FRIDAY, MAY 14, 2021 www.camperdownchronicle.com.au Rec. Retail $1.60 incl. GST Strong uptake in COVID vax Vaccination: Camperdown’s Randy Walton receives his fi rst dose of the COVID vaccination from acute nurse manager Tash Swayn. 2021D For the full story turn to Page 3. Shire draft plan released CORANGAMITE Shire’s Draft Council things that we say we’ll do.” “This council plan focuses on issues that are May 12 at www.facebook.com/Coran- Plan 2021-2025 and Annual Action Plan The draft council plan lists 38 priorities important to our residents,” she said. gamiteShire. 2021-2022 are now available for public across fi ve themes: “Our mission is to foster opportunities, cel- They will also be available at the following comment. • A Connected Community; ebrate our identity and lifestyle, and provide drop-in sessions: high quality and responsive services. Mayor Ruth Gstrein said the four-year coun- • A Thriving Community; • Wednesday, May 12, 10am, Lismore, out- “We will manage the opportunities and chal- cil plan would have a major role in council’s • A Healthy, Active and Resilient Commu- side the post offi ce; nity; lenges facing Corangamite Shire to ensure • Wednesday, May 12, 1pm, Terang outside budgets and activities. that we improve the lives of people through • Improving Our Environment; and the IGA; and “The council plan is the big-picture strategy teamwork, integrity and respect, with a focus • Community Leadership. • Wednesday, May 19, 2.30pm, Timboon that guides all of our service areas,” she said. on providing value to ratepayers.” “It is always front of mind when we’re The annual action plan details more than 80 The Daft Council Plan 2021-2025 and Annu- outside the IGA. deciding on budget allocations, policies and specifi c goals with target completion dates. al Action Plan 2021-2022 can be found at www. Submissions should be addressed to the chief procedures. All councils are required to prepare and corangamite.vic.gov.au/CouncilPlan2021 or at executive offi cer. “The annual action plan breaks down specif- adopt a four-year council plan by October 31 the Civic Centre in Camperdown. They can be emailed to shire@corangamite. ic steps towards achieving the overall goals. in the year following a general election. Cr Gstrein and shire chief executive offi cer vic.gov.au or posted to Corangamite Shire, PO “Putting it all down on paper keeps council Cr Gstrein said the plan shows where the Andrew Mason will host a live-streamed ques- Box 84, Camperdown, 3260 by 5pm, Monday, accountable and makes sure we deliver on council and community will be in 2026. tion and answer session at 7pm Wednesday, May 24. inside MAY CATALOGUE Road funding OUT NOW! today: windfall page 2 Come in and Lismore septic system Service to CFA grab a bargain! complete page 3 TERANG & CAMPERDOWN appreciated page 6 Cnr Thomson & Baynes Sts, Terang 5592 1555 57 Scott St, Camperdown 5593 1488 Page 2 ~ The Camperdown Chronicle, Friday, May 14, 2021 ADVERTISEMENT Gayle Tierney MP STATE LABOR UPPER-HOUSE MEMBER FOR WESTERN VICTORIA As a member of the Andrews Government, please feel free to contact me to discuss any State Government matters you may have. Ground Floor, 1 Yarra Street, Geelong VIC 3220 P: (03) 5224 2088 E: [email protected] Authorised by G Tierney, 1 Yarra St, Geelong. Funded from Parliamentary budget. Shire mayor Ruth Gstrein. 2020E Road funding windfall CORANGAMITE Shire Council has safety issues as well as having a negative thanked the Federal Government for impact on businesses due to increased travel $17.5 million to upgrade dairy supply times. chain roads. “The Cobden-Warrnambool, Cobden- Stonyford and Camperdown-Cobden Roads Member for Wannon Dan Tehan announced have been named as specifi c benefi ciaries.” the funding would be allocated in the 2021- Cr Gstrein said the key freight routes, which 2022 Federal Budget. carry supplies in and produce out, are part of It builds on $17.4 million committed by the the Barwon South West Dairy Supply Chain State Government. which supplies a quarter of the nation’s milk Corangamite Shire mayor Ruth Gstrein production and dairy exports. thanked both tiers of government for their “Many of the local freight carriers have investment in infrastructure “which is vital for reported lost productivity because of slow the shire’s economy”. travel times and vehicle damage from poor “This latest announcement by Dan Tehan is roads,” she said. excellent news for road users who have been “Investment in the roads will go a long way crying out for road improvements,” she said. towards overcoming these problems which “This combined $34.9 million package will will be positive for business and jobs.” make a real difference to some of the roads in Cr Gstrein said improved roads would be our shire which are of serious concern. safer for other road users, including locals, “Some of them are so worn out they pose school buses, farm vehicles and tourists. 