The Many Faces of Poverty in Camiguin CBMS Core Indicators, Province of Camiguin, 2009-2011 Households Population INDICATOR Magnitude Proportion Ma gni tu de Pro po r tio n DEMOGRAPHY Population 16891 76054 Average household size 5 Children under 1 year old 1446 Children under 5 years old 7852 Children 0-5 years old 9570 Children 6-12 years old 12012 Members 13-16 years old 6672 Members 6-16 years old 18684 Members 10 years old and above 59185 Members of the labor force 22979 HEALTH AND NUTRITION Children under 5 years old who died 16 0.2 Women who died due to pregnancy related-causes 8 0.6 Malnourished children 0-5 years old 108 1.2 HOUSING Households living in makeshift housing 562 3.4 Households who are informal settlers 372 2.2 WATER AND SANITATION Households without access to safe water supply 363 2.2 Households without access to sanitary toilet facilities 2292 13.7 BASIC EDUCATION Children 6-12 years old not attending elementary school 2533 21.3 Children 13-16 years old not attending high school 2277 34.5 Children 6-16 years old not attending school 1644 8.8 INCOME AND LIVELIHOOD Households with income below poverty threshold 10157 60.1 Households with income below food threshold 7974 47.2 Households who experienced food shortage 66 0.4 Unemployment rate (15 years old and above) 520 2.3 PEACE AND ORDER Victims of crime 95 0.1 CBMS Composite Indicator, Province of Batanes, 2009-2011 Av era g e CBMS Composite Indicator 1.4 The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 3) 1 CBMS Core Indicators, by Municipality, Province of Camiguin, 2009-2011 Municipality Total Total Number of Children under Number of Women deaths Number of Malnourished households po pul ati on ch ildren 5 years old ch ildren due to ch ildren ch ildren under 5 who died under 1 pregnancy-related (0-5 (0-5 years old) years old year old c a u s e s years old) M ag n i tu d e Propor tion M ag n i tu d e Propor tion M a g ni tu de Propor tion Catarman 3586 15396 1544 2 0.1 302 4 1.3 1866 7 0.4 Guinsiliban 1079 4881 527 0 0 98 0 0 643 6 0.9 Mahinog 2856 12702 1341 2 0.1 276 1 0.4 1633 28 1.7 Mambajao 6773 31761 3291 11 0.3 628 2 0.3 3987 44 1.2 Sagay 2597 11314 1149 1 0.1 142 1 0.7 1441 23 1.6 Municipality Households living in Households who are Households without access Households without access to makeshift housing informal settlers to safe water supply sanitary toilet facilities M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n Catarman 55 1.5 64 1.8 68 2.0 529 14.8 Guinsiliban 34 3.2 20 1.9 94 9.1 202 18.8 Mahinog 94 3.3 93 3.3 55 1.9 330 11.6 Mambajao 271 4.1 169 2.5 91 1.4 613 9.2 Sagay 108 4.2 26 1.0 55 2.2 618 24.1 Municipality Number of Children not attending Number of Children not attending Number of Children not attending ch ildren elementary school ch ildren high school ch ildren s ch oo l (6-12 years (6-12 years old) (13-16 (13-16 years old) (6-16 years (6-16 years old) ol d) years old) ol d) M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n Catarman 2379 558 23.6 1278 