January 7, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E23 Mr. Speaker, as I continue to develop this IN HONOR OF THE FAIRPORT FIRE annual Community Health Fair to her church, important legislation, I encourage my col- DEPARTMENT MARCHING BAND St. Catherine's of Genoa in Brooklyn. Her so- leagues to discuss this important matter with cially conscious political work has brought her families, teachers, school staffs, employers HON. LOUISE McINTOSH SLAUGHTER talents to a number of important organizations. and universities in their own congressional dis- OF NEW YORK She is one of the founding members of two or- tricts. Recommendations and suggestions are IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ganizations: Caribbean Women's Health Asso- most welcome, and should be directed to my Tuesday, January 7, 1997 ciation and Community Action Project [CAP]. Washington office. Ms. Papillon's community focus continues in Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to her work with the Community Affairs Depart- pay tribute to the Fairport Fire Department f ment of the New York City Police 67th Pre- Marching Band, which celebrated its 25th an- cinct. She is also an enthusiastic member of niversary on January 4, 1997. 100 Women for Major Owens; second vice SMALL COMMUNITIES CDBG Over the past 25 years, this group of tal- president of the Martin Luther King Commis- MULTIPURPOSE FACILITIES ACT ented musicians has spread its reputation sion; member and past membership chair of across New York State. The band regularly the Brooklyn Women's Political Caucus, and a participates in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in liaison for the Democratic Party for Haitian- HON. BILL RICHARDSON Syracuse, NY, and the ``Christmas In July'' American Democrats in Brooklyn. OF NEW MEXICO Parade in Clayton, NY. It has received numer- Among the many awards and commenda- ous prizes and honors, including winning the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions received by Evy Papillon are: Kingsboro State championship 5 of the past 7 years. The Psychiatric Center Family Care Program Tuesday, January 7, 1997 band also has had the honor of displaying its Award; New York City State Employees Fed- musical talent to Vice President AL GORE. erated Appeal Recognition Award; Director's In addition to parading and competing, the Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, today I am Award, Kingsboro Psychiatric Center; and the players perform numerous concerts throughout pleased to introduce legislation that will enable Central Brooklyn Martin Luther King Commis- the Rochester area. The Rochester community small towns across our Nation to fully benefit sion Award. benefits immeasurably from the contributions from the community development block grant Evy Papillon emigrated to the United States program available through the Department of of this dedicated and talented group of people. I extend my congratulations to them as they from Jeremie, Haiti in 1959. She is a graduate Housing and Urban Development. celebrate 25 years of making music. of St. Joseph's College LaChine at the Univer- sity of Montreal where she received a bach- My bill would amend the community devel- f opment block grant regulations to allow munic- elor of arts degree in nursing and attended St. ipal employees in towns of 5,000 or less popu- BEACON-OF-HOPE FOR ALL Joseph's College in New York where she re- AMERICANS: EVY PAPILLON ceived a bachelor of arts in 1983, and a mas- lation to use not more than 25 percent of the ter of arts in 1986 in health administration. square footage in facilities purchased, con- Evy Papillon is a BEACONS-OF-HOPE for structed or renovated with CDBG funds. HON. MAJOR R. OWENS OF NEW YORK Central Brooklyn and for all Americans. I am introducing this legislation after learn- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f ing of a problem in the Village of Grady, a Tuesday, January 7, 1997 small community in eastern New Mexico. COMPREHENSIVE FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME PREVENTION ACT Strapped for adequate office space, municipal Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, with the 1996 employees sought and received what they election behind us, this Nation has completed thought was appropriate Government approval another cycle for the ongoing democratic proc- HON. BILL RICHARDSON to move into a small space in a facility built ess which makes America great. The electoral OF NEW MEXICO process and the public officials selected with CDBG funds. But lo and behold, once the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES through this process are invaluable assets in move took place, a further examination of our quest to promote the general welfare and Tuesday, January 7, 1997 Government regulations revealed that the vil- to guarantee the right to life, liberty, and the Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, today, I lage is prohibited by law from occupying any pursuit of happiness. It is important, however, am pleased to be introducing legislation to space in a building built with CDBG funds. Mr. Speaker, that we also give due recognition help lead the battle to end fetal alcohol syn- The financially strapped village is now stuck to the equally valuable contribution of non- drome. The Comprehensive Fetal Alcohol with a $13,500 expense to remain in the build- elected leaders throughout our Nation. The Syndrome Prevention Act will establish a well- ing. fabric of our society is generally enhanced and coordinated prevention program to help end A small town has a severely limited tax enriched by the hard work done year after one of the most devastating conditions afflict- base. It cannot afford to construct separate year by ordinary volunteer citizens. Especially ing our Nation's children today. buildings for every essential service offered its in our inner-city communities which suffer from Fetal alcohol syndrome is a frustrating prob- residents. It cannot afford to purchase dupli- long public policy neglect, local grassroots lem in our society today. It is completely pre- cate office equipment and supplies nor to pay leaders provide invaluable service. These are ventable. Very simple. No alcohol. No birth de- fects. It sounds like it would be easy to elimi- insurance, utilities, and maintenance expenses men and women who engage in activities nate this problem but it's not. on several buildings. which generate hope. I salute all such heroes and heroines as BEACONS-OF-HOPE. Fetal alcohol syndrome remains one of the Citizens who are hired for municipal jobs in Evy Papillon is one of these BEACONS-OF- top three causes of birth defects in this Nation small communities, such as clerks, policemen, HOPE residing in the Central Brooklyn com- and the leading known cause of mental retar- firemen, and emergency medical service em- munity of New York City and New York State. dation. In my home State of New Mexico, ployees, must often share job responsibilities. Throughout the years, Evy Papillon has some parts of the State have rates of fetal al- Not only is it not economically feasible, but it worked diligently in positions that she found to cohol syndrome from two to five times higher is very difficult for these employees to work be beneficial to the community. She is directly than the national average. form separate buildings in terms of job com- responsible for community enhancement ef- The bill being introduced in the House today munication and coordination. forts that impact the social-human services is an important step in the right direction to- and health care. Every Saturday, Ms. Papillon ward eliminating this problem. This legislation Small towns must provide vital services to devotes her time toward feeding the homeless will help create comprehensive public edu- their residents. To do so efficiently, municipal at her own expense. A member of Foyer cation, prevention, and research programs employees must be able to conduct business Chretien since 1993, she assists Haitians and within the Department of Health and Human in decent, affordable, and convenient facilities. Haitian-Americans with problems regarding il- Services. The bill will give us a coordinated We must give our small communities special literacy and financial challenges. She also system to begin to really reduce the incidence consideration and enable them to make the helps individuals obtain visas, gain residency, of this very costly birth defect. best use of limited funding resources. A multi- and encourages them to fulfill civic responsibil- The bottom line is that we must get Federal purpose use of facilities purchased, built or ities. funds to the areas that count: to schools, to renovated with community development block Recognizing the importance of early detec- community health centers, and to clinics. In grants is the only answer. tion of breast cancer, Evy Papillon brought the those places, the funds can be used to spread.
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