PRESENT THE LIFE AND SONGS OF GEORGE M. COHAN THE MOORE THEATRE 1932 Second Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101 Produced in association with STG and BAA SHOWTUNES Theatre Company Welcome to SHOWTUNES at the Moore! Martin Charnin, Artistic Director Maggie Stenson Pehrson, Executive Producer For those of you new to SHOWTUNES, In Association with STG and BAA welcome to what our patrons have present long referred to as “Seattle’s best-kept secret.” For those of you who already appreciate our shows, welcome back to what BroadwayWorld.com calls “a musical theater lover’s paradise.” We thank the staff at STG for making us feel so at home, and our friends at BAA for spreading the SHOWTUNES word to their Broadway-loving subscribers. We .VTJDBOE-ZSJDTCZ(FPSHF.$PIBOt#PPLCZ.JDIBFM4UFXBSUBOE+PIOBOE'SBODJOF1BTDBMt -ZSJDTBOE.VTJDBM3FWJTJPOTCZ.BSZ$PIBOt1SPEVDFEPO#SPBEXBZCZ%BWJE#MBDL ,POSBE.BUUIBFJBOE-PSJO&1SJDFt also send our heartfelt thanks to our %JSFDUFEBOE$IPSFPHSBQIFEGPS#SPBEXBZCZ+PF-BZUPO generous individual donors. Last sea- son, two long-time supporters offered Starring (in Alphabetical Order) to match donations received, and that appeal added nearly $5000 to our coffers. The harsh reality, however, is that this amount represents a quarter of the costs associated with one produc- tion. So tonight we’re again asking for donations! You can mail us a check, or make an online donation via the PayPal link on our website. What will re- ally help us grow is your voice, telling other people about SHOWTUNES. The best marketing comes from our enthusiastic patrons. If you have feedback for us, or would like to provide a quote for us to use on our website (www. showtunestheatre.org) or Facebook page (SHOWTUNES! Theatre Company), please send an email: [email protected]. We are passionate about bringing rarely seen musicals to you - our savvy and appreciative audi- ence – and we’re so glad you came to enjoy the songs of George M. Cohan Musical Numbers: with us tonight! SHOWTUNES Theatre Company Board Members 0DJJLH6WHQVRQ3HKUVRQ3UHVLGHQW'DYLG.RFK9LFH3UHVLGHQW $QQH:DWDQDEH7UHDVXUHU$LPHH:LQGPLOOHU:RRG6HFUHWDU\-XOLH&DUORV*UDSKLFV 0DUWLQ&KDUQLQ$UWLVWLF'LUHFWRU Special Thanks -DVRQ)HUJXVRQ0DVRQ6KHUU\$PDQGD%HGHOO.HQ3RWWV5REHUW0DUJRVKHV 6WDIIDW 6HDWWOH7KHDWUH*URXS$QQH)UDQFLV 6WDIIDW%URDGZD\$FURVV$PHULFD 5REE+XQW-D\0DUNKDP 9LOODJH7KHDWUH0DU\0DFKDOD 3253D\UROO &DUULH&XUOH\ 6WDIIDW8QLWHG5HSURJUDSKLFV'RXJODV7KRPSVRQ (ULQ6SURZ&KULV%HQQLRQ7DSURRW7KHDWUH&RPSDQ\ Gregg Thompson Productions for Scenic Elements Season Sponsor GEORGE M! is presented by arrangement with Tams-Witmark Music Library Inc. Broadway Across America - Seattle 560 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York, 10022 The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited. 2 SHOWTUNES Theatre Company Martin Charnin, Artistic Director Maggie Stenson Pehrson, Executive Producer In Association with STG and BAA present The Life and Songs of George M. Cohan .VTJDBOE-ZSJDTCZ(FPSHF.