JUN MODERN FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS THE NEXT EXHIBITION I WILL BE THE Library see Books at 2c per day Books at 5c per day it Twenty-second Membership at $1. per month all Annual Exhibition Cape Books with of the Tarbell, Kittredge, modern Rare Books, Guides, Provincetown Art Association I Lincoln Books- pilgrim’s I August 2nd to September 7th I guides New Books I The Cream of the New Books in stock, a modern pilgrim’s 24 hour order service on Bay Shore Guide Annual Costume Ball others- The I a modern pilgrim’s I Guide Provincetown will be held at Low Priced Books To Star and Blue Ribbon Dollar Books, Modern a modern pilgrim’s TOWN HALL Library Books- Oceanside Guide ! a little pilgrim’s Guide Friday, August 2 st (for children) Provincetown I936 Bookshop On Sale Everywhere Across from Town Hall Artists’ Framing and Art Materials WILLIAM H. YOUNG The Copley Frame Shop INSURANCE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Gosnold and Commercial Streets Representing the Leading Companies of the World PROVINCETOWN Tel. 177 Losses Adjusted Promptly EAST Gloucester ROCKPORT Provincetown, Massachusetts BOSTON COSTUME BALL at Town Hall THE EXHIBITION IS OPEN DAILY FROM FRIDAY, AUGUST 21st 10 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. ADMISSION 10 CENTS. Tickets For Sale SUNDAYS, ADMISSION FREE FROM at 2 to 5:30 and 8 to 10 P. H. N. Campbell’s Artists’ Supplies Shop M. MUSIC EVERY SUNDAY EVENING ADAMS’ Pharmacy Norman S. Cook, Reg. Pharmacist, Mgr. EITHER THE ATTENDANT AT THE DESK OR A SALESMAN WILL BE GLAD TO FUR PROVINCETOWN NISH ANY INFORMATION CONCERNING Tel. 69 SALES TH€ SEA CH€ST A. AUSTIN DUNHAM SEAMEN’S SAVINGS BANK ANTlQU€S Provincetown Mass. Specializing in Prints 436 COMMERCIAL ST., PROVINCETOWN Money Goes on Interest the Fist of Each Month Tel. 508 TOWN CRIER SHOP AND Provincetown Art Association ADVOCATE GIFT SHOP Incorporated GIFTS JEWELRY FOUNDED IN 1914 STATIONERY The Hooked Rug Shop Elizabeth Waugh, Collector HEADQUARTERS FOR HOOKED RUGS Tenth The Ship Model Shop CoultonWaugh, Collector Modern Exhibition HEADQUARTERS FOR SHIP MODELS In the oldest house in Provincetown, Mass. 72 Commercial Street June 28th to July 26th PROVINCETOWN GUIDE BOOK 1936 ARTICLES BY PROVINCE- TOWN WRITERS OF NOTE ON THE HISTORY AND CHARACTERTISTICS OF THIS FAMOUS TOWN Provincetown Light and Power Company Jury of Selection Karl Knaths Howard Gibbs Electrical Conveniences for the Modern Home Katherine Munroe Dorothy Loeb Blanche Lazzell Patty Willis 282 Commercial Street Phone 1 OFFICERS President-William H. Young. Honorary Vice-Presidents-Frederick J. Waugh, Richard E. Miller, George Elmer Browne, W. H. W. Bicknell. Director-Mrs. Harold Haven Brown. Acting Vice-President-Mrs. Eugene W. Watston. YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN Recording Secretary-Heinrich Pfeiffer. Corresponding Secretary-Harry N. Campbell. Treasurer-Mrs. Henry J. Wlnslow. The TRUSTEES Dr. Percival J. Eaton, Mrs. Charles W. Hawthorne, William E. Young, Frank E. Potter, Henry J. Winslow, William L’Engle, Ralph Provincetown Art Association Carpenter, Coulton Waugh, Floyd Clymer, Harry N. Campbell, Mrs. Incorporated Harold Haven Brown. