JMBR: A Peer-review Journal of Biomedical Sciences December 2006 Vol. 5 No.2 pp-5-12 EDITORIAL In Memoriam: Dr Christopher Gbelokoto Okojie Friday Okonofua Dr Christopher Gbelokoto Okojie, who died on honorary membership of FIGO in 1996. In October 7, 2006 at the age of 86 years, was 2003, he was again honored by FIGO with the one of the most distinguished medical doctors Distinguished Community Service Award, an in Nigeria in the second half of the twentieth honor reserved for obstetricians and gyneco- century. He graduated from the medical school logists around the world who have demon- in 1947, and immediately began a career in strated great passion and commitment in the rural medical practice two years later. He provision of clinical care to neglected popula- founded the pioneer private medical Centre tions. Indeed, Dr Christopher Okojie was the in Esanland, the Zuma Memorial Hospital on first Nigerian to receive this presti-gious March 27, 1950, which was the main medical award. centre available to the people of the area for Dr Christopher Okojie was past President the subsequent 40 years. of the Nigerian Medical Association and Past As the proprietor of this hospital, Dr Secretary of Health (Minister of Health) of the Christopher Okojie treated the most bizarre Federal Republic of Nigeria. He was a fellow medical conditions; provided antenatal, of the National Postgraduate Medical College delivery, postnatal and family planning of Nigeria, a fellow of the International College services to rural women; established a pioneer of Surgeons and a member of the Population orphanage home for abandoned children; Council of New York, USA. He led a principled trained several generations of nurses and and simple life dedicated to the service of the midwives; and offered a channel through people. He never wavered in his determi- which medical students from various nation to assist the poor and to advice young Nigerian Universities gained experience in men and women, not only in the health- rural medical practice. Indeed, the editor of related professions but also in other spheres this journal was born at the Zuma Memorial of life. Thus, he was a role model, mentor and Hospital and delivered by the great sage adviser to successive generations of Nigerian himself in mid-1950. It was in recognition of doctors, a celebrated humanist, philan- his prowess as a rural medical practitioner, thropist, trail blazer, advocate for the masses that the International Federation of Gyne- and a pacifist. cology and Obstetrics (FIGO) offered him the Members, Nigerian Reproductive Health Research Network, c/o Women’s Health and Action Research Centre, 4 Alofoje Street, off Uwasota Road, PO Box 10231, Ugbowo, Benin City, Edo State. Nigeria © CMS UNIBEN JMBR 2006; 5(2): 5-11 6 Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research Apart from his great achievements in the himself a visionary, who achieved so much medical profession, Dr Christopher Okojie as Vice-Chancellor of Nigeria’s foremost excelled as a writer, anthropologist, defender University. His succinct and eloquent of the causes of his native Esan people, and a narration of the life of Dr Okojie is a living veritable lexicologist. Surely, it will be testimony of the worth of the man who difficult to get such a Nigerian doctor of so worked so hard in his lifetime to lift the image many parts so soon in Nigeria. If Dr of the medical profession and to protect the Christopher Okojie had lived in other parts of lives of men and women in disadvantaged the world, he would be revered in perpetuity circumstances. as a hero, a sage and even a saint. In recognition of the achievements of this May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace, celebrated Nigerian doctor, the Editorial Board Amen. of the Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research has decided to immortalize his name, so that successive generations of Nigerian doctors will learn from his chosen path of wisdom and decide to mirror their lives after the examples he has set. We therefore decided it was appropriate to carry the full- length funeral oration delivered by Professor Abhulimen Richard Anao at the time of his burial. Professor Anao is the immediate past Vice-Chancellor of the University of Benin, A FAREWELL TRIBUTE TO DR. CHRISTOPHER GBELOKOTO OKOJIE © CMS UNIBEN JMBR 2006; 5(2): 5-11 In Memoriam Dr Christopher Gbelokoto Okojie 7 Dr Christopher Gbelokoto Okojie: April 9, 1920 – October 7, 2006 Former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Benin, Nigeria 6 Oyaide Avenue, GRA P.O. Box 5993 Benin City, Nigeria Tel: 08053791619 Richard A. Anao Here lies before us the earthly remains of a Social Services, Federal Republic of Nigeria; proud and princely hero; one who fought the Former Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of battle of this life gallantly and triumphed; one Council, University of Ibadan; Former member who pioneered and blazed many trials; one Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital Management whose light shone so brightly that all around Board, Uselu, Benin; Former Deputy