MIYATA.THE RIGHT FRAME OF REFERENCE. ..' ,, ' ~ ® - ~ torch.Jf f.li9 Gsnc;,entrationis f.ost'Jor a threemodels "Yl[IJeature the two mc;1jor ···to "i OJT\pensatefor greaterstress on the l'flO"mentor.. tv.ro, t_t)ej0iFt r'cot1fci·oe QVe r­ advantagesof aluminum- thatof being c~ain-ring side of the frame. Forward heat~dt:\y a a~ree or.two. Ilie •result is dramaticall!{lighter and stifferthan con­ looRtng.Eorward thinking . A direction a jointtlesl J!'ledtq fail. That s.? .n'.thappen ventionalmetal .s:i8ut this is notjust M_iyatatakes to quitenaturally. afi'vliyata.· Ma'ohinesan cfroijots, every another~luminum bicycle. In keepingwith hiP.4 4--- tnoveinf~lfibly"Ordaioed bt eomputers, the Miyatatradition of innovation,this is THERIGHT FINISH !*. masJ:),align an[ brazeour framesin the intrQQ~cilon of a newalloy for alumi­ re)setitfo6sperfection, And, in so doing, numbicyc1(i) tub ing. Our noo recipe Everyframe uneergoes a seven-steppro­ ' " ~ rituajisticallydestrw the hand-crafted permitsthese frames to be weldedwith cess to hide arroqr good works.First its roY.111pem_§tt,Jated by frame makers who noa,ppreciabte Joss in tube strength. polishedand treatedw1ih zinc phosphate to improvepaint adliesLo:nand to elimi­ . !!lhave fai1ed to make a commitmentto Thusaltowrng a verycompetitive racing -~vanceGImethods of manufacturing. machineto be very competitivelypriced . nate rusting.1he framei~ paintetf, ':!sing the latestelectrostatic techn iques~ ith layersof primersand finishinglacqt.lers , ·1THE RIGHT LIGHT THERIGHT DIRECTION After the decals,a topcoat _ , ~• ii ii I • I iii J ,, • 1i ' - •:•·· ·-•.: - Miy~a_JooJ recognii es the_:virruesof Beyondthe introductionof Splinetubing of hard,clear acrylicis ap- ~lu~ 1nurri.Ano :tottiose ~ 0 _ha'(/ebeen and advancedaluminum and CrMo plied to add a finaldeep -~ converted..t<:>'1he ·r:iewfaith . rejoice in metallurgyis Miyata's-researchinto car- . lustre,and to profectthe 1hei0tr~ Oclion of our first(and soontwo bon-fibertubing . Varyingdes igns in tube decals,thatdeclare the intelligeni:.eof youroholt e".811 ;,?more)~lf-al Ji!roinurfibieycles . T:hey·re cross-sections(oval, square, tr iangular, .. ' oesignetl't&i5eRaft o f"Our r;;miog'lirre-tJI:;) , · etc.)to increase"strehglh and re'duoi siie; aft,suttabtefortriatha1on coi:npetitroa Alt ,,c>. , . Ameb l.ill!dJngtlie 6f-iain stay$i!f ne~ual1y ,, ' STRE NGTH RETENTION DURING BRAZING ' CHRO· 9 1% , ' THERIGHT CONCWSION MOLY I $Jow that the frameis completed,a carefully balancedset of components- • MAN• 97% ' ,,.is selectedto help it fulfillits destiny GANESE [ ' 0 Sf:limano.DiaCompe. SunTou ciNamesto .v :; • be trusted.Products proven for supefior »•,,:. HIGH 83% reliabilityand performance. TENSION . Productsthat <;\f~a~ lable on other bicycles,to be sure.But the extent to • BEFORE BRAZING kglmm' • AFTER BRAZING kglmm' whichthey're permitted lo performttie1 m,,. varjousta~ks sati~tactorJly deperids on '' -;~-1 C 10 ~ « ttie frame wh1Ghthey're attached: If ,, ,, ~- yqu'verea 'i:!ttiis fa~you can onlycon- · ._;(.•,' • ...' ) » elude that if they'reattache<:Lto ·a Miyata '• ,,, frame1. their properfunction is assvred: ',,, ' 'fA• ,' + ·,l ~ f ' ' And thatsthe rightframe of: reference. .," I l ' ~ " :--·.-·,.-., .;~-.:.:....,. .. PRORACING SERIES '-.' .: ' ; '·:: .- .' _... ,,,..... '. ...'.'. , I , ,.' _.-.-.,,, ,', ; ,.,:_,- .. ;, ,1,, -'>-_ Designed and engineered for the triathlete and com ­ PROMIYATA petitive racer alike. The Pro Miyata features a splined triple -butted Chro­ moly frame with a Suntour Sprint competition group. Aero brake levers. bald Kevlar belted tires, water bot lie with cage, toe clips and straps and tools are all included. Color : Pep ­ per Red with Yellow head tube. Frame Sizes: 50. 54, 57. 60. 63 cm. Speeds: 14 I l. ·-· ·- -----·-------~ --- -- . -~ -=--'-----=-----...-=.c Miyata's leadership in saddle, water bottle with frame technology is cage, toe clips and straps, readily apparent in this tools and rim cement are competition model. all standard equipment on Splined triple-butted tub­ the Team Miyata. Color: ing in a Chromoly frame Team Blue with Black head and front fork for added tube. Frame Sizes: 50. 