GASKELL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER CONTENTS No.1. March 1986. Nussey, John. Inauguration of the Gaskell Society: a Brontë Society Members’ Account. p3-5. Brill, Barbara. Annie A. and Fleeming [Jenkin]. p6-11. [Leach, Joan]. Mrs Gaskell – a Cinderella at Chatsworth. p14-16. No.2. August 1986. Brill, Barbara. Job Legh and the working class naturalists. p3-6. [Keaveney, Jennifer]. Mastermind. p6. Kirkland, Janice. Mrs Gaskell’s country houses, [Boughton House, Worcester; Hulme Walfield, Congleton; The Park, near Manchester]. p10-11. Leach, Joan. Mrs Gaskell’s Cheshire; Summer Outing – June 29th 1986, [Tabley House & chapel. The Mount, Bollington]. [illus.] p12-19. Monnington, Rod. Where can I find Mrs Gaskell? [The Diary of a Hay on Wye Bookseller, by Keith Gowen, 1985]. p23-24. No.3. Spring 1987. Hewerdine, H., F.R.S.H. Cross Street Chapel. p3-5. Marroni, Francesco. Elizabeth Gaskell in Italian translation. p6-8. Leach, Joan. Cleghorn. p9-10. Moon, Richard. Letter on Boughton Park, [Worcester]. p14. Leach, Joan. Thomas Wright, the Good Samaritan [by G.F. Watts]. [illus.] p15-25. No.4. August 1987. Thwaite, Mary. The “Whitfield” Gaskell collection, [Knutsford Library]. p3-5. Brill, Barbara. William Gaskell’s hymns. p6-8. [Leach, Joan]. Green Heys Fields, [Manchester]. [Country rambles and wild flowers by Leo Grindon, 1858]. p11-12. [Heathwaite House, Knutsford]. [illus. of 1832 water colour]. p13. Summer outing to North Wales, [Sunday June 29th 1987]. [gen. table]. p14-21. [Lascelles, Gen. Sir Alan]. A Cranford fan. p23. [Leach, Joan]. The Gaskells and poetry. p24. No.5. March 1988. Jacobi, Elizabeth (later Rye). Mrs. Gaskell, [port. by H.L. Smith]. [illus.] p2-5. Leach, Joan. Hollingford alias Knutsford. p8-10. Thwaite, Mary. Additions to the Knutsford collection, [Cranford. Joan Hassall, illustrator.] [facsimile] p11-13. Leach, Joan. The Gaskell servants. p14-15. Davis, Elsie. Silverdale. p16-17. Lingard, Christine. John Seely Hart. p17-19. Higgins, [Edward] highwayman, [figurine]. [illus.] p19. Leach, Joan. What the Howitts did [in Australia]. p20-21. No.6. August 1988. Leach, Joan. Obituary, [Dr Ken Walley. President. Gaskell Society]. p2. Farino, Julian. Getting to know Mrs G., [television documentary]. p3-5. Leach, Joan. Outing to Silverdale, [July 3rd 1988]. [Lindeth Tower; Sheiling]. [illus.] [plan] p6-12. Brill, Barbara. Bleak House in Cheshire? p15. Easson, Angus. Wives and Daughters: a further note. p16. No.7. March 1989. Leach, Joan. In Cousin Phillis country, [Colthurst Farm, Sandlebridge, Great Warford]. [illus.] p4-6. [Leach, Joan]. The Gaskells and Moss Farm, [Bowdon]. [illus.] p7-10. [Leach, Joan]. [Unpublished letter of Gaskell to Mrs Mary Green, 1855]. p12. Pleydell, Doreen. Two authors and Charles Eliot Norton, [Edith Wharton]. p13-15. [Dam Head Farm, Mobberley]. [illus.] p15. [Skrine, Peter?] Fanny Lewald’s impressions of Mrs Gaskell. p16. No.8. August 1989. Thwaite, Mary. “300 years of history,” [exhibition at Brook St. Chapel, Knutsford]. [illus.] p2-4. Shelston, Alan. Chairman’s visit to Italy. p5. Chapple, J[ohn] A.V. Cleghorn again. [port.] p9-11. Leach, Joan. Ruth a subject of pain. p12-16, [reduced facsimile of letter to Mary Green]. p15. Unsworth, Anna. Mrs Gaskell and Charlotte Brontë. p17-18. Newsletter Contents D.docx 1 Date of Issue: 4 July 2018 Leach, Joan. Outing to Haworth and Gawthorpe Hall, [Sir James