$PIBOt#PPLCZ.JDIBFM4UFXBSUBOE+PIOBOE'SBODJOF1BTDBMt -ZSJDTBOE.VTJDBM3FWJTJPOTCZ.BSZ$PIBOt1SPEVDFEPO#SPBEXBZCZ%BWJE#MBDL ,POSBE.BUUIBFJBOE-PSJO&1SJDFt %JSFDUFEBOE$IPSFPHSBQIFEGPS#SPBEXBZCZ+PF-BZUPO Starring (in Alphabetical Order) ALLAN BARLOW* JARED MICHAEL BROWN* LAUREN CARLOS MEGAN CHENOVICK JEANNETTE D’ARMAND ANGELICA DUNCAN IRIS ELTON DANIEL GOODMAN KAREN HARP-REED JOHN PATRICK LOWRIE* JON LUTYENS JUDY ANN MOULTON * EMILY RUDOLPH BRYAN TRAMONTANA CLARE WATANABE 0XVLFDO'LUHFWLRQE\ 'LUHFWHGE\ MARK RABE DAVID HUNTER KOCH Musical Numbers: $OZD\V/HDYH7KHP/DXJKLQJ0XVLFDO0RRQ 2K<RX:RQGHUIXO%R\$OO$ERDUGIRU%URDGZD\ 0XVLFDO&RPHG\0DQ7ZHQWLHWK&HQWXU\/RYH0\+RPH7RZQ %LOOLH3XVK0H$ORQJ,Q0\3XVKFDUW $5LQJ7R7KH1DPH2I5RVH3RSXODULW\ 1:7DS&RQQHFWLRQ *LYH0\5HJDUGV7R%URDGZD\0LQXWHV)URP%URDGZD\ 6R/RQJ0DU\'RZQ%\7KH(ULH&DQDO 0DU\¶V$*UDQG2OG1DPH$OO2XU)ULHQGV <DQNHH'RRGOH'DQG\1HOOLH.HOO\+DUULJDQ2YHU7KHUH <RX¶UH$*UDQG2OG)ODJ7KH0DQ:KR2ZQV%URDGZD\ ,¶G5DWKHU%H5LJKW*LYH0\5HJDUGVWR%URDGZD\5HSULVH <DQNHH'RRGOH)LQDOH * are appearing at SHOWTUNES through the courtesy of Actor’s Equity Association, the union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. GEORGE M! is presented by arrangement with Tams-Witmark Music Library Inc. 560 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York, 10022 The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited. 3 Cast ALLAN BARLOW* Allan is thrilled to make his SHOWTUNES debut with George M! 5HFHQWO\KHZDVVHHQDV1LNLWD.UXVFKHYLQ9LOODJH7KHDWUH·V Iron Curtain$OVRDW9LOODJHThe Taming of the Shrew (Petru- chio), Eleanor 7HGG\5RRVHYHOW DQGCamelot (Merlin). Else- ZKHUHLQWKH31:KHKDVSHUIRUPHGDW6HDWWOH5HS Sunday in the Park with George), SCT (Dr. Doolittle), Seattle Shake- speare (Romeo and Juliet) and Portland Center Stage (Snow Falling on Cedars) He draws his strength and inspiration from KLVORYHO\DQGYLYDFLRXVZLIH'HEUDDQGKLVEHDXWLIXOZKLS smart daughters Genevieve and Lilliana. -DUHGPRYHGWR6HDWWOHWZR\HDUVDJRDIWHUJUDGXDWLQJIURP JARED MICHAEL the University of Evansville in Indiana with a BFA in Theatre BROWN* 3HUIRUPDQFH 6HDWWOH >6HDWWOH )RRWOLJKW $ZDUG 5XQQHU 8S@ Camelot (SMT), Zanna, Don’t!, New Voices 10 and The Yel- low Wood (Contemporary Classics), A Christmas Story and Journey West & The Best of Northwest Bookshelf (5th Avenue), I Love You Because (Centerstage Theatre), Iron Curtain and readings of Rocket Science and Lincoln in Love 9LOODJH 1H[W up: Oklahoma! at the 5th Avenue. As always, for my family. Proud new member of AEA. LAUREN CARLOS Lauren, age 11, is honored to be part of another fantastic SHOWTUNES production. A 6th grader from Mukilteo, Lauren has been acting around Seattle area stages since the second grade. Favorite shows include White Christmas and Sunday in the Park with George (5th Avenue), Annie Warbucks and Mu- sic! Music! Music! (SHOWTUNES), Annie in Annie 'ULIWZRRG Sound of Music and Wizard of Oz (Attic Theatre). This fall see her as Anne Frank in Diary of Anne Frank with the Attic Theatre. 7KDQN\RXWR0DUWLQ0DJJLH'DYLG0RP'DGDQG-DNH Megan Chenovick is thrilled to be joining SHOWTUNES again, MEGAN CHENOVICK having previously appeared in Follies and It’s… Superman! 