THE BELFAST GAZETTE, MARCH 3, 1939. (1) To the Belfast Hospital for Sick Children, Cushendall, in the County of Antrim, the sole Falls Road, Belfast, £250. Executor named therein. (m) To Dr. Barnardo's Homes (Belfast Branch), Dated this 23rd day of February, 1939. O'RORKE, MCDONALD & TWEED, (n) To the Belfast Masonic Widows' Fund £100. Solicitors for Executor, 40 Victoria Square, (o) To the Masonic Orphan Boys' School, Belfast; and Larne. Dublin, and (p) To the Masonic Orphan Girls' School, Dublin, £100 each all such Bequests to be paid free of Legacy Duty. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE IN Probate of said Will was on the 25th day of NORTHERN IRELAND. January, 1939, granted forth of the Principal CHANCERY DIVISION. Registry of the High Court of Justice in Northern 1938/114. Ireland, King's Bench Division (Probate), to Pursuant to a Judgment of the above-named Robert Thornbury, of Rainswood, Upper Court, made in the matter of Charles Burns & Newtownards Road, Belfast, Builder, and Samuel Co., Ltd., between Edward Girvan and William F. Sturgeon, of Shaftesbury Square, Belfast, Bank Scott, on behalf of themselves and all others the Official, Executors therein named. holders of First Mortgage Debentures of the Dated this 1st day of March, 1939. defendant Company, plaintiffs, and Charles Burns & Co., Limited, defendants, all persons claiming GEORGE ALLEN & CO., Solicitors for said to be incumbrancers affecting the lands and Executors, 32 Chichester Street, Belfast premises described in the Schedule hereto, are, by To the Commissioners of Charitable Donations their Solicitors, to come in and prove their claims and Bequests in Northern Ireland, and all at Chambers, Room No. 21, Royal Courts of Justice others concerned. (Ulster), Chichester Street, Belfast, on Thursday, the 23rd day of March, 1939, at eleven o'clock a.m., or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said judgment Every claimant holding any security is to produce the same at Chambers aforesaid on the 23rd day NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUEST. of March, 1939, at 11 o'clock a.m., being the time In the Goods of ROBERT NICHOLL, late of High appointed for adjudicating on the Claims. Street, Cushendall, County Antrim, Retired Dated this 28th day of February, 1939. Coal Vendor, deceased. THOMAS B. WALLACE, NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute Chief Clerk. 30 and 31 Viet. Cap. 54, that the above-named SAMUEL E. RUSSELL, Solicitor for Robert Nicholl, who died on 7th day of November, Plaintiffs, 110 Royal Avenue, Belfast. 1938, by his last Will dated the 16th day of October, 1937, after making certain pecuniary SCHEDULE HEREINBEFORE REFERRED TO. bequests, made the following charitable bequest, 1. Mill premises, situate Trafalgar Street, namely:— Belfast, at present in the possession of the Defendants. "All the rest, residue and remainder of my 2. Lands and premises on the north side of estate of every nature and kind whatsoever I leave Trafalgar Street, Belfast, held for ever at the to the Select Vestry for the time being of the yearly rent of £3 Os. 3d. Parish Church, Cushendall, to be used by them 3. Lands and premises at the corner of Nelson for whatever purpose they may in their absolute Street and Trafalgar Street, Belfast, adjoining discretion consider best for the benefit of the other premises of the defendants, held for residue Church or the Parish, and I direct that the receipt of term of 999 years at the yearly rent of £15. of the Treasurer for the time being of the Select 4. Lands and premises on the north-east side Vestry shall be a good and sufficient discharge to of McKellar's Court, Belfast, held from 1st May, my Executor." 1915, for term of 500 years at the yearly rent of Probate of said Will was on the 30th day of £10. January, 1939, granted forth of the Principal 5. Premises including dwelling houses and other Registry of the High Court of Justice in Northern buildings, situate Trafalgar Street, Belfast, held for Ireland, King's Bench Division (Probate), to Rev. residue of term of 10,000 years at the yearly rent Thomas Gordon Charpe, of Layde Rectory, of £6 15s. Od. BELFAST. PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE ON BEHALF OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NORTHERN IRELAHB To be purchased directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses 80 CHICHESTER STREET, BELFAST; York House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2; 120 George Street, Edinburgh 2; 26 York Street, Manchester 1; 1 St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff; or through any bookseller. Friday, March 3rd, 1939. Price One Shilling Net..
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