OL INTE DIAGRAMS: A CO?JPLETE GUIDE TO ALL TBllT3 OF TIIE CA\I'ITOI,. LIST OF DIAGRAMS. J:nte~.cil nccor11;ng to Act of ('or~r.~.css,in the ylwr IS:-%, 131- IIl21~ I< \~ll~.)I,I'lIKEIX 111 llle O!fivc of the T,il,r:iri:lu of (:i,!~prC$q. nt \Vil~I11n~(tn11. KEIM'S CAPITOL INTERIOR AND DIAGRAMS. collq~iclro~isa part. Tllc statn- (bee psea 68, GO ) elti's and relieu03 are n rol~glit i1-i tlic, Iriql~ectstyle of art. In lSP2, contr:n-y to the ~icwsof >h.Valter, tlie Architect of the Capitol, the door mas placed THE CAPI'I'OL OF TI112 USITED STATES OF AMEIIICA. 6 CAPITOL INTERIOR. I. Alexander VI, Rodcrigo Lcnzoli Borgia, a native of Spain, Popc of Rome 1412-1coz. i. ~k&oGonzales dc Mendoza, Archbishop of Tolcdo and Grand Cardinal of spain, a man of great influence at court, and early patron o)f ~olumbus. 3. Ferdinand, King of Spain, royal patron of the undertaking of Columbus. 4. Isabclla, ueen of Spain, and royal patroness of Columbus. I.Charlcs V%, King of France, an enlightened monarch and friend to thc causc afdiscovcry. 6. Lady Brafriz de Bobadilla, Marchioness of Maya, and friend of Columbus. It is said that the likencss is ofMrs. Rogers, wit? to the sculptor. 7. John 11, King of Portugal, the monarch who rejectcd the proposals of Colum- bus. S. Henry V11, King of England, appcalcd to by Bartholomew Columbusoi~behalf of his brother; mcantimc the discovery was accomplished under the auspices of Snain-r ---.. 7. Juan Perez dc Marchcna, prior of the Convent of La Rabida, and friend to Columbus. 13. Ma1 tin Alonzo Pinzon, commander of thc Pinta, thc sccondvesscl in tire first flect across :he ocean. XI. Hernando Cortez, early companion of Columbus and conqueror of Mexico. 1: Bnrtholomew Columbus, brother to christopher,hdvocate of his thcory at the court of Henry VII, and first Adelcotsdo of Hispaniola. It is said that the likeness is of thc sculptor. 13. Alonzo ile Ojcda, a companion of Colcm1)ns in his first voyage of rliscoicry, and one of the most darl~igat 111scontcmpoiarics. 14. Vasco Nuricz de Uallma, dlscovercr of thc Pacific Occm from t!>c lithmus of Darien. 15. nrncrigo Vespi~cci,oncofthe carlicr~!iscovcrcrsof the ma~n1.1:l.l of ,\rnciica, author ot'the first aicaunr c>:tllu Serv \Voilil. aud trorn ivlioln the coniinc:~ttjkcs its name 16. Francisco I'izarro, conqucrur of Pcru I. Calumhus cr:~mine,l bcfore the Council of Salamanca respcctilig his theory of thc giohc, wliiili wds rejected. 11. I)cparture of Columbus far the sp~niallcourt from the Canvent of-La Kabida, near P.ilos. Ill. Aurlicncc at the rmrt of Fcniini;rlri and Isnbcll~. 1V. Departure oiCoiumbus from Palos on his first voyags of discovery. V. 'l'i.liisom pancl, Columbus Idnricil on thc Island of San Salvador, and taking possession in the name of his sovcrcign. VI. 1:nrourrtcr with the nati\zs. VII. 