5HFHQWKLJKOLJKWVLQFOXGH/\ULF/LJKW2SHUDCamelot (Guene- vere), Bellevue Opera: La Bohème (Musetta), and Tacoma Opera: L’elisir d’amore *LDQQHWWD 7KH 6HDWWOH 0HQ·V Women’s Chorus featured Megan as their guest diva singing ´*OLWWHU %H*D\µIRUWKHLUWK$QQLYHUVDU\FRQFHUWDW0F- &DZ+DOO0HJDQLVD 021&5HJLRQDO)LQDOLVW DQGD 6HDWWOH2SHUD*XLOGWUDLQLQJIXQGJUDQWUH- FLSLHQW1H[WXS/\ULF/LJKW2SHUDMusic Man (Marian Paroo). JEANNETTE D’ARMAND A graduate of New York University and former soloist for &LUTXHGX6ROHLO·V0\VWqUH-HDQQHWWHLVDFDEDUHWMD]]VLQJHU voice teacher, voiceover artist, and member of 5th Avenue Theatre’s popular women’s trio, The Daffodils. She recently recorded her debut album Stage Road in New York with Man- KDWWDQ 7UDQVIHU IRXQGHUV /DXUHO 0DVVp DQG -DQLV 6LHJHO DQG co-producted it with Margaret Whiting’s musical director of 25 \HDUV7H[$UQROG8SFRPLQJOklahoma! at the 5th Avenue Theater. www.jeannettedarmand.com 4 Cast (continued) ANGELICA DUNCAN Angelica is honored to be a part of this production! She is grateful to everyone for their support, encouragement and IRU VKDULQJ WKH PDJQLÀFHQW DUW RI OLYH WKHDWUH 3DVW UROHV LQ- clude Olive in the 25th Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee, Cecily in The Importance of Being Earnest, Cat in the Hat in Seussical the Musical, Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables the Musical and both Hermia and Helena in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Love to her family for their unconditional love; Tyler for his patience and positive energy, and to the cast and crew for being so incredibly fabulous! Enjoy the show! ,ULV VR H[FLWHG WR EH UHWXUQLQJ WR SHUIRUP ZLWK SHOWTUNES. IRIS ELTON Most recently she was seen as “Carla” in the TMP production of NINE. Previous productions include: 2011 Season Preview DQG0\)XQQ\9DOHQWLQH WK$YH New Voices 9 &10 (Con- temporary Classics), The Full Monty and Showboat 9LOODJH Theatre), 2 Gents 5HQWRQ&LYLF A...Always Be Alice, 7 Year Itch, Illyria 5HGZRRG DQG Annie Warbucks (SHOWTUNES) Iris has studied acting at CUNY, HB Studios (NY), and the NY School for Film and Television. http://iriselton.com DANIEL GOODMAN 'DQLHO LV WKULOOHG WR SHUIRUP VKRZWXQHUDULWLHV VXFK DV WKHVH Originally from Alabama, he’s received degrees in sociology and German from the University of Southern Mississippi. Since arriving in Seattle, he’s been in The Drowsy Chaperone (SMT) and 25th…Spelling Bee DW 6HFRQG 6WRU\ 5HS 7ZR IDYRULWH SHUIRUPDQFHV *UDQFHU WKH 'DQFHU LQ 13 Alabama Ghosts, SHUIRUPHGLQKLVKRPHWRZQDQG'DV*HVSHQWV 7KH*KRVW LQ Das Gespents von Canterville (The Ghost of Canverville), per- IRUPHGLQ%RQQ*HUPDQ\1H[WXS0HUOLQLQKing Arthur and the Knights of the Playground with Balagan Theatre. .DUHQ LV GHOLJKWHG WR SHUIRUP DJDLQ ZLWK SHOWTUNES in this KAREN HARP-REED ZRQGHUIXO VWDUVWXGGHG FDVW RI *HRUJH 0 .DUHQ KDV SHU- IRUPHG ZLWK 7KH WK $YHQXH 9LOODJH 7KHDWUH &LYLF /LJKW Opera, and cabaret shows at the Crepe de Paris, as well as theaters now gone such as ETC, and MusiComedy NW. Favor- ite roles are: Laurey in Oklahoma, Cunagonda in Candide, Anna in The King and I, Aristocrat in Evita, Fraulein Schneider in Cabaret and Phenney in Sisters Rosensweig. Thanks to my wonderful family for your love and support. JOHN PATRICK -RKQKDVOHGDYDULHGFDUHHUDVDFRPSRVHUPXVLFLDQFRQ- LOWRIE* ductor, author, actor and director for the last forty years. Na- tional credits include Charley: Death of a Salesman, Mr. van 'DDQDiary of Anne Frank (Nat’l Tour), Tito: Lend Me a Tenor (Meadowbrook),
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