BLYTHE MESA SOLAR PROJECT Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment Volume I EIR No. 529 EA No. 0021 SCH No. 2011111056 June 2014 CEQA/NEPA Lead Agencies: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Draft Environmental Impact Report/ Environmental Assessment Blythe Mesa Solar Project EIR No. 529 EA No. 0021 SCH No. 2011111056 Volume I (Chapters 1, 2, and 3) Project Proponent: Renewable Resources Group 113 S. La Brea Ave., 3rd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90036 Prepared by: POWER Engineers, Inc. 731 East Ball Road, Suite 100 Anaheim, CA 92805 June 2014 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BLYTHE MESA SOLAR PROJECT DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT/ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT M ASTER T ABLE OF CONTENTS Volume I Executive Summary Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Alternatives Including the Proposed Project Chapter 3: Affected Environment Volume II Chapter 4: Environmental Cons equences Chapter 5: Other NEPA/CEQA Considerations Chapter 6: Coordination and Consultation Chapter 7: Referenc es Volume III Appendix A: Notice of Preparation Appendix B: Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report Appendix C1: Biological Resources Technical Report Appendix C2: 230 kV Transmission Line Alternatives Habitat Assessment Report Appendix C3: Western Burrowing Owl Survey Report Appendix C4: Avian and Bat Protection Plan Appendix C5: Review of Federal Waters Volume IV Appendix D1: Archaeologic al Resource and Built Environment Survey Final Report Appendix D2: Archaeologic al Resource and Built Environment Survey Transmission Line Alternatives Supplemental Report Appendix E: Limited Geotechnical Evaluation Appendix F: EDR Data Map Appendix G: Water Supply Assessment Appendix H: Wash Feature Summary of Findings Appendix I: Paleontologic al Resources Survey Report Appendix J: Traffic Impact Study Report Appendix K: Glare and Reflection Study Appendix L: Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Appendix M: Fish and Wildlife Service Informal Consultation Memo Appendix N: Airport Land Use Commission Development Review JUNE 2014 i BLYTHE MESA SOLAR PROJECT DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT/ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK JUNE 2014 ii BLYTHE MESA SOLAR PROJECT DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT/ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ˚C Degrees Celsius ˚F Degrees Fahrenheit µT microtesla 3D three-dimensional A Agriculture A.D. Anno Domini A-1 Light Agriculture A-1-10 Light Agriculture A-1-2 ½ Light Agriculture A-2 Heavy Agriculture A-2-10 Heavy Agriculture A-2-2 ½ Heavy Agriculture AB Assembly Bill AC Alternating current ACEC Area of Critical Environmental Concern Ac-ft/yr Acre-feet per year ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation ACM asbestos-containing materials A-D Agriculture-Dairy AF Acre-feet AG Agriculture AGR Agricultural Supply AIA Airport Influence Area ALUC Airport Land Use Commission amsl Above mean sea level A-P Light Agriculture with Poultry APE Area of Potential Effects Applicant Renewable Resourc es Group AQ air quality AQUA Aquaculture AST Aboveground storage tank BAAB Blythe Army Air Base BBCS Bird and Bat Conservation Strategy BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis BLM Bureau of Land Management BMPs Best Management Practices BMSP Blythe Mesa Solar Project BP Before present BPD Blythe Police Department BRMIMP Biological Resources Mitigation Implementation and Monitoring Plan BSPP Blythe Solar Power Project BUOW western burrowing owl C Circulation C-1/C-P General Commercial CAA Clean Air Act CAAQS California Ambient Air Quality Standards CAD Computer aided design CAIS O California Independent System Operator Cal EPA California Environmental Protection Agency CAL FIRE California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Cal/OS HA California Occupational Safety and Health Administration Caltrans California Department of Transportation CAPCOA California Air Pollution Control Officer’s Association JUNE 2014 iii BLYTHE MESA SOLAR PROJECT DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT/ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CARB California Air Resources Board CBC California Building Code CCAA California Clean Air Act CCR California Code of Regulations CDCA California Desert Conservation Area CDFG California Department of Fish and Game (now known as CDFW) CDFW California Department of Fish and Wildlife (formerly CDFG) CDP Cens us Designated Place CEC California Energy Commission CEQ Council on Environmental Quality CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System CESA California Endangered Species Act CFGC California Fish and Game Code CFR Code of Federal Regulations C-G General Commercial CH4 Methane CHL California Historic Landmarks CHMIRS California Hazardous Material Incident Report System CHP California Highway Patrol CHRIS California