i\ A Knowl Commercial Real Estate Experts R New York Commercial Real Estate Deals - January 2012 Below you will fin d a summary of all th e New York City comme rcial real estate deals do ne for t he mo nth of January 2012. The deals wi t hin are listed fromlargest t o smallest in square feet leased or purchased. All below has been compiled fr om various news outle ts such as; The Real Deal and The Commercial Observer. Address I Sq . ft. [Tenant ILandlord IDetails 1 Worl d Trade Center 300,000 Chadbourne & Parke Port Authority of New York and New Jer Tara Stacom of Cushma n & Wakefield represent edd the Port Au 2 Penn Plaza 225,000 Informati on Builder s Varna do Inform ati on Build ers renew ed it s lease in the bu ild ing fo r 330 Ma dison Aven ue 186,000 Guggenhe im Partners Varnado Realt y Trust Guggenheim was repped by Peter Hennessy, pre sident of (ass 1 Worl d Trade Center 133,000 Conde ' Nast The Durst Organization and the Por t Au ACBRE team led by t he company's New York-area CEO Ma ry Ann 3 Columbus Cir cle 124,760 Young & Rubicam Group/ M . Tighe, G. Tosko Sl Green; The Mo inian Gro up/J. Kuhn, S. The adve rti sing firm signed a 20-year lease for floors nine 488 Ma dison Avenue 107,308 TBWA Worl dwide The Feil Organ ization Brian Feil and David Tur ino repre sented the Feil Organizat i 1740 Broadway 100,000 Limit ed Brands Inc./ M . Tighe, E. Deut sch Varna do/Represente d in-house The apparel company signed an expansio n lease fo r flo ors 14 205 Hudson Street 95,000 Hunt er College Trinit y Real Est at e Hunt er College signed a 15-year lease f or the space fo r its 1633 Broadway 86,000 Digital Generat ion Paramou nt Gro up CBRE represented both sides in the deal. 1 Met ro Tech Center 77,000 Ame rican Transit Insurance Co. For est City Rat ner Cassidy Turley brok er Brian Wel d rep ped the t enant . Jones 450 West 15t h Street 75,000 inVent iv Healt h Ste llar Management Paul Mye rs and Mi ke Movs hovich, bro kers at CBRE, repp ed inV 175 Varick St 75,000 WeWork/Sean Black, Jones Lang LaSalle Ext ell Development/M . Myers , E. Meye r, The provide r of office space and comm unity wo rk space signe 350 Fifth Ave( Empire State Bid 70,000 Human Right s Watch/B. Waterman, I. Bank,W &H PropertiesjW. Cohen, R. Kass, Newm The nonprofit signed a lease rene wal and expansio n for part 1440 Broadway 67,000 Liz Claiborne Mon day Properties Newmark Knight Frank's New York-area president David Falk a 1345 Avenue of the Ame ricas 60,000 Ion Trading Allianz{sublan dlord) Fisher Brothers(1 Jones Lang LaSalle rep resent ed Ion tra ding . Asking rent f o 200 Fifth Aven ue 57,69 1 Tiffany & Co./M. Steir, M . Barlow, Studl L&lholdingj Represent ed in-house The jewel ry company signed an expansion lease fo r an extr a 40 Wall Street 54,500 Duane Reade The Trump Organization Joseph Artu sa and Thoma s M urray of Lincol n Propert ies rep re 112 We st 34th St 52,274 Regus/ M . Ravesloot, W. Iacovell i, CBRE W &H Pro perti es/ M . Ark in, K. Mek les, H. The off ice workspace prov ider signed a lease on the 17th an MetroTech 50,000 Deut sche Bank JP Morgan Chase Jones Lang LaSalle represent ed Ken Siegel and Pet er Riguard 140 William Street 50,000 Pace University Crikos LLC New mark Knight Frank's David Falk and Kyle Cimi nelli repres 200 Ma dison Ave 50,000 Garan Incorporat ed/ J. Saunders, N. Flagg nfa The Wa rren-Buffett-own ed clothing compa ny signed a 10-year Starett-Lehigh Build ing 47,000 Dent su M cGarry Bowen RXR Realt y CBRE execut ives David Hollander and Sacha Zarba repped Dent 236 We st 27th St 45,130 Fashion Inst it ut e of Technology/ Grant Gr Jonathan Rosen/P err y Mesn er, Collier s The scho ol signd a lease, the New York Post reported. 