UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 116 Date 12/06/2006 Time 2:11:34PM S-0882-0006-05-00001 Expanded Number S-0882-0006-05-00001 Title items-in-Permanent Observers Date Created 08/09/1967 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0882-0006: Correspondence Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant: with Heads of State, Governments, Permanent Representatives and Observers to the United Nations Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit End of Report United Nations - ARMS DafasefUNARMSDB 1 N S - ^'&~j -N< ATI O N S jV.'fc'\V YORK •j /.T; CJ N y w E wyrj :? K • A c « t £. rr r. The Secretary-General of the United Nations presents his ..; compliments. to the Permanent Representative cf the Ur.icn of ;./• Soviet Socialist Republic £ arid ha"; the honour to refer to the ;• Note Verbaie of II June 19--7 addressed to him by the Permanent •: Mission of the Soviet Union concerning the cuestion cf inclusion : of reference to per^ar-eno observers of i-;on-:^s;r_bcrE in certain •'. - United Nations publications. ' - The Secre1ariat ras frequently no^/^d "thr't "t-h-^^g ^rc ro :' specific provisions relating to permanent observers of Non~ffieird;er£ in the United Nations Charter, in the Headquarters A.f/rceirent v/ith ,'. ••' the United Statec Governin.ent or in General Assenib.lv resolution ' 2fJ7 (ill) of. 3 Decen±cr 1948 concerning Permanent KiGS.iong of •i;. .Menslser States and has consistently held the view that Pcrrr-inent '(. Observers are n^rt cntitled_Jtp jdiplojiiatic privile^eo or irr-iiinitiec; •<. under the Headquarters Agreement or under other statutory prcvi- ;.' . sion.3 of the host State. This position of the Secretariat was •jcade clear net only in the rioto Verbalc of 25 October 1961 ;. addressed to the Perinanent i-Jssion of the USSR but also in a legal opinion issued on 22 August 196.2 ar;d reproduced in document •"I . ST/LEG/S (at page 236). The Socretary-C-eneral is therefore in •'.'' agresEcnt vrith the Perruanent hission of the Soviet Union that v: permanent- observers of Non-members have no officially recognised status at the United Nations. Nor are oersanent observers Dro- vided v/'ith protocol assistance which is accorded to Permanent '•.' I Jlissions of Msnber States by the Secretariat. A list of the :';, nair.es of Permanent Observers is appended tc the monthly list of v': permanent-I^ssion-s to the United Nations and is new also included. .Us' in-,.a section of the Journal of the United Nations r.erelv for . j.!» ''''••..''•'. — .;/i cdnvenienc_e_.of-.referenc.e. L" N 1 T ?•; ]} NAT IONS M S l; N : i: S 'rVith rorjpa-t to the footnote rsf Grc::c-;: ir- doc'.'.r.cmt ,'2/7678, it will lie recalled tb?.t appeals for voluntary c;;i:tr:.tat.ic.r:3 have been c.ddresced to Kon-senbers ty rcsscn of their n:sr:bers]iip in the Bpecialised e.,2encic-E of the U^itGi ITations; in conferences convened under the aunpicer: of the United IT^tiors: or in certain United llations organs* Such a rsfercnce GOGS not imDl3r in any way the accordance or rocognl tier; of official status tD tho Fermc";ent Gt'servera. Since those !ior:-rr.--;:.-:bcrr; have establichea penranent onsorvcrs" oJ'TicGn at; a :;.e^i-c of li~.in:c-n wj.ih the United ITati on? at the latter ' s Headquarter", it is a."?, in for Hhn n^.he of ccnvonier'co that apjj0alc_ for vo? unt".:'y__ contrDtutionr, arc ch.-inr.elra through the o"boerverD_. The L-'-CC rotary -General TiiKhos to inform tho Po morion t Hipsion of tho Govic-t Union t!,c,t in providing the references to pcr.7.<p.r.ont obaervors in the above-mentioned publication- tho Srcro Lariat h?r> not deviated from its position as e;:pres-sed in itr-. lo/;:il opinion of 22 August ±962 and that he will take the roooccary ctepn in the future to a\roid any nii Gimderctir.dinr of that position. 8 Soptenber 1967 •";'' ' ' -' • '-- '. ,' ~~\r^~~-* ^Federal Republic of Germany 405 Lexington Avenuf i ,'. The Permanent Observer New York, N. Y. 10017 -" MUrray Hill 7-6882 to the United Nations A •;. Alexander Baker 9 September 1969 './<• As you may remember from our recent conversation, Mr0 Georg Ferdinand Duckwitzs State Secretary of the German Foreign Office, at the request of Foreign Minister Willy Brandt9 will "be in New York from 21 to 26 September 1969 on the occasion of the United Nations XXIVth General Assembly, During his stay in Hew York Mr. Luckwitz would very much appreciate being received by the Secretary-General, As you pro"bably remember, Mr. Duckwitz already had the privilege