Historical Resources Information System CHWMP Riverside County Hazardous Waste Management Plan CMP Congestion Management Program CNDDB California Natural Diversity Database CNE L Community Noise Equivalent Level CNPS California Native Plant Society CO Carbon monoxide CO 2 Carbon dioxide CO 2e CO 2 equivalent CORRA CTS Corrective Action County County of Riverside C-P-S Scenic Highway Commercial CPUC California Public Utilities Commission C-R Rural Commercial CRHR California Register of Historic Res ourc es CRMP Cultural Resources Management Plan CRP R California Rare Plant Ranking System CSA Community Service Area C-T Tourist Commercial CUP Conditional Use Permit CUPA Certified Unified Program Agency CVC California Vehicle Code CWA Clean Water Act dB Decibels dBA Lmax maximum sound level dBA A-weighted decibel scale DC Direct current DDT Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane DOC California Department of Conservation DOF California Department of Finance DOT California Department of Transportation DRE CP Desert Renewables Energy Conservation Plan DTC/ C-AMA Desert Training Center/California-Arizona Maneuver Area DTM Digital terrain mapping DTSC Department of Toxic Substances Control DWR Department of Water Resources JUNE 2014 iv BLYTHE MESA SOLAR PROJECT DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT/ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EA Environmental Assessment EDD Employment Development Department EDR Environmental Data Resources, Inc. EDR-RC Estate Density Residential-Rural Community EIR /EA Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment EIR Environmental Impact Report EIS Environmental Impact Statement EMF Electric and magnetic fields EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency ESA Endangered Species Act FAA Federal Aviation Administration FCC Federal Communications Commission FCR Field Contact Representative FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FHWA Federal Highway Administration FINDS Facility Index System FLPMA Federal Land Policy and Management Act FMMP Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program FONS I Finding of No Significant Impact FPPA Farmland Protection Policy Act FR Federal Register ft feet GC Government Code gen-tie generation interconnection GHG Greenhouse gas GIS Geographic information systems GPS Global positioning system GWR Ground Water Recharge HFCs Hydrofluorocarbons HFE Hydrofluorinated ethers HI Hazard Index HIS T CO RTESE Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites HIS T US T Historical underground storage tank hp horsepower HPOW Hydropower Generation Hs S Hydrogen Sulfide Hz hertz I-10 Interstate 10 IBA important bird area IBC International Building Code ICC International Code Council ICNIRP International Commission on Non Ionizing Radiation Protection IEEE Institute of Electric Engineers I-G General Industrial IM Instruction Memorandum in/sec inches per second IND Industrial Service Supply I-P Industrial Park IPCC United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change I-S Service Industrial KOPs Key Observation Points kV kilovolt kWh kilowatt-hours kWh/m2/day kilowatt-hours per square meter per day LBP lead-based paint lbs/day pounds per day Ldn day-night average sound level JUNE 2014 v BLYTHE MESA SOLAR PROJECT DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT/ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Leq Equivalent level LESA Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Lmax maximum sound level LOS Level of Service L TVA long term visitor areas LU Land use LUS T Leaking underground storage MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act MDAB Mojave Desert Air Basin MDAQMD Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District Medevac Medical evacuation M-H Manufacturing-Heavy M-M Medium Manufacturing mm millimeters Mmax Maximum moment magnitude MMRP Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program MMT Millions of metric tons MOA Memorandum of Agreement mph Miles per hour M-R Mineral Res ourc es M-R-A Mineral Res ourc e and Related Manufacturing MRZ Mineral Res ourc es Zone M-SC Manufacturing-S e r vic e Commercial MSHCP Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan MT Metric tons MUN Municipal and Domestic Supply MW megawatt MWh megawatt-hour n/a not available N2O Nitrous oxide N-A Natural Assets NA Not Applicable NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NAGPRA Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act NAHC Native American Heritage Commission NECO Northern and Eastern Colorado Desert Coordinated Management NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NESC National Electric and Safety Code NF 3 Nitrogen trifluoride NFRAP No Further Remedial Action Planned NHPA National Historic Preservation Act NLR Noise Level Reduction NO 2 Nitrogen dioxide NOC Notice of Completion Non-Gen Non-Generators NOP Notice of Preparation NO x Oxides of nitrogen NPDES
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