1 ''>~.,.~r-..;.,, __,,,, -- ~ ... Philosophy ~ nitm111p of Jllumba, Buddhism and Gandhi Philosophy.and Praxis [An Anthology of Scholarly articles on Buddhism and Gandhi: Philosophy and Praxis from the 35th Session of the Maharashtra Tattvajnana Perished] Editors: Arehano Malik-Goure and Meenal l<atamikar ~, A t)Ov1 Maharashtra Tattvajnano Parlshad C •Kr-~ IJ \ :J1,,, .,.. t.:-- , .r,,, ; "'$/X)•t.,, Jy r ,01 ~l•t"n<Jro 8vrlnqay Pro f. MP lt'ro'-" P.•c-,' C 'r ~~('"Qr-,--: e ►'·cl S S A"'' o•, O' Pi o / s H 0 1xi1 0 11cJ monv m o re . "' l...' r( t, · • 'Our\(_;n') l'Y', ,....~" O''d Ir-,., n'O "'I Qft,/1,' P ,('I\ o f llll) ' Pori\ l'lOd' The me" o ""· c' "'<' Pc, nod .,,. 1, ·c ... on~ .x.. f1.1CL'''' •1c•crrw,q o l und rc:H•o rc h ,n i, •: SUl,,:,c l C ' c,rdosoo..-,., " '.'v·otn Cl ~ (l rn Iv l)( Q \ 1( !(1 plo rlorn, fo r 1110 d isc us ~'ll, ,n rr--~on. ·op ,:,n~~ ·c lt1t.' D '"1\0()11~1,JI l1.•rofu r o concJv c1vt• lor ~oc iol l rorrlo,11"\Qt r r G~ (:'lv'"l "'H ('n() l>v O ',) l)fldt'Jn bc, tw('l(1n !ho ocodom,c,on o r,d 'r,c rnor.- ••1 ~ c •o .nc ~«:01,• '''C""'\' ,, nt'I :_)',_ ophy o n1ong a ll c ,111e ns. 1he 1 o r hcd cllg~,w;~ 'Ol'IOI , , • ... · ,-., f()I tlC con,pf,sh,ng fh C'.>O gool~. 11 ,s doing o n ,,c- •r-c, o •: ' 01,1 o · :YtnQ.;nu ..,,,.. "<'' •n n11.er~ ond sc holars fr om various fields. Peoc e is o sfo#e ol mind and every person ha1 the ablllty to find peace thtough rtt., own thoughts. Do not seek peace from another penon. o diff~•"' locaJion or a different age. Peace must be found from within. The Buddha HoppineSJ ;s when what you think.. what you say. and what you do are in harmony. Mahatma Gandhi San<l:2! Pl lHJC.\TIO\~ ISBN 978-93-85218-98-9 !l{\lfif-11 ,) 'fFl<fuffnlJ<ir<'1'311vl~RgA -'vi .'(T ~I~~ ~) llhflf ,~~1-WH~~~ ) ) rfttrri ,~~~~-il'K'l1~4~ ll) Tltfflf ~l~f -~ It) ~M"ftct•tldl'l~t11-wi~1~ ~) Tlt"cfll ~tl~t -tff<i\l(('f$h~ t,) ~a~-~ 't{O l) 1~3fffe13l~fll1cllf.l<fRUl-f!~1G)~ \{~ ~i ,nd'li~iq1a,i1r.i~~R-~wi \s'l ,o) ~ ~·fffi:f : qcrunis,-~iftq«q ~~ ,,) t11cft::flilrf " -f<lw.1q,m ~l n) 'l~lc'i•li'fll~tlftlil31itfl~~~11-~~-~ -~ f.~ ,~) 31WTN@)~ ~ffitf'~<f;tnrr~fcttticfiq'<'lln -~ f.f. ,ll) 71@lf ~jq1~$1 l-lcllG-'tj4lclG(rj• lcl~ \90 ,'i) 'l~I c'ill Iitlhfttlftlcrat~fl 1HIla5 Ifl I~ii ct, 4h-i ~ 1cai l,~ ".ft•rl-<~-ll~i~~lcl-~lflhlfl'IHldl~ql, H,) -tju~clt'fl'<.i;§ 00 ~~-~~~cl14'-<cfi{ . lO ,c) D1mcns1ons ol Religious rcformalion movement in Maharashtra with Reference to BabasahebAmbed.kars Conversion to Buddhism . SandeshWagh ~uddhist view on Women Asceticism --Archana Malik-Gourc ~ insight !nto MK_. Gandhi:sjourney ofTruth through his Autobiography My Expenments mth Truth - . Nam1taN1mbalkar <,) Scientific approach of Teachings of the Buddha: · Mahii-RahuJovadaSutta · and 'MahahatthipadopnmaSutta' -BaljitLarnba, n) Women and lower cast in Buddhism - AvinashWaghmarc <~) Lingayat religion and Hwnan unity -Nagshctty K Shctkar <II) Synthesis of Buddha ·s Ethical Path and Gandhiji"s favorite BhaJan- Mr. Marush Putcl n:? <'i) Buddhism and the meaning of life A study of the Buddha· s concept of Ni.rvnna - AlokVcmrn nt. <~) M.K. Gandhi 's Practice of Constructive Programme in Champaran- Ram Chet Yadav '{ l{'t{ '.?t,) Gandhi's Message of Peace-for Lawyers and everyone in general - Dhnnshn..-cVhatkar '{~~ ~l) Gandhian Philosophy on Truth and Non-violence - LataNaik ,~c <~) Buddhism and Gandhi -Saritru3npnl '{f.~ ~o) Comparative study of Pntanjuli 'sChuluryuhn and Buddha· s four Noble Truths - I lctalJ\shar '{ l9'{ 3,) Satya and Ahimsa - Ashok Kwnar Mi shra '{C~ J~) Role of Sali in the kamma of BudhisutUt-Modak.N 13 ~ l l9 ~~) Concept of Bralunaviharasin Yoga Philosophy and its Impact on Mind - Shivani Singh ~<('{ ~ll) Mahatma Gandhi nnd 13hnkti -Sunita Vyas ~<(~ " '(I .... , , HI 1h11 ,,.., , .. ,. .,, . .. n► •"' t/11 t " •111' 11/ t th , K• ll111 11 r,,/ •fl ti), h ''""'' ,,... , ... Jr,- ,.,. f11¥ I I /,. ,_ f II•' ,1, '" • • • 1J11 r ,1 Wom~n uuch.: 1,m 11, 11,, ,t.,111 "c 11 ,11olly 111 co 11 l1 ccdo 111 l1 o rr1 ,ornc uJldc 1111b!< lol&k IUCt ai (sa:u.._,r.; lrUr.'l hun; l"'" .11, , 111v1.11· c,1crnnl i.:;oorc1nn m w mpul, 1on ol the mu-.! 11.rwJ the l,i,.c h U:w Ide\. ot lnJiar, thnorh1 111 c<loin ,, pt 1111nn ly token lo mc11n freedom Imm ,trllcncy ,c d JJt<, ~ out (( lfJ.IOflllJ:t ui '""" ' ' I he ~l1 m11111 11 view held . hy oll ln<l ,un ll11nli..cn II U-Ol tt,:Jl(lltJU 1.1, rca it\ 1, ,b: c;a~ u 0,ui l>(\lld ,pc und ~ullcnnK TollVOJMl111 ( If the mJ\\,loJvc ol th.: lNUI II r~\la;! 1.1 a ~ (g atl.lUrl li C\'-1on1 I hroulthout the l11slo1 y of lnt.hun thouv.ht has 11n.1 l'4ll) cc:wn c'\:C"f(.lOm Ci«'dum h,a1. hcn1 ;q•audul u, :.in 1dcul or o covutublc '1'\0lc 111 he Dl\.111nr:J c,lhc, lhruq')\ \,,_-M~ IICl_Kn , ~••.on 111 1lrn dinph.:r we orn d1 11e uw11n~ 11l.Ol ll'\ of \\um'°"-n m lhaJ.dlu11 ,no.arch vn 11-.han 111 01wd11 1\ m 111,i1slcd on monld10\XI oi 1111.nho.)f .J 1.t, the 1111,h "II' lad~• ID\.\t:c!l 1ticraun11 "41 ,, .u.lu.. ~ l,ll: wu, lite p1opc1 111uJc lll upp1wd1 th.: 1J..:.1 •• 11 .. ,11,'U"1~, 1•"0t, 1-.,0111~ •••• 1rn.lilk1c11Lc 111 body -.11 c<c-.cntrnl lor the lt.rlimlC'Jrc 1)1 111JI ~kic.ll.111: life hn romu~h a!!.an;ttal Ir• l'\ol\C t1 11J propuHnlc l;Cr\11111 clh tl' lll ,1111 v.lu.r'1, tv, lhc f1• ~ hc"-.s,lOr o( mL'l u • .. c:tfr..1t\1 1e,•t! 11\ ~,ltclv ·1ho\C \\ho pructicc n~cllc li h:1t, le~ ,11\a, l"-'~ C•''-' UllC t .,ra..