454 35.9 3657 392 10.7 Guinsiliban 768 135 17.6 444 154 34.7 1212 94 7.8 Mahinog 1911 371 19.4 1054 308 29.3 2965 170 5.7 Mambajao 4996 993 20.3 2852 911 32.6 7848 661 8.5 Sagay 1958 476 24.3 1044 450 43.1 3002 327 10.9 Municipality Households with income below the Households with income below the Households who experienced food poverty threshold food threshold s h o r ta g e M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n Catarman 2325 64.8 1930 53.8 8 0.2 Guinsiliban 905 83.9 812 75.3 12 1.1 Mahinog 1456 51.0 1032 36.1 17 0.6 Mambajao 3530 52.1 2540 37.5 19 0.3 Sagay 1941 74.7 1660 63.9 10 0.4 Municipality Number of persons in the Unemployment rate Persons who are victims CBMS Composite labor force (15 years old and above) of crimes Ind icator (15 years old and above) M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n Catarman 4772 185 3.9 29 0.2 1.5 Guinsiliban 1337 6 0.5 6 0.1 2.0 Mahinog 3605 123 3.4 2 0.0 1.2 Mambajao 10334 134 1.3 52 0.2 1.2 Sagay 2931 72 2.5 6 0.1 1.8 The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 3) 2 CBMS Poverty Maps: Camiguin Map 1. Proportion of Children under 5 Years Old who Died, by Municipality, 2009-2011 Municipality M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n MAMBAJAO Mambajao 11 0.3 Mahinog 2 0.1 0.3 Catarman 2 0.1 Sagay 1 0.1 Guinsiliban 0 0 MAHINOG CATARMAN 0.1 0.1 SAGAY 0.1 GUINSILIBAN 0.0 Map 2. Proportion of Children under 5 Years Old who Died, by Barangay, 2009-2011 Bottom 10 Barangays MAMBAJAO Municipality B ar a n g a y M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n Mahinog San Isidro 1 1.6 0.3 Mambajao Bug-ong 1 1.2 Mambajao Kuguita 1 1.1 Catarman Santo Niño 1 1.0 Mahinog Puntod 1 1.0 Mambajao Poblacion 5 0.6 Mambajao Magting 1 0.5 Mambajao Pandan 1 0.5 MAHINOG Sagay Poblacion 1 0.5 CATARMAN 0.1 Catarman Bonbon 1 0.5 0.1 SAGAY 0.1 GUINSILIBAN 0.0 The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 3) 3 CBMS Poverty Maps: Camiguin Map 3. Proportion of Women who Died Due to Pregnancy-Related Causes, by Municipality, 2009-2011 Municipality M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n MAMBAJAO Catarman 4 1.3 0.3 Sagay 1 0.7 Mahinog 1 0.4 Mambajao 2 0.3 Guinsiliban 0 0 MAHINOG CATARMAN 0.4 1.3 SAGAY 0.7 GUINSILIBAN 0.0 Map 4. Proportion of Women who Died Due to Pregnancy-Related Causes, by Barangay, 2009-2011 Bottom 5 Barangays MAMBAJAO Municipality B ar a n g a y M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n 0.3 Catarman Compol 3 14.3 Sagay Mayana 1 10.0 Catarman Manduao 1 8.3 Mahinog San Roque 1 4.0 Mambajao Poblacion 2 1.2 MAHINOG CATARMAN 0.4 1.3 SAGAY 0.7 GUINSILIBAN 0.0 The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 3) 4 CBMS Poverty Maps: Camiguin Map 5. Proportion of Children 0-5 Years Old who are Malnourished, by Municipality, 2009-2011 MAMBAJAO Municipality M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n Mahinog 28 1.7 1.2 Sagay 23 1.6 Mambajao 44 1.2 Guinsiliban 6 0.9 Catarman 7 0.4 MAHINOG CATARMAN 1.7 0.4 SAGAY 1.6 GUINSILIBAN 0.9 