THE DIAPASON AN INTERNATIONAL MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE ORGAN, THE HARPSICHORD AND CHURCH MUSIC Seventieth Anniversary Y mr Scvenl;t:th Year, No. 12. Whole No. 840 A Scranton Gillette Publication ISSN 0012-2'78 NOVEMBER. 1979 Varied New Organs Vpper left: Casavant organ at Boreft College, SioIg: Ceater, 'o..,a; lo..,er left: Bedieat orga.. at St. ;In. drew's Episeopal Churela, Rosteell, New Mexico; above: Holtkamp organ at 'IIinois College, JaeksOKvUle, nil· wois (see speclfieations i_ide 0 .. page 3). f)1l JitiA f)44UR THE DIAPASON Ii..Jt.hlis/'rd ... I!IIIY In thii issue, we complete the series or ankles 011 the organ works of Men­ delssohn by Douglas L. Butler which began last year; the final installment treats A.n /"ternlltionol Mon,h'y Devoled 10 lite U'gl"" lIlf! /III1!lUchu,cI ,m,' Cillfull ."fUIt. the composer's we of chorale and fugal techniques in the six sonatas of Op. 65. UHit';,,1 /,,"nln' 01 II/(~ rllllt','I"'III /'hlilu/e "/ OrganhuUdeu The preceding article dealt with the elements and influences of the English voluntary in the same pieces. Along with the coodwinn is a chronological list­ NOVEMBER. 1979 Edito, & I'.,bli.he, ARTHUR LAWRENCE ing of the known organ works by Mendelssohn which reflects the latest research l.,aI,.... MaIHlS.' DAVID McCAtH in this area. A "Nacrupiel" in n rorthcoming wue will round out our currem FEATUlIES A_.. E• ..., WESlEY vas Mendelssohniana. The Orvan Worlta 01 M.Ddeluoha, Com,'''''';''' Edito,. LARRY PAlMEII Harp<khonf On a different subject, Owen Jander has written an article which effectively Pan IV argues for the per£onnance of the Bach "Wedge" Fugue on a rour-manual organ. by DoU91cu1 L. BuUer B, la, 15-11 JAMES McCRAY Choral Mer_ Even though Bach did not regularly command such an inst1"4ment, the struc­ SaIni MCUJ". HarpsIchord tural nature of the work is persuasive in indicating that performance on a four­ W_keDd. 1'71 HUDSON lADD manual organ was intended. hI' Lcmy Palmer '·11. 14 Ca,UIo" The ''Wedcze'' FuqueJ Bach'. COQCerto IRUCE GUSTAFSON Finally, we call your attention to the notice at the bottom of this page regard. for lbe O:'plcrr of tJy Four-Manual MII""",,"y ing a new procedure to be wed in our future mailings. CAIJt -A. L. by OweD Jaader 10.1a 10"''' COft'HpfJIKI.m. DAlE Groftln.,." GUllcm Weir at Colorado State -- LAURENa JENKINS Unlnrsltr' by Walter A. Gaber ZO to"""" Announcements SUSAN Fl!RRE REVlEWS Fronce The Victorian Society is seeking pa­ A Contemporary Choral Composi­ Music for Vokes m:t.d DnJaa pers on 19th-century American opera tion Festival has been announced for hI' Jam.. McCfttJ' 4 I yr.-$7.50 houses, theatres, performersJ musical Oct. 25, 1980, at Mars Hill College literature, musical taste and trends, in­ in North Carolina. Unpublished SATO New Orgaa Records 2 yrs.-$I3.00 hI' Arthur Lcrwnace 5, 14 struments and related topics, for a scores of 3-5 minutes' duration, with Sloalo Copy-$I.OCt symposium on 19th.century music and or without accompaniment will be se­ THE DIAPASON music halls to be held Oct. 23-26, 1980, lected for performance and for consid­ Published Monthly by at the Grand Opera House in Wil­ eration in the school's choral series AnDoUllcemea" 1 Scranton Gillette Communications. Inc. mington, DE. Potential contributors published by Hinshaw Music; the NUDe Dlmlttls 14 580 Northwest Highway should send a letter and resum~ to deadline for entries will be June 1. ADD Arbor MCUiMrdClU.. 10 D., P14in." IL. 60016. Amy Flowerman, Director of Educa­ Further information is available from Phone (312) 298-li622 tioo The Victorian Society of Amer­ Donna RoiM:rtson, chairperson, 3rd ~ ORGANS J, a J ContTolled dmd,"lon "",/tic" ica, East 'Yashington Square, Phil­ Bi·annual Choral Composition Festi­ CAl.ENDAll 21·24 pendin, •• RDChelle, IL adelphia, PA 19106. val, Mars Hills College, Mars Hill, Publication no. 156480. NC 28754. CLASSJFUJ) ADVEBTJSDfEH1'S zs.t7 The Moravian Music Foundation Routine items lOT publication mwt be' has announced the completion of a 10- received not laler than the l.st 01 the year project to catalog its collections AU subscrlben arc urgrd 10 lend monlh to lWure insntion in the Wilt of early American music manuscripts chanlU of addrea promptly 10 Ihe lor the next month. For advertisinc and imprints, which are howed in office of The Diapason. Changn copy. the closinl date is the 5th. must reach 111 btofore the 10th of the Materials for rernew should retlCh archives in 'Yinston-SalemJ NC, and the office by the .11 01 thtt lWeviow Bethlehem, PA. The project was made month prn:ftling the dale of .he month. Prosj}ediw conlri6utors of possible by grants from a number of Om i,,"ue '0 be m:dlrd 10 1he new articles should req1U.lt d style shed. acIdras. The Dlapasoa p .... foundations