'Triurnplial entrbe of Columbus inta Uarcclona. VI11. Cuhlinhus 111 chains. IX. The dcath-bed of- Ca!urnbus. He died at Valladolid May 20 r;oS aged -0 ycars. His last words werc: " In tnanur iiini, Yontine, iammrniio i,o:r;tir,i nlrum!'' ''Into thy h:lnds, O Lord, I cammcud my spirit." Thirty ycars aitcr hie rcmains wcie tranitkircd to the Cathedral oFSnn L)o~niogo,on the ~s!andof thzt i?.lmc. in I?@, when the 5psnimls lust thcir hold ":I tlic island, ;hey were rcmorcd to l!;ivana. J~ot\~wilLIE ~):IIWIS are :L ~cri(~sof II(>~(IS, repr(wiiti~~~ ~III; Iristori:l~~sof the ~oyagcxof Co111l11l)ri.: :ii~tlIlis follon-cr::. 'I'l1:it abow tl~clo\rcr or N. ~:LII(%~of i.lle (1001. is CYUSIL~~~~JIOILImitiy, nut1 in tl~:c:orrcs:pol!tlil1g 1dtio11ol)l,oit:c: IF. 11: l'~~e.sculb. r \ lllcir~out c~~l~~l~~~:~t.ctll~ro~~xt: tloors of Xiuopc: :we ill l.'lorc~~~c(~, in t11e (~11ii~c11of tli(: B:q)tidryof St,. JOIIII, o]~l)osit,etllc I)IIO- nlo. '1'111~y:~rctl~r(~~IIIIIIIII~~I., t I:(! c::II~,~I:OII~~, i)y I,orc~~;<o Giril)ch, :11)ont 1420-J4tX. collsru:lcd thirty yc:lr.: i:~c:wc:rltio~i, ZII~ill~~it~~t?.: SCCI~W in tho 0111rSv>t:~~~~(s~~t.3licI1:1(~1A\~~g(,l~~ (1ecl:~rc~tlI 11irgate \\-orthy to 11:: I.II(~])olt:rl of 1':w:ulisc. '1'11e c~:~?lic~-tof tl~c~wn:iini~lgtwo i,q Ily L\~itl~ml'ii:i~~o, 1330, :i11(1 tlk oltlvr by Gl~ibcrti,1400-1420, colwrmleti 20 yc:~in csv- cutio~i,mu1 TWS t110 first of the sculptor's n-orks ill~~stl.:~tillg sccutes ill tl~cNew Tcstaulc~lt. 9 CAPITOL INTERIOR. PRINCIPAL STORY. 9 TEE CAPITOL OF THC US1TI:I) STATES OF 83IERICA. (From " Nnahington Ioaidc and Outaidc.") 10 CAPITOL INTERIOR. I t,tle stirri~~gsci:iltxs hcl prol)oi.c(l to t,~msfrrto cailr:~~.~firri~~qj Bril i l l 1 1 I t l onI Tarii.111to i t to$ Caroli11:1,co~ul)l(%iugllis collwtioll of pol.tr:lits, a11(1~li('t~11- i~lgtl~clocaalilic~xof tl~ccvuts. 111 1794 ht7 I~aclne:~1.1,~cwn- l t iIi11i111i1i:rorl. 111 1917 COII~~CRSOIY~(:IY'(~ 111~ c~sccwtio~~of t11vforlr 1~ro1itio1i:ri t i owI I R- tlu~tla. If tl~t,p:ri~iting; (lo not cxl~il)ittho artistic toriclt nud spirit of :L ~nxrtvr,tlwy nxat lewt faitllf11I ~(~1irest~11t:~tiol1::of of gr(~\tcsrc~lts ill orlr 11:ltiolr:~l history. The majority of tllc prt~.:ritsarcxf roni life. x 'L'IIE I)ECJARATTON OF IN~EPICPI'I)ENCE, JUJ,Y 4,1733.-- c '1'rnnll)lrll. Ortleretl 1517, cost $5,000. TIIC~);lintingin the pano1 on tl~cr. of the S. door rep~~esc~ltstlre ~nc~mornblo C~~igr~mof 1776 :~ttlw inomcnt of sig~ringthat ilistrmnent . s1 of AII~~~~~~:LIIlilwrt,y. 111tlw tlisposit,ion of tl~cchnr;~i:tc~rs the artist co~isnltc~tl.TelYcr;ioii nut1 Atl:ms, 110th of n-lrom wcw pr~fivtt. '1'11~style of (lnw, 1.111: fwr~iturc,an~l111~11:~llitwlf, ( arc (:s:\ct ~~c~lirotl~ictio~~sof tlic timc and plncr. '1'11ik