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS COMMITTEES House Entertainment Article II. Objects and Purposes. The objects and Mrs. Henry J. Winslow. Chairman Mr. Ralph S. Carpenter purposes of this association shall be to promote and cul- Membership Music tivate the fine arts, and to that end to establish and Miss Marcia Horner Miss Blanche Homer maintain for the town of Provincetown a permanent Waysand Means collection of paintings and other works of art. Also to Mrs. Frank Little, Chairman hold exhibitions of paintings and other works of art and to promote the advancement of art by means of social LIFE MEMBERS intercourse between artists and those interested in the *Edwin A. Grozier Mrs.Anne Dunbar arts. William E Young *Mrs. Emily C. Eaton *John D. Adams Mrs.Henry J. WInslow Dr. Percival J. Eaton MEMBERS Henry J. Winslow *Frederick C. Boynton *Rev. Henry Mottett, D. D. Mrs. Caroline Brewster Crooker Section1. Membershipin this associationshall be dividedas Conrad w. Crooker Mrs.Frances E. Deland follows: Miss SarahS. Munroe MissCharlotte S. Cullen a. Associate members-Dues$2.00 per year. Miss Florence Waterbury Frank A. Days, Jr. b. Contributing members-Dues $5.00 per year. FrankA. Days Mrs.Adele Shrenk Rogers A. Mrs. Frank Little c. Sustaining members_dues $10.00 per peer. Joseph Days *Howard F. Hopkins Mrs. E. Ambrose Webster d. Life members-$50.00 Mrs. Alice G. Grozier Leslie N. Brock e. Patrons-Any person contributing $100.00 or more. Mrs. Anna M. Young Emanuel Fellman f. Benefactors-Anyperson contributing $500.00 or man. PATRONS *Miss Elizabeth w. Roberts *Mrs.Florida Duncan BENEFACTORS Mrs.Alice G.Grozier *Deceased Tenth Modern Exhibition Fore word The present exhibition is tenth in the series of PAINTINGS-Large Gallery annual Modern Exhibitions in Provincetown. The Modern Group has itself become a tradition. It seems fitting at such a time to restate the position Heinrich Pfeiffer. Romance of Modernism, as contrasted with that of Conservatism The modern temper in art isto encouragethe search Lois Boutemain. Sunlight for, and recognition of, new and spontaneous espres- sion in form, color and content. This attitude is not incompatible with the aims of R. B. Rogers. Song of the Fisherman Conservatism. to draw abiding principles from the past, by means of whlch values already recognized as such may be built upon. Mary Hackett. My Room But the emphasis is bound to fall on one side or tho other. Artists, according to their natural bias and ’A. W. Farham. Poppies temperament, tend to work, and view the work of their contemporaries, from one or the other of these vantages. Arnold Geissbuhler. Drawing-I It is therefore appropriate that these two directions of the artistic sensibility. in Provincetown. have their Arnold Geissbuhler. Drawing-II separate manifestations, under a common roof. Since the past exbibition, a new direction has opened out to American artists, modern and conserva- Arnold Geissbuhler. Drawing-II tive alike, that may itself prove to be the founding of a new tradition. The First American Artists C-, heId in New Fritz Fuglister. The Shack on the Hill York In February of this year, with representatives from all over the country. marks the first occasion on which artists have come togiether for economic rather Arnold Geissbuhler. Drawing-X than aesthetic reasons. The artists’ status, always uncertain, has become Arnold Geissbuhler. Drawing-XI more than ever precarious with the dwindling, in recent years, of private subsidy. The WPA, insofaras it has attempted to fill the breach, ahs been respon- Arnold Geissbuhler. Drawing-XII. sible for many an artist’s painting, not to say eating. However, the WPA may