378 NORTON-IN-HALES. SHROPSHIRE. (KELL'i''S dred, Drayton petty sessional division and onion and Mar. · bert Chapman M.A. ol Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. ket Drayton county court district, rural deanery of Hodnet, There is a Primitive Methodist chapel, built in the year 1835. archdeaconry of Salop and diocese of Lichfield. The church The churchyard in the village is closed ; there is a cemetery of St. Chad was originally built in the reign of King Stephenr with chapel (consecrated in I865) half a mile distant ; it rebuilt in tt>e reign of Edward Ill. and the chancel added in consists of about half an acre of ground, presented to the that of Henry VII. : in the year 1864-5 it was thoroughly parish by the Rev. Frederick Silver M. A. late rector. There restored in the Early English style, and in 187:;t was enlarged are charities of [28 yearly value. Bellaport Hall, the seat by the addition of a north transept: it now consists of chan- of Hugh Ker Colville esq. ;r.P. is a building of red brick, in eel, nave, aisles, vestry and a tower containing 8 bells and a the Elizabethan style. Brand Hall, the residence of Charles clock, presented by Harcourt Griffin esq. of Pelwall House, Tayleur esq. is a modern red brick building. Hugh Ker near Market Drayton, together with chimes, which play Colville esq. J.P. who is lord of the mano:J;", and Marten Har· every three hours: the principal entrance is by a Norman court Griffin esq. J. P. of Pell Wall, Staffs, are the chief land­ doorway beneath the tower, which contains many ancient owners. The soil is sand; subsoil, sandstone. The chief monuments of the Cottons and other families connected with crops are wheat and the sustenance for dairy farming and the parish! a little chapel, adjoimng the tower on the north tur.nips. The area is I, 869 acres of land and 9 of water; side is used as a baptistery: the font is of Caen stone and rateable value, £3,903; the population in 1881 was 373· Galway marble, and the windows are stained: the interior BRAND CoMMON, I mile west, and NoRTON WooD, I mile is seated with oak benches, the finials of which represent north-west, are hamlets of this parish. different fruits and flowers mentioned in the Bible: the pul- Parish Clerk, James Wainwright. pit is of Caen stone and Galway and Devon!!hire marbles : PoST OFFICE.-Benjamin Pemberton, postmaster. Letters the organ cost [350: the chancel is furnished with carved from Market Drayton arrive at 7·I5 a.m.; dispatched at ()ak stalls and has a magnificent brass eagle lectern, ~rgift to 6.15 p. m. Market Drayton is the nearest money order & the church! thewholeof the windows, with the exception of telegraph office. Postal orders are issued here, but not those in the north aisle, are stained. The register dates paid from the year 1547. The living is a rectory, average tithe National School, built in I879, for 150 children; average rent-charge £II3, net yearly value £I33• including 15 attendance, 97; there is a boose for the master; William acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the trustees of l''rederick Thomas, master; Mrs. E. A. Thomas, mistress the late Rev. F. Silver, and held since 1885 by the Rev. Her- Railway Station, William Edward Fidler, station master Barker George Eardley John, farmer, N orton farm Tomlinson Robert, farmer, The Mere Bryon Mrs. Laurel cottage Eardley Richd. farmer, Bellaport lodge Tomlinson Thomas, farmer, The ,Ash Chapman Rev. Herbert M.A. [rector] Eardley Richard Vernon, farmer, Bella- Tudor Thomas, wheelwright Colville Hugh Ker J.P. Bellaport hall port Old hall Wainwright James, boot &.shoe maker, Read Mrs. Rose villa. Jones John, farmer, Church farm & registrar of births & deaths for Tayleur Charles, Brand hall Jones John Bishop, Griffin Arms P.H Moreton Say sub-district. COMMERCIAL. Keay William Henry, farmer WainwrightJohn,farmer, YewTree farm .Barnett :rohn, farmer, Norton wood Lewis Samuel, farmer & cattle dealer Wallater Edward, farm bailiff toHugh Bruckshaw George, grocer& blacksmith Madeley Joseph, butcher Ker Colville esq. J.P .Bruckshaw John, blacksmith, & deputy Minshall John, wheelwright Wild Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Norton wood registrar of births & deaths for More- Nevett William, beer retailer Woodcock William, plumber , ton Say sub-district, Drayton union Pemberton Be-qj. shopkeeper,Post office <>AKENGATES is a populous place which,. with the Xetley Bank is in the ecclesiastical parish of Oaken­ adjmlcts of Ketley Bank and Snedshill, was formed into gates, and in Wellington county court district; it is situated an ecclesiastical parish in 1855 from the parishes of Shifnal on the left of the Holyhead road from Shifnal. There are and Wombridge; it is on the_ Great Western and the Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels here. 