BARNEY AND SPARK BILLE DE BECK j GOOGLE PLUG By , ALASKA. DOUGLAS *> —-:- KUYj / iNQkolMR LAUNDRY <300Ct\.E .vmmats tfvs- z Mote vou. r NEWS ( MATTER VVH'rfV "/GU bOW-r V-EEU tlutiT ^ ^ACiU^HT 't U \ UlUV nVO VOU ^OULO Be fBE ONLV % V zt ^>IRIKfcsTblWfe ME van WORM'S SUMMONS > VMAV OUT OF OUR. HEY HAVE TO WALK AGAI f VOUCHES «= IF I barmen presemTeo himself D'FT HOU VMRWr ROCK Th" runuhoul too huso. VAM VUHO FOR ally pur* To ERIC HARM To the mout>e wffli f Fred D-Uoux and John Marti; A Reason known oni.n tq TCUO PERFECTED GOOA oni F. I.. Watkins of Treadwcl mimself IS ANXIOUS To ENES TUEVO as driven to a disastrous finis! RETURN To U\s OUJM HOME suspect there VwAS v>rtv ondav evening by tha new own VMORK as s ?yhen it collided with a tele (collars Good new- tone at the foot of Thin ARMENS BLACK ENE, 1 WERE SURE THIS LAUNDRY pole —/ reeL The front eml of the en WOWENEIR PRESENTS a vjill please vow u A PROBLEM THAT as practieally demolished. Tip EVEN A C TICALLY all well irkness coupled with failure t. ! TOE RESOURCEFUL | PHg r o o ni o il men wear irn tha lights on the vehicle wn van WORN »S at a starched collars. Every lid to Ijsve caused the accident LOSS To SOLVE man who is considerate about his is t appearance here~*fSr visit f very particular about his collars. No doubt that ac- Miss Marion IT Kurt? arrivpt counts for so many well are on the the first * Rogers dressed men in Jftneau hav- te week from Los Angeles ir delicately (ringed with matching ing their collars laundered visit with friends. Miss Karl: Weather Conditions As Recorded the U. S. I fronds the back seam. Pam- VANDERBILT by by our constantly growing rules originally from Baltimore up SURPRISE BRIDE' sols ara made or THE CLUB LUNCH .•ollar department. ■ ary land. I wholly parti' Weather Bureau | of soft feathers. ROOM ALASKA STEAM TTEND BUSINESS COLLEGt Forecast for Juneau and vicinity, beginning 4 p. m. today: I Open 0 n. m. to S p. m. Daily OJoudy tonight, Thursday fair and warmer; moderate east winds. I LAUNDRY Miss Lily is | Kronquist leavint DOUGLAS GRAY J PETE JELICIT, Proprietor p| PHONE 15 i ! § the Admiral Evans this eve LOCAL DATA ing for Tacoma. Wash., wh Barom. Wind Velocity Weather le will attend Batell’s husin : ; Time— Temp. Humidity illege this Fall. PASSES EXAMS 1 m m. ye3t’y 30.1G 54 89 S 8 Cldy 4 a. in. today 30.16. 52 9:5 S 1 Cldy FRESH N. an today .30.14 GO GG SE 8 "ROSE OF THE WORLD" j Takes Entrance Examina- _Cldy AT LIBERTY TONIGHT | liens to Annapolis and CABLE AND RADIO REPORTS RANCH “Hose of (he World,” the War Honors. —-VEsTElUYA'Y-J-ToTiXY- Highest Highest 3 p.m. t How 8 a. m. 8 a.m. I'rcrlp. 8 a.m. er Bros. Classic of the Screen Stations —_tt nip, p mp. I_temp. temp. Velnejty at hr.v yVeatlier * EGGS pens tonight at the Liberty. | Doug-as Cray. IS years old, son Nome fi 2 60 I 40 51! 0 Clear Patsy Ruth Miller, one of th -1 of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Gray, of Bethel 70 58 44 56 G 0 Pt. Cldy ewest Warner stars, is feature* Douglas, recently passed his ea- Tan ana 72 70 | ’42 62 — 0 Pt. Cldy t the title role of Rose Kirby ,! trance examinations to the United Eagle GS 68 | 4! Go o Clear 3 DOZEN le girl who lived for reveng -j States Naval Academy at Annap- St. Paul 4 6 4 4 j 4 2 44 18 .10 Cldy nly to learn that site preferr.*. j olis, Mil., with the highest honors Dutch Harbor.. 56 GG | 40 48 — ,.30 Rain >ve. Miss onc — — Miller had been at j of any at the Severn Prepa- Kodiak .. 5G 52 | 46 48 Cldy for $1.00 gjttra” in pictures for only thr» i ratory School, wlrers a glass cl' Cordova 58 54 | 52 54 4 .12 Cldv ■ jonih when she was giv n th -j between sixty and seventy took Juneau 57 54 51 52 1 .21 Cldy •• '-41 ■ i PPg role in ‘'Where Is M i the examinations. He received the Ketchikan 62 — 51 — G 0 Pt. Cldy THIS WEEK | Nftjering Boy Tonight," fellow .,$10 gold piece, which la awardee I Prince Rupert. GO GO 4 1 4G 0 0 Pt. Cdly Rkuarle Transfer that of Esmerolija, (he *' in. ! fpr this honor and had his name J Edmonton 70 64 48 50 4 .10 Clear ONLY » Phone 149 Res. 148 t»*f»irl. In •'The Hunchback *• Inscrib: d on the honor shield of Seattle GG GG | 64 54 0 Clear * lotre Dame.” ’ihr school, cn which th name Portland 76 7G | 58 5S 0 Cldy COURTESY autl GOOD * Alan Forrest Jack T; llx*' of boy with highest grades each San Francisco.. 