Dillingham Thu 27-May 10.00-12.00 Julian of Norwich: A Visionary of Love, Revd Dr Earl Collins Diocesan workshops and cover image photos with kind permission of Jane Willis. Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/revjane/albums , Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janeewillis/?hl=en 2 13 Jan 2021, Thu CLERGY Preaching in a Scientific Age 10.30-13.00 £7. Led by Revd Jennifer Brown, Director of Training for the College of Preachers and former Science Missioner in the Diocese of Oxford Science & technology are central to our lives and there are many who believe that science and religious faith are incompatible - that we can believe one or the other but not both. This workshop will explore how we can use our preaching to dispel this myth, help people to discover the truth of scripture in an age of science and equip our congregations to bring Christian values to discussions about how science & technology are used in society. To find out more and book: https://www.collegeofpreachers.co.uk/events/ 26 Jan 2021, Tue OPEN TO ALL 'An evangelical philosophy of science? From Bacon and Paley to Stokes' 13.00-14.00 Led by Dr Stuart Mathieson Follow the link for more information. To find out more and book: https://www.faraday.cam.ac.uk/event/dr-stuart-mathieson-an-evangelical-philosophy-of-science-from-bacon-and-paley-to-stokes/ 03 Feb 2021, Thu CLERGY Modern Approaches to the Eucharist: beyond “Catholic and Protestant” 13.00-15.00 Led by Revd Dr Earl Collins The 2Oth century witnessed a remarkable renewal of eucharistic theology and practice in the Western Church. Old divisions between Catholics and Protestants began to be transcended. Yet even today clichés and misunderstandings can dominate discussion of the Eucharist. Since the Church of England aims to hold together positions too frequently split asunder, this work- shop will describe the gains of 20th century eucharistic renewal (embodied in Common Worship, Holy Communion) and discuss how contemporary eucharistic spirituality testifies to the work of Christ and the Spirit in worship and mission. To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/modern-approaches-to-the-eucharist-beyond-catholic-and-protestant-tickets-136604276067 3 09 Feb 2021, Tue OPEN TO ALL How the Quantum Revolution Vindicates Aristotle’s Metaphysics 13.00-14.00 Led by Prof. Robert Koons Follow the link for more information. To find out more and book: https://www.faraday.cam.ac.uk/event/prof-robert-koons-how-the-quantum-revolution-vindicates-aristotles-metaphysics/ 10 Feb 2021, Wed CLERGY How to Craft a Faithful Sermon 15.00-17.00 £7. Led by Revd Jennifer Brown, Director of Training for the College of Preachers and former Science Missioner in the Diocese of Oxford Science & technology are central to our lives and there are many who believe that science and religious faith are incompatible - that we can believe one or the other but not both. This workshop will explore how we can use our preaching to dispel this myth, help people to discover the truth of scripture in an age of science and equip our congregations to bring Christian values to discussions about how science & technology are used in society. To find out more and book: https://www.collegeofpreachers.co.uk/events/ 17 Feb 2021, Wed CLERGY Preaching on Mark's Gospel through Lent 13.00-14.00. Led by Revd Dr Ian Paul. Dr Paul is a writer, blogger, and theologian. He is also the Managing Editor at Grove Books. How can we draw on Mark's portrayal of Jesus' temptation and passion to capture the essence of the season of Lent, share the Good News, and encourage congregations to faithful discipleship? In this workshop, we'll explore what Mark's Gospel says about Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness at the start of his ministry - those days echoed in the 40 days of Lent - together with the story of his passion and how we can retell this story in the context of our lives today to point people towards the hope and joy of Easter. To find out more and book: https://www.collegeofpreachers.co.uk/events/ 23 Feb 2021, Wed OPEN TO ALL Theology Past the Tipping Point: God’s Goodness in a World of Rapid Change 13.00-14.00 Led by Dr Bethany Sollereder Follow the link for more information. To find out more and book: https://www.faraday.cam.ac.uk/event/dr-bethany-sollereder-theology-past-the-tipping-point-gods-goodness-in-a-world-of-rapid-change/ 4 23-25 Feb 2021, Tue-Thu OPEN TO ALL Music for Mission and Ministry – on-line 3 day course £80-00 (RSCM Members) £96-00 (non-members). Led by the Revd Helen Bent with Jonathan Robinson 8 sessions plus worship on Zoom spread over three days These courses aim to: inspire worship in fresh ways, deepen knowledge and understanding, introduce you to new resources’ and equip you for worship and music in a post-Covid world. Also see resources page 12. To find out more and book: https://www.rscm.org.uk/start-learning/music-for-mission-and-ministry/ Sarah King, Tel: 01722 424843, Email: [email protected] 25 Feb 2021, Thu CLERGY What is the current view of Priesthood in the Church of England? 10.00-12.00 Free Led by Revd Dr Earl Collins The Ordinal is the touchstone for ministerial understanding in the Church of England. This workshop will consider the historical evolution of priestly ordination and how that ministry relates to the priestly ministry of the whole Church. Terminology (priest or presbyter, sacrament or ministry?) and the concept of “validity” will be discussed. It will demonstrate that the Ordinal offers a theologically balanced, biblically based understanding of ordained priestly ministry rooted in the earliest traditions of the Church. To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-office-and-work-of-a-priest-in-the-church-of-god-tickets-136604980173 09 Mar 2021, Tue OPEN TO ALL From Biology to Theology: How viruses challenge our perception of good and evil 13.00-14.00 Led by Dr Miriam Schilling Follow the link for more information. To find out more and book: https://www.faraday.cam.ac.uk/event/from-biology-to-theology-how-viruses-challenge-our-perception-of-good-and-evil/ 5 11 Mar 2021, Thu CLERGY The Dark Night of the Soul - exploring its imagery in prayer and theology Free. 13.30-15.30. Led by Revd Dr Earl Collins Darkness and light have always been governing images in the Christian spiritual tradition – from Moses ascending Mt Sinai to Christ’s transfiguration on Mt Tabor. Exploring the use of dark and light imagery in prayer and theology, and drawing on the Bible and the Christian mystics, we will consider such topics as “the dark night of the soul”, the difference between spiritual darkness and depression, developing “a sense” for God and what to do in prayer when one’s inner lights go out.
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