666 Third Avenue 45,000 Europea n Union Tishman Speyer Gregory Conen, an in-house leasing rep w it h Tishman Speyer, The Chrysler Build ing 43,000 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Cente r Tishman Speyer Mark We iss, vice chai rman of Newmark Knight Frank, rep resen 40 Wall Street 36,92 1 The Harry Fox Agency Inc. The Trump Organization Greg Taubin of Studley represented the Harry Fox Agency in 15 Me tro Center 35,145 The New Jersey Nets Visitin g Nurse Healt h Care System Cushman & Wake field chairma n of global brokerage Bruce Mos t 641 Sixth Ave 31,500 Infor/ B. Mo sler, A. Rappaport, C&W Atla s Capita l Gro up/P. Turchin, G. Rot The business appl icatio n software com pany signed a lease fo 485 Lexington Ave nue 27,996 Fidelit y National Title insurance Co. SL Green l eon Manoff, vice chair man w ith Coll iers Int ernational, alo 463 Seventh Ave nue 24,00 0 Consolidate d Children 's Apparel Inc. The Arsenal Compa ny Jospeh Friedm an of Adams & Co. Real Estate handled the leas 888 Seventh Ave nue 24,000 Lone St ar Varnado An in-house team of bro kers repre sente d Varnado in the deal 1407 Broad way 23,700 Kellw ood Co. 1407 Broadway Nico la Heryet and Stephen Bellw ood of Cassidy Turley repres 149 Fifth Aven ue 22,476 Eurasia Gro up 149 Fift h Avenue Corp . Newma rk Knight Frank executi ve Nick Berger rep resented Eura 630 Third Avenue 21,000 Rubin, Fior ella & Friedman At co Properties & Management CBRE execut ives Richard Levine, Mi chael Rizzo and Andrew Su Starett-Lehigh Build ing 21,000 Tommy Hilfiger RXR Realt y Tommy Hilfiger was rep resented by Matthew Astrac han of Jane 245 Park Ave 20,700 Skandi navisk a Enskilda Banken/ A. Schreie Brookfield Office Properties/Represent The Nordic financial company signed a long-t erm lease. 120 West 45t h Street 19,397 DeVry College of New York SL Green Erica Rubenstein of Newmark Knight Frank repre sented DeVry 505 Eighth Ave 18,060 Common Groun d/M. Furst, D. Lebenst ein, C Newmark Holdi ngs/ E. Gural, A. Gurevi ch The nonprofit signed a 10-year lease on the fift h an d 12t h 28 West 44th Street 17,773 Crew Cuts Inc./ Rob Silve r, New mark Knigh APF Pro pert ies/ D. Rosen bloom , J. Fales The com mercial and film post-p roducti on com pany signed a Ie 655 Thir d Ave nue 16,000 Brahm an Capita l Durst Organizat ion Eric Engelhar dt and Karen Kuznick of t he Dur st Organizatio n 519 Eighth Ave 16,000 Skanska Railwor ks Joint Venture/T ed Spie n/a /S. Kauf man, B. Raskob, Kaufman Or The co nstruction development company signed a five-yea r lea 160 Fifth Ave 15,173 TheSimon s Foundat ion/ P. Hennessy, W. M il RFR/ A. Chud noff, M . Konsker, J. Toot el The nonprofit signed an expan sion lease fo r the entire seco 261 Fifth Aven ue 14,047 Tumi Inc. The Feil Organizat ion Tumi expan ded from 9,735 square feet t o 14,047 square feet. 1465 Fifth Ave 12,484 Harlem Children 's Zone/ M . Gor man Site * Developers Equiti es LLC/ n/a The nonp ro fit signed a long-t erm lease fo r three floor s. 350 Seventh Ave 11,850 Augme Technol ogies/ M . Sevillano , CiOkada Benstein Real Est at e The tech no logy firm signed a lease. 505 Eighth Avenue 11,500 Biddl e Sawyer Jeff Gural Dan Segal, a broker at the real estate services firm Newmar 34 West 33rd St 11,250 Accessory Innovat ions LLC/ M ichael Beyd a, Arcade Building Associate s/ D. l evy, B. The childrens appare l and accessory maker signed a 13-year 5 Columb us Circle 11,000 Riverside Associate s/ JFW Realt y Corp. Jeffrey Rosenb latt , new mark Knight Fra The psycho logist signed a lease for th e entire 10th floor. 151 West 26t h St to,500 T. Schreiber Studio &Theater/M. Furst, Abner Pro perti es/ Lou is Prisco Collie rs The acti ng school Signed a 10-year lease renew al and expans 10 Hudson Square 9,715 Jen Kao/ M ichael Schoen , Savitt Part ners Trinity Real Est at e The fashio n designer signed a 10- year lease, t he new York 253 West 35t h St 9,00 1 Amida Care Inc./ Allen Gurevich Newmark K Shul sky Propert ies/ A. Bonett, N. Zagar The no nprof it signed a five-year lease. The repor t ed askin 444 Ma dion Aven ue 9,000 AWA5 We stbrook Partners CBRE bro kers Paul Am rich and Kerry Pow ers represen te d the I 64 West 48t h Street 9,000 Document Technologies M uss Development Erica Rubenst ein of Newmark Knight Frank rep resented DeVry 600 Ma di son Ave 8,886 Falcon Edge Court/A. Chudnoff, D.
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