Kay-Shuttleworth, port.] [illus.] p19-22. Sutherland, Manuela. Why I go to Knutsford. p23-4. [Haworth Parsonage]. [illus. inside rear cover]. No.9 March 1990. Yarrow, Philip J. The Gaskell Society Outing – 8 October 1989, [Quarry Bank Mill, Styal; Dean Row chapel, Wilmslow; Adlington Hall]. p3-4. Chapple, J[ohn] A.V. The Gaskell Honeymoon, [Plas Penrhyn]. p5-7. Borromeo, Eva Ahsberg. Elizabeth Gaskell and Fredrika Bremer; a comparison. [port.] p10-13. Bibby, R.E. Greenheys Fields, [Manchester Evening News, 1878]. [illus.] p14-16. No.10. August 1991. [Leach, Joan]. An unpublished Gaskell letter, [Caroline Davenport]. [Capesthorne Hall, illus.] p3-8. [Leach, Joan]. A Gaskell precept, [R.H. Watt, architect, Knutsford]. p9. Duthie, Enid L. & Yarrow, Philip J. Truth and fiction in Mrs Gaskell: two notes, [My French Master; Round the Sofa]. p10- 12. Foster, Alison (later Harrop). Manchester cholera walk, [outing, July 22nd 1991]. p13-16. Hall, Audrey. A possible new image of Mrs. Gaskell. [port.] p16-17. Kirby, Sylvia. The theology of Unitarianism. p21-24. Ashbourne Hall [Derbyshire] 1839. [illus. to book note, p.19, inside rear cover]. No.11. March 1991. Canal Trippers, [Libbie Marsh’s Three Eras]. p3-4. The Portico Library [Manchester]. [illus.] p8. [Leach, Joan]. Elizabeth Gaskell’s amanuensis, [Catherine Winkworth]. p9. One of Birket Foster’s illustrations for “A Moorland Cottage.” [illus.] p9. [Letters. Marianne Gaskell to Charles E. Norton; Margaret E. Gaskell to Charles E. Norton. [facsimiles]. p12. Leach, Joan. Elizabeth Gaskell as a historian, [Sylvia’s Lovers]. p13-14. Duthie, Enid. Notes on some Gaskell stories, [My French Master; Round the Sofa]. p15-18. Lewis, Suzanne. `A Dark Night’s Work’ [incomplete]. p20. No 12. August 1991. Yarrow, Dorothy F. Mansfield Park and Wives and Daughters. p4-5. Brill, Barbara. The Lawn, Holybourne. [illus.] p8-11. Leach, Joan. The French master, [Charles Rogier]. [A new plan of defence of Gibraltar. facsimile]. p12-16. No 13 March 1992. Colloms, Brenda. Thoughts on Mrs Gaskell’s ‘Life of Charlotte Brontë’. p2-9. Gregg, Howard F. Visit to Holybourne, [outing of South of England branch]. p9-10. [Leach, Joan]. William Gaskell’s peaceful end. [Brook St. Chapel, Knutsford]. [illus.] p11-12. Brill, Barbara. An Oxford ghost. p13-15. No.14. August 1992. Chapman, Raymond. Elizabeth Gaskell and London. p2-7. [Chapple, J.A.V.] Letter. William to Elizabeth Gaskell [Rutgers University Library. No.14 August 1992. [letter]. p8-12. Cox, Marjorie. Mrs Gaskell, Louis Kossuth and the Hungarian revolution. p16-23. Smith, Muriel. Dickens and the ghost story. p23. Leach, Joan. The Dragon of Wantley. [illus.] See letter to Eliza Holland. No.9. p29. No.15. January 1993. Easter, Muriel & Reddihough, Alice. AGM weekend, 2-4 October 1992. p3-5. Another letter from William Gaskell, traced by J.A.V. Chapple [to Ellen Nussey] [Rutgers University Library]. No.15. January 1993.p6. Brill, Barbara. The Charm of Barbara Bodichon. p7-10. Burch, Sylvia. An introduction to Elizabeth Gaskell’s short stories. p11-16. Leach, Joan. Obituary, [John T.M. Nussey]. p16. No.16. August 1993. Colloms, Brenda. Second thoughts on ‘Cousin Phillis’. p2-12. Waghorn, C[lifford] C. Another birthday present for Elizabeth [Female Mentor by Honoria, 1798] [William Stevenson, [autograph]. [facsimile] p13-15. Unsworth, Anna. ‘So different a life...’ [Oxford]. p16-18. Newsletter Contents D.docx 2 Date of Issue: 4 July 2018 No.17. February 1994. Leach, Joan. A Remarkable Gaskell collection, [Brotherton Collection, Leeds University]. p2-3. [Leach, Joan]. Editor’s Note, [Letter of Charles Herford]. [facsimile in shorthand] p3-4. Wilby, Geraldine. Some Thoughts on Teaching “North and South” to a WEA Class. p5-6. Leach, Joan. The Bradfords of Seedley, [Julia B. Gaskell - birth certificate. facsimile]. p7-9. Smith, Muriel. Whitby in 1793, [theatre production about whalers]. p11. Leach, Joan. The Writing of ‘Cousin Phillis,’ [letter to George Smith]. p12-13. Colloms, Brenda. Dies Calendoniae, [Edinburgh conference]. p14-17. No.18. October 1994. Tillotson, Kathleen. Anne Thackeray Ritchie and ‘Mary Barton’. p2. Letter from Meta Gaskell to Charles Eliot Norton from Ashbourne Hall, May 9th 1859. p3-4. [Leach, Joan]. A small scrap, Brotherton Library, Leeds University]. [facsimile excerpt from Sylvia’s Lovers]. p5. Brill, Barbara. Extracts from Christina Rossetti by Frances Thomas (published Virago, 1994), [Kathleen Tynan]. p7. Unsworth, Anna. The Star Inn, Oxford. p9-11. Gregg, Howard F. South of England branch to Crix, [Hatfield Peverel, Essex, home of the Shaen family, outing]. p11-12. Leach, Joan. Mrs Gaskell’s bonnet. p13. No 19. February 1995. Unsworth, Anna. An introduction to Manchester College, [Oxford University]. p2-5. Sharps, J[ohn] G[eoffrey]. [The Valentine sent by George Smith to Elizabeth Gaskell]. [facsimile] p8-9. Colloms, Brenda. Sir James Kay-Shuttleworth, Mrs Gaskell and Charlotte Brontë. p10-12. Mannix, Timothy. Edmund Sharpe 1809-1877 [Church House, Knutsford, now Hollingford House]. [illus.] p13-15. No.20. August 1995. [Leach, Joan]. Ghost stories [letter, Berg Collection, New York Public Library]. p2-3. [84 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, facsimile O/S map 1849 sheet 45 five feet to the mile]. p3. Chapple, J[ohn] A.V. New light on Elizabeth Gaskell and her family, [Brotherton Collection, Leeds University]. [Sophia Holland. Diary]. p4-5. Brook Street Chapel, Knutsford. [illus.] p6-7. [Leach, Joan]. A day with the engineers: an extract from The Life of Sir David Brewster. p8. No.21. March 1996. Handley, Graham. Mrs Gaskell and Charles Eliot Norton. p.2-5. Sharps, J. Geoffrey Sharps. Meeting Mrs Jane Whitehill. p.5. Sharp, Pamela. Wives and Daughters – an alternative ending. p.6-9. Winstanley, Roy. Juliet Barker. The Brontës and Mrs Gaskell. (Juliet Barker: “The Brontës”. Weidenfield & Nicholson [sic] 1994). [review] p10-13. Corona, Daniela. Cultural and politics, perspectives in “An Italian Institution” by E. Gaskell. Edited translation to the Italian version, 1990. p16-19. No.22. August 1996. Leach, Joan. Behind the scenes: sources and contexts [Elizabeth C. Gaskell. Diary; Sophia Holland. Diary]. [facsimiles] p3- 7. Brill, Barbara. First meetings that led to lasting friendships, [Charles E. Norton, John Ruskin]. p10-13. [Holland, Lucy. King Street, Knutsford: watercolour. [illus.] p14. No.23. March 1997. Arnaud, Caroline. A study of Mrs Gaskell’s Handwriting. p2-4. Handley, Graham. Humour in Mrs Gaskell’s letters (1) [George Eliot]. p5-9. Chapple, J[ohn] A.V. The Royal Literary Fund [Richard A. Davenport]. p10-12. Chapple, J[ohn] A.V. 84 Plymouth Grove [appeal for funds]. [illus.] p12 & 14. No.24. September 1997. Williams, Dewi. The Well of Penmorfa. p3-5. Smith, Muriel.
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