'fhe Duke Coalport branch of the L. and N. W. railways, both of which of Sutherland x.o. is the principal landowner. lines have stations. here, and on the ,Watling Street and Snedshill is a populous hamlet, in the parish of Shifnal, Holyh~a~ road, 3 miles east from Wellington, 4 north-west but attached to the ecclesiastical district of Oakengates: from Sbtfnal, 13! east from Shrewsbury and 137 from Lon- h h · · k · d b d d b · · tb M'd d' · · f th ere are t e extens1venon wor s of the Ltlleshall Company on Y ro~ an I49 Y rai'1 m e 1 , 1~810n ° . e Limited; these works have communication with the North county• Brimstr~e 9:nd Bradford hund~d, V\ ell_n~g~on umon, Western and Great Western rail ways ; there are also large county court d1str1ct and petty sessiOnal d1v1s1o.n, rural brick works the property of the same deanery of Edgmond, Salop archdeaconry and diOcese of ' . company. Licbfield. Oakengates is lighted with gas from works PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & A~u~ty & Insurance Office, belonging to the Oakengates and St. George's Gas and Market str~et, Oakenga~.-Wilham Hunt, postmaster. Water Co. Limited. The church of the Holy Trinity, conse- ~tters arnve from Wellmgton at 6.go a. m. & 2.55 p.m. ; crated in January I855 is a structure of brick with stone dispatched at 9·I5 a. m. & 6.50 & 7·45 p.m facings, in the Gothic 'style, consisting of cba'ncel, nave, A Sc~ool Board of 5 members was formed in I875 ; J. Leake, north and south transepts, south porch and a small turret Sh1fnal, clerk to the board; R. L. Corbett, Oakengates, above the chancel arch containing one bell: there are atten~ance officer . 8ittings for 500 persons. The register dates from the year Wombr1~e Board Schools, Ketley B~nk, bmlt_m I878 &; en· I855· The living is a vicarage, net yearly value about £ 140, larged m I882, for IS~ boys, I34 1prls & I20 .mfants; aver. with residence~ in the gift of the Bishop of Licbfield, and age atten~ance, I52 boys, I34 g1rl~ & 9~ mfants; ~m. held since 1879 by the Rev. James White. Here are Primi- ~en~y ~mght F.R-?.s. master; Miss E~1zabet~ K~:tght, tive Methodist, Wesleyan, Congregational, Baptist and girls _m1stress _; &Miss Florence Dun~ey,mf.ants m1str~ss Methodist New Connexion chapels. The minerals are iron- Wom~ndge National School (bo~s, glfls & mfants), w1th stone and coal. The Lilleshall Company Limited are exten- r~1dence for the. mas~r & m~stress, ~ounded .by _James @i.ve leaseholders. A market was established in 1826 · it is Ohver esq. of Sprmg Hill, Wellmgton, m 1846, IS situated held pn Saturdays, and is well attended. The Market Hall, at Oakenga.tes ; 'he scho?l.will hold 262 c~ildren; aver- rebuilt in 1869, is a structure of red brick and will hold about age attendancr:, 250 ; . W1ll1am Horner Allison, master; 350 persons. Lord Stafford, who is lord of the manor, Earl Mrs. M. E. Alhson, miStress Granville, the Duke of Sutherland K.G. and Col. Sir Thomas RAILWAYS:- · Meyrick hart. D.L., J.P. of Apley Castle, are the principal Great West&rn, William Henry Ruscoe, station master & landowners. The soil is sandy ; the subsoil is clay and goods agent gravel. The area is 500 acres; the population in I88I was London & North Western (Coalport branch), George 2,007. Newns, station master; Henry L. Turner, goods agent Oakengates. Arthurs George Edward, Fighting Birmingham, District & Counties Bank- Edwards John, Belle Vue house Cocks P.H. Market street ing Co. Limited (sub-branch) (R. J. Ferriday Enoch Attwood Elizh.(Miss),shpkpr.Staffrd.rd Acton, manager); open wed. & sat. GeeRev.William[Oong.],Staffordrd .BaileyE.J.&P.(Misses),drapers,Ox- from 10.45 to I2.I5i draw on Hemus Ephraim, Church parade ford street Williams Deacon & Manchester & Hulett Charles Thomas, Stafford road Bailey Benjamin, beer·retlr. Market st Salford Bank Limited, London B c .Jones Arthur Thomas Lloyd Beard William, grocer, Market street Bowler John, builder,&; sec. to Market Parkes Edward, Stafford road Beddoes Frank Green, ironmonger, Hall Co. Oxford street Rushton Mrs. Stafford road tinplate worker, oils, blasting, Bowler John J oseph Paul, photographer• Towler Rev. Edwd. [Baptist], Slaney st powder, fuze & dynamite merchant Oxford street White Rev. James, Vicarage Oxford street ; & at Ironbridge British & Colonial Meat Co. Market st Wilkinson John Sebastian F.R.c.s.Eng Beech Jane (Miss), dress ma.Stafford rd British & Foreign Bible Society DepOt Beech Thomas, fruiterer &c. Market st (Miss Emily Susanna.Alcock ),The Grn • COMMERCIAL. Beech William, shoe maker, Stafford rd Clark Abraham, clogger Alcock EmilySusanna (Miss), stationer, Beetlestone John, tailor, Market street Clemson John, beer retailer, Market st The Green Blakemore John, builder, Slaney street Cludde Moses,tinplaft worker,Slaney sti .
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