MAR. 9: SPARTANBURG: Spring conce rt, Spar­ APR IL 27: COLUMBIA: New York Brass Quintet; ALL APRIL: COLUMBIA: " Art Education": local tanburg Sy mphony, Henry Janiec, co nductor; University of S. C. St udent Union Artist Series; public school art wo rk ; Huntington Gallery, Sloa n Twichell Auditorium. Ca rolina Coliseum, 8 P.M. College, USC Department of Art. MAR. 10: CHARLESTON: Pi anist Roger Williams APRIL 27: ROCK HILL: Winthrop Chora l En­ ALL APRIL: FLORENCE : Armando del Cimmu to; and company; Jewish Community Ce nter Famous se mbl e; Sc hoo l of Music Reci tal Hall, 8 P.M. Art Exhibit; Univ. of S.C., Fl orence, Stokes Hal l Artists Series; Municipal Aud itorium, 8:30 P.M. APRIL 28: ROCK HILL : Thomas J. Cole, t enor Library. MAR. 11 -13: HARTSVILLE: Hartsville High School and Jess Casey, piano; joint faculty recital ; Win­ ALL APRIL & THRU JUNE 20: Chorus product ion; Center Theater. throp Co llege School of Music Recital Hall. ~ GREENVILLE : "Contemporary Art­ APRIL 30: GREENVILLE: Crescent Little Sym­ ~ V isis of S. C.'"; Greenville County MAR . 12: COLUMBIA: "Songs of Sou l and Spirit"; Museum of Art. concert by Pearl Williams Jones during Benedic c phony Orchestra, William H. Thomas, director; Co llege Life Enrich ment Week ; Antisdel Chapel, annual concert. APRIL 1-14: CLINTON: John O'Neil: one-man Benedict, 8 P.M . show; Presbyterian College art exhibit series. APRIL, TO BE SCHEDULED : MAR. 12: GAFFNEY: Allyn Have rla nd , organ ist, in APRIL 1-27: COLUMBIA: Harriette Fra nces, art­ faculty recital; Limestone Co l lege Fullerton Au ­ AN OERSON : Hodges and Howard, duo-pianists; ist ; Univ. of S. C. Student Union exhibit series, Anderson Commu nity Concert Se ries. ditorium. Russell House. MAR . 12: NEWBERRY: '"The Men of Song", Ed­ APRIL 2-27: CHARLESTON : Annual mond Ka rlsrud, director; Newberry Co llege Artists Green Room Exhibition in the Dock MAR. 12: SPARTANBURG : "Seven Explorations ~ THRU MAR. 7: COLUMBIA: The Saga of Roaring and Lectures series; Wi les Chapel, Newberry ~ V Street Thea tre; the Charleston Art- Gulch; Colu mbia Dinner Theatre. into Literature" se ries: ushakespeare's King College, 8 P.M. ist Guild. (Hours: daily & Sundays, l ear ", by Prof. L. H. Chewning, Wofford College; 2-5 P.M. , also during plays, 8-10 P.M.) THRU MAR. 8: GREENVILLE / GREER; Tunn el of Spartanburg County Library, in cooperation with MAR . 13·14: COLUMBIA: Madame Butterfly (Puc­ Love ; The Village Dinner Theatre. the Arts Council of Spartanburg County. cini ); Columbia lyric Theatre, Sidney J. Pa lmer, APRIL 2-25: DUE WEST: Sybil Gibson: Primitives; Musical Di rector; Dreher High School Auditorium, Erskine College Exh ibition Center. MA R. 2: HOPKINS: Eveni ng of original one-acts; Lower Richland High School Drama Club, Reba MAR. 17: GREENVILLE: Gennett Cerf, pres. , Ran­ 8 P.M. APRIL 3-MAY 9: NEWBERRY: Children's Art; dom House publishers; Greenville Friends of the Higgins, director; High School Auditorium. MAR. 13: GREENVILLE: The Romeros, 11 The Royal Newberry College Exhibit series; Wiles Chapel. Library lecture series; Main Library Auditorium, Fa mily of the Spani sh Guitar"; Bob Jones Uni­ MAR . 