Bone Marrow Transplantation (2003) 32, 733–737 & 2003 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0268-3369/03 $25.00 www.nature.com/bmt Case Report Complete recovery from Cryptosporidium parvum infection with gastroenteritis and sclerosing cholangitis after successful bone marrow transplantation in two brothers with X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome S Dimicoli1, D Bensoussan1, V Latger-Cannard2, J Straczek3, L Antunes4, L Mainard5, A Dao6, F Barbe3, C Araujo7, L Cle´ ment7, P Feugier7, T Lecompte2, JF Stoltz1 and P Bordigoni7 1Unite´ de The´rapie Cellulaire et Tissus, CHU de Nancy, Alle´e du Morvan, 54511 Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France; 2Laboratoire d’He´matologie Biologique, CHU de Nancy, Alle´e du Morvan, 54511 Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France; 3Laboratoire de Biochimie, CHU de Nancy, Alle´e du Morvan, 54511 Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France; 4Laboratoire d’Anatomo-Pathologie, CHU de Nancy, Alle´edu Morvan, 54511 Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France; 5Service de Radiologie Pe´diatrique, CHU de Nancy, Alle´e du Morvan, 54511 Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France; 6Laboratoire de Parasitologie et Mycologie CHU de Nancy, Alle´e du Morvan, 54511 Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France; 7Service de Me´decine infantile 2, CHU de Nancy, Alle´e du Morvan, 54511 Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France Summary: parvum, Histoplasmosa capsulata and Leishmania. Dysimmunity and malignancy are classical complica- We describe two brothers who suffered from hyper-IgM tions.1,2 syndrome (HIGM1) with similar clinical features: recur- CD40L, a membrane glycoprotein, is transiently ex- rent infections, especially cryptosporidium gastroenteritis pressed on activated CD4 þ and CD8 þ T cells, mast cells, with cholangitis. Their activated T cells did not express basophils, eosinophils and platelets. CD40, the CD40L CD40L. Nucleotide sequencing revealed a mutation in receptor, is a member of the TNF receptor family found on both boys with respect to intron 4 and exon 5 boundaries B cells, monocytes, dendritic cells, epithelial cells, fibro- of the CD40L gene in Xq26. They underwent successful blasts and some malignant cells. CD40 expression can also bone marrow transplantation (BMT) from HLA-geno- be induced on different cells by gamma interferon (IFNg).3,4 identical siblings. The Cryptosporidium infection and Thus, a potential mechanism contributing to C. parvum cholangitis resolved thereafter. At 6 months after BMT, immunity could be a direct triggering of apoptosis in expression of CD40L on activated T lymphocytes was CD40 þ infected cells by CD40L expressed on activated normal. After 1 year, both boys are well, and immune T cells. More recently, Hayward et al 4 have shown in a reconstitution has improved. Based on these two successful mouse model that CD40 expression on intestinal epithelial experiences, BMT with a genoidentical sibling seems a cells is not required for C. parvum clearance. Moreover, C. reasonable therapeutic approach for HIGM1, if Crypto- parvum infection can be cleared only when CD40 is present sporidium infection occurs. on dendritic and mononuclear phagocyte cells. Interleukin Bone Marrow Transplantation (2003) 32, 733–737. 12 production by these antigen-presenting cells leads doi:10.1038/sj.bmt.1704211 activated T cells (via CD40-CD40L pathway) to produce Keywords: X-linked immunodeficiency with hyper-IgM; TH1 cytokines such as IFNg. CD40 Ligand; cryptosporidum parvum gastroenteritis; C. parvum, a coccidian parasite, infects the intestine sclerosing cholangitis and sometimes the respiratory tract. In immunocompro- mised patients, it may cause severe intestinal fluid loss, with dehydration, chronic diarrhea and malnutrition. Hyper-IgM Syndrome (HIGM1) is a primary immuno- Several antimicrobial treatments have been tried but deficiency associated with mutations in the gene encoding none has proven effective. As previously reported by 5 the CD40L, located at Xq26. Patients suffer recurrent Hayward et al, patients with HIGM1 are at increased sinopulmonary and gastrointestinal infections, opportunis- risk of cholangiopathy, especially with C. parvum tic infections due to Pneumocystis carinii, Cryptosporidium infection. Curative therapy of HIGM1 relies on bone marrow transplantation (BMT), from an HLA-matched sibling, as first reported by Thomas et al,6,7 or from matched unrelated donors.8 However, the presence of C. parvum Correspondence: Dr D Bensoussan, Unite de Therapie´ Cellulaire et infection, especially when complicated by sclerosing cho- tissus, CHU de Nancy, Alle´ e du Morvan, 54511 Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy. langitis, impairs the results of BMT. Khawaja et al 9 E-mail: [email protected] The first two authors contributed equally to this work reported three cases where patients suffering from severe Received 6 November 2002; accepted 8 April 2003 C. parvum infection died soon after BMT.9 BMT for HIGM1 and Cryptosporidium infection S Dimicoli et al 734 In this report, we describe two brothers with HIGM1 who were both suffering from severe C. parvum infection with