Changing Stations

Changing Stations

1 CHANGING STATIONS FULL INDEX 100 Top Tunes 190 2GZ Junior Country Service Club 128 1029 Hot Tomato 170, 432 2HD 30, 81, 120–1, 162, 178, 182, 190, 192, 106.9 Hill FM 92, 428 247, 258, 295, 352, 364, 370, 378, 423 2HD Radio Players 213 2AD 163, 259, 425, 568 2KM 251, 323, 426, 431 2AY 127, 205, 423 2KO 30, 81, 90, 120, 132, 176, 227, 255, 264, 2BE 9, 169, 423 266, 342, 366, 424 2BH 92, 146, 177, 201, 425 2KY 18, 37, 54, 133, 135, 140, 154, 168, 189, 2BL 6, 203, 323, 345, 385 198–9, 216, 221, 224, 232, 238, 247, 250–1, 2BS 6, 302–3, 364, 426 267, 274, 291, 295, 297–8, 302, 311, 316, 345, 2CA 25, 29, 60, 87, 89, 129, 146, 197, 245, 277, 354–7, 359–65, 370, 378, 385, 390, 399, 401– 295, 358, 370, 377, 424 2, 406, 412, 423 2CA Night Owls’ Club 2KY Swing Club 250 2CBA FM 197, 198 2LM 257, 423 2CC 74, 87, 98, 197, 205, 237, 403, 427 2LT 302, 427 2CH 16, 19, 21, 24, 29, 59, 110, 122, 124, 130, 2MBS-FM 75 136, 141, 144, 150, 156–7, 163, 168, 176–7, 2MG 268, 317, 403, 426 182, 184–7, 189, 192, 195–8, 200, 236, 238, 2MO 259, 318, 424 247, 253, 260, 263–4, 270, 274, 277, 286, 288, 2MW 121, 239, 426 319, 327, 358, 389, 411, 424 2NM 170, 426 2CHY 96 2NZ 68, 425 2Day-FM 84, 85, 89, 94, 113, 193, 240–1, 243– 2NZ Dramatic Club 217 4, 278, 281, 403, 412–13, 428, 433–6 2OO 74, 428 2DU 136, 179, 403, 425 2PK 403, 426 2FC 291–2, 355, 385 2QN 76–7, 256, 425 2GB 9–10, 14, 18, 29, 30–2, 49–50, 55–7, 59, 2RE 259, 427 61, 68–9, 84, 87, 95, 102–3, 107–8, 110–12, 2RG 142, 158, 262, 425 114–15, 120–2, 124–7, 129, 133, 136, 139–41, 2SM 54, 79, 84–5, 103, 119, 124, 144, 150, 162, 144, 150–4, 156, 158–61, 163–5, 170, 172–3, 170, 173–5, 177, 179, 185–6, 191, 193, 200, 176, 190–1, 195, 198, 201–3, 209, 212–13, 209, 213, 230, 244, 247, 258, 260, 264, 266, 215, 221, 224, 233, 235, 237, 245, 247–8, 253, 269, 270–1, 274–7, 286, 294, 299, 312, 321, 258, 260–1, 268, 270, 274, 275, 290, 296, 308– 328, 339, 342, 346, 350, 353, 359–60, 385, 11, 313, 317, 321, 325–7, 335, 337–9, 341–3, 386, 389, 400, 403, 424 345–6, 348, 350, 352–3, 355–6, 359–62, 364– 2ST 403, 427 5, 375, 379, 384–5, 397–406, 412, 415–16, 2TM 251, 259, 425 423, 433–6, 505, see also Children’s 2UE 9, 14, 20, 29–31, 56, 84, 86, 89–91, 100, Newspaper of the Air 103–4, 106–10, 112, 119, 121–2, 128, 150, 2GB 870 Club 268 153, 159–61, 163, 170, 173, 175–6, 194, 196, 2GB Bluebird Club 126 202, 204, 209–11, 213, 221–2, 230–1, 240, 2GB Community Chest 141 247–8, 250, 261, 264–7, 270, 274, 276, 281, 2GB Happiness Club 124–7, 129, 136–7, 139– 285–7, 290, 294–9, 308, 310, 312–13, 315, 40, see also 5DN Happiness Club; Stelzer, Mrs 317, 319, 324, 327, 334, 341–2, 344, 346–7, W.J. 350, 355, 360, 364, 367–9, 379, 384–5, 390, 2GB Loaves and Fishes Restaurant 202 392, 402–5, 409, 411, 413, 415, 423, 433–6, ‘2GB News Reviewer’, see Baume, Eric 505 2GB Public Library 224 2UE Academy of Music 248 2GB Radio Reporters’ Club 325–6 2UE Call to Youth Club 128 2GCR 96 2UE Kids Careline 196 2GF 164–5, 260, 294, 308, 425 2UW/Mix 106.5 17–19, 31, 36, 54, 86, 93–5, 2GF Smile Club 127 106, 121–3, 125, 130–2, 138, 153–4, 182, 193, 2GN 