l ,ill'r H • Ot:1 r d R . I u · L Chao · 68 ., . ,.i storic . in P ·•ater rnan St a1 Soci e t y r ovi den . ce, R. I . THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND PRO "IDEXCE, R. I., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1933 5 Cents the Copy Beth-El Tries $500,000 Fund New Religious Many Rhode Islanders to Witness Is Planned to Education Plan "Romance of a People" in Gotham Speed Boycott M. I. Soloff Engaged for "' Committee of 100 Named Historical Pageant of - - - ---------<,> Capacity Crowd of Over Teachers' Institute World J ewry Being DIRECTS PAGEA.1'lT 55,000 Attend N. Y. to Direct National Program I Re-enacted First Sho\,ing Campaign "Will Hold Heb. rew Classes 1· ~l ore than 150 Rhode Is landers will 1,- adapted by Dr...... D. Idelsohn, Unterrnyer Given Banquet --- motor to :\" ew York thfa week-end professor of J eY-ish music at the He- The engagem ent of )Iordecai I. to a ttend the sh owi ng ther e of '' Ro­ brew Cnion College at Cincinnati. J ews a nd non-Jews, including Soloff for the coming ye.ar as eda- I rnance of a Peopl e/' famous h.is tori­ Isaac \ "an Grove, director of the I some of the mos t dis tinguished cational director a t Temple Beth-El, cal pageant of the Jevdsh people pageant, has carried out several sig - leaders of the nation, joined in hon­ Broad a nd Glenham streets.. was an- that was show n so successfull y at n.ificant ideas in t he presentation of oring Sa muel Untermyer, leader of nou.nced today by officials of the con- J the \\" orld Fair in Chi cago on J ewis h this performance, sho,1,ing not only the boycott movement agains t Ger­ gregation. Day last July 3 that it att r acted the development of the race itself, many, at the dinner t endered him Its-eli an inno\·a ion in Rhode ls- 1 world-wide attention.. but also their musical development a t the Hotel As tor, Sunday evening. land temples, the ad\·ent of an eda- The elaborate portrayal was sche­ and outstanding historical moments. T he dinner, which was attended by cariona1 director at Beth-£1 1 it v,as duled to be produced on.k once-las The pageant is divided into seven 1,500 peopl~ climaxed the 1;1ational pointe.d out, is t he initial step in night-at t he Polo Grollnd.s but , at episodes, v.ith a tableau, and a final boycott confer ence held dur1ng the creation of teachers.' in::.-ti tute here. t he earnest request of many thous­ scene. It opens in the prologue with day at the Hotel Astor. At the Mr. Solo vdll conduct personally ands "";thln ~ e\r. York and elsewhere a change on cr eation, " ln the Begin- co n[erence two hundred . and fifty ~ eek day optional Hebrew classes at in t he East. it ,i.ill be presented to­ ning God Created t he Heaven and bustn~~ leaders, profess1?nal !11.en the temple under the new program. morrov.- night and again on ·unday Ea rth." This is follo9;ed by the first ~nd Cl nc workers from var~o us e1t1es Columbia Graduat e eYelUng. E,·ery one of he 5-5.000 episode portraying idol worship1 and tn th.e country~ Yoted . to raise a fu_nd A graduate of Columbia l:niversi- sea :.:. in t he great stadium was sold t hen the second episode treating with of S.'J00,000 w1t h which to or garuze ty and the Teachers' Institute of ou for 1~1. night and t hou.sand.:: the deli\·erance of J ews from Egypt. a.nd pr?secute the boycott on a na­ ~ ew York, the new director is a can- more clamored for adrninance. The theme then develops into the tJOn w-1de scale. didate for the doctorat.e. He is a Rhode Island groups v.ill leave third episode depicting the days oi At the same time that the dis- young man but already has attained Pro1>i<lence in nearly 50 automobiles Solomon, followed by the fourth epi- t.inguished speakers at the dinner a wide reputation in the fie ld of re- tonight and tomorro,,.