5 DAY FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WEATHER MAY 14 MAY 15 MAY 16 MAY 17 MAY 18 FORECAST 7º 11º 7º7 11º 7º7 12º 9º9 13º 7º 14º Showers Clearing Showers ShowersShowers Easing Cloudy Find us on social media /wdnews.com.au @WDnews_au The Camperdown Chronicle, Friday, May 14, 2021 ~ Page 3 WESTERN DISTRICT All over 50 eligible for vaccination PHYSIOTHERAPY CAMPERDOWN and district Speaking with The Camperdown certain. Unfortunately we don’t can get it,” she said. residents continue to roll up Chronicle last Friday, Ms Swayn know too far in advance how “The public are doing a great their sleeves for the COVID said there were 126 doses for many doses we’re going to get,” job, and as soon as we put it up the day. she said. (on the SWH website there are vaccination efforts. “They (the vaccination clinics) “We’ve given more than 500 appointments) they are onto it.” South West Healthcare (SWH) are going really good,” she said. doses so far at Camperdown.” Ms Swayn thanked the acute nurse manager Tash Swayn Ms Swayn said the clinic was Ms Swayn said residents had Corangamite Shire for its support -DVRQ+LOODQG3DZDQ-HHYQDQL said vaccination clinics were now open to all residents above been eager to get their vaccination of the vaccination clinic. being held at Camperdown each 50 years of age, with walk in as soon as they were able. For more information on how %DFNDQGQHFNVSLQDOSDLQ Tuesday and Friday at the Killara spots available some days. “I think people are excited. to make a booking visit www. 6SRUWVLQMXULHV Centre for eligible residents. “Tuesday and Fridays are for They just feel really lucky they southwesthealthcare.com.au. 0DVVDJH5HKDELOLWDWLRQ MONDAY – FRIDAY &DPSHUGRZQ 7HUDQJ 5RELQVRQ6WUHHW +LJK6WUHHW (PDLOXVRQZGSK\VLR#JPDLOFRP ZZZZHVWHUQGLVWULFWSK\VLRFRPDX Anne Gleeson and Steve Lamb Camperdown 5593 1107 Terang 5592 1293 Project update: A state-of-the-art septic system at the Lismore public toilets has now been completed. 2021D Lismore septic system complete LISMORE public toilets are now home cope during holiday peak times. system to the streetscape. TIMES FOR THU. MAY 13 TO MON. MAY 17 to one of the best septic systems in the “It was an old system that we had tried to “There’s a number of galvanised structures Phone 5232 2077 country, according to Corangamite Shire upgrade in the past, but it became really in the area already and the bollards will turn a Cnr Rae and Gellibrand Streets, Colac mayor Ruth Gstrein. obvious we needed a permanent solution to dull grey with time.” A $175,000, six month project to install protect the amenity of the area,” she said. Shire manager recreation and facilities the new system in Lismore’s avenue has “Lismore is a popular break for travellers Jarrod Woff said the system included a fi nished with local plumber Gary Poole along the Hamilton Highway and the public sand fi lter with a footprint half the size of a decommissioning the old septic and fi nalising toilets and picnic area are central to this.” traditional system. earthworks. Mr Poole, who is a third generation plumber, “Around 80 per cent of the wastewater Works to soften the appearance of the said he was pleased with the end result of is recirculated four times, with 20 per cent bollards installed to protect the wastewater the project. receiving UV treatment and pumped up to (M) - 99 mins fi lter will take place mid-year. “It’s been an interesting project, there’s the western median along two kilometres of WRATH “Options include hedging or street furniture, certainly been a number of challenges,” pipework,” Mr Woff said. Thu, Fri 1.45pm, 6.15pm but we need to ensure vehicles do not access he said. “There is one other system like this in Sat, Sun 11.45am, 6.00pm OF MAN Mon 1.45pm, 6.15pm this area,” Cr Gstrein said. “It’s quite a unique system. Victoria and two in New South Wales. (MA15+) - 118 mins She said while the project had taken longer “We thank the community for its patience. “It has been operating since before Easter Thu – Mon 3.45pm, 8.15pm than anticipated, the wait had been worth it. We’ve had great support from the local traders and has coped really well. “It was a complex project which involved and my contractors.” “There has been an odour in the last few days a lot of agencies and contractors,” Cr Mr Poole said he had completed a number while the septic crust that stops gas releasing Gstrein said. of additional jobs for the community as part continues to form.” “There were a few hurdles, but we thank of the project.
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