96, 205, 424 203, 207, 210–14, 216–17, 220, 224, 227, 236, 2GO 79, 93, 204, 427 246–7, 249, 251–4, 258, 260, 264, 268, 277, 2GZ 129, 136–7, 155, 224, 249, 260, 319, 358, 284–6, 288, 293–7, 310, 319–21, 323, 349–50, 425 2 356–7, 360, 364, 366, 372, 375–7, 379, 382, 3UZ/Sport 927 14, 54, 60, 79, 103, 119, 129–30, 385–6, 388, 390–2, 423, 433–6 152, 191, 195, 217, 238–9, 250, 258, 261, 264, 2UW Players 211 268–70, 272, 307, 310–11, 315, 317, 321, 331, 2VM 259, 269, 380–1, 427 348, 363–4, 366, 372, 398, 399, 423, 430 2WG 251, 346, 424 3UZ Tailwaggers’ Pet Club 129 2WG Women’s Club 142 3UZ The Living Theatre 217 2WL 129, 146, 155, 341, 424 3WR/3SR 9, 136, 155, 295, 306, 319, 423 2WS/WS-FM 74, 79, 84–5, 93–5, 146, 159, 3XY/Magic 693 54, 84, 128, 162, 164, 183, 190, 170, 204, 274, 277, 403, 428 239, 260, 263, 265, 268, 270, 294–5, 310, 313, 2XL 67, 120, 205, 251, 424, 426 339, 347, 350, 358, 375, 390, 400, 425 2XT 9 3XY Fisherman’s Club 128 3YB 19, 129, 258, 426 3AK/SEN 1116 201, 315–17, 424 3YB Breakfast Club 129 3AK Listeners’ League 127 3AR 179, 310 4AY 181, 311, 403, 425 3AW 29, 66, 88, 90, 105–6, 108–9, 128–9, 133, 4BC 18, 28, 93, 120, 154, 160, 162, 184, 209, 139, 143, 146, 154, 156, 161, 167, 169, 174, 264, 269, 285, 293, 310–11, 325, 358, 361, 176, 179, 197, 201, 211, 224, 234–5, 240, 247, 366, 375–6, 411, 413, 423 249, 251, 259, 270, 275, 289–90, 294, 296, 4BC Plane Fund 366 304, 307–8, 310, 314–15, 336–7, 342, 346–7, 4BC Players 213 368, 371, 377, 384–5, 388, 397–8, 401–4, 406, 4BH 29, 77, 95, 138, 146, 153, 155, 159, 162, 408–9, 424 203, 207, 209–10, 249, 256, 265, 274, 335, 3AW Birmacley Pet Club 129 361, 371, 389, 398, 424 3AW Chatterbox Corner Chums 128, see also 4BK/B105 FM 21, 29–30, 68, 94, 146–7, 185, Chatterbox Corner 264, 319, 344, 379, 413, 423 3AW Night Owls’ Club 128–9 4BU 139, 425 3BA 19, 226, 423, 430 4GG 95, 427 3BO 127, 163, 288–9, 424 4GR 89, 246, 423 3BO Players 213 4GY 93, 389, 427 3DB 10, 18, 29, 68, 95, 127, 153, 158, 176–7, 4IP 311–13, 425 180, 191, 212, 222, 231, 239–40, 251, 254–7, 4KQ 70, 124, 182, 370, 378, 427 264, 269, 284–6, 289, 290, 292, 297, 307–8, 4KZ 170, 427 310, 338, 340, 344, 347, 349, 350, 364, 366–7, 4MB 159, 359, 424 372, 378, 384, 388, 423 4SB 179, 366, 369, 426 3DB Community Song Book 249 4TO 166, 424 3DB Tall Story Club 127 4TO Commander Singing Club 128 3GL 69, 95–6, 155, 158, 182, 226, 277, 312, 4WK 121, 259, 425 332, 423 4ZR 267, 426 3HA 164, 226, 424 3HS 424, 441 5AA 74, 147, 160, 204, 274, 316, 415, 427 3KZ 94, 105, 130, 138–9, 144, 177, 182, 204, 5AD 13–14, 18, 20, 29, 107, 121, 127, 138–9, 209, 238, 251, 260, 263, 267, 299, 307–8, 310, 194, 211, 250, 253, 264, 285, 305–6, 308, 310, 333–4, 357, 359–60, 370, 378–9, 390, 423 319, 372, 385, 423 3KZ Broadcasting Company of Victoria Ltd 5AD Kangaroo Club 127 357, 360 5AU 136, 178, 181–2, 425–6, 430 3LK 24, 153, 308, 367, 441 5CL 291 3LO 129, 152, 291 5DN/SEN 1323/Cruise 1323 29, 32, 108–9, 120, 3MA 61, 361, 424, 429–30 126, 135, 144, 146–7, 154, 168–9, 177, 182, 3MP 74, 79, 95, 146, 274, 315, 427 194–5, 198, 207, 209, 235, 266, 270, 275, 310, 3NE 41, 427 316, 319, 322, 