lxomi- 1 ,, I g o of r e I 1 r. I tic i t i r ~ c f ~ : o1 of %I., tlro :~111110rof tlii: il~stn~liwntir~forc~ IIXIII(Y~, At1:ms of Nws., F~.:mkliilof YCIIIL,1In11cockof ~\I,zs~.,ltntlrdgc of S. C., XIIII'L(lior11psoi1 of ~'CIII~.For variety of coml)osit~iou, / Q thc Committee of J'i~o :Lrv ~vpr~sgl~t~ijas h:rri~rg :~tlr;u~cetlin lh 2% 1)otly to t,l~c!Pr~side~~t'st,nl)lc, il~stcwlof rel~ortiqiil the 1 i nsrial forin, tl~ronglrt,l~circlr:rirmal~. l'lio rigill dignity of the 1 I scxwc :111(1 tl~c(!xprc~ssioilof ~letcr~nin:rtio~lon every ~ounte- nnucc 11-ill hc olmrvctl. '1'111~Ii:uncXi; of the: intlividnnls rcprese~itoil,com~nonci~~gon t,llca ol)sc:rwr's Icft (the riglit of tl~epicture) aiitl foilowillg the linr: to.rvards t,l~r. are- I, Gcnrge Wythc, of Va.: z, William Whipple, and 3, Josiah Bartlctt, ofN. 11.; 4rBcnjamin Harrison, of Va.; 5, Thomas Lynch, of S. C.; 6, Richard Henry Lee, i ot Va.; 7, Samurl Adams, of Mass: 8 George Clinton of N. Y.; 9. William Paca arid lo, Samuel Chase, of Md.; rr,'~c:vis Morris, and ;z, William Floyd, of N. Y.: 13, Arthur Middleton. and 14, Thomas Heyward, of S. C.; 15, Charles Carroll, of bld.; 16, Ceorgc Waiton, of G:L; 17, Robert Morris, IS, 'rhomas Willing, and 19, Benjamin Rush, of Penn.; 20, Elbridge Gerry, arid 2.1, Robert Treat Paine, of Mass . zz, ;\braham Clark, of N. j: 13 Stephen Hopkins and 24 William Ellcry of R. 1:; 25, George Clgmer, of ~cnni;zb, William ~oope;, and z;, Joseph ~ewcs,'ofN. C.1 zS, James Wilson, of Pcnn.; zg, Francis Hopkinson, of N. 1.; 30, John Adanls, of Mass.; 31, Ragcr Stierman, nfConn., 3!, Robcrt L. Livingston, ofN. Y.; 33, Thomas JctTcrson,of Va.; 31, Benjamili Frankhn, ofPenn.; 35, Richard Stockton, N.J.; 36, Francis Lwis, N. Y.; 37, John Withcrspoon of N. J.j 38, Samuel Huntington, 39, William Williams, and 40, Oliver Wolcott, df Conn.; 41, John Hancock, of Mass.; 42, Charles Thompson, of Penn.; 43, George Rcad, Del.; 44, John I)ickinson, of Penn.; ?5> EJward Rutlcdgc, of S. C.; 46, Thomas McKean, of Dcl.; and 47, Philip Llv~ngston,of N. Y. Trim SURREN~EROF BURGOY IVE,OCTORER,1777.--Tr11111- i~ 111111. O~~l(*rctl1317, cost $8,000. The 1,aiutinq in the pnn- cl oil tllc 1. of the \V. door rcprescuta the s~urc~llclerof tlic I iij. Tllc sccnd 1;ortrayed relxwcnt~sBnrgoync, attended by Gen. Phillips uld other ~fic~rs,c~iarno~lntecl, and mar the marq~~e~ftl~cAmericwi comrn:mler, olfcring his s~vorclto &]I. Gates, who :ldv:mces, bnt clcclines to rcccive the toke11 of s~tbmission,anti invites the fallen general into his qnar- t tcrq. On t,l~cr. of Gatcs is a group of the priucip:il oacers ofthe American mnjTof tl~cN. 111 tl~cbackgromld will be Dbrlwxlthe British army at t>hcconflnence of Fish Creck and N, Eiver.
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