7608 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 27, 1999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING THE BERLIN AIRLIFT NORTHWEST INDIANA HISPANIC High School; Alfonso Vargas IV, Morton High GRATITUDE FOUNDATION COORDINATING COUNCIL CELE- School; and Benjamin Ybarra, Clark-Whiting BRATES ITS 11TH ANNUAL BAN- High School. QUET The Council will also present the President’s HON. SONNY CALLAHAN Award to Lou and Stella Torres. Leonor Velasquez will receive the Cesar Chavez Ex- OF ALABAMA HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY OF INDIANA emplary Service Award. The Outstanding IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Family Award will go to Ralph and Thelma Mora. Michael Lopez of East Chicago, Indi- Tuesday, April 27, 1999 Tuesday, April 27, 1999 ana, will receive the Community Service Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, on Friday, Award for his dedication and contributions to Mr. CALLAHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to April 30, 1999, numerous outstanding His- Northwest Indiana. Finally, the Humanitarian pay tribute to the Berlin Airlift Gratitude Foun- panics from Indiana’s First Congressional Dis- Service Award will go to the following organi- dation. trict will be honored for their notable contribu- zations: Ameritech, Asociacion Benefica Hijos The Berlin Airlift began on June 26, 1948. tions to Northwest Indiana. Several Hispanic De Borinquen, National Conference of Puerto Hostilities increased between the Soviets and students from local high schools as well as in- Rican Women, and the Puerto Rican Parad the western Allies over access to the city of dividuals and community organizations will be and Cultural Committee of Northwest Indiana. Berlin. As a result, the Soviets denied Berlin recognized at the Northwest Indiana Hispanic Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues all access to the western portion of the city Coordinating Council’s 11th Annual Banquet. to join me in applauding all of the award re- that was controlled by the American, British, The Hispanic Coordinating Council consists of cipients chosen by the Northwest Indian His- and French forces. Automobile and railroad several organizations that have committed panic Coordinating Council. All of these indi- transportation, as well as any water traffic, themselves to improving the quality of life for viduals are most deserving of the Honors be- was prohibited leaving the 2.2 million residents the Hispanic residents of Northwest Indiana as stowed upon them. Moreover, I would like to of West Berlin helpless. well as providing an effective avenue for pro- commend the Northwest Indiana Hispanic Co- moting Hispanic interests and their shared cul- ordinating Council for committing itself to the In response, the western Allies took flight in tural heritage. preservation of the Hispanic culture. Without an effort to airlift food, fuel, raw materials, and The students who will receive awards for the contributions of Hispanic-Americans, the other supplies to the hopeful citizens of Berlin. Outstanding Academic Achievements include: rich, diverse, ethnically flavored culture of These deliveries soon began reaching 500– Guillermo Amezcua, Clark High School; Crys- Northwest Indian would not be complete. 700 tons a day in the summer of 1948, and tal Bannister, Calumet High School; Alejandro f continued to expand throughout the 322-day Barraza, Thornton Fractional South; Patricia blockade of Berlin. Persistence paid off as the Campos, Andrean High School; Veronica IN HONOR OF THE BAYONNE FAM- Soviets lifted the land and water blockade on Delgado, East Chicago Central High School, ILY YMCA AND THIS YEAR’S May 12, 1949, ending the dreadful blockade. Adriana Dominguez, Whiting High School; An- HONOREE, BAYONNE CHIEF OF It is not surprising that the airlifts continued gela Espinoza, Indiana Academy; Nicholas POLICE, FRANK PAWLOWSKI even after the blocked ended in an effort to Ferrer, Munster High School, Leonarda build supplies for the needy Berliners. Gajardo, Bishop Noll High School, Esteban HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ The Berlin Airlift Gratitude Foundation and Gonzalez, Emerson School of Visual and Per- OF NEW JERSEY its director, Mr. Heinz-Gerd Reese, have for forming Arts; Melissa Hernandez, Morton High IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the past 50 years preserved the memory and School; Linda Hinojosa, Merrillville High Tuesday, April 27, 1999 achievements of the Allies keeping Berlin free School; Adriana Lopez, Hobart High School; Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today by way of the Berlin Airlift. The Berlin Airlift Samantha Martinez, Gavit High School; Cas- to recognize the Bayonne Family YMCA on its Gratitude Foundation and its members have sandra Mateo, Portage High School; Amy Seventh Annual Distinguished Service Awards provided the families of the 78 victims of the Mendoza, Lowell High School; Angela Cocktail Party and this year’s honoree Ba- Berlin Airlift with financial assistance since Monsivais, Thomas A. Edison Jr.-Sr. High yonne Police Chief Mr. Frank Pawlowski. 1959. School; Danielle Ontiveros, Valparaiso High The Bayonne Family YMCA is a nonprofit School; Eliezer Rolon, Thornton Fractional They have provided their full support in all organization that has taken the lead in ad- North; Lisa Russi, River Forest High School; Berlin Airlift reunions over the years, not only dressing the social needs of the community. Rebecca Spindler, Hanover Central Sr. High By providing essential services such as after- in Berlin, but all the bases in Germany that School; and Katharina Velez, Hammond High school programs, day care, temporary hous- supported the Berlin Airlift. They have invited School. ing, and summer day camp, the YMCA has the veterans of the Berlin Airlift to visit Berlin The students who will receive awards for provided assistance to those in need or at at their expense to commemorate the 50th Outstanding Athletic Achievements include: risk. year of the Berlin Airlift on May 9–13, 1999. Vanessa Bustos, Thornton Fractional North; Headed by Mr. Joseph Tagliareni, Chairman The highlight of the reunion will come on May John Cantu, Alex Ramos, and Mark Gonzalez, of the Child Care Program annual fundraiser, 12, 1999, which is the anniversary of the offi- Hobart High School; Rosalinda Cedano, and Mr. Alan Russotto, Chairman of the Sou- cial ending of the Berlin Airlift. Bishop Noll High School; Katherine Flores, venir Ad Journal, the Bayonne Family YMCA Through their efforts, they have honored Calumet High School; Enrique Fontanez III, will be hosting its seventh annual awards din- those who served and hopefully enlightened Portage High School; Rafael Gonzalez, Cen- ner on April 23. Each year the YMCA high- future generations on how precious freedom tral High School; Antonio Greppi, Andrean lights the accomplishments of one member of is, and the sacrifices that must be made to High School; Francisco Hernanadez, River the community for his or her dedication and achieve it. The Berlin Airlift Reunion to honor Forest High School; Paul Navarro, Merrillville exemplary leadership. This year the YMCA is the veterans of the Berlin Airlift is also a trib- High School; Cesar Rodriguez, Whiting High honoring Bayonne Police Chief Mr. Frank ute to citizens of Berlin for choosing freedom School; Nicholas Rodriguez Gavit High Pawlowski. over communism and working under very dif- School; Alfonso Salinas III, Hammond High A lifelong resident of Bayonne, Chief ficult times and conditions to make the Berlin School; Patrick Santana, Thomas A. Edison Pawlowski has committed himself to the bet- Airlift the great success that it was. Jr.-Sr. High school,; Ruben Trevino, Munster terment of the community. After serving his ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 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