Issued Wesklr, Cnuied aa Heeond^lu* Matter at the Tost- efflee at Bear Bank. H, J, *nd*r the *•» «l Mann Id. 1171. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1925. $1.5i) PER YEAR the people of the town better access THE SAME OLD CHARLEY. LICKED INTO CONFESSING, A PARK FOR RED BANK. to the river was a great benefit USINESS IN NEW HANDS. FLOWER SHOW THIS WEEK NEW COMMUNITY HOUSE. AN OLD-TIME There was .applause after each Champlin and His Company Play to V speech and applause when the ordi- OHN E. TAYLOR BUYS OUT NNUAL DISPLAY AT ARMdRY Record Breaking Crowdi. RIVER PLAZA HAS SUCH A NEWA8K > THIEF DIVORCES THE TOWN DECIDES TO BUY Charles K. Champlin axid his rep- COLTS tyjW THAT;HE 'STOLE, THE LYCEUM PROPERTY. nance^ was unanimously carried. HIS EMPLOYER TOMORROW' AND FRIDAY. PROSPECT IN STORE. GIFT FROI^ ABROAD,^ Councilman J. Birdsall.Pharo was ertoire stock company played to Ho Toojc/a PwiktApik with 994 I* Ordinance, to Expend' |28,B0O for absent. The mayor and clerk w.ero The Wholeulo and Retail Soft Wont le the Horticultural So. record breaking crowds at the Fal- The Community Club of That Place Edward Smith Formerly tl*eVtff ace theater last week. People were " It from Itf n,ard..Wtl.l»'., R««- Buying and Improving the Prop, authorized to buy the property and Drink and Barerage Buiinei* of eiety't Fault If Ij! Iin't tho Big- Voted to Co Ahead With the Pro- England and Last Weak H*(>R geit and Btsl Flower Show Ever turned away nearly every night. ,»W, B.90& «B4 » Mil-Mr E««Ulnf arty Want Through-With Flying the newly' created* dock and park J. I. Monikjr Changed Owntnhip ject at a Meeting at MM. Charlei ceived from Hii SUter Th«r« i Train'of'Incidents Ensued. / Colors at Mpnd'ay'«' Meeting. committee of the council was au- Last Thundajr Morning. Held Here^-Some Innoratloni. On Thursday night, when tht( play Brenker's Lait Week. Ancient History of That CoOntr The town of Red Bank will buy thorized to ippnd (8,500 to improve J. I. Mpnsky last week sold his Tomorrow and Friday will be big of "The Fool" was given, fully 800 .River Plaza will probably have a ,JA 6us'wjth £7 people from New- persons were unable to get seats Edward Smith of Colt's Nflalt'ta wit In It' itopped In front of Ber- from Daniel H. Cook the lyceum the property. The committee con- ift drink and beverage wholesale days at the armory at Red Bank. community house before next sum- woek receivod from his sister, JML property fronting ^n the river. This sists of Robert S. Johnson, Eugene nd retail business on East Front They are the dates for the 20th an- and went away disappointed. Char- mer. If the plans of the Commun- Emma Smith of-London, England 'nard Welsh'! roadside booth on the street, near Broad street, to John ley enacted ithe role of a minister state highway east of Middletown wai decided Monday night when an M. Magee and J. Daniel Tullcr. ual exhibition of flowers, fruits 5 ity club of that, place do not mla- a very ancient history of Engjar" ordinance providing for buying and Taylor, who has been employed md vegetables of the Monmouth that night and did it well. The carry the 'building will be started Mr. Smith Is a native of that «o village Sunday morning. Moit of >y him 28 years. Tho sale was audiences were as appreciative as them bought thlngf at Mr. Welsh's Improving tht,property,as a public THE.SCHOOL 'ENROLLMENT. ounty horticultdral society. this fall. Thq club is composed of try and ho came to America' park passed its final reading with- node last Wednesday and Mr. Tay- The society intends to make the they were large. Mr. Champlin has women, who in various ways for years ago. For a number of booth,'' Shortly alter tfcoy left, Mr. not' only retained all his old-time Welsh noticed that a purs* contain- out a dissenting vote and without a Four Less Pupil* at Red Bank Than or toopk possession Thursday. Sir. how the biggest am} best they have several years past have been raising he lived at Marlboro. protesting voice being raised among was the Case Last Year. Monsky bought the business 28 iver held and from present indica- popularity in his home town but he money for tho new building. Some ing $64 and'two'checks was miss- has added to it. The spectators The book has been in the posse, ing. He renumbered that theth. t large gathering qf cltltens at The enrollment of pupils at the ears agofrom Gobrge R. Lamb & ions