Map 6. Proportion of Children 0-5 Years Old who are Malnourished, by Barangay, 2009-2011 Bottom 10 Barangays MAMBAJAO Municipality B ar a n g a y M ag n i tu d e P r o p or t i o n Mahinog Owakan 5 9.3 1.2 Mambajao Soro-soro 4 8.5 Sagay Alangilan 14 7.3 Mahinog Tupsan Pequeño 8 7.2 Mahinog San Isidro 4 5.1 Mahinog Hubangon 6 3.9 Guinsiliban Butay 2 3.4 Sagay Balite 4 2.8 MAHINOG Mahinog San Jose 2 2.4 CATARMAN 1.7 Sagay Mayana 2 2.4 0.4 SAGAY 1.6 GUINSILIBAN 0.9 The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 3) 5 Table 1. Health and Nutrition Indicators, by Barangay, Province of Camiguin, 2009-2011 Municipality B a ra n g a y Number of Children under 5 Number of Women deaths Number of Malnourished ch ildren years old ch ildren due to ch ildren ch ildren under 5 who died under 1 pregnancy-related (0-5 (0-5 years old) years old year old c a u s e s years old) M a g ni tu de Propor tion M a g ni tu de Pr opo r ti on M a g ni tu de Propor tion CATARMAN Alga 74 0 0 18 0 0 94 0 0 Bonbon 214 1 0.5 32 0 0 254 0 0 Bura 76 0 0 12 0 0 96 0 0 Catibac 96 0 0 17 0 0 114 1 0.9 Compol 105 0 0 18 3 14.3 127 0 0 Lawigan 95 0 0 22 0 0 130 0 0 Liloan 58 0 0 10 0 0 69 1 1.5 Looc 73 0 0 21 0 0 84 0 0 Mainit 164 0 0 39 0 0 191 3 1.6 Manduao 71 0 0 11 1 8.3 84 0 0 Panghiawan 87 0 0 19 0 0 101 0 0 Poblacion 213 0 0 46 0 0 244 1 0.4 Santo Niño 95 1 1.0 15 0 0 121 1 0.8 Tangaro 123 0 0 22 0 0 157 0 0 GUINSILIBAN Butay 47 0 0 9 0 0 59 2 3.4 Cabuan 149 0 0 28 0 0 168 1 0.6 Cantaan 32 0 0 10 0 0 43 1 2.3 Liong 76 0 0 3 0 0 97 0 0 Maac 97 0 0 20 0 0 116 0 0 North Poblacion 97 0 0 24 0 0 120 2 1.7 South Poblacion 29 0 0 4 0 0 40 0 0 MAHINOG Benoni 150 0 0 32 0 0 182 0 0 Binatubo (Binaliwan) 85 0 0 12 0 0 106 0 0 Catohugan 112 0 0 38 0 0 133 0 0 Hubangon 126 0 0 28 0 0 155 6 3.9 Owakan 48 0 0 14 0 0 54 5 9.3 Poblacion 287 0 0 56 0 0 351 0 0 Puntod 102 1 1.0 18 0 0 127 0 0 San Isidro 61 1 1.6 9 0 0 79 4 5.1 San Jose 73 0 0 13 0 0 85 2 2.4 San Miguel 57 0 0 16 0 0 64 0 0 San Roque 126 0 0 24 1 4.0 152 3 2.0 Tubod 28 0 0 5 0 0 33 0 0 Tupsan Pequeño 86 0 0 11 0 0 112 8 7.2 MAMBAJAO Agoho 229 0 0 48 0 0 268 0 0 Anito 146 0 0 15 0 0 171 0 0 Balbagon 223 0 0 37 0 0 266 3 1.1 Baylao 271 1 0.4 63 0 0 320 1 0.3 Benhaan 117 0 0 16 0 0 129 1 0.8 Bug-ong 81 1 1.2 17 0 0 103 0 0 Kuguita 88 1 1.1 18 0 0 106 0 0 Magting 187 1 0.5 40 0 0 228 3 1.4 Naasag 162 0 0 31 0 0 200 0 0 Pandan 198 1 0.5 38 0 0 235 4 1.8 Poblacion 879 5 0.6 163 2 1.2 1097 22 2.1 Soro-soro 56 0 0 8 0 0 62 4 8.5 Tagdo 125 0 0 18 0 0 163 0 0 Tupsan 237 0 0 54 0 0 279 3 1.1 Yumbing 292 1 0.3 62 0 0 360 3 0.9 SAGAY Alangilan 159 0 0 27 0 0 191 14 7.3 Bacnit 107 0 0 25 0 0 139 1 0.7 Balite 110 0 0 19 0 0 142 4 2.8 Bonbon 182 0 0 25 0 0 217 1 0.5 Bugang 75 0 0 2 0 0 101 0 0 Cuna 68 0 0 0 0 0 90 1 1.1 Manuyog 170 0 0 33 0 0 198 0 0 Mayana 67 0 0 9 1 10.0 85 2 2.4 Poblacion 211 1 0.5 2 0 0 278 0 0 The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 3) 6 CBMS Poverty Maps: Camiguin Map 7.
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