FREE COPY SPORT THE NEWSPAPER FOR SOUTHERN SPAIN Isco, the first local footballer Official market leader Audited by PGD/OJD with a Ballon d’Or October 13th to 19th 2017 www.surinenglish.com nomination The Malaga-born Real News 2 Food & Drink 46 Madrid player helped Spain Comment 26 My Home 53 Lifestyle 28 Sport 57 qualify for the World Cup P57 Health & Beauty 40 Classified 62 in English What To Do 47 Pastimes 70 CUBISM REVISITED Tourism industry keeps a concerned Juan Gris and María Blanchard star in the new eye on the health exhibition at the Carmen Thyssen museum P28 of low cost airlines The collapses of Monarch, Air Berlin and Alitalia show the low-cost model is more vulnerable that we think Seventy per cent of passengers us- ing the Malaga-Costa del Sol airport travel with low-cost airlines. The re- cent massive cancellations by Ry- anair, as well as the demise of Mon- arch, the latest in a string of three bankruptcies, have put the tourism industry on guard. P16&17 Costa del Golf. Azahara Muñoz and Sergio García feature in this month’s edition of the region’s top golfing paper. INSIDE Hiding for a hobby. Antonio Martínez spends his free time watching and taking photographs of the province’s wildlife P36&37 A visitor views Seated Woman by Juan Gris. :: ÑITO SALAS Government gives Catalonia until Thursday to rethink independence Spanish prime minister Mariano Ra- putting independence on hold and Rajoy is prepared joy has delivered an ultimatum to called for talks with the central gov- to use Article 155 Catalonia’s leader Carles Puigde- ernment. If on Monday he confirms mont, who announced a “sus- that his address did in fact include of the Constitution pended” declaration of independ- the declaration, Rajoy has given him ence on Tuesday. Rajoy asked Puig- until Thursday to rectify. The prime to impose direct demont on Wednesday first to clar- minister’s next step would be to ap- ify whether he did actually declare ply the as yet unused article 155 of rule from Madrid the region an independent republic. the Constitution, which would al- The secessionist leader disappointed low the temporary intervention of supporters when he said that he was Mariano Rajoy. :: EFE Carles Puigdemont. :: AFP the region’s self-rule. P2&3 Marbella works on a plan to help people who have made the town’s beaches their home P4&5 22222222 October 13th to 19th 2017 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH rectify the situation. If not, Madrid said it was prepared Rajoy gives Catalonia until Monday to use Article 155 of the Spanish constitution, which gives it powers to temporarily intervene in the re- gion’s self rule. to clarify and Thursday to rectify Later on Wednesday, Mariano Ra- joy appeared in the Spanish parlia- ment to address MPs and explain more on the government’s position The PM wants Catalan ify the confusing situation as to ence, and then put it on hold in the on the political crisis. president, Carles whether they were declaring uni- Puigdemont proposed hope that Madrid might enter into “What isn’t legal isn’t demo- lateral independence or not. dialogue or seek mediation. This cratic... the referendum on 1 Octo- Puigdemont to say if he putting independence was followed by separatist MPs sign- ber completely failed. No supposed has properly declared Ultimatum issued on hold in the hope that ing a document that independence result can legitimise a political de- independence or not, as In a televised statement Rajoy said: Madrid might enter talks had been declared. cision, and certainly not the inde- “If [Catalan president] Puigdemont Even members of Puigdemont’s pendence of Catalonia,” Rajoy said. the first step towards returns to the law, this will mark own separatist coalition of MPs were Rajoy appeared to enjoy broad taking possible direct the end of this period of uncer- unclear if this meant independence support from the main national po- control under Article 155 tainty and things will calm down.” Rajoy’s appearance followed a had been declared or not. litical parties for his decision to give He continued: “Puigdemont also special meeting of the Spanish cabi- an ultimatum to Carles Puigdemont has the chance to heed the clam- net in which ministers debated the Formal notification from Rajoy ahead of possibly using Article 155. :: SUR our from so many parts ... to return best course of action following the In a formal letter addressed to the MADRID / BARCELONA. Prime Catalonia to peaceful coexistence,” previous evening’s tense session of Catalan government on Wednes- Talks on Constitution minister Mariano Rajoy lit the fuse referring to calls from Catalan busi- the Catalan regional parliament. day, central government said that However Pedro Sánchez, leader of on the use of Article 155 of the Span- ness leaders and the European