be a passing measure, Artists, although by nature wary Of groups, are be- Langston Moffett. The Return ginning to see advantages in joining farces, for the purposes of dealing with the government, museum officials and private dealers; of protesting against Florence Brillinger. Persons wars and encoachments upon their liberty; and in general of looking after each other’sintersts. Lucy L’Engle. Street The AmericanArtists Congress,and likemovements, bid falr to be steps in the direction of a more per- manent stability for artists. Oliver Chaffee. Cudworth Street,, 1918 Katherine Munroe. Abstract-I Ross Moffett. The Governor Clinton Dorothea Loeb. Anchor Harley Perkins. Springtime, Majorca Dorothea Loeb. Branches and Roofs Katherine Munroe. Abstract in Gray Dorothea Loeb. Contrasts Ross Moffett. Sketch for a Mural Dorothea Loeb. Low Tide-Gray Day Oliver Chaffee. Gray Day in Provincetown, 1918 Tod Lindenmuth. Dory Fishermen Lucy L’Engle. Pond Village Cold Storage Shelby Shackelford.’ The President’s Birthday William L’Engle. Five Josephs Agnes Weinrich. Two Figures Howard Gibbs. Spring Landscape-Brewster Agnes Weinrich. Star Fish Charles Darby. Abstract Oliver Chaffee. Hills and Horses Harley Perkins. Water Jug Evelin Bodfish Bourne. Barn With Yucca Plant A. W. Farham. Still Life Evelin Bodfish Bourne. Head and Shells Fritz Pfeiffer. Robins and Jays Katherine Munroe. Sketch Karl Knaths. Clam Diggers Ross Moffett. Pre-historic Evening Katherine Munroe. Abitract-III J. Floyd Clymer. Provincetown Roofs Fritz Pfeiffer. Spring Again Beatrice Bradshaw Brown. Cook Street, Winter Tod Lindenmuth. Spring Bouquet Patty Willis. Cups Blanche Lazzell. Cape Cod in Autumn Patty Willis. Tree Elizabeth Howland Caliga. Mitski Dorothea Loeb. Boat With Lobster Pots Frltz Pfeiffer. Development Mary Hackett. Graveyard Florence Brillinger. Person Agnes Weinrich. Kansas Sunflowers Karl Knaths. Duck Decoy Heinrich Pfeiffer. Autumn in the Forest Gladys G. Young. Studio Still Life Shelby Shackelford. Simian Symphony Howard Gibbs. Clown’s Head Lucy L’Engle. Nude Blanche Lazzell. Abstraction-I William L’Engle. Six Day Bike Race Loren MacIver. Columbine Lucy L’Engle. Barges, New York Blanche Lazzell. Abstraction-I1 Dorothy Lake Gregory. Fall of the House of Usher Ellen Ravenscroft. Petunias Rosalie Carey. Water Color-Tree II BALCONY Dorothea Loeb. The Exhaust Pipe Rosalie M. Carey. Water Color-Tree I Shelby Shackelford. Sumac Shelby Shackelford. Drawing-I Agnes Weinrich Still Life Arnold Geissbuhler. Pen and Ink-I Rosalie M. Carey. Water Color-Flower-11 Shelby Shackelford. Drawing-I1 LITTLE GALLERY Shelby Shackelford. Drawing-III Elizabeth Howland Caliga. Lilies Arnold Geissbuhler. Pen and Ink-II Ellen Ravenscroft. On the Shore Glady G. Young. Mexican Market J. Floyd Clymer. Harbor in Gale Rosalie Carey. Water Color-Flower I Dorothea Loeb. Young Workman Dorothy Lake Gregory. A Haunted Place Constance Bigelow. Road from Race Point Anton Van Dereck. Water Front Agnes Weinrich. Boats Dorothy Lake Gregory. Little Girls Dorothea Loeb. Tempera Lucy L’Engle. Dance Troupe Evelin Bodfish Bourne. Cat Rolling Over Shelby Shackelford. Winterset-Impression’ Patty Willis. From the Dunes William L’Engle Painting the Cage Patty Willis. Street Commotion Heinrich Pfeiffer. Off to the North Arnold Geissbuhler. Drawing-III Arnold Geissbuhler. Study Charles Green. Harbor View Anton Van Dereck.
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