4-7: CAMDEN : "An Even ing with the APRIL 5-JUNE 20: CHARLESTON: Theatre", including one-acts: The Monkey's Paw, 8 P.M. versit y Opera, Concert & Drama Series (season "'~ V '" Art in Sou th Caro l ina, 1670 - 1970'"; directed by Allan Si ndler and The Widow's Mite, APRIL 1: COLUMBIA: Poetry reading by Phyl lis subscription). '\....); the Gibbes Art Gall ery. directed by Bill O'B rien; Camden Community Ph illips Giese: Columbia Museum of Art, 8:15 MA R. 13: GREENVILLE: Furman University Sym­ APRIL 6-MAY 6: SPARTANBURG: '"Arts Festival Theatre, in Richardson Hall, Grace Episcopal P.M. phonic Band concert, Dan Ellis, co ndu ctor; Mc­ 1970: S. C. Pa inting"; the Arts Center Gal leries, Ch urch. APRIL 9: SPARTANBURG : '"S even Explorations Alister Auditorium. Arts Council of Spa rta nburg Co unty. MAR . 4: SPARTANBURG: Saint Joan ; th e Alpha­ into Literature" series; "A Twentieth Century MAR. 15: COLUMBIA: Evelyn La- APRIL 8-9 & 12: CHARLE STON: An- Omega Pl ayers; Gymn, Spartanburg Junior Col­ Look at Tom Jones", by Prof. Charles 0. Ashmore, "-'~ V Bruce, mezzo so prano, so loist with "-\ V nual Spring Clothesline Art Show lege, 8 P.M. Conve rse College; Spartanburg Coun ty library, \....l: the Columbia Philharmonic Orches- '\....);~ by the Charleston Artist Guild; MAR . 5-l: ROCK HILL: Annual S. C. High School in cooperation with the Arts Council of Spartan­ tra, Dr. Arthur M. Fra se r, conductor, MAR. 10: ROCK HILL : World pre- Gibbes Art Gallery Garden. (Hours: Drama Fest ival, wi th original plays submitted by burg County. in Tricentennial-yea r series featuring S. C. art ists. "-' V miere, "Charleston Theatre 1794", 11).5 P.M .; Sun., 1·6 P.M.) My rtle Beach, other high school drama groups; Program: Popular Ma sterpieces of the 20 th Cen ­ '\....);~ commissioned for S. C. Trice nten- Wint hrop Theatre, Rock Hill, W. I. long, advisor. APRIL 30 : Southern Literary Festival, for college t ury: Dreher High School Auditorium, 3:30 P.M. nial ; the State Ballet Company with APRIL 8-MAY 9: CLEMSON: Collection of art and university students (some event s open to from Greenvi lle County Museum of Art; l ee Hall MAR. 6-7 , 12-14, 18-21: CHARLESTON : Star MAR . 16: GAFFNEY : "Spring Si ng'" by combined choreog raphy by director Stanley Zompakos; Spangled Girl (Simon), Dorothy D'Anna, director; the general public); University of S. C. ca mpus. Byrnes Auditorium, Winthrop College, 8 P.M. Gallery, Clemson University School of Architec­ Limestone Col lege choirs; Fullerton Auditor ium, ture. the Footlight Players in the Dock Street Theatre. l imestone. MAR . 14: GREENVILLE: Annual Spring perform­ MAR . 6-8: COLUMBIA: Hansel and Gretel, Mary ance, Greenville Civic Ballet; Memorial Audi­ APRIL 10-11 AND 17-18: COLUMBIA: Spring Fes­ MAR . 16: GREENVILLE: Furman Unive rsi ty Sing­ Lou Kramer, director; Children's Theatre of Town tori um. tival, Artists' Gu ild of Co lumbia, along Trinity Theatre. ers in concert, DuPre Rhame, director; McAlister Episcopal Church fence. Audit orium. MAR. 20-22: COLUMBIA: " Ill for the Show", fea­ MAR . 