of calling on the Secretary-General last November during a previous stay in New York. Though I am fully aware of the Secretary-General's heavy schedule in the weeks to come, I would be most grateful to you if you could find it possible to arrange for a brief reception of Mr. Duckwitz by the Secretary-General. Thanking you for your help, (/ tl*U>\ Mr,, C.V. Narasimhan Under-Secretary-General and Chef de Cabinet of the Secretary-General United Nations JTew York V [fRE4AU DE L'OBSERVATEUR PERMANENT DE LA SUISSE AUPRES DES NATIONS UNIES New York, le 2k fevrier 1970. Monsieur le Secretaire general, J'ai eu 1'honneur de recevoir la lettre de Votre Excellence du 25 de ce mois par laquelle vous avez bien voulu exprimer la profonde emotion que vous a inspiree la catastrophe qui a frappe, le 21 fevrier, un avion de la Swissair. Vous me faites part, par la mime occasion, de vos condoleances pour le deces du capitaine Kuhn, premier pilote de I'e'quipage de 1'avion de la Balair que mon Gouvernement met a la disposition de 1'ONUST, et qui se trouvait parmi les passagers. Je n'ai pas manque de faire part a mon Gouver- nement et, par son entremise, a la famille du capitaine Kuhn de votre sympathie. En leur nom et en mon nom, je tiens a vous dire combien votre message m'a touche et a vous adres- ser la sincere reconnaissance pour les sentiments que vous avez eu la delicatesse d'exprimer. r Veuillez agreer, Monsieur le Secretaire general, I'assurance de ma tres haute consideration. L'OBSERVATEUR SUISSE •Son Excellence U'Thant Secretaire general de lfOrganisation des Nations Unies, New York, N.Y. .FEL/tsa le 25 f$rei«r 1970 tie I''©r§sjais-atie-s4 J^ ties© a ]&as?t de la p^f-ss^ Ifeoti-esi <^u* sa'isspirfi la frapp4 1$ 21 frm-lm* l^avion d:e Is. Swissair I CRT pascal lea fassagers s® iroawifc Is cspltein^ H *i@ T^airtes && &&• & la ge cfe 'la snyveiH^se© €a Is t® capitals® 1'tiha sou ^srvice spyia vm eoagl -?sa Saiss®, lorsqas le a -ais asasl 1 la fssgllls €^ eaplteSm® Kiste sras eoailel©anefis Je tiers' 0gal«mes.fe I sa5sl? cette oee.as.ios pour yssrisr a Bfia-rosii Is S«m.trssHae;assifc s'4J,sse- d.e "i*app?d. ep*il a a|spdy%4 la :tf.ssios *tes ISatiass U33i©3 p«3«r is is^iaties. de la p;d.x su t t® 3tettsafc ws. avien I ss rlispissitloa et par d'autr-e® • 8&e«I&eme Is R««m ., S.T. 1001? CVH/nt 7 April 19TO Bear Sir> 5?he Seeretary-Seueral lias asked me to acknowledge your telegram to him dated h April •which came to his attention yesterday. By that time we had already received the ead news of the assassination, of the German Ambassador in Guatemala. In this connection, you may wish to know that the Seeretary-Seseral made the following public statement yesterday: "The Secretary-General deplores all acts of violence. In this particular ease, the senseless murder of a diplomat for political reasons is most despicable and should evoke universal condemnation.11 Secretary-General has asked me to convey his personal condolences to you,, to the Countess and to the other members of the bereaved family,, He would have written to you himself but for the fact that he had to leave this morning on an official visit to the Riilippiaee and Japan . I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to offer my personal sympathy to you^, to the Countess and to all the members of Count voa Spreti*s family. Yours sincerely, C. IT, Haraslmhan Chef de Cabinet Mr. Viktor Gottfried Rledl voa Ridenstein B/O Bermanent Observer of the Federal Republic of Germany to the 0 nlted Nations 405 Lexington Avenue York, 3$,Y. 100(17 cc-- ^ L !' 420544 1LB2IT XRIS»3 INCOMING HYK ACTION 1 \^. FILE NO. D ACTION COMPLETED INITIALS CO AUWI 040 ••:*$k Reeorth 40/39 4 2020 UNQEKERALSEKR5TAER UTHAWT WEWYQRK $&mm OF TH£ FAMJUY OF COONT SPREtlS WIFE I ASK L JSO YOUR ATMOSf f© SAFE THE tIFE OF THE QE8WA8 AMBASSA&OH 18 ?J Tg; FAtHgR OF IHftEE CKlUmEtfS VIKTOR GOTTFRIED RIEDL VON - -<-, "^ •• ' ^ «^" TO : The Secretary-General FROM : Jean Gazarian FOR YOUR INFORMATION DME; MOCTB7D Translated from French OFFICE OF THE PERMANENT OBSERVER OF SWITZERLAND TO THE UNITED NATIONS New York, 2k October 1970 714. WO Sir, The Swiss Government wishes to make known, in a statement, its position regarding the resolution adopted today by the United Nations General Assembly concerning the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade. On instructions from my Government, I have the honour to transmit to you herewith, for information, the text of this statement.
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