· . Dr. ILie Ber­ Isode dwelling with the destruction of who included George Gordon Bat­ ligious education.. ger, in charge oi local ·arrangements, the T emple and the suffering of tie, toastmaster; J ames W. Ge ra rd, ~lr. oloff's wnnngs on r eligiou..:: announced yesterday. Among thos.e I the race. The filth episode treats former Ambassador to Ge rmany; subjects ha_Ye at~rac ed the att.ent ion who have already made reservations I 1,. A AC \ ' A, GROYI: with the li fe of the J ews in Spain, Bainbridge Colby, former Secretary of the lruon 01 Amencan Hebrew are ~fr. and :\l rs. Henn· Ha::--....c:.en- _. :':)_ - · · . _ Congrega ·ons so fa,·orab)y that the feld, ~fr. and ) lrs. Samuei )1. )lagid Supen 1so r of Jmpressn e Port,: ayal "'hile the sixth presents t he inci- of State; General J ohn V. Clinnin first series of his texts v.;u be print- and family, ~Ir. and )I r3: . )lanuel of "Romance of a Peo ple dents in connection ITTth the wander- of Chicago; Rabbi Abba Hillel Sil­ i.ng race. The seventh episode shows ver of Cleveland, and former Gov­ ~ his ial~ Thr~ughout_ the country P._ Ostr.?·,t;·, )Ir. and :\! rs. Samue::l significant rnoment5 in the history some historical e"-·ents of t he J ews ernor Alfred E. Smith, paid tribute a ... ~he pres~nt ti~e, m.im~grap~ed )hchaelson. ~Ir. and llrs. Herman Iof the J ewish race through t he use in the Sia,- countries and the final to ~Ir. Untermyer as a great law­ ~op1es of his wor :i:.s ~re c1r~ulaied w~rtz. ~fr. and ~lrs. J a~ob E rn- of dramatic action, dancing, and mo­ scene brings the wanderers to t he yer, an u.nsel.fi sh public servant and m great numbers, pending their pub- sto1, :\lr. and ~!rs. Samuel ~. Deuteh, sic. ~fore tfian 6400 people partici- C.nited States, where t?ere is hope a vailiant champion of the op­ Llcation.. ~Ir~ and Mrs. -~It.er Boyman1 ~Ir. and pate in this impressh·e portrayal, o_r Freedom and E.quahty. The en- pressed, they unanimously de­ Plan .-\rouses Interest. I -_I r::. A.rthur Korman, )Ir. and llr:s . and over 2,000 \·oices a re in the tire pageant closes with prese-nta- nounced the Hitlerite regime in R~h~e Is1an~ J e~y dunng ~h e I ~am I;1ghrm2~. ~l_r. and )lrs. Harry choTW; including a solo choir of 32 tions of the accomplishments in Pal- Germany. nexi I_ew m_ont:15._ ,;1,7)l w~tch ~ hat.kin and Iarruly. ~Ir. and ~1 ~. singers. The mask, expressing the v., ..... estine, and the hope of building up Excoriates ~-azis keen mt.er-est thb . ex-penmen a1. Saul ...\ brams, ~Ir. and ~l rs. Fraru· exaltation. the lamentation, the pride a J ewish Homeland. Temple Beth-~ and its 5.uccess, J ew- ~larkensohn, and a good man}· oth- and humilitv, t he meekness and \;g- In his resp onse to the many The proceeds of the pageant will speeches in his praise :\Jr. Unter­ 1.sh l~..der.,.5 pom~ ou~, _Vi,~ mean the ers. _ or of the· J ewish people down go for German and Palestinian re­ operu:1g _O J. a ne·v; re_ligious fie)d here. The pageant chro 1cles a s.er.es or through the ages. bas been ingenious­ mye r excoriated the German regim e R.a bb1.:.:. m the .-anou.s s:rnagogues lief. and declared that Hitlerism was a and temples t hus far haYe had the h.reat not only to the J ews but to burden of supen;..sing, and in s-ome WEAN to Transmit Rabbi Schechter all the civilized world as well. He cases personalJy conducting, relig­ New Orphanage appealed to J ews and non-Jews to ious education as well as general Welcomed by 400 join in the boycott movement spiritual leadership. In no syna­ Holy Day Program Director Named against Hitlerism which he sa.id was gog-ue or temple has there been a _\nnouncement was made toda-v Approximately 400 mem~rs he only weapon available against full time reli¢ous educa r de.-ot-­ t hat the annual J ewis h High Holf­ tu.rned out Tuesday night to wel­ the ~ azis. ing his undi,;ded efforts to teach­ d.ay program will be broadcast o•er ;\laurice Stollerman As­ co me Rabbi Abraha m Schec hter. new Governor Smith's speech brought ing. s tation \\"EA~ next Tuesday n.ight sumes Post \ acated by s piritual direc tor of Sons of Jacob forth a tre mendous ovation. from 6 :30 t o 7 o'clock. Dr. \\-olfensohn Synagogue. Doug las A ven ue, and " ~ o nation can Live unde r ridi­ Early Copy Requested The broadcast will include an ad- .\!rs . S<: hec hter. cule/' he said. "They can stand dress by Rabbi Israel ~I. Golclm.an Co H f B k] The fonne r Dallas, Texas, rabbi criticism, they can meet it, and they for 1\"ext Week's Issue of Temple Emanu-EI on " ~ew Be- mes ere rom 1"00 - yn was brought to the synagogue at the can ans we r it, but it is impossible ginnings," and several selections by head of an automobile parade, ac­ fo r them to survive any length of All social items., Temple ~·ews Cantor Harry Be tman, assisted by Replacing Dr.
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