62 5G 52 52 0 Cldy plays ,; | I SERVICE Our Motto le rich man’s son who- lev* year, is inscribed. *—Hess than 10 miles. le poor heroine lr.it married t Douglas Gray was asked to re- NOTE: Observations at Juneau Prince Rupert, Edmonton, *ealthy girl of his mother's clinic port at Annapolis in June, am! SANITARY Seattle, Portland and San Francisco are made at 1 u. m. ami 1 GROCERY One of the best known person .aiiiee then he Uus been working mm \ p. m., Juneau, time. on in her dr hard so that, he may qualify t.n The Store That Pleases lltittp Broadway mm GARBAGE Mttm The is low souith of the Alaska Peninsula and high fas Cissy Fitzgerald. Havin, the various physical test required pressure PHONE 83 and 85 are ocast from Prince WiPiam Sound to and from rewn up with the theatre, sb- of the entrants. The most difficult Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gassawav Davis III. (above) atom, the Oregon the western Aleutian Islands to Seward Peninsula. Showers have t now a character actress in lia I for Gray will b the swimming honeymooning and awaiting congratulations from the bride's HAULED as tie had to learn been general in Southern Alaska and tlie adjacent ocean and fair toabh’s comedies and may b. test, practically parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Sr., after eloping in AND LOT CIEANING after ow- weather lias prevailed over the remainder of the Territory. Tem- I. J.SlI VHICK een in Olenn Tryon’s hit* si s!,r .jit reaching Annapolis, New York. They were married twice in one day—first at City to the lack of opportunities peratures are higher in the northwest portion of Alaska and O. A. GETCHELL. Ing vehicle, "Long Pants,” whir' ning later in a church. As Grace Vanderbilt, Mrs. Davis was Jeweler and Hall, lower in the eastern Rhone 109 or 149 fill also be shown, to practise that sport in Alaska. slightly portion. reported engaged to several titled Europeans. Optician V.-1 -- However, according to letters re tnUimatlnnat flint.It a«a/l Vou a k ceived by his mother, he i; con- children whom she assorts she is 1 Hnmoml.1 British fident that h- will pass easily' will bo held tomorrow afternoon rearing in an equal rights atmo Fashions Lean FUNERAL OF MAYNARD j Silverware THE NIFTY and not he religated to llie “weak TO*BE HELD TOMORROW j at 3 o'clock from the Jr.neau- FOB RIGHTS phore. Seven year old L‘>a-Nora To Feather Trimmin." 5 ns of th 3 sound” the poorest ; Young Chapel. liev. Harry A. gets nothing on the strength of *HE EMPIRE HAS TH,E LARG- SHOPPEE __ three is called. grades The funeral of George May- | \l!en wiil officiate and Interment being u girl if “Mother" Bayi h EST, MOST UP-TO-DATE AND FRONT STREET LONDON, July 20.--Fashion i Young Gray received his gram in of Tnku who died REST EQUIPPED JOll PRINTING rd, Harbor, will be In Evergreen Cemetery WOMEN i ran help it. And Norman and l’et- KIDDIES NIFTY DRESSES FOB — a i, PLANT IN ALASKA. * allowing very feathery way mar and high school isluoutlon i:i n St. Ann's Hospital Monday !<r are not allowed to consider V"''lgp England this Summer. All sorts o 1 I Alaska, graduating from the Don light aa a result of a stroke. Old papers tor &n:e a* 'Hie Empire • Hi msclves “lords of n | creation," she eathered dress details, ospcciall glas high school as valedietoria ■ PARIS, July :.C. -Nora Bayou says. strich feather boas and should" !' of his class. He was appointed favors an international movement fraps, are being worn by thos to tii > Naval by deh i iWiSiMiiMiuiMiiiHmiwimmiiMmwmimwwMimmmMimmmimii Academy wom- THE EMPIRE HAS THE LARG- fho for equal righto tor men amt Know Your Grocer’s Policies wish to the hard hi "jKr -A.. ™''fr. help gate Dan Sutherland, June 1 !»2G ! EST, MOST UP-TO-DATE AND ■I African en. ostrich feather husines- the appointment to take effect REST EQUIPPED JOU PRINTING in t'uris she a Queen* Mary is leading the wa; This year. While accepted PLANT IN ALASKA. YOITH grocer can Imy sever- n the revival of the feath *r bo : j place on the actressca's council al grades of vegetables, of She! has a number, and usual!, nf tho National Woman's Party. canned goods, of cereals, bak- tears some to match hor dre- WALTER CLECHGRN 'She has long been a worker for ing powders, extracts, etc.
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