Dejan An tic & Branimir Maksimovic The Mod ern Bogo 1.d4 e6 A Com plete Guide for Black New In Chess 2014 Con tents Fore word ....................................................7 Part I: 3.Ãd2 .................................................9 Sec tion I The Exchange 3...Ãxd2+ ..........................11 Chap ter 1 The Side line 4.Àxd2 ............................12 Chapter 2 Black Fianchetto: 4.©xd2 Àf6 5.Àf3 b6 .............21 Chap ter 2.1 Cen tral Strat egy: 6.Àc3 ..........................22 Chap ter 2.2 Fianchetto 6.g3 ................................28 Chapter 3 5...0-0 .......................................57 Chap ter 3.1 Fianchetto 6.g3 ................................58 Chap ter 3.2 Cen tral Strat egy: 6.Àc3 ..........................63 Chap ter 4 The Clas si cal Cen tre – 4.©xd2 Àf6 5.Àf3 d5: The Fianchetto 6.g3.............................69 Chap ter 4.1 Black Plays in the Cen tre with ...©e7 ................70 Chap ter 4.2 The Black Queenside Fianchetto....................77 Chapter 5 White Builds the Cen tre ..........................97 Chap ter 5.1 The Flexi ble 7...Àbd7 ...........................98 Chap ter 5.2 7...©e7: Main Line 8.Õc1 .......................113 Chap ter 5.3 7...©e7: Re leas ing the Ten sion – 8.cxd5 ............129 Sec tion II The 3...c5 Sys tem: 3...c5 4.Ãxb4 cxb4 5.Àf3 Àf6 ....139 Chap ter 6 The Early 6.Àbd2 .............................140 Chapter 7 The Sta ble Cen tre: 6.e3 .........................149 Chapter 8 Play on the Queenside: 6.a3......................160 Chap ter 9 The Fianchetto: 6.g3 0-0 7.Ãg2 d6 8.0-0 ...........181 Chap ter 9.1 The Flexi ble 8...Õe8............................182 Chap ter 9.2 The Di rect 8...Àc6.............................186 Chap ter 9.3 Strength en ing b4: 8...a5.........................193 Sec tion III The Eingorn Sys tem: 3...a5 .......................209 Chap ter 10 The Ac cel er ated Bogo: De vi a tions..................210 Chap ter 11 The Di rect Cen tral Thrust 4...d5...................226 Chapter 12 Nimzo-Type 4.Àf3 d6: The Fianchetto 5.g3 .........239 Chapter 13 Nimzo-Type 4.Àf3 d6: The Solid 5.Àc3 ............257 Chapter 14 The Reg ular Bogo: 4.Àf3 Àf6 ....................275 5 The Modern Bogo 1.d4 e6 Chap ter 14.1 The Nimzo Move 5.Àc3 ........................276 Chap ter 14.2 Queen’s Indian Type 5.g3 b6 .....................291 Chap ter 14.3 The Bogo-Cata lan Gam bit: 5.g3 d5 6.Ãg2 ...........304 Chap ter 14.4 The Solid 5.g3 d5 6.©c2 ........................338 Part II: 3.Àd2 ..............................................355 Chap ter 15 3...Àf6 4.Àf3 0-0 .............................357 Chap ter 15.1 De vi a tions ...................................358 Chap ter 15.2 5.a3 Ãe7: The Slow 6.e3 ........................363 Chap ter 15.3 5.a3 Ãe7: The Sub tle 6.©c2 .....................367 Chap ter 15.4 5.a3 Ãe7: Main Line 6.e4 d5 7.Ãd3 ...............373 Chap ter 15.5 5.a3 Ãe7: Main Line 6.e4 d5 7.e5 Àfd7 8.Ãd3.......377 Chap ter 15.6 5.a3 Ãe7: Main Line 6.e4 d5 7.e5 Ãfd7 8.b4 ........387 Part III: 3.Àc3 .............................................397 Chap ter 16 3...c5 .......................................399 Chap ter 16.1 Cen tral Play: 4.Àf3 d5 ..........................400 Chap ter 16.2 Trans posi tions: 4.Àf3 Àf6.......................406 Chap ter 16.3 The Clas sical 4.e3..............................422 Chap ter 16.4 White Takes Space with 4.d5 .....................431 So lu tions ..................................................437 In dex of Vari a tions..........................................459 About the Authors ..........................................465 Bibliography ...............................................466 In dex of Play ers ............................................467 6 Fore word Two years ago the un der signed au thors com pleted their work on The Mod ern French. This book was warmly receiv ed by chess fans and ex perts alike. As a log i cal con tin - u a tion we now pres ent the book The Mod ern Bogo, with which we com plete a fully- fledged open ing rep er toire for black players. One of the ques tions that read ers as well as the New In Chess ed i tors asked dur ing the course of writ ing