FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 8 \ 1934 ^ ^^ViTED ^ NUMBER 66 Washington, Saturday, April 3, 1943 The President States, the Manual for Courts-Martial", CONTENTS United States Army (1928), hereinafter referred to as the Manual, is hereby THE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE ORDER 9323 amended as follows: Executive Orders: Page 1. The second subparagraph of para­ Good Conduct Medal; establish­ Amendment of Executive Order N o. 8809 graph 14 of the Manual (p amended to of June ¿8, 1941, Establishing the read: ment_______________ 4225 Good Conduct Medal Manual for Courts-Martial, “Under the authority of A. W. 13 com­ United States Army (1928) ; Executive Order No. 8809 of June 28, missioned officers and persons of equiv­ amendment.._______ 4225 1941, establishing the Good Conduct alent relative or assimilated rank are Medal,1 is hereby amended to read as hereby excepted from the jurisdiction of REGULATIONS AND follows: special courts-martial.” NOTICES “By virtue of the authority vested in 2. The last sentence in the second sub- Bituminous Coal Division: me as President of the United States and paragraph of paragraph 85a of the Man­ Steel Tipple Coal Co., et al., as Commander in Chief of the Army and ual is amended to read: hearing________ I_____ ___ 4267 Navy of the United States, it is ordered B oard of Economic Warfare: as follows: “These notes may be destroyed after final disposition of the case under A. W. General licenses: “There is hereby established the Good 48, 50 V2, or 51.” General license GUS_______ 4238 Conduct Medal, which shall include suit­ Ship and plane stores, sup­ able appurtenances. Such medal may 3. Paragraph 87b of the Manual is plies and equipment..__ 4238 be awarded for exemplary behavior, ef­ amended by inserting the words “and Shipments valued at $25 or ficiency, and fidelity, under such regula­ privates first class” after the words less__________________ 4237 tions as the Secretary of War shall pre­ “noncommissioned officers” in the sev­ Employees’ Compensation Com­ scribe, to those enlisted men of the Army enth line of the second subparagraph. mission: of the United States who on or after 4. Paragraph 87c of the Manual is Extension of Longshoremen’s August 27, 1940, had or shall have hon­ amended by striking out the last sen­ and Harbor Workers’ Com- orably completed three years of active tence of the third subparagraph, and by ," pensation Act to military, Federal military service, or who after ihanging the first subparagraph to read: air and naval base em­ December 7, 1941, have or shall have “c. Disposition of record and related ployees outside U. S_______ 4231 honorably served one year of active Fed­ matters.—General Court-Martial. The Farm Security Administration: eral military service while the United record, with the decisions and orders of Texas; designation of counties States is at war.” the reviewing authority thereon, will be for loans_______________ 4268 F ederal Communications Commis­ F ranklin D R oosevelt transmitted, ordinarily without letter of sion: The White House, transmittal, direct to The Judge Advo­ Standard and high-frequency March 31,1943. cate General of the Army. With the broadcast stations : record will be forwarded the accompany­ Field intensity measure- IF. R. Doc. 43-5071; Plied, April 1, 1943; ing papers (see 85), six authenticated 9:15 p. m.) m ents_______________ 4265 copies of the order, if there be any, pro­ Minimum operating mulgating the result of the trial, and two schedules_____________ 4265 signed comes of the review of the staff F ederal Trade Commission: judge advocate. In cases involving more Erdley Hatcheries, et al., cease EXECUTIVE ORDER 9324 than one accused an additional copy of and desist order_________ 4231 the order of promuliation, if any, will F ood Distribution Administration: Amending the Manual for Courts- be forwarded for each additional ac­ Beans, peas and split-peas Martial, United States Army (1928) cused. This applies equally to cases in (FDO 45)_______ 4228 By virtue of the authority vested in which the sentence is suspended under Cocoanut, babassu and palm me by Chapter n of the act entitled “An A. W. 51, but where action by a confirm­ kernel oils (FDO 46)______ 4229 Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act ing authority other than the President Fish and shellfish, canned (FDO for making further and more effectual is necessary, the record, etc., will be 44)_____________ 4227 provision for the national defense, and transmitted to such authority. Where Meats; permit required for for other purposes,’ approved June 3, the order of execution is withheld under slaughter (FDO 27, Am. 1) _ 4227 1916, and to establish military justice,” A. W. 50 V2, the reviewing authority will, Interstate Commerce Commission: approved June 4, 1920 (41 Stat. 759, before forwarding the record, take there­ Car service; fruit and vegetable 787), and as President of the United from the data necessary for drafting a cars held for diversion or general court-martial order, and when reconsignmerit__________ 4266 16 Pit. 3209. (Continued on next page) (Continued on next page) 4225 4226 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, April 3, 1943 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Contiaued Office of P rice Administration— War Production Board—Con. Page Continued. Motor vehicles coordinated oper­ FEDEML^ptEGISTER Adjustments, etc.