Un- it was giving it until Monday (16 the Socialist main opposition party, ish constitution on the separatist ion for the regional government to Confusing address October) to state if it considered it announced that he had secured con- Catalan government on Wednesday put a stop to its unilateral inde- Carles Puigdemont had at once ap- had declared independence or not cessions from Rajoy at a meeting by calling on regional leaders to clar- pendence plans. peared to publicly declare independ- and until Thursday (19 October) to earlier on Wednesday that the issue of constitutional reform would be discussed within two months. Ad- dressing MPs towards the end of MADRID MILITARY their session, Rajoy confirmed that a commission on the Constitution PARADE ENDS IN would be called. As before this week’s events, op- TRAGEDY AS position to the central government’s PILOT DIES position in Catalonia came from the left-wing Unidos Podemos alliance and other regionalist parties. King Felipe VI, along with Article 155 of the Constitution, Queen Letizia and their two if imposed, would allow Madrid to daughters, presided over the intervene in the running of the re- armed forces parade in Madrid gional government in Catalonia, in- to mark the 12 October Na- cluding taking direct control of the tional Day. More crowds than regional Mossos police force. Law- usual turned out with their yers are divided over how far Ma- Spanish flags to watch the drid could go as the clause has never event which saw 4,000 mili- been used before. tary troops, as well as repre- sentative of the National Po- Disappointment in Barcelona lice and Guardia Civil, march In Catalonia there had been wide- past. The morning’s events spread disappointment among pro- ended in tragedy as one of the testers near the parliament building Eurofighter jets that took part in Barcelona on Tuesday when Car- in the traditional fly-past in les Puigdemont, in his address to re- Madrid crashed on its return to gional MPs, appeared to fudge the the Los Llanos air base in Al- long-promised declaration of inde- pendence they had been calling for. bacete, killing the pilot. :: AFP In that speech he said: “The ballot boxes say yes to independence,” re- October 13th to 19th 2017 3 SUR IN ENGLISH NEWS WHAT THEY SAID Mariano Rajoy Spanish Prime Minister Cervezas San Miguel moves registered office “Puigdemont has the chance to return Catalonia to Malaga in the heat of the Catalan crisis to peaceful coexistence” It is one of some 30 firms Carles Puigdemont that have changed their Regional president of Catalonia letterhead in the last “I am committed to week to give them legal following the route to security amid fears the independence” economy in Catalonia is being harmed. ferring to the banned vote on 1 Oc- tober. “And this is the route that I have committed to follow,” he went on, before suggesting that a period :: SUR was need to restore calm. MALAGA. The Costa del Sol was The events in Barcelona showed one of the areas to gain a new com- up tensions in the separatist parties pany as a result of the increasing supporting Puigdemont. His parlia- Catalan crisis this week. mentary appearance was delayed for With many firms, including an hour on Tuesday night to give time household names, deciding to for the radical-left-wing CUP party change their official registered of- to study the text of the speech. fice to a place outside the embat- They have said that a Catalan re- tled region, Cervezas San Miguel public should immediately be de- announced that Malaga will now clared following the regional govern- be its legal base. ment’s route map and that they would Among other companies mov- wait no longer. ing their legal base out of Catalo- These differences between the nia in a hurry have been; Caxiabank more moderate and more anti-sys- (to Valencia); Banco Sabadell (to tem elements of the regional MPs Alicante); Gas Natural and Bimbo supporting independence was said bread (to Madrid); and AXA Life (to to be at the heart of the apparent hesi- Bilbao). Even Agbar, the Barcelona tation of the declaration. It wasn’t water company, changed its address San Miguel has had one if its main breweries by Malaga airport for the past fifty years. :: SUR clear if Puigdemont was going to con- to Madrid this week. tinue to enjoy the support of CUP in Over 30 firms have swapped the coming days. bases this way so far due to the un- to maintain guaranteed access to ences or for the Catalan govern- of independence. The option of regional elections certainty in the region. the European single market, as a ment to halt its independence The company moving to Malaga, being called in Catalonia was also dis- There is little real benefit for separate Catalonia wouldn’t auto- plans.
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