52, strength without added 54, 56, 58, 60, 63 cm. weight. Shimano New Speeds: 12 Dura Ace Gruppo. Invest­ ment-cast lugs throughout. The TeamMiyata is designed to withstand the punishment of competit ive racing. A Super Turbo Racing bicycles. Hereis wherefram e geometry becomesmost critical. Thesteeply angled head tubethrusts the f rant wheelbackward. Short­ enedchain slays pull the rearwheel forward , result­ ing in a compressed wheelbasethat quickens responsetime to a heart­ beat.A framethats strong and inflexible.Designed to translateevery ounce of energythe cyclist puts into it, intovictory. Because youbelieve wi nningis everything,you hav e THfRIGHTf f Of RfffRfNCf. Oursemi-pro series offersno compromise to thosewho are very seriousabout competi­ tionor fitness.These chromolyframes are fully-luggedand finished withthe same care as our topracers. They're strong.Light weight. Re - sponsive.Yet, specifically designedto compensate forcyc listswho. though notopenly in pursuit of the YellowJersey. secretly covetentering a TinMan or two.And v,;e know helpingyou achieve your personalbest is THERIGHT FR E Of REFERENCE. Triple-butted Chromoly tubing and larger-than -normal­ diameter seat stays n1ake this the ideal bicycle for triathlon competition. Chromoly front fork, Dia Compe Aero brake levers and super hard anodized rims are just a few of the out­ standing features of the 710. Colors: Steel Blue with Yellow head tube, Pepper Red with Silver head tube. Frame Sizes: 46. 50, 54, 57.60. 63 c,11.Speeds: 12 TNATHALON .. , I COMH:IIIION IFITNESS The bicycle triathfetes every­ where prefer. Miyata's frame building technology is exemplified in the 912. This top-of-the-series model fea­ tures a splined triple -butted frame and front fork for a stronger frame without the added weight. Features include Shimano's New 600 TRIATHALON EX Groupo drive train system with a biopace chain ring, larger seat stays, triathlon saddle and bald tires for fess rolling resistance. Extras include water bottle with cage, toe clips and straps . I ',£ - -.- ..,.__ -~-- --- . // - // ' /,I I 4~ I , I - An economical triathlon-engi­ neered bicycle . Quick and responsive with a frame designed and built to with­ stand the rigors of competitive riding. Investment-cast seat lugs, 700c rims and spooned seat stays are just a few of the quality features you 'll find on this model. Colors: Dark Plat­ inum with Red head tube, Cream Teal with Silver head tube. Frame Sizes: 50, 54, 57, 60, 63 cm . Speeds: 12 / - ":.----- The stiff ride of this Miyata track bicycle makes it ideal for those just beginning com ­ petitive riding. Chromofy double-butted tubing. Man­ galight front fork and tapered seat stays combine with Sugino and Suntour compo­ nents to make the Pista an exceptional track bicycle value. And it weighs in at a scant 20 ½ lbs . Extras include tools. Color: Pearl White with Black head tube. Frame Sizes: 50, 54, 57, 60, 63 cm . TOURINGSERIES Of all the specifically designedframes, the tour­ ing frameis the greatest hallenge. It is not enough to simplyextend the fork raketo providea longer wheelbase.Ultimate per­ formancerequires exotic combinationsof angles and stresses.A touring framemust provide sta - bilitywhen burdened with gear,yet be quick and esponsive.It mustbe flex­ ible enoughto absorb roadshock, yet strong enoughto holdtogether on the worstof them. It mustposition the riderfor etficient cycling, yet com­ fortablyenough to spend long hoursin the saddle. iyata succeedsbecaus e knowyou believe getting thereis all the fun. That's THERIGHT FR E Of REFERENCE. The economy-minded touring cyclist will find many features on this model not found on other makes. Rear carrier, toe clips and straps, 40-hole rear wheel, quick release hubs and can­ tilever brakes. Like most Miyata bicycles , the 210 has triple­ butted Chromoly tubing and a clear protective c;;oatingto preserve the paint finish and decals. Colors: Rocky Blue, Sandstone . M: Rocky Blue, Sandstone. Frame Sizes: 19½", 21", 23", 25"; 19½" (M). Speeds: 18 1fJhas been designed ,. comb ine the features of · both the touring and sport bicycles. The frame is designed for touring while the steering is a bit quicker · and the ride slightly stiffer. Like the 1000, this model features an 18-speed biopace crank set. Sealed hubs and head set, radial tires, 40-hole rear wheel and cantilever brakes are some of the other outstanding fea­ tures. Color: Claret Red with Silver head tube. Frame Sizes: 45, 50, 54, 58, 63 cm. Speeds: 18 Our finest touring model is designed for enjoyment. Miyata's manufacturing reputation means fewer frame-related problems . And that means a trouble-free · ride. Splined, triple-butted tubing is used for the frame and front fork. Sealed hubs and head set and a 18- speed biopace crank set provides you with an almost effortless ride. Many extras include a rear carrier, inter- nal wiring and radial tires. Color: Royal Platinum with Gold head tube. Frame Sizes: 50, 54, 57.60, 63 cm. Speeds: 18 :A - ., ,..____ _ • --- \ l , The frame and unicrown fork are made of Chromoly tubing for added strength to stand up under all kinds of off-the-road conditions. An 18-speed biopace crank system allows you to adjust to any riding situa­ tion. Quick -release front wheel and cantilever brake s are stan ­ dard equipment. Color: Royal Platinum . Frame Sizes: 17 ½". 19½", 21", 23 ", 25". Speeds: 18 TRAIIJRUNNER
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