Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1945-1949 Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine 10-21-1948 October 21, 1948 Arkansas Baptist State Convention Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbn_45-49 Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Mass Communication Commons, and the Organizational Communication Commons Recommended Citation Arkansas Baptist State Convention, "October 21, 1948" (1948). Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1945-1949. 91. https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbn_45-49/91 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine at Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. It has been accepted for inclusion in Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1945-1949 by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME' 47 LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS. OCTOBER 21, 1948 NUMBER \ -Religiou s News Service Photo. Books -of Lasting Spiritual Value - Page 2 Religious Book Week- October 24 · 31 PAGF TWO ARKANSAS BAP' flcckJ >c.( t4Jti~rg · Encourage Good Reading -Ghrist in Gethsemane By JoHN W. BRADBURY Whoever restrains, by counsel or example, The Scene ~pi1*itu41 a child, a young person, or an adult from A Devotion by the Editor reading corrupt or deceiving print is engaged By MISS BLANCHE MAYS "Then cometh Jesus with them unto a p in the holy work of turning "many to right­ called Gethsemane." Books of lasting spiritual value should be eousness." A bad book or magazine may fos­ ( This is. one of the most dramatic scene a part of the wholesome reading of every ter vice . in weak and potentially dangero'us all history, a scene which we approach· American family. ·Every home should plan to minds. No one can <be immune from the in­ luctant;ly as if we were obtruding or sp: include in its budget some money for the pur­ fection unless determined to have nothing to upon a struggle which is too terrible to chase of such books so_that the books can be ness, an experience too intimate for uJ1hall read, re-read, marked, thumbed, and discuss­ do with that which infects. ed eyes to behold. And yet Jesus invited ed; so that they will become a part of the One cannot read the corrupting productions disciples to the garden with Him; He im lives of the members of that family. of evil minds and keep a pure heart. Our them to watch with Him during this hou Certainly the best seller of all books, the subsiding moral standards as a nation reveal the most intense suffering of His Life. Book of Books, will be a part of the home. the awful consequence of our indifference. He will not shut the gate on us but will The mother and father will read it so that Debasing books and journals do not produce mit us to the sacred precincts of His last the children will feel that such reading is as a people of ideals. perate struggle w i t h the tempter and much a part of<the family- life as the meal On the contrary, a good b,ook or magazine scene of His-ultimate triumph over His ete around the table. may be and often is the means of begetting foe. 1 Then as the children are ready for their or confirming id,eals, or purifying one's views Immediately following the conclusion ol own books, the mother can read to the very prayer, recorded in John 17, Jesus wen small child such books as My Bible Book and of life, of sowing seeds of virtue and truth the garden of Gethsemane, where He My Prayer Book. Bible Friends to Know and which grow into a fruitful harvest of noble quently resorted, there to talk with His fa Just Like Jesus are written so th~tt the child character and service to others. Those wno and receive strength to meet the ordeal w: will enjoy hearing them-read aloud. A Child's encourage good reading are missionaries of was ahead of Him. Grace will teach' the child to talk to his 1\eav­ greatness, clean thinking, and high ideals. To avoid interruption, He left eight of enly Father. God Gave Me Eyes will teach They walk where the mental air is clean and disciples at the gate. If the traitor sh the child concerning God's gifts. Small Rain where conversation is refreshing. They have come with the officers these disciples w will introduce Bible verses to the child in his no dull moments, for their company is the serve as a sort of buf~er or at least to own reaim of thinking. great minds of the ages. Their lovely friend Him warning of their approach. The o The mother will find great help