President, him could see with it. Today, rather than Boys Scout of Nigeria; Former Chairman, mourn his demise, we call on you all to join Nigeria Institute of Oil Palm Research, Benin; us to celebrate the life of this great man who Chairman, Esan Orthography Committee; was our father, grandfather, great grandfather, Former Chairman, Edo Economic Advisory uncle, brother, friend and compatriot – Dr. Council; Writer; Historian; Anthropologist; XTO GBELOKOTO OKOJIE - Officer of the Ethnographer; Lexicographer; Federal Republic of Nigeria; Licentiate of the Born, April 9, 1920; called away from this School of Medicine, Nigeria; Fellow of the earth on October 7, 2006. Dr. Christopher (a International College of Surgeons; Honorary name he fondly abbreviated to “Xto”) Fellow of the International Federation of Gbelokoto Okojie, a dual Prince of Ugboha and Gynecology and Obstetrics; Fellow of the Irrua kingdoms, was from all accounts an Nigerian Medical Council; Doctor of Science intellectual giant, a leading light not only in (honoris causa), Ambrose Alli University; his primary discipline of Medicine, but also Founder and Chief Medical Director Zuma in the other fields of learning (History, Memorial Hospital, Irrua; Former National Anthropology, Ethnography, Lexicography) in President, Nigerian Medical Association; which he investigated and explored. He Patron, Association of General & Medical leaves behind for us a copious body of seminal Practitioners of Nigeria; Former Member, knowledge, a solid foundation which future Board of Trustees, National Postgraduate generations of researchers will find indispen- Medical College of Nigeria; Former member, sable in their further inquiries. He was a devoted Nigerian Medical Research Council; Council servant of his people, a compa-ssionate provider member, The Population Council; Former for the poor and neglected people of this earth. Associate Lecturer in Community Health, Dr. Okojie comes in the same mould as the famed University of Lagos and University of Benin; Mother Theresa of Calcutta, of blessed memory, Member of the Honorable order of who lived and died for the poor. He is no doubt contemporary Historians; Former member, one of the greatest sons of Esanland, (nay, of Board of Governors, Nigerian Broadcasting Nigeria) that have ever lived. Throughout his corporation; Former member, Eastern Region life, he displayed such love, compassion, of Nigeria Finance Corporation; Former commit-ment to his cause, energy, drive and zeal Chairman, Western Nigeria Development for knowledge that you do not often find Corporation; Former Minister, Works & endowed in one person. Transport, Midwest Region of Nigeria; Former Dr. Okojie definitely lived ahead of his time Honorable Secretary (Minister) of Health & in the manner that he came to a recognition © CMS UNIBEN JMBR 2006; 5(2): 5-11 8 Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research of the health needs of his people and got dispensary and saved her life. He also saw himself immersed in the arduous task of many cases of neglected scrotal hernia and bringing relief and succour to them, long hydrocele during his short stay at home. before it became the concern of government These incidents stirred and agitated Dr. to spread this basic necessity of life to all the Okojie’s compassionate mind, whereupon he nook and crannies of the land. decided there and then to resign his Dr. Xto Gbelokoto Okojie showed government appointment and return home to intellectual promise from an early age. Racing serve his people. Zuma Memorial Hospital, through his primary and secondary education Irrua, was opened on 27th March 1950 in a in which he attended some of the best known private house. Thus, he went into this lofty schools of his time, including Government venture with no money, no infrastructure, no College, Ibadan (in which he studied with a water in flowing taps, no electricity or government scholarship), he entered the telephone; but with his doctor’s certificate, Higher College, Yaba, in 1941, to undertake abundant raw energy and dogged determi- his premedical studies, this time with the nation. The hospital ward comprised just 12 sponsorship of another of our beloved, public- wooden beds. Thus began a fight which he spirited and benevolent uncles, Prince M. E. waged throughout his life against the forces Osobase of blessed memory, (“Pa Inono”, as of ignorance, superstition and disease in we all fondly called him). Dr. Okojie Esanland. distinguished himself in the premedical class This is the story of the humble beginning and entered the Medical School proper with of a medical establishment which has now a government scholarship in 1942, qualifying attained such maturity and fame that has as a full medical doctor 5 years later. As attracted world-wide recognition and expected, he took up employment with the commendation. Today, the hospital has Nigerian Medical Department immediately expanded to become one of the best-known afterwards, but this was not for very long; for, private medical establishments in Nigeria, Dr.
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