E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 146 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 2000 No. 53 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was last day's proceedings and announces the Mexico-United States Inter- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- to the House his approval thereof. parliamentary Group Meeting during pore (Mr. GUTKNECHT). Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- the Second Session of the One Hundred f nal stands approved. Sixth Congress, to be held in Puebla, Mexico, May 5±7, 2000Ð DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER f The Senator from Alaska (Mr. MUR- PRO TEMPORE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE KOWSKI); and The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the The Senator from Alabama (Mr. fore the House the following commu- gentleman from Michigan (Mr. SMITH) SESSIONS). nication from the Speaker: come forward and lead the House in the f WASHINGTON, DC, Pledge of Allegiance. May 3, 2000. Mr. SMITH of Michigan led the MAKING IN ORDER MOTIONS TO I hereby appoint the Honorable GIL GUT- Pledge of Allegiance as follows: SUSPEND THE RULES ON TODAY KNECHT to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, I ask J. DENNIS HASTERT, United States of America, and to the Repub- unanimous consent that it be in order Speaker of the House of Representatives. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, at any time on Wednesday, May 3, 2000 f indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. for the Speaker to entertain motions f to suspend the rules and pass the fol- PRAYER lowing bills: MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The Rabbi Israel Zoberman, Con- H. Con. Res. 295, relating to con- gregation Beth Chaverim, Virginia A message from the Senate by Mr. tinuing human rights violations and Beach, Virginia, offered the following Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- political oppression in the Socialist prayer: nounced that the Senate has passed Republic of Vietnam 25 years after the Our God of freedom and responsi- with amendments in which the concur- fall of South Vietnam to Communist bility, Dear Legislators, at this sacred rence of the House is requested, bills of forces; season of both remembrance and re- the House of the following titles: H. Res. 464, expressing the sense of joicing, haunted by the Holocaust's H.R. 3642. An act to authorize the Presi- Congress on international recognition vast tragedy, while inspired by the dent to award a gold medal on behalf of the of Israel's Magen David Adom Society miracle of Zion restored, I humbly yet Congress to Charles M. Schulz in recognition and its symbol the Red Shield of David; proudly stand before you, son of Polish of his lasting artistic contributions to the H. Con. Res. 304, expressing the con- survivors who was born in Kazakhstan Nation and the world. demnation of the continued egregious H.R. 3707. An act to authorize funds for the in 1945, lived in a displaced persons' violations of human rights in the Re- camp in Germany and raised in Haifa, construction of a facility in Taipei, Taiwan suitable for the mission of the American In- public of Belarus, the lack of progress Israel. toward the establishment of democracy May we be mindful of our divine stitute in Taiwan. and the rule of law in Belarus, calling mandate to build a world community The message also announced that the on President Alyaksandr Lukashenka's reflecting the universal God of love Senate has passed a concurrent resolu- regime to engage in negotiations with who embraces us all with Shalom's tion of the following title in which con- the representatives of the opposition holy gifts of healing, hope and currence of the House is requested: and to restore the constitutional rights harmony. S. Con. Res. 81. Concurrent resolution ex- Grateful for our Nation's essential pressing the sense of the Congress that the of the Belarusian people, and calling on leadership and sacrifice with Your own Government of the People's Republic of the Russian Federation to respect the invaluable input, and my Congressman China should immediately release Rabiya sovereignty of Belarus; OWEN PICKETT's distinguished service, Kadeer, her secretary, and her son, and per- H.R. 3879, Sierra Leone Peace Sup- may we ever, one family, strive to be a mit them to move to the United States if port Act of 2000; they so desire. blessing. H. Res. 449, congratulating the people Let us say, Amen. The message also announced that of Senegal on the success of the multi- f pursuant to sections 276h±276k, of title party electoral process; 22, United States Code, as amended, the S. 2323, Worker Economic Oppor- THE JOURNAL Chair, on behalf of the Vice President, tunity Act; The SPEAKER pro tempore. The appoints the following Senators as H.R. 4055, IDEA Full Funding Act of Chair has examined the Journal of the members of the Senate Delegation to 2000; b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2413 . VerDate 27-APR-2000 09:42 May 04, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY7.000 pfrm01 PsN: H03PT1 H2414 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 3, 2000 H.R. 1729, to designate the Federal fa- was in contempt of court. Only then exceeds $70 million annually. Each cility located at 1301 Emmet Street in would a court order have been appro- year, local school boards face the inevi- Charlottesville, Virginia, as the ``Pam- priate. Why did they not follow that table question: What programs will be ela B. Gwin Hall''; procedure? Because an earlier applica- cut to meet our responsibility to edu- H.R. 1405, to designate the Federal tion by the Justice Department for cate students with special needs? The building located at 143 West Liberty such a court order had already been paradox is unfair. We have required Street, Medina, Ohio, as the ``Donald J. turned down. these school districts to provide high Pease Federal Building''; and So what did they do? They just broke quality services to a population with H.R. 1901, to designate the United into the home of an American citizen significant needs with only a fraction States border station located in Pharr, and seized him. For the executive of the funds we promised. Texas, as the ``Kika de la Garza United branch to ignore a court ruling is a Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the school States Border Station''. very dangerous precedent. So much for districts which have struggled to bal- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the rule of law. We have a constitu- ance the needs of all their students, I objection to the request of the gen- tional system of checks and balances. implore my colleagues to support H.R. tleman from Nevada? Checks on the executive branch will 4055. This bill sets out a plan that will There was no objection. only work if they are made to obey the allow Congress to meet the 40 percent f courts. It was a bad day for America funding promise it made to all by 2010. and a new low for this administration. If we fail to fulfill this commitment, FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY f we will continue to fail not only chil- (Mr. GIBBONS asked and was given dren with special needs, but all stu- INTERNATIONAL ABDUCTION permission to address the House for 1 dents in public schools. minute and to revise and extend his re- (Mr. LAMPSON asked and was given f marks.) permission to address the House for 1 Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, the minute.) TRIGGER LOCKS ARE NOT THE Treasury Department recently an- Mr. LAMPSON. Mr. Speaker, today I ANSWER nounced that due to Congressional fis- rise to tell the story of Joseph Howard, (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was cal responsibility, it expects to reduce whose child was abducted across inter- given permission to address the House the national debt by a record $216 bil- national borders. His child is just one for 1 minute and to revise and extend lion this year. of 10,000 American children who have his remarks.) Furthermore, this means that the na- been abducted to foreign countries. Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, on tional debt will have been reduced by In 1994, Joseph Howard's wife took March 23 in my district a 12-year-old $350 billion or 10 percent in just 3 his child when he was at work and fled boy took a loaded gun to school. Thank years. to Germany. Joseph notified the police God, no one was hurt. But guess what, The 2001 Republican budget continues and the FBI. Two months after the ab- Mr. Speaker. The gun had a trigger this fiscal responsible trend. duction, the German lower court issued lock. The boy simply searched for and Our budget will pay off more than $1 an ex parte order granting temporary found the key and, bingo, the gun was trillion of the public debt over the next custody to the mother and informed at school. 5 years without raiding Social Security Joseph 1 month later. The German So I checked out this trigger lock trust fund or bankrupting Medicare. lower court later confirmed custody to business and uncovered a General Ac- The Clinton administration, however, the mother and stated that ``the father counting Office report that says trigger has proposed a budget full of new pro- lives in the United States of America locks are only effective for children grams and additional bureaucracy, all and is therefore no longer in a position under 6 years of age.
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