in the four three, Peter, James, and John, He invite books by Mary Alice Jones-Tell Me About is a choice book, feeding but never quarreling, accompany Him further into the garden. ' God, Tell Me About Jesus, Tell Me About the always handy but never a bore, unlocking new was a mark ·of special privilege and favc Bible, and Tell Me About Prayer. These are empires where the citizens behave like happy those three who constituted the inner ci written in the language of the child; his ques­ rulers, ever creating new horizons to invite They were with Him on the mount of tran1 tions are anticipated and answered in these the soul higher. uration and it was John who leaned on attractive books. "Br!ng . the books, but especially the breast at supper. When the child reaches school age and be­ parchments," wrote Paul to Timothy. He was Stationing them well within the garden gins to read, Egermeier's Bible A B C Book evidently alone. But he knew he never would urging them to watcfu and pray with l should be placed in his hands, for he will be lonely while he had the divine oracles. Jesus went on a little further, "as if He c want to use his newly acquired knowledge. not fight the battle in their immediate I Then to read along with his own Bible, the - The W atchrnan-Examiner. ence." Prostrate upon His face, being in g parents will want the child to have Eger­ ----0001----- agony of soul, He prayed, "0 my Father, meier's Bible Story Book or Hurlbut's Story New Broadman Books be possible, let this cup pass from me: ne of the Bible. theless not as I will, but as thou wilt." As the parents plan the reading for the Gospel Song and Hymn Playing: by Blanche peating this prayer the third · time, He Lee Riddle; Cloth, $.75; Paper, $.50. home, they will want to remember that the and came forth to meet' His fate with books which they select should· do several Points for Emphasis 1949: by Hight C. Moore; price $.60. light of victory in His eyes. things: They should give patterns for daily We cannot know fully the meaning of living, ideals, ideas for stimulating thought, Broadman Comments, 1949: by R. Paul Caudill; price $2 .0'0: experience in Gethsemane. What He , and knowledge which will be put to use. It through with there is beyond the power ol is up to the parents to plan so that they re­ human mind to understand, or of hu ceive the best books of all times in their language to describe. Eternity alone wil homes. veal the full -meaning of Christ's agony in F0r the young· person in the home the read­ Badio garden. But we can understand somet ing should include such books as In His Steps, of its significance and it is our privileg I Dare You, Quit You Like Men, Silver Trum­ "The Voice of Arkansas Baptists," a radio search for such truths as the mind of pet, Youth Makes the Choice, Youth Conquer- program produced by the Radio Commis­ can. comprehend. (See next week's devoti ing for Christ, and Accents of Life. , sion of the Arkansas Baptist State Conven­ reading and read Matthew 26 :36-46). The 1 i bra r y in the home needs to have Convention, presents "Isaiah's Consecra-· l'lllgrim's Progress, Character of Jesus, Bush tion," by B. H. Duncan. Aglow, Quiet Talks on Prayer, and many other ARKAN, SAS BAPTI8 similar books. All broadcasts ate by transcription and 208 BAPTIST BUILDING, LITTL11 ROOX It is the responsibility of the parents to may be heard every Sunday over the fol­ O!!lclal Publication o! the Arkansas Baptl lowing stations: B. H. DUNCAN ..~- - --- --- --- -------ED make provision in the home for such books MRS. LESLIE W. BUCHANAN. ED., so that the members of the family will have KLCN-Blytheville, 8:00 a. m. Publication Committe ~ : W H. Hicks, Little easy access to them, and will want to read Chairman; 0. C. Harvey, Arkadelphia; Wylie E KHOZ-Harrison, 8:30 a.m. '\._ Paris; Boyd Eldridge Tyronza; R. M. Abell, J1 because of the interest created on the part Leroy Tedford, Corning. of the parents in t h e i r discussion of such KCLA-Pine Bluff, 8:30a.m. Entered Post O!!lce, Little Rock, Arkansas, a1 KTFS-Texarkana, 8:45•a. m. ond class mall matter. Acce.ptance !or mall11 books. - special rate o! postage provided In Section Books of lasting values should be in every KFFA-Helena, 1:30 p. m. October 1, 1913. home. Individual subscription $2.00 per year. Church KWFC-Hot Springs, •1:45 p.m. gets 11 cents per month or $1.32 per year per cl ----0001---- KELD-El Dorado, 3:30p.m.
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