333, 358, 364, 389, 393, 397, 3SH 128, 162–3, 226, 424 403, 407, 423 3SH Women’s Club 127 5DN Happiness Club 126, 367 3SR 136, 155, 295, 306, 319, 424 5DN Kipling Boys’ Club 127–8 3TR 68, 201, 225, 226, 423, 431 5KA 13, 94, 136, 143, 156, 177–8, 181–2, 199, 3UL 19, 263, 426 283, 370, 378, 423 3UL Breakfast Club 129 5MU 20, 425 3 5PI 20, 424 Ackfield, Bill 272 5RM 143, 425 Acheson, Merv 250 Actors and Announcers’ Equity 41, 67–8, 96–7, 6AM 120, 224, 425, 430 220, 221, 228, 232, 236, 365 6CI 156, 182, 427 actuality broadcasts 58, 155, 283, 333, 336–40, 6GE 224, 254, 426 342, 344–5, 58, 388 6GL 94 Adam, Kenneth 64–6 6IX 20, 29, 120, 138, 153, 181, 263, 269, 310, Adcock, Rev. Neil x, 191, 194, 195, 196, 197 350–1, 398, 405, 425 Adelaide 9, 33, 74, 84, 88, 94, 101, 115, 135, 6IX Golden Microphone Award 269 138–9, 177, 184, 194, 207, 238, 266–7, 270, 6KG 120, 224, 424 274, 287, 289, 310, 316 6KY 135, 261, 264, 310, 347, 370, 375, 378, Advent Radio Television Productions 187 407, 427 Advertiser (Adelaide) 14, 127, 319 6ML 18, 20, 120, 364, 366, 423 network 28, 211 6ML Cheerio Club 125, 127 advertising 4–6, 67, 111–13, 119, 150, 254, 341, 6PM 94, 121, 224, 310, 312, 426 398, see also sponsored programs 6PR 29, 87, 108–9, 120, 135, 138, 156, 160, and A-class stations 8, 11 162–3, 195, 196, 310–11, 375, 379, 404–6, alcohol 77 411, 424 and Broadcast Services Association 213 6TZ 138, 142, 156, 427 Cannes festival 111 6TZ Women’s Radio Service Club 142 cigarette, see tobacco 6VA 145, 427 and community radio 77–8, 96 6WB 20, 425 complaints about 18, 25, 27, 272, 232 and drama 209 7EX 53, 62, 128, 138, 147, 426 FM 75, 87 7EX Gardening League 128 ‘live reads’ 106–7 7HO/HO-FM 29, 36, 56, 98, 101, 138, 141, 165, local 55, 226 247, 265, 340, 381, 398, 423 logs 49 7HT 29, 165, 308, 379, 426 medical 25, 39, 44, 77, 100, 160 7HT Theatrette 250 and midnight-to-dawn radio 131–2 7LA 24, 29, 36, 137, 141–2, 310, 423 and music 258, 263, 273, 279 7LA Women’s Association 141–2, 250 national 28, 94, 216, 225, 233 7QT 129, 142, 426 networking 17–27 7QT Chums’ Club 129 and news 107, 109, 321, 337, 339 newspaper 24, 36 8DN 70, 166–7, 193, 270, 273, 275, 304, 389, political 358, 371, 373, 382, 386 427 rates 14, 25, 36, 107 8HA 70, 92, 159, 167–8, 237, 385, 427 and religious broadcasting 192, 200 revenue 10, 18, 31, 44, 59, 63–4, 67, 91, 95, 93.9 Bay FM 96, 428 190, 252, 278, 311 96fm 84, 89, 428 self-regulatory codes 66 and sports broadcasting 293, 296, 301, 305, A-class stations 7–8, 11, 13, see also Australian 309, 313 Broadcasting Commission Sunday 40, 44, 49 cricket 284–5 and talent quests 26 licence fees 11 and television 53, 56, 87 political broadcasts 355, 359 time limits 48, 64, 89, 106, 167 sport 292 tobacco 72, 77, 100 ‘A Whiter Shade of Pale’ 384 Western Australia 263 ABBA 274 and World War II 34, 35–7, 135, 216 ABC Classic FM 276, 406 advertising agencies 26, 34, 43, 58, 59, 214, ABC Enterprises 411 225, 243, 288, 330, see also Broadcast Services Aborigines viii, 161, 177, 217, 261, 388–9, 399, Association; George Patterson Pty Ltd; J.

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