Arbroath Demographics According to the 2013 mid-year estimates the population of Angus is 116,240 Overall Demography at Ward Level School tables 2013: Exam and performance details for Angus Arbroath East Arbroath West 15,488 16,785 % 60 50 48% 52% 49.5% 49.5% 40 30 Male Female Male Female 20 7,481 7,967 8,314 8,471 10 Children 17.5% 0 Arbroath Arbroath Monifieth Carnoustie Webster's Forfar Montrose Brechin Angus HS Academy HS HS HS Academy Academy HS Average Older People 22.5% 1+ Highers 3+ Highers 5+ Highers Source: Scottish Schools online Free School Meals % Ethnicity Working Age 60% *Other White 9% Other Ethnic 0.5% Mixed Asian 1.5% Arbroath0 HS Arbroath Academy Angus Average 12.1% 29.7% 12.8% How Large Are Households 40 White Scottish 89% 35 30 Source: Census 2011 25 20 In the Arbroath locality: 15 10 • Warddykes has the highest percentage of 5 children 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 • Friockheim has the highest percentage of Person People People People People or More working age people People Total number of households in Arbroath - 10,934 • Keptie has the highest percentage of pension One person households are now the most common age, and lowest percentage of children household type in Scotland (35%). Source: Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics Source: Census 2011 Positive Destinations By School Housing In Arbroath % 100 Private/ 95 Other Rented 12% 90 85 Owned 55% 80 75 Arbroath Arbroath Angus Brechin Carnoustie Forfar Monifieth Montrose Webster's HS Academy HS HS Academy HS Academy HS Council/ School leavers into further education, higher education, Social Housing 33% employment or training. Source: Skills Development Scotland Source: Scotland's Towns Partnership LOCAL PROFILES DEMOGRAPHICS and INEQUALITIES Area Total Child Working age Pension Age Average Positive 16-24 JSA Population 16- DLA Population Population Population Population Tariff Destinations Claimants 24 claiming Claimants 0-15 % % Score S4 (follow up) key benefits per 100,000 % Mid-year estimates Mid-year estimates % % % Mid-year estimates Mid-year estimates 2013 2013 2012/13 2012/13 2012 Q4 2012 Q4 2012 Q4 2013 2013 Scotland 5,327,700 17.11 63.08 19.81 193 90.0 5.7 16 6701.5 Angus 116,240 17 59.17 23.83 185 92.7 5.7 13.5 5866.4 Monifieth West 2880 15.45 54.58 29.97 197 82.8 1.9 7.7 5224.7 Monifieth East 4737 13.89 50.58 35.53 198 96 3.8 5.1 4655.7 Carnoustie West 5106 18.96 59.07 21.97 162 82.2 4.1 11.2 6169 Carnoustie East 5476 14.96 54.99 30.06 189 97.9 2 6.8 4014.9 Monikie 4823 22.29 59.34 18.37 182 97.5 2.5 6.3 4906.2 South Angus 6902 19.31 60.79 19.89 191 92.5 2.6 5.2 4179.1 Arbroath Keptie 3725 13.56 56.48 29.96 228 100 6.3 12.7 6363.9 Arbroath Harbour 4730 14.31 63.28 22.41 171 94.6 9.5 23.3 10842.5 Arbroath Kirkton 5325 18.23 58.48 23.29 204 90.5 5.3 14 6245.1 Arbroath Cliffburn 4922 20.62 59.18 20.2 162 83.9 12.2 22.4 7791.3 Arbroath Warddykes 4786 20.71 60.97 18.32 140 92.7 10.5 23.6 8582.7 Letham and Glamis 5522 15.39 59.04 25.57 215 94.2 3.4 7.9 5315.2 Kirriemuir Landward 2758 15.3 60.88 23.82 207 93.3 4.3 15.2 5498.4 Forfar West 4762 17.2 58.15 24.65 197 92.3 8.1 16.2 5925.9 Forfar Central 4961 18.08 59.97 21.95 154 88 10.2 19.5 7511.6 Forfar East 3968 14.97 57.21 27.82 198 89.7 5.9 10.3 5549.7 Lunan 2894 16.24 61.09 22.67 181 88 1.4 5.4 5878.4 Friockheim 7237 15.21 64.07 20.71 190 93.2 3.6 8.8 4550.9 Kirriemuir 6112 16.57 57.4 26.03 213 93.2 5.6 12 5387.4 Montrose South 5664 15.1 62.01 22.9 186 94.3 6.1 12.3 7220.2 Montrose North 4750 15.75 60.93 23.33 198 94.7 5.8 12.8 6288.6 Brechin East 3237 19.8 60.95 19.25 147 97 9.9 21.2 7796.6 Brechin West 3600 14.03 58.36 27.61 135 93.8 5.7 12.8 4263.8 Hillside 3746 21.68 58.06 20.26 187 100 3.5 8.9 4176.6 Angus Glens 3617 16.01 59.8 24.19 196 100 1.7 6.8 3982.9 Note: The greatest variance between the geographic areas has been highlighted by using GREEN for the most positive and RED for the least positive Other variances between the geographic areas have been highlighted by using YELLOW for the highest numbers/ percentages and BLUE for the lowest. *Source: SNS LOCAL PROFILING – THEMES Prosperous and Fair Learning and Supportive Safe and Strong Caring and Healthy Area Working age 16-24 JSA Pupils with Average Positive Accidental Deliberate fires Pension Age DLA Claimants Breast Population Claimants Additional Tariff Destinations dwelling fires (excluding Population per Feeding Mid-year % Support Score S4 (follow-up) per 100,000 chimney fires) % 100,000 exclusively at First estimates 2012 Q4 Needs 2013 2012/13 2012/13 population per 100,000 Mid-year estimates 2012 Q4 Visit 2013/14 2013 % % % 2012/13 population 2013 % 2012/13 Scotland 63.08 5.7 19.5 193 90.0 94.0 283.4 19.81 6701.5 48.4 Angus 59.17 5.7 10.3 185 92.7 69.7 95.5 23.83 5866.4 46.9 54.58 82.8 Monifieth West 1.9 9.7 197 0 35 29.97 5224.7 44.4 50.58 96 Monifieth East 3.8 5.4 198 42.1 21 35.53 4655.7 46.3 59.07 82.2 Carnoustie West 4.1 13.1 162 38.9 38.9 21.97 6169 15.4 54.99 97.9 Carnoustie East 2 10.1 189 90.7 0 30.06 4014.9 37.8 59.34 97.5 Monikie 2.5 9.8 182 42.2 42.2 18.37 4906.2 51.2 60.79 92.5 South Angus 2.6 6.7 191 28.9 86.6 19.89 4179.1 53.3 56.48 100 Arbroath Keptie 6.3 5.4 228 27.3 300.3 29.96 6363.9 44 63.28 94.6 Arbroath Harbour 9.5 15.2 171 105 231.1 22.41 10842.5 37.3 58.48 90.5 Arbroath Kirkton 5.3 7.8 204 93.4 56 23.29 6245.1 33.9 59.18 83.9 Arbroath Cliffburn 12.2 25.9 162 20.6 103.2 20.2 7791.3 32.1 60.97 92.7 Arbroath Warddykes 10.5 14.5 140 83 186.7 18.32 8582.7 26.3 59.04 94.2 Letham and Glamis 3.4 10.1 215 72.6 54.4 25.57 5315.2 43.8 60.88 93.3 Kirriemuir Landward 4.3 8.8 207 72.5 72.5 23.82 5498.4 45.5 58.15 92.3 Forfar West 8.1 6.7 197 41.7 62.5 24.65 5925.9 22.7 59.97 88 Forfar Central 10.2 18.3 154 160.6 240.9 21.95 7511.6 16.7 57.21 89.7 Forfar East 5.9 9.1 198 25.3 177.1 27.82 5549.7 38.9 61.09 88 Lunan 1.4 8.7 181 33.8 33.8 22.67 5878.4 33.3 64.07 93.2 Friockheim 3.6 8.4 190 83.5 97.4 20.71 4550.9 51.6 57.4 93.2 Kirriemuir 5.6 6.5 213 179.4 48.9 26.03 5387.4 40.8 62.01 94.3 Montrose South 6.1 10.5 186 70.6 123.6 22.9 7220.2 36.2 60.93 94.7 Montrose North 5.8 7.4 198 62.7 20.9 23.33 6288.6 35.1 60.95 97 Brechin East 9.9 12.8 147 92.3 307.7 19.25 7796.6 34.1 58.36 93.8 Brechin West 5.7 6.4 135 137.9 82.8 27.61 4263.8 39 58.06 100 Hillside 3.5 5.9 187 27.9 0 20.26 4176.6 40 59.8 100 Angus Glens 1.7 9.6 196 27.5 27.5 24.19 3982.9 58.1 Note: The greatest variance between