they will succeed. ' The show time ago they\ acquired a lot on sion of the Smith family hundrei the meeting. .The property com- 3o. The building: where the busl- rill be divided into four classes of welcomed every opportunity to ap- West Front street.at River Plaza as driver of the bus had been standing Red Bank public schools is, prac- plaud him. of years. It has been u custom wjl in the booth near where the purse prises an acre and a quarter of land ticalfy the samo as last year, the' less is located is. owned. by J. J. ompetitions—those .for prof ession- a site for the community building. the family to give the book to tho1 had been in r counter and he sus- and a large building which was for- total number being 2,192 as against Hogan of Washington. At one time ils, those for amateurs, those for Mr. Champlin had one play which A special meeting of the club was youngest member of each ge» pected the driver of having stolen merly used as a theater. The ordi- a total of '2,196 last year.: There The; Bed'Bank Eeglster was pub- Children "and those open to all. was entitled "The Best People/' He held at Mrs. Charles Brenker's last lion arid because of this fact the money. nance provides 120,000 'for buying are 1,1,15 boys and 1,077 girls,,Last lished in this building. Chere will be a total of 230,classes, wanted to change this name because .week and it was at this meeting that Smith was entitled to own the hoi> it did not seem exactly appropriate the property and f8,600 for im- year; there were 1,112 boys and Mr. Taylor has been employed in kll exhibits must be at the'armory it was voted to go ahead with the He did not bring it with him, -ho\% , A state trooper came along and and he offered a prize of $10 to the : Mr, Welsh told hi» suspicions'to the proving It 1,084 girls. The enrollment for he soft drink and beverage busl- iy noon tomorjow. ' The judging clubhouse project. -The finance ever, when ho came to this country this year is as follows: tess thirty years,' he having worked rill start at noon and it will be •person suggesting the best title. committee of the club was instruct- and his sister, mindful of the trooper, The officer found the There was no mistaking the sen' Aboult 300 replies were received driver and the other folks of the , "•'".'"', /• '• 1825 1924leven years for George R. Lamb & .completed by three o'clock, 'at ed to make an investigation and a family custom, sent it to him. timent of the meeting. ]t was en- Senior Muh school .......... 487" JO! Jo. before the business was bought which time the show will be opened and the winner of the prize was report as to the cost of the new Despite its great age the booie'wlj' party .At Oliver Holton's zoological tirely favorable to the park project. Junior high school .......... 801 648 Miss Gladys Hayward of Pinckney park, which Is near the booth. The g iy Mr. Monsky. The business is .one to the public. building. The clubhouse will be- In a good stats of preservation, Tttg' The meeting was largely attended Mechanla street schc-Dl 250 if the*largest of its kind in the A new department of/the fair road, who suggested the name of large enough for dancing, for bas- pages are yellow and in other drivor was searched by the trooper, by members of the Lions club. This Oakland street aehool ....... 223 Shrewsbury< avenue school-... 217. ounty. Soft drinks of various kinds will be contests for table decora- 'Idle Youth." This w.sek Mr. ketball games, for parties and other time worn, but all but two j but the misting money was not club took the lead in advocating the Champlin and his company found. The driver, seemed to be River Itreet -school '., 884 are' sold, many of them b6ing\im. tions. The tables are to seat four social functions and for community of them are intact. On one of the* park. Edwin B. Conover, one of Beeeh itreet. school 140 orted goods from Europe: and o six persons and they^will be pro- playing at Oneonta, New York. gatherings. It will be built in such 'very indignant and he made threats tht members of the club, waa per- 5 pages, is a notation made by Mr.! Totals .....2,192 2,198 taia. A complete stock of domestic vided by the horticultural society. There : is no truth in the story a manner that it can readily be en- Smith when ho was fifteen years'old fit taking legal action against Mr.
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