16 BAPTIST AlTD KBFIiECTOB, SEPT. 13,1900. TO SUFFERERS OF INDICES —Tbe month has gone. The first Attention, Brethren. the laud of the " Boxers," viz: a twiu TION AND DYSPEPSIA. Sunday I went to Shady Grove. Good Idol (Uoodah), made to serve as an opi- interest. The second to Leeviile. Held Tbe Convention year will soon close um pipe; large brass-rlmmed eye Have yoa ever tried the Bboflber and a large number of churches have Bare Care for ludlgeetion and dyepep- a few days good meeting in many re- glasses In case Inscribed with Chinese spects, despite the rain and meetings not taken a contribution for this fupd. characters; a pen for writing Chinese •ta? It U gamnteed to be a purely Now, brother pastor, let me Insist that vegeUble compound. Perfectly barm- all around us. Tbe third Bunday I characters; gentleman's finger ring of epeat at Big Springs. I left Bro. Car- you mention this Important matter Jade, to be worn on thumb; and a sec- leaa In any age, atage or condition In before September Is over. Now, breth- life. It allays all InflanLOiatlon of the ney and stayed with Bio. Clark at ond-band pair of ladles' slippers. Carter's Creek in a good meeting far a ren, do not forget this. If a hundred These articles I shall Eell to relic hunt- •tomaob and bowels, bea!« tbe Irrlta- pastors who have not yet mentioned tatlons, deatroye tbeunbealtbv mucua, few days. Upon my return I found ers, and send proceeds to Bro. Tatum Bro. Carney In a good meeting, but the this cause to their churches, will call for his work in Shanghai. eeta up a healthy granulation wkbout attention to It next Sunday, we could Iqjurlng the surrounding healthy Us- results In this section do not show tbe W. D. TtTRNLKV. usual visible results. Bro, Sherman get 1100 or more for these poor and Clarksvllle, Tenn., Sept. 10th. SPEAKING THE TRUTH IN LOVE. suea. It restores tbe liver and kidneys needy ministers. I am anxious to re- to healthy action, making a posltlv« and I have Jjst relumed. We made this trip together by stage. It, our port a large Increase lu thu work at and permanent cure for indigestion Watauga Association. brethren who write so much on predes- our State Convention when It meets at and dyspepsia. Est anything you Gallatin. To this I need the co-operH- want in reason. Masticate your food tination would see that God founded Thlsbidy luet Sept. 4th with the Old Serial, Yol. UII. NASHVILLE, TENN., SEPTEMBER 20, 1900. iiw8«riii,rii4m;i«.9 bis purpose, decrees predestination tlou of all the pastors before Oi't. 1st, • •ii'i--- well. Tkke the remedy and you will when tbe books for this year will be Poplar Grove Church on Stony Creek foreordinatlon and salvation on tbe de- hi Carter County, and organized by suffer no uneasiness. Bold by Demo- closed. Many country churobes where THE BLUE CROSS. Tbe make up and style of the. Bible mark It ad a quickly," of the last chapter of Revelation. Ita pur- vUle A Co., Nashville, T»nn., and lead- cision thKt he baw (there Is no such electliiK Rev. H. Hicks Moderator, thing as fonknowledge wltii God, tie the pastor has mentioned this to tbeir The Blue Cross on your paper this week will Indicate revelation from God. One who is In the habit of pose Is to reveal God In Jesus Christ. Tbe tliOQght, ing druggists everywhere. If your ehurcbes have cheerfully sent more J. M. lllchards<in Hecretary and W. H. that your subscription has expired. Please renew. studying flowers and trees and stars, as God has scat- like tbe rising sun, grows brighter and biightw nntll druggist does not keep it and will not knows), man makes (every man) and McBrlde Treasurer. not man's decision on his decrees, etc., than tbe II asked for. Let others fol- tered them In nature, must be Imprewed, as be reads the perfect day of the Gospels. Bide by slde wlth get it for you, write direct to the Bboff- low their example next Sunday. The introductory sermon was preach- "Old Time, I Trow," the Bible, that the God of nktnre U the God of the thin revelation of Jesus the Saviour we have in the ner Medicine Co., Newbern, Tenn. then much ado and ambiguity would ed by Rev. K J. Meese. A. J. F. In behalf of the infirm and aged lly Laura lliiriKit I.iiu'xdii. Bible. There Is lu the book little uniformity and Old Testament a dark revelation of man as m ainner. Write for testimonials. be done