7: CHARLESTON: Reserve Two for Murder turing original choreography by Michael Uand, APRIL 10·30: SPARTANBURG: '"Th e Ca rolinas (Jo hn Randa l l); first Sa t urday-night performance MAR. 16: SPARTANBURG: USC Woodwi nd Qu in­ Ann Brodie and Fina Suarez, S. C. natives or res­ Collect "; ori ginal art from Gilbert Stuart t o An­ at The Orpha n's Mother Dinner Thea ter. tet; Leonard Aud itorium, Wofford Col lege, 8 P.M. idents; Co lumbia Ci ty Ballet Company; Dreher drew Wyeth, privately owned by area residents. MAR. 11 ·14: CLEMSON : Th e Lion in Winter (John MAR . 16: COLUMBIA: USC Cha mber Mus ic con­ High School Aud itorium. Exh ibit sponsored by th e Art Associat ion and Goldman); Ann Bond, director; Clemson little cert; location TBA. the Arts Council of Spa rtanburg County, and Theatre. APRIL 4: COLUMBIA: 29th annual Ca rol ina Bal· displayed at the new Woff ord Co llege library. MAR. 18 : HARTSVILLE: Coke r College noon as­ let; Dreher H igh Schoo l Auditorium, 8 P.M. MAR. 11-13: HARTSVILLE: My Fair Lady (Lerner 11 :.~Jnbiy l(,usic pmgram; College aud itorium. APR!l !1 - ~.t~':' ~; G-REEN'.'!!..LE: Arr;cdc.-Jn P.:::: i:-: t­ & Loewe/, 'N. 'wV. Tisdale and Vada Gofc, di­ APRIL 6: 1!'"HARLESTON : "Charles­ ers of the 19th Century"; Greenville County Mu­ rectors; Hartsvi lle High School Choral Depart­ MAR . 19: GREENVILLE: Ca rrol l Glenn, violinist· ton Thea tre 1794"; t he State Ba llet seum of Art. ment. guest artist with the Greenvi lle Symphony, Peter Co mpany; Mun icipal Aud itorium. '0.()D MAR. 13-14: AIKEN: Th e lion in Winter (Go ld­ Kickett, d irector; McAlister Auditorium, 8:15 P.M. APRIL 15-MAY 30: COLUMBIA: Col umbia Co ll ege APRIL 8: SPARTANBURG: '"Charles­ Art Depart ment Faculty Exhibition: Wil liam Tid­ man}, Wil l Co le, d irector; Aiken Community Play­ MAR . 21 : CHARLESTON: Beve rl y Wolff, mezzo­ ton Theatre 1794"; the State Ballet wel l and Will iam McC ulloch; Eden s Library Gal ­ house, Virginia Acres. soprano; t he Sou th Ca rolina State College Male '0.()D Company; Twichell Auditorium, Con­ lery. MAR. 13: CHESTER : Snow Wh ite and the Seven Chorus, Claude Pi nson, director; guest art ist£ ve rse Col lege. APRIL 18: Young People's Art Show Dwarfs, Aileen Lau, director; the Chi ldren's The­ with the Cha rleston Sym phony Orchestra; Mu­ APRIL 11 : ORANGEBURG: Modern Dance Group atre of Greenwood little Th eatre in performance MAR. 22, 24 & 26: CHARLESTON : nicipal Auditorium, 8:30 P.M . "'~ V (by Charleston residents in grades sponsored by Chester Jaycees; Chester Junior Tricentennial " Fest iva l of Houses" co ncert; Fine Arts Center, Claflin College, 8 P.M. '---l: 1 through 12); College of Charles- MAR. 23: AIKEN : Th e Don Shirley Trio, directed Hi gh School. '0.()D tour (2-5 P.M.) of restored Anson­ APRIL 17: ORANGEBURG: Les Danseurs Afri­ ton campus. borough area, sponsored by Hi storic by pianist Don Shirley; Aiken Community Con­ MAR. 16-1 8: ORANGEBURG : Experimental one­ cains; South Carol ina State Co llege Lyceum APRIL 19-25: ALLENDALE , EDGE­ act plays; the Henderson-Davis Players of South Foundation. cert se ries. Charleston Series; White Hall Auditorium.
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