---ucc, ~1 , ,.m»>.I:' uw! ruwc them 1,, nd11cvc f rc:ilcr "'P" 1tuuli1, Mnm n"cl1~ .. hcl CH lhr: a."tterl o! pwu,~ t.'lc l, ~ , hdpt, 11, rui .,, the w uJ llfl.U 1)11 ' oblntll ll wcotcr \.Ul\l~llOtl \\)U'I lhc: \)1, a.: at Ha! ar. pmcc 1 hll ma, \».l: the lurrn 111 ,d t 1t1utlll1ll1t1rn1. 1111u11,. m ll.1r,h 1enua,..;: u :k~• u ll4 p-;e4.\Ur'C lht oJi1.'\. ll\c ., ~l:ltl "Jcri\\:d lt1im the l ; 1t""d, 1,•m ,ldl'UJ \\tu,d-, mccnt fl(ac\Kc 1,r 11 , , nmi 111 .i11, tcrrn hzu, cumi.: t.,, , ,en. , l' o, 11w1nlh n•u ,)l.iolcu " t\h t,>nn ol J11!11,.'.1ph.rrJ pratu,x ;~ uc.c:uc. 1 "' ~r•J 1, Ntn1n\s 1.e, actuc-:c h%tZha in:.c lcctuol and 111i;.rn nJl\ 01)1.' " l1'1 p111ct11.1."I u 11.'tlUJ'IL. tft 11lm 11 ~ • • v-•- 1 I I ).'.)( crcb, .an c .!L4J)C I rorn lb.: \Ufldh re,pclff\lbthlicG l-u, , p11ll u.1l ~ool l he u 1111 , 11 11'4..c\LC I c w,\\ 1 ni an elfon I o achieve lhc hi 115 8 0 have 1n ,L ghest Pwposc of human liJc wluch was looked upon rare PPClnllllJ1• . u1e Codless , , lo Wonien asc . 1:yclc of births and dealhs . i status . Cllctsm is an age long but highly debated practice in our U11d1tion. The Buddha lalks abou1 of Women in · . f ·1UJ1l 1iberat1on. Allho1,~1.. society, but there is big debate on this issue O spm ""61' boll) men and wom . • and rights have a big d'rt . en pa1 y a very importanl role in soc1cty. their pos111on , crcnct So tar as the ·a1 . ed O mat.crial change occurrec1 · soc1 and pohucaJ position of woman 1s concern • n Ill any Indian trad · · •gh . Men can hbernte m the ma) iltoo. But in a religious field the)' don ·1 have full n ts. e fonn but wo . her journey towards libcratio1t T men cannot because there is a problem if she stru1s . liis stat • Aoain women hbcrat1on. ement will be elaborated in the discussion of the arguments ..., Buddhiun . , d'h • I.hat means awakening or enlightenin Buddhism 1s a word derived from the Sanskrit word bu ' co1 . b which the Gautama the man becam Buddhism 1s a way of life. A way to supreme expcnencc Y c lhc · 11 Open ' is the heart of Buddhism Ga Buddha; the fully enlightened one. 'Move and the way wi ' · utallla Buddha was the pioneer of the Buddha religion and Philosophy. Buddha adopted an e~'tremc aseetrc nd life after leaving his father's palace, where he once Jived in luxurious life. After aba oning e;..1rctnc · • . ligh t Buddhi.s m is a way of life and what is cssenlJ·al asceticism he was able to achieve en tenmen • 1s th t following the noble eight fold path. The Buddha was a unique being. He was e moS reflective oflhc . f speakers the most energetic of workers, the most successful of think ers, th e most convmcmg o , reformers, the most compassionate and tolerant of teachers, the moSt efficient of administrators, alkJ above all- the Holiest of Holies.
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