gastroenteritis and sclerosing cholangitis. They under- went successful BMT from a genoidentical HLA sibling and recovered from the C. parvum infection. Materials and methods Case report Two brothers, had a family history of immune deficiency: two cousins suffered from HIGM1, one of whom died of diffuse C. parvum infection despite an HLA-sibling allogeneic bone marrow transplant together with an orthotopic liver transplant. Thanks to family screening, the two brothers were diagnosed with HIGM1, confirmed by the absence of CD40L expression on activated T lymphocytes. Sequencing of PCR-amplified CD40L genomic DNA revealed the Figure 1 Sclerosing cholangitis due to Cryptosporidium infection. A large bile duct is surrounded by a cuff of oedematous, inflamed fibrous tissue same mutation for the two brothers: a 10-nucleotide with an onion-skin appearance (arrow). Unaffected interlobular portal deletion (gTGTTACAGT) and a dinucleotide insertion tract (arrow head). Needle biopsy, H&E. (aa) at the intron 4/exon5boundary. This mutation predicts a premature termination of translation and generation of a truncated protein. The brothers presented similar clinical features. Treatment was initiated with intravenous (i.v.) serum aspartate and alanine amino transferase levels were immunoglobulin and P. carinii prophylaxis. five times above normal. Neutropenia and eosinophilia At 6 years of age, brother A had Cryptosporidium were also present. gastroenteritis with sclerosing cholangitis resulting in After considering the poor prognosis of this disease, persistent diarrhea and severe weight loss requiring especially when it is complicated by Cryptosporidium continuous enteral nutrition. The sclerosing cholangitis infection, and given the family history, the parents gave worsened and at MR-cholangiography, dilated extra and informed consent for their two sons to undergo BMT. The intrahepatic bile ducts were observed. Needle liver biopsy donors were two different HLA-identical sisters. revealed sclerosing cholangitis with prominent peri-portal The boys were conditioned with busulfan (4 mg/kg body concentric fibrosis, eosinophilic infiltration but no biliary weight per day for 4 days) followed by cyclophosphamide cirrhosis (Figure 1). Liver function tests were abnormal (50 mg/kg body weight per day for 4 days). Graft-versus- (Table 1). Alkaline phosphatase was elevated and serum host disease (GVHD) prophylaxis consisted of short-term aspartate and alanine amino transferase were six times methotrexate (15mg/m 2 on day 1 and 10 mg/m2 on days 3, above normal. There was also chronic, but not severe, 6, 11 after BMT), and cyclosporine A (3 mg/kg/day as a neutropenia and eosinophilia. continuous i.v. infusion on days À1to þ 30 and 6.25mg/kg Brother B had recurrent common sinus infections. At the twice daily from days 31 to 180 post-BMT). Infection age of 8 years, he also suffered from a Cryptosporidium prophylaxis included isolation in a laminar air-flow unit, infection with cholangiopathy, requiring enteral nutrition. oral administration of nonabsorbable antibiotics and The results of MR-cholangiography were similar to those treatment with i.v. immunoglobulins for 1 year (200 mg/ of A (Figure 2). Needle liver biopsy revealed cholangitis kg weekly for 3 months and then 400 mg/kg per month). with mild, nonconcentric, fibrotic enlargement of the portal The boys continued with enteral nutrition and anti- tracts and eosinophilic infiltration. Liver function tests were Cryptosporidium treatment (paromomycin 500 mg/day and also abnormal. Alkaline phosphatase was elevated and azithromycin 500 mg/day). Table 1 Liver function tests (patient A) Before C. Before BMT Day of BMT Day +15 post BMT Day +30 post BMT Day +60 post BMT Normal values parvum infection ALP 423 962 397 893 586 279 70–260 UI/l Total bilirubin 2 2 2 18 8 2 2–11 mg/l Direct bilirubin 1 1 1 9 2 1 o5 mg/l ALT 31 17546 12 8 12 5–40 UI/l AST 16 99 72 31 31 26 5–35 UI/l 50-nucleotidase 3 40 7 44 26 6 0–9 UI/l LDH 356 595 534 739 801 695 210–400 UI/l ALP: alkaline phosphatase, ALT: alanine amino transferase, AST: aspartate amino transferase. Bone Marrow Transplantation BMT for HIGM1 and Cryptosporidium infection S Dimicoli et al 735 Results Clinical course after BMT The clinical course for A was uneventful. At day 17, his absolute neutrophil count was over 500 per cubic millimeter and platelet counts were self-sustaining at levels above 50 000/ml at day 26. Neither GVHD nor veno-occlusive disease was observed. He had suffered from sinusitis (no organism identified) successfully treated by i.v. antibiother- apy. The Cryptosporidium infection disappeared soon after engraftment and was undetectable after day 60, despite immunological defects due to the allograft procedure. At 4 months after BMT, MR-cholangiography was significantly improved. After 19 months, stabilization of the cholangitis and decreased dilation of the extra and intrahepatic bile ducts was confirmed (Figure 2). Liver function tests normalized by day 60 post-BMT (Table 1). On day 200 post BMT, the quantitative and qualitative expression of CD40L on T cells was normal. DNA analysis revealed that 100% of lymphocytes and polynuclear cells were of donor origin.
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