away. Hyder had reported on State Missions 8. N. FITZPATRK'K. ministers I present this claim to you. M V Ilium ma U t-Hl im prvtty, plan. The book of truth is like the worild of nature This unity of teaching as to tbe one God, and tba ho- l>efore our arrival. Rro. J. I>. Jenkins A;r Hiiillcii III tlie Hwui'to^t way. CIIAS. L. ANDKRBON, Hut I'm lu u lot o' troublu about us; we are Invited to go In and gather and liness of tbat God, and the coming of Cbkrt, iqnnlng drWonderful Qrate. Heats two nx.ms. Carthage, Tenn. presented an admirable report on Saves { ill ci>st of rhimnov. mul i the fuel Cb'm. Board, Brownsville, Teun. Kur I foiiml n wriuklv to day classify. To the devout naturalist the make-up of through so many minds and so many ages, oa^Dot be —Just closed one of tbe gKsteet re- Home Missions, followed by a brief UlKht 'tween lior broWM; an' I askeil lii-r the Bible Is a presumption tbat the God of nature Is acoounted for except on the ground that the B^ has iorevcr.AiMrtSSB0RIAMGEAfECn..Haal5TllU.Ali report on Foreign MISHIOUS submitted What miule NUCII H wrinkle t(row, vivals this town and church hM expe- The New Association. lllght wliurt! I luvcd to klH« lier; its author. And It has a style of Its own. It Is hard one Author who moved men to write his tiw^hts, rienced In years. Tbe entire onmmu- by the writer. Reports were discussed Au' alia Hiild, "Old Ttinu, I trun ' COCAINEACTWHISKY for us to realize that It Is not a s<Jigle book, but a li- and kept them from falling into the errors time Qfl^*' m» 8«n»tor- ulty has felt and been blest by tbe Please let me say a word atwut the by G. W. Edetis, W. H. Hick. J. I) An' Hhe smiled, l>ul li«r oym looked norry brary of sixty six bnoks with more than forty au- In which they lived. Stand by the foundation MBol- taB. Im SS Bundrvda V TMBi » «P5pt«lti. Hook OD preaching of tbe gospel. Many back- new Association which Is called to Jenkins, A. J. F. Hyder. An" I didn't know "Time I Trow, " thors. Each author retains his personality, and omon'e temple while it U buUdhig. Hwa eo^ea a iia)«n< wnt fRBE. Addma So I tliouKht I'd UHk my iiiiiui, WOOLLKV. M. P.. Atlanta. Qn. sliders were reclaimed, and the church meet at the Immanuel Church on tbe Reports on Sunday-schools and Edu- Theru'H notlilfi' 'at ho don t know. writes as the man that he Is. The style of the whole stone brought from a distant quarry, and Itflmblts Uplum, Co- Is In a blessed state of revival. There '.*Tth of this month. cation were presented by J. M. Stout IIcHnld lio'Hiierted I mmlf II book Is unique—shall we not say divine? John Ran- place in the building without the touch of dtliM. A ry/iORPHiNE.. CKlDf. Whl»- were 26 conversions and 12 additions I want to say In l>ehalf of our church 'Cnaiie I illdu'l nlwuyK inind. k^S twDiti cur«d at bouie. N- uj^ulftrlO » K Cure and W. M. Vaught. Bro. J. C. Dug- An' I'd told an nwful story dolph In his mature years said, '-It would have been second stone, from another quarry, fita ezaotQr^Ilta OuruarmntMi d Endoraed by pby-tlrlanii, mini*- by baptism. Bro. W. O. Bailey, Btate that we are ready and anxious to en- An' tu Hlslur I'd lioen unlclnil. place. This continues day after day, nntU •nqi'itone Mn and otberi Book of particularn, tentl- ger made a good report on Books and as easy for a mole to have written Sir Isaac Newton's moalsls, sic., free Tobaccollnv, tbe tobacco evangelist for Tennessee, did all tbe tertain all who will come to this meet- Periodicals. Fine speeches on same •Now wlio would n tlioiiRlit 'lit ii wrlnklr treatise on optics as for an uninspired man to have is in lU place, and the glorious temple atat^'lbne cure. It Establlsibfd liwa. Would I'liuoKe Niicli u (tlHce lo icrow WItSO.N CUEUICALCO.. DI HLIN.TE.X. preaching. He captured the church ing. We want to assure the biethren were made t>y Brethren W. H. Hicks, 'niise I'd tolil NU JII » wlckvd Hlory written tbe Bible." Disraeli describee Be jastlan Cas- complete. Do you suppose for a moment ItaatttiiHe and town with his first sermon and that they will be welcome to our W. K. Dougherty, E. J. Meese and An' treated in.v «Uter h.,? tillion's attempt to Improve the Bible by adding to it stones have somehow, by chance, been prapatvd -tor held them spellboond to the end, not church and homes.
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