.-'(. Santana, Spears win at AMA Cougars start strong, fall 64-54 page 15 page 7 THE DAILY .. ........VERG~REENwww.dailyevergreen.com Vol. 106 No. 90 A Student Publication of Washington State University since 1895 Tuesday, January 18, 2000 Presidential finalists remain undisclosed By Brye Butler The pool of candidates now will be ing individuals recommended by the search reviewed by the Board of Regents. committee. The number of candidates vying for the The list of candidates are only a "recom- Interviews are being conducted over the WSU presidential position has been nar- mendation " Goldmark said. The Board will phone and in-person at an undisclosed loca- rowed down to between two and five, but review the' committee members' selections those names still remain a mystery to the tion. Meetings are held in-state, but not in and determine the finalists. Pullman, in order to assure the confidential- rest of the WSUcommunity. Goldmark would not disclose specific Peter Goldmark, president of the Board ity of the candidates, Goldmark said. details of the quality of the pool, such as "It is secretive ... but for a reason," of Regents and chair of the presidential names where they are from, their current search committee announced during a ASWSU President Steve Wymer said. ''The positions, or how many finalists are being confidentiality is necessary in order to meeting Friday at the Lewis Alumni Centre considered. He also would not comment on t~at "the Board (of Regents) is very pleased attract candidates." race or age. WSU President Sam Smith said he went With the manner in which the search com- All candidates are from universities and ~ttee performed its duties.TThe (presiden- through a process very similar before he was hold senior administrative positions, he named president. hal) search committee submitted a list of said. There also is gender diversity within Smith does not have an active role in the HSIU-CHU CHUNG/DAILY EVERGREEN ~ecommendations to the Board of Regents the pool. Board of Regents president, In late December," he said. The Board already has started contact- See Finalists, page 3 Peter Goldmark Superhero threesome fights for scholar sanity By Matthew R. Weaver T-Bag joined the team as a cadet, then became a full- Not every university can say fledged member. they have a genuine superhero on campus, let alone three. ''They were going on one of Coman Hall is home to the their runs and I supported three newest caped crusaders their cause in every way. So I this side of Gotham City - just joined up and that's how Bagman, Bagfreak and T-Bag. it's been ever since." Clad in uniforms of plastic Members of the team have garbage bags (hence the secret identities, but were names), the trio patrols Coman unwilling to reveal them. and Scott halls to preserve ''That is simply to protect our truth, justice, the American families. Some of our friends way and scholars' sanity in the know, because we know they midst of midterms, finals and know our families and they other scholastic nuisances. won't hurt them in any way," T- "1used to be a normal college Bag said. "Others might reveal student, like the thousands of that information to some arch- wonderful people that go here," nemesis, and that could be Bagman said, making his voice detrimental to our cause." deeper to sound heroic. This band of merry men have "One night, I was stumbling dealt with some nefarious vil- around the hall, under some lains. One, Paperboy, interrupt- strange force. I stumbled into ed the interview and led the the janitorial closet. I came out gang on a merry chase. a different person, forever "He's a new breed," Bagman . changed," Bagman said. said of Paperboy. Bagfreakjoined up after see- Other foes have even gone so ing one of Bagman's earlier runs. far as to infiltrate the group. "I was visiting a friend of "Remember the copycat mine in (Coman) and I saw the Bagman?" Bagman asked the first Bagman," he said. "It was others, who responded affirma- a far cry from what you see tively before picking up the today. He had the same narrative. LORI ASSA/DAILY EVERGREEN thoughts and dreams, but (his "We thought he was one of Th~ "Bagmen" restore peace and justice to the floors of Coman H~II Friday night. These costume) was made primarily of small plastic bags and toilet unidentified superheroes also have been known to patrol other residence halls at WSU. paper." See Superheroes, page 3 -Beta Theta Pi rebuilding house, recruiting members _ By Josh DeWinter floors, along with modifications to the first floor and basement. The interior facelift of the The new rooms will have cus- ~eta Theta Pi fraternity house tom woodwork, new windows, IS almost complete and Bradyn plush carpet and ethernet LeYcle, the house president, capabilities. Couldnot