Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2016;9(4):4849-4853 www.ijcep.com /ISSN:1936-2625/IJCEP0023358 Case Report Pituicytoma, a rare sellar mass: a case report Xuyong Lin1, Yang Liu1, Yuan Miao1, Huadi Gu1, Xiaoman Li2, Liang Wang1, Enhua Wang1 1Department of Pathology