—Continued. Page ations: ^/wireo^»3* «<K Monolith Portland Cement Portsmouth, Ohio, milk mar­ Co_______ 4271 keting area (Certificate Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, National Dixie Mills, Inc___ 4270 49)________________ _ 4274 and days following legal holidays by the Division of the Federal Register, The National Nehi Corp_____________ 4257 Tampa-Sarastoa, Fla. (Cer­ Archives, pursuant to the authority con­ New Process Bronze and Alu­ tificate 47)_________ 4274 tained in the Federal Register Act, approved minum Foundry Co_____ 4269 Petroleum; production, trans­ July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula­ Palestine Kosher Sausage portation, etc. (P-98-b)__ 4239 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Mfg. Co_______ r______ 4270 Petroleum supply: mittee, approved by the President. Quaker Maid Co., Inc_______ 4257 (Certificate 45)___________ 4274 The Administrative Committee consists of Shattuck, S. W., Chemical Co_ 4260 (Certificate 46)___________ 4274 the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer of the Department of Justice designated by Sheet Metal Specialty Go___ 4258 Puerto Rico, common carriers in the Attorney General, and the Public Printer Siegler Enamel Range Co___ 4269 local service; motor equip­ or Acting Public Printer. Simonin’s, C. F., Sons, Inc___ 4269 ment conservation (Certifi­ The daily issue of the F ederal R egister Whitford, A. W____________ 4273 cate 48)___ 4274 will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free Wrigley Bros________ 4271 Quinacrine (M-306)_________ 4251 of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per Repairs, maintenance and oper­ year, payable in advance. The charge for Bituminous coal (MPR 120, Am. ating supplies (P-100)____ 4242 single copies (minimum, 10i) varies in pro­ 50)___ 4258 Strategic materials, imports portion to the size of the issue. Remit Coal; transportation in barges (M-63)________________ 4243 money order for subscription or single copies along Atlantic coast (SR 14, payable to the Superintendent of Documents Suspension orders: directly to the Government Printing Office, Am. 149)______ 4256 American Grocery Co_______ 4239 Washington, D. C. Copper lead and zinc ores; Black and Koenig_________ 4239 There are no restrictions on the republica­ royalties (MPR 356)_____ 4253 Tapk Car Oil Co., Inc______ 4239 tion of material appearing in the F ederal Ethyl alcohol (MPR 28, Am. 1)_ 4256 R egister. Fuel oil rationing (RO 11, Telephone information : District 0525. Am. 56)______________ 4255 such order is issued the same number of Grease; sales by independent copies thereof will be forwarded as in IMPORTANT NOTICE collectors (SR 14, Am. the case of an order not so withheld.” 150)_______ _____ , _____ 4256 5. Paragraph 91 of the Manual is Beginning May 1, 1943, the subscrip­ Papers, Kraft wrapping and tion rates to the F ederal R egister will amended by striking out the last two sen­ be as follows: $15.00 per year, $1.50 per bag, etc. (MPA 182, Am. 5) _ 4252 tences and inserting in lieu thereof the month, single copies 15£ minimum. Prior Petroleum and petroleum prod­ following: to May 1, subscribers may renew or extend ucts (RPS 88, Am. 88)____ 4252 their subscriptions for one year at the Pork cuts, retail ceiling prices “Special and summary court records $12.50 rate. (MPR 336, Am. 1)_______ 4253 shall be retained in the office of the staff Rayon hosiery, women’s (MPR judge advocate until notification is re­ 339)_____ 4256 ceived that their destruction hg,s been CONTENTS—Continued Tobacco plants, flue-cured authorized under the provisions of the (MPR 363)______________ 4260 act of August 5, 1939, 53 Stat. 1219, or Office of Defense T ransporta­ that The Judge Advocate General of tio n: Petroleum Administration for the Army has authorized their storage Coordinated operations: Page War: elsewhere.” Portsmouth, Ohio, milk mar­ Petroleum production opera­ keting Area«.__________ 4268 tions: 6. Paragraph 94 of the Manual is Tampa-Sarasota, Fla______ 4268 (PAO 11)_______________ 4261 amended by striking out the second sub- Puerto Rico, common carriers (PAO 11, Supp. Order 5)____ 4261 paragraph. in local service; motor Petroleum supply: 7. Paragraph 96 of the Manual is equipment conservation (Dir. 64)_________ 4261 amended by striking out the second sub- (ODT 36)_______ _______ 4266 (Dir. 65)__________________ 4262 paragraph and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Office of P rice Administration: Selective S ervice System: Adjustments, exceptions, sus­ Establishments for conscientious “Any officer of any component of the pension orders: objectors: Army of the United States on active duty Andresen, Robert__________ 4271 Buckley .project, Wash______ 4237 in Federal service commissioned in or Batchelder and Snyder Co., Rochester project, Minn____ 4237 assigned or detailed to duty with the Inc__________________ 4259 Trenton project, N.
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