- s NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST GENERAL CONFERENCE Coming and (Joing in .New ?Jork .Harbor! God's Battle in Beautiful Japan Mrs. Walter Sukut July 15, 1954 Page 7 l?age 2 BAPTIST HERALD July 15, 1954 l?age 3 CONFERENCES AND ,1.,..... e S.S. Lesson in j!/tJf:tOJY ASSEMBLIES \~::."·:~{~ .t: · By Rev. B. JACKSTEIT, Anaheim, Calif. July 19- 25-Central Sask. and Alberta -,.,.. Children's Camp at Elk water Lake, Alberta. Miss Ruth Bath­ A LESSON PLAN THE MARK OF SINCERITY auer. AND DEEP DESIRE (vv. 5- 8). Date: J uly 25, 1954 July 18- 25-Alberta Triunion Young 1. The "casual asking of a casual People's Camp (Senior ) at Sylvan Them e: GROWING THROUGH mind" is not enough. Lake, Alberta. R ev. J. C. G u nst PRAYER AND MEDITATION 2. R eal prayer is hard wor k and a nd R ev. E . P . Wahl. Vol. 32 No.14 SCR IPTURE: Luke 11 :1- 1:3'; Philip­ demands application and per sistence. July 19-25-Manitoba Boys' Camp at pians 4:6- 7. July 15, 1954 V. THE WILLINGNESS TO PUT Lake Dauphin Camp, Manitoba, What Are You Thinking? PURPOSE: To teach us how to pray FEET UNDER OUR P R AYERS Rev. Daniel Fuchs. more effectively. AND TO DO AS WE P RAY July I9-August !-Saskatchewan Tr i­ • GETTING STARTED: "More things (v. 4). union Assemblies (Senior and UR THOUGHTS P LAY an important role in determining the are wrought by prayer than this world Junior Camps) at E cho L ak e, course ,of events for each day and in shaping our characters for l. To pray for something that we Cover . .. ... ... .... .... U.S. L ines dreams of." Of that there can be no our selves would be unwilling fo do is Sask. Rev. Richard Sch ilk e, Sen­ Oyears to come. They assume a far greater importance than we "Coming and Going in N ew York question! "A constant . m iracle to nullify our prayer s and to shackle ior Camp (J uly I9- 25). Harbo r !" takes place hourly in the hearts of men the han ds of G od. July 21 - 25- Southern Conference at are often willing to admit. " Th e S.S. Lesson in Action" and women who have discovered that Rev. Ber thold J acksteit . 2 2. Prayer must be backed up by a Immanuel Baptist Church, K yle, Mrs. Luther M. Cole of Coral Gables, Fla., writes about a college Cditorial prayer supplies them with a steady consecrated and holy life. Texas. D r. F rank H. Woyke, Mr. " What Arc You Th inking?" .. ... .. 3 flow of sustaining power in their lives and Mrs. Walter Grosser. pr ofessor of hers who had this quotation on his desk: "You are not " God·s \Vor d for Me!" Rev. Isador Faszer 4 .. Vlhen we pray, we link ourselves Applying the Lesson: July 26- August I-Man itoba Girls' what you think you are; but what you think, you are!" God's Word with the inexhaustible motive power " T welve Faces at Our Bible School" Camp at L ake Dauphin Camp, has underscored this truth. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Mrs. Lois Ahrens . .. 6 that spins the universe." So writes Dr. 1. It has sometimes been charged Manitoba. Miss Bern ice Stober, " God's Battle in Beautiful Japan " Alexis Carrel, and countless is t he that prayer is nothing m ore t han Emerson expressed this inescapable fact of life in this way: "A man auto- suggestion, a mere talking to India n Teacher. Mrs. Walter Sukut . .. number of t hose who would endorse is what he thinks about all day." The realization of this sobering truth " N ew Edifice Dedicated , Kelown a , B. C." ourselves. How would you refute July 28-August I-Pastors' Confer­ Miss Ro~e L esch ert . 8 his ever y word. must lead each one of us to pray with the Psalmist: "Search me, 0 "Prayer is the Christian's vital such a char ge? ence at Seminary Buildings, Sioux "New San ctuary for P ortland's Trinity Falls, South Da kota. Chur ch" breath," says a well known hymn. And 2. How importan t is prayer to the God, and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts." Mrs. Melvin Becker . 9 it's true. Without prayer no Christian spiritual life of a church? Why? July 31-A ugust 7-California Assem­ "A Baptist Chaplain in G ermany" can flourish spiritually. If he would bly at H ume L ake, California. Our times demand so much activity from each of us and such Chaplain Leslie P. Albus . .. .. 10 grow, he must pray. And if he would A LESSON PLAN Miss R uth Bathauer. constant hurrying about that any time for thinking and meditation " Church Extension Campaign " . 11 have prayer supply him "with a steady What's Happening . .. .. 