and individuals. Future CIDDOt This ;o.,r,.,,' II indexed in The pl:1ns call for the publication of cata­ ride dupllane ropw. mbKd hn:aux Music Index. onRoln,"" In Music logs of the several collections, but 01 a IUbscrIber'1 !aDore 10 notlly. Arlicle Guide. and abslT.ded irt working card files are noW available RILM Abstratt. for use by students, scholars, and the general public; further information is available from the foundation at P.O. Drawer Z, Salem Station, 'Yinston­ The next organ competition in the Salem, NC 271 DB. international Grand Prix de Chartres The foundation has also received a series has been announced for Aug. 27 gifts·and·matching grant from the Na­ - Sept. 21, 19Bq, at the Cathedral of tional Endowment for the Humanities Chartres in Fran~I:J The age limit for to support liThe History of Moravian contestants will be 34. Further infor­ Music in America" project which mation is avaiJable frmn" Secretariat began last :May. Four musicologists are du Grand Prix de Chnrtres;'5, rue de working under the supervision of Dr. Grenene, F-75007, Paris, F.....-ce.. Karl Kroeger to conduct research on James David Christie of BoSlon, the musical activities of early Mora­ :MA, was awarded first prize in the The 6th annual Organ Competitio.. vian sdtlements in the two states. The 6th International Organ Competition open to high school seniors for a data will be assembled in usable fonn at Druges, Delgium, July 27-Aug. 4. $1000 scholarship to Bowling Green and prepared for later publication. He competed with nearly 80 others State University hilS been announced. from 18 countries and became the Applicants must ploy a work of J. S. The personal library of the late first American to win the competition. Bach and a composition wriuen since Leopold Stokowski has been left to the The jury, consisting of Nicholas Dan­ J 750 and are allowed 15 minutes play­ Curtis Institute of Music in Philadel­ by (Great Britain), Xavier Darasse ing time. The appHcation deadline is phia, according to the terms of the (France), Ton Koopman (The Neth­ Jan. 5, 1980. Further information is celebrated conductor's will. The collec­ erlands), Bernard Lagace (Canada), 'l\'ailable from Dr. Vernon Wolcott, Michael Radulescu (Awtria), and University Organist, College of Mu­ tion includes many scores, parl'iL and John Vandertuin of Brantford, On­ musical instruments; it will be made Gabriel Verschraegen (Belgium), was tario, has been awarde;1. the Conrad sical Arts, Bowling Green State Uni­ available to orchestras, scholarsJ and unanimous in the decision, a "first" Letendre Memorial Scholarship for versity, Bowling GreenJ OH 43403. qualified individuals. for this contest. Mr. Christie also won organists, a, ~500 prize offered for the the first prize of the audience. He re· first time this past summer by thd----------------, Gettysburg College has been given ceivcd an award of approximately Summer Org:m Academy at St. Jo. The Diapason will soon undergo the the collection of organ music left by $2500 (75,000 OF ). Second prize went seph's Oralory. Mr. Vandertuin, 21, penultimate indignity for the business Claire Caci, world-famous organist to Michael Kapsner of 'Vest Ger­ who is totally blind, is shown receiv· operation of a 70-year-old journal: who died in Sept. 1978. The collection many, third prize was won by Karol ing the award from Mme. Aline Le· computerization of its mailing list. AI­ contains 2140 scores, 97 volumes of Golebiowski of Poland, and fourth tendre following his recital on the 5· though such a conversion should even· collections, 54 technical works, cata­ place was shared by 'Volfgang Gliixam manual Beckerath at the Oratory. He tually assist our mailing, we are con­ logs of special collections, biographical of Austria and Robert Batcs of Dallas, has been a student of Jean Langlai! rident that it will generate a host of sketches, and a number of other works. TX. and is currently enrolled in the 8.Mus. problems initially. 'When you first re· The gift wa!; made by the late organ­ ~(r. Christie, 27J is a graduate of program at the University of Westerf1 ccive one of those notorious brown ist's family; her son, Bernard LaBerge, Oberlin Conservatory and New En­ Ontario, where he is a student of John wrappers with a new style label on it, is a 1965 graduate of the college. gland Conservatory. His teachers have McIntosh and Larry Cortner. please check to see if it is correct. If In addition to most of the standard jncJuded David Boe, Marie·Claire it is intorrect, let us kno"" (circulation literature, the collection includes a A1ain, Harald Vogel, and Bernard Aft.r Jon. I, 1980, THE DIAPASON "ill dept., 312/298-6622). This change is gre.t deal of 20th-century and 19thl Lagace.
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