be more pleased. While the house is being "The group'S really excited to refurbished, many members fh:: the house renovation have spread out to dorms and ough so' we can provide a strongerpresence here on the apartments. Communication W SU campus," Leyde said. The .and activities between the reopened Beta Theta Pi chap- newly formed group have been ter consists of an all-new mem- tough. "What it's done will bership. After being closed in bring all the guys together to 1997, the rebirth marks a his- help with a positive atmos- to"Wricmoment for the fraternity. phere and a less stressful envi- e hope this will help us ronment," said Ryan Stoyko, a at,tract the kind of guys that new member of the fraternity. WillLe best represent this house," Beta Theta Pi is currently yde said. searching for new members . The price tag :t&"c'~~nova_ through the informal rush tions, nearly $500,000, is being process, hoping soon to bring funded by donations by Beta the house back to its capacity. Theta Pi alumni. The renova- Work on the house is sched- . :.ORI EVERGREEN tion includes total reconstruc- uled to be finished at the begin- Tim Oyen, a sophomore, stands amidst the renovation of the Beta Theta Pi house on Monday tion of the second and third ning of-March. afternoon. Construction of the fraternity house should be completed in March. 2 THE DAILY EVERGREEN TUESDAY, JANUARY 1.8, 2000 NEWS THE BOONDOCKS by AARON MCGRUDER Today TNAT'~ Z'T?' THZ'~ Z'~ WIlY The Association for Women in Communications will meet TNAT'~ WHAT I 1: _on TO TH' WAI'W AN HooR ~MZ'ff TNi. at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Todd Hall, Room 211. Come learn about TOSEE?T"AT'~ ffl'lUlfG' COOI.O AWCand meet new people in your major. For more information, WHAT YOU SAIl) 8UY FXLM ro~ call Tara at 334-2988. WOULD MAKE yOU A Til' CiA""i.M?!!! "NEW MAN"?!T"Z'~ The Country Dance Club will meet from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. IS W\\Y I <AlLlg YOUR GREAT-<JNQE Tuesday. Everyone is welcome to attend. FREI! IN MEMPilIS?' Tomorrow The Pre-pharmacy Club will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday in Wegner Hall, Room G-50. Bring your application and questions for an application workshop .. For more information, call Wendy Meuler at 333-5894. Happening soon The Beta Alpha Psi Accounting Club will meet at 7 p.m. J Thursday in Todd Hall, Room 311. For more information, call Michelle Lashua at 333-1641. The Zeta Omega Omega Zoology Club will meet at 6 p.m. Jan. 31 in the Eastlick Hall Study Room.Anyone majoring, minoring or interested in zoologyis welcome to attend. For more information, call Kristina Janzen at 334-9391. Ongoing The deadline for enrolling in Optional Student Medical Insurance is Friday. To enroll, come to Benefits and Payroll Services in French Ad, Room 232 or call 335-1759. Sexual Information and Referral Center (SIRC) and Cougars Encouraging Alcohol Knowledge (CEAK) meet at 5:30 p.m. every Thursday in the CUB Rooms 110 and 111. For more information, call Diane Curewitz at 335-7472. Nominations for Outstanding Woman in Graduate Studies at the Ph.D. and Waster's level now are being accepted. Go to www.wsu.edu/afw to nominate an outstanding woman. The deadline for nominations is Feb. 15. For more information, call 335-5759. The YMCA Teens In Service Program is looking for volun- teers. If you like working with high school students, pick up an application at the YMCAoffice on the 3rd floor of the CUB. For more information, call 335-3915. Pullman Weather Today: Partly Cloudy High 36, Low 28 Torriorrow: Showers High: 39 Low: 26 Thursday: Rain & Snow High: 34 Low: 24 THE Editor: Vicki Rothrock [email protected] DAILY EVERGREEN Assistant Editor: Marcus Michelson [email protected] P.O. Box 642510; Pullman, WA 99164 Assistant Editor: Ryan Ford [email protected] The Daily Evergreen is the official student publica- Assistant Editor for Sports: Chris Chancellor tion of Washington State University, operating [email protected] under authority granted to the Board of Student Photo Editor: Kevin German Publications by the WSU Board of Regents. [email protected] Responsibilities for establishing news and adver- Online Editor: Terry J. Mullinax tising policies and deciding issues related to con- [email protected] tent rest solely with the student staff. The editor Advertising Manager: Rebecca Andrews and advertising manager provide reports to the [email protected] Board of Publications at its monthly meetings. Graphics Manager: Monica Southmayd The governing ~Statement of Policies and [email protected] Operating Bylaws" is available at SP's administra- Production Manager: Kelly Brown tive offices in Room 113, Murrow Building.
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