this book, was what our recom men da tion is if af ter 1.d4 e6 White con tin ues with 2.e4.With our an swer that we recom mend 2...d5, en ter ing the French De fence, the next di lemma was whether this book is only for peo ple who play the French with black. Of course, our repl y is: no, it is not. More than 90 per cent of the mate rial is com prised of the pop u lar the o reti cal lines in the Bogo- and Nimzo-In dian, which are reg u larly reached via the move or der 1.d4 Àf6 2.c4 e6. With this in mind, the book is aimed at a wide reading au di tor ium. How ever, be cause we recom mend the move or der 1.d4 e6, the book has a par tic u lar sig nif i - cance to fans of the French De fence. As men tioned, more than 90 percent of the lines are also reached through the stan dard trans po si tion with 1.d4 Àf6 2.c4 e6. Less than 10 per cent of the mate rial cov er s lines with out 2...Àf6. As you will find in the book, with this course of ac - tion Black de priv es White of many Nimzo-In dian lines, and also retain s the pos si - bil ity of strik ing at the centr e while the knight is still on g8. The re sult ing po si tions are very orig i nal al ready early in the opening. The book struc ture is of fer ing the follo wing chap ters: the Bogo-In dian af ter 2...Ãb4+, with trans po si tions to the stan dard po si tions, as well as the reg ular move or der 1.d4 Àf6 2.c4 e6 3.Àf3 Ãb4+ 4.Ãd2, and now the op tions 4...Ãxd2+, 4...a5 and 4...c5, in all cases with ex cel lent play for Black. In the line with 4...a5 we have also cov ered the Cata lan Open ing, with the cur rently most pop u lar set-up for Black. In the line 1.d4 Àf6 2.c4 e6 3.Àf3 Ãb4+ 4.Àbd2 we sug gest 4...0-0, and then pos si bly 5.a3 Ãe7 6.e4 d5. The play is very dy namic and bears lots of sim i lar i ties to the Tarrasch French, where the extra tempo with the white pawn on a3 does n’t make a dif ference since his pawn on c4 and knight on d2 are not compa t i ble. Tournament prac tice sug gests that these lines are the most popu lar con tin ua tions for Black and we be lieve that our con tri bu tion and our new ideas will ce ment their solid reputation. In or der to in crease the leg i bil ity of this book we have used a spe cial fea ture in the Index of Vari a tions (in the back of the book). Al though we ad voca te (and use) the move or der 1.d4 e6 2.c4 Ãb4+ throughout this book we ap preci ate that the great ma jor ity of the ma te rial in this mono graph can be clas si fied un der the reg u lar Bogo-Indian Def ence: 1.d4 Àf6 2.c4 e6 3.Àf3 Ãb4+. 7 The Modern Bogo 1.d4 e6 So we strictly fol low the or der in which each line is presented but have made a dis - tinc tion be tween lines with or without the in ser tion of Àf3 and Àf6. Hence the page num bers in the In dex of Vari a tions may at times seem slightly cha otic, but we feel it’s the best way to en able the reader to find where any given line or po si tion is ex am ined in our book. We are grate ful to the peo ple who ac tively par tic i pated in the work on this book: the trans lators Mr Vladi mir Krpan and IM Aleksandar Davidovic, as well the ed i tors of New In Chess. Our grati tude also goes out to Mr Goran Urosevic, the founder of Chessdom.com, who helped with cor rections in the final stages. Dejan Antic and Branimir Maksimovic, June 2014 Ex pla na tion of Sym bols The chessboard with its coor di nates: Ç White stands slightly better 8 TsLdMlSt â Black stands slightly better 7 jJjJjJjJ å White stands better 6 ._._._._ ç Black stands better 5 _._._._. ê White has a de ci sive ad van tage 4 ._._._._ î Black has a de ci sive ad van tage 3 _._._._. ì bal anced po si ti o n 2 IiIiIiIi º un clear po si ti o n 1 rNbQkBnR ¤ com pen sa tion for the ma te rial a b c d e f g h ! good move !! ex cel lent move ? bad move ?? blunder q White to move !? in terest ing move n Black to move ?! du bious move ® King Ê ini tia tive © Queen ÿ counterplay Õ Rook à Bishop # mate À Knight corr. cor re spon dence 8 The Modern Bogo 1.d4 e6 Chap ter 3.1 Fianchetto 6.g3 1.d4 e6 2.c4 Ãb4+ 3.Ãd2 Ãxd2+ 4.©xd2 Àf6 5.Àf3 0-0 6.g3 b6 TsLd.tM_ j.jJ_JjJ .j._Js._ _._._._.
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