the geographic areas has been highlighted using GREEN for the most positive and RED for the least positive Other variances between the geographic areas have been highlighted by using YELLOW for the highest numbers/ percentages and BLUE for the lowest. *Source: SNS LOCAL PROFILING – SOME EXAMPLES ECONOMY Area Total School Leaver School Leaver School School Leaver School Leaver Claimant Claimant Destinations Destinations Leaver Destinations Destinations Population: Destinations Positive Claimant Count Count Rate Working Age mid-year Total leaver Count Rate Rate Female: Total no Population: Higher Further Employment Unemployed estimates 2013 Number of Training : destination: Total: Male: (Not business mid-year Education : Education 2012/2013 and seeking School 2012/2013 2012/13 (Not (Not seasonally sites : estimates 2013 2012/2013 : 2012/2013 % employment adjusted) leavers : % % seasonally seasonally 2014 % % % or training: adjusted) adjusted) 2013M07 2012/2013 2012/2013 2013M07 2013M07 % % % % Scotland 5,327,700 63.08 52,611 36.5 27.8 6.3 20.9 7.1 90.0 *3.8 *5.2 *1.9 197,925 Angus 116,240 59.17 1,070 38.5 30.9 3.8 21.1 4.5 92.7 2.9 3.9 2.0 4,350 Monifieth West 2880 54.58 30 46.7 13.3 3.3 16.7 16.7 82.8 1.5 2.2 0.8 25 Monifieth East 4737 50.58 51 58.8 13.7 0 23.5 3.9 96 1.2 1.3 0.3 115 Carnoustie West 5106 59.07 45 33.3 33.3 6.7 17.8 6.7 82.2 2.9 4 1.8 105 Carnoustie East 5476 54.99 48 50 22.9 6.3 20.8 0 97.9 1.3 1.7 0.8 145 Monikie 4823 59.34 40 22.5 40 5 32.5 0 97.5 1.3 1.8 0.5 175 South Angus 6902 60.79 55 56.4 14.5 5.5 21.8 0 92.5 1.1 1.7 0.2 225 Arbroath Keptie 3725 56.48 36 41.7 30.6 2.8 25 0 100 2.8 3.8 1.6 90 Arbroath Harbour 4730 63.28 38 18.4 42.1 2.6 31.6 5.3 94.6 8.2 12.3 4.2 325 Arbroath Kirkton 5325 58.48 42 26.2 45.2 2.4 19 4.8 90.5 3.4 4.4 2.3 140 Arbroath Cliffburn 4922 59.18 56 32.1 44.6 5.4 8.9 8.9 83.9 5.7 7.4 4.1 50 Arbroath Warddykes 4786 60.97 42 26.2 50 2.4 11.9 4.8 92.7 6.4 8.5 4.5 55 Letham and Glamis 5522 59.04 52 51.9 26.9 0 17.3 3.8 94.2 1.2 0.8 1 320 Kirriemuir Landward 2758 60.88 30 40 16.7 0 36.7 6.7 93.3 1.5 1.7 0.3 155 Forfar West 4762 58.15 39 43.6 33.3 5.1 7.7 7.7 92.3 3.1 3.7 2.4 90 Forfar Central 4961 59.97 50 22 56 4 10 4 88 5.2 6.4 4.2 255 Forfar East 3968 57.21 39 64.1 17.9 0 7.7 5.1 89.7 2.4 3 1.8 160 Lunan 2894 61.09 25 28 24 8 32 4 88 2.1 2 2.1 145 Friockheim 7237 64.07 74 29.7 27 2.7 36.5 2.7 93.2 1.6 2.3 0.9 415 Kirriemuir 6112 57.4 73 45.2 24.7 5.5 21.9 2.7 93.2 2.5 3.5 1.2 170 Montrose South 5664 62.01 35 14.3 54.3 2.9 20 8.6 94.3 4.7 6.4 2.8 295 Montrose North 4750 60.93 38 39.5 31.6 7.9 18.4 2.6 94.7 2.4 3.1 1.7 145 Brechin East 3237 60.95 33 33.3 39.4 6.1 15.2 6.1 97 6 8.4 3.2 75 Brechin West 3600 58.36 48 27.1 33.3 2.1 29.2 8.3 93.8 2.9 3.8 1.8 200 Hillside 3746 58.06 28 53.6 10.7 3.6 28.6 3.6 100 1.2 1.9 0.3 185 Angus Glens 3617 59.8 29 55.2 20.7 6.9 17.2 0 100 1.4 1.7 0.8 295 Note: The greatest variance between the geographic areas has been highlighted by using GREEN for the most positive and RED for the least positive Other variances between the geographic areas have been highlighted by using YELLOW for the highest numbers/percentages and BLUE for the lowest.
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