12 Date: August 1, 1954 August I - 6- British Columbia CBY is almost completely crowded out. We shall not be able to turn back CBY and SS Herald News . .. ... 13 flow of sustaining power," he must and SS Union Camp at Ocean t he clocks of time or to slow down the pace of life, but we can and THE HOUSE ON P ARNASSUS pray aright. Thus prayer that makes Them e: CHRISTIAN WORSHIP AND Park, B. C. Rev. Lawren ce Bie­ Chapter Four .. .. ..... .. .... 14 for growth must have the following FELLOWSHIP nert. must take more time for reflective thinking. Our souls need it, and Pastors' Confer ence . ... .. 16 elements in it. SCRIPTURE: Acts 2:46-47; Colos­ our peace of m ind requires it. Reports from the Field . .17 sians 3: 12- 17; Hebrews 10:23-25. CHANGES OF ADDRESS May Contributions . .. .. .... ... 22 Developing th e Th eme: Give more time to quiet thought. Think God's thoughts after him. Obitua ries . .. .... .. ... .. 23 PURPOSE: To show that Christians R ev. Berthold Jacksteit I. THE ASSURANCE THAT PRAYER Lay m en's Confe r en ce . ..... ... .... 24 need to worship and fellowship to­ I4372 Reynolds Drive Reflect on the wonders of his guidance in your life. Marvel at his IS POSSIBLE AND MEANING­ gether. Anaheim, California FUL. matchless love and grace for you. Open the pages of his Word and let GETTING STARTED : Two young 1. That God hears and answers Rev. Her ber t Schauer them start a train of thought in your souls that will reveal his hand • people were converted in a great re­ prayer and that men can, therefore, Turtle Lake, North Dakota every step of the way in your life! vival campaign conducted by one of pray-that is the assurance that under­ Bi- weekly P ublication of the America's foremost evangelists. Some lies all that Jesus said about prayer Our thinking should be geared to lofty and uplifting truths so ROGER WILLIAMS PRESS (vv. 9- 10). time later they looked up a minister tc make arrangements for their mar­ that all petty, mean, ignoble thoughts are scattered like the darkness 3734 Pay ne A ve., Cleveland 14, 0 \1 lo 2. To be vital and enriching, their 2. Likewise, we, too, must be as­ r iage. Among other things, the pas­ before the light of a new day! That kind of disciplined thinking, that Martin L. Leuschner, D.D., Editor ::; ured that prayer is not merely talk­ tor asked them whether they were worship must have these elements: is led of the Holy Spirit, will begin to open for us some of the great ing to ourselves, but that it goes places Christians. Their response was that (a) A place set aside for t he wor­ Rev. E. J . Baumgartner, Business and is heard and answered. Other­ they had been saved in this revi val ship of God (Acts 2:46a). mysteries of God's revelation to us." "O the depth of the riches both Manager wise it is useless to pray. campaign. Then the pastor asked (b) A spirit of praise and thanks­ of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his II. THE CONFIDENCE THAT GOD them what church they were now af­ giving (Acts 2:47a; Col. 3:17b). judgments, and his ways past finding out! For who hath known the filiated with and w hether they at­ (c) Continual attention to t he Word CAN BE TRUSTED TO GIVE US mind of the Lord?" (Romans 11 :33-34.) We need to be students of the THE BAPTIST HERALD is a publicatioti THAT WHICH IS GOOD (vv. 11- tended its services regularly. In sur­ of God (Col. 3:16). of the North A merican Baptist General prise they looked at th e pastor and (d) Loyalty to the great truths of Conference with headquarters at 730a Mad­ 13; Matt. 7:11). Word and saints in disciplined thinking before we can probe all the ison St., Forest Parl<, Illinois. It a lso main­ 1. God always answers in love and said, "We don 't want to belong to any the Gospel (Heb. 10:23). tains an active membership in the _'\sso­ wonders of the mind of the Lord. ciated Church Press. for our good. church and we don't have time to ( e) Opportunity for wholehear ted attend church services. We accepted participation (Col. 3:16c). SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $3.00 a year to 2. Therefore we can pray with com­ The outcome of this will be that we shall open our minds to the any address in the United S tates or Canada Christ because we wanted to go to (f) The services must speak to the plete confidence, certain that God will wisdom of God so that he can guide our thoughts and increase our -$2.50 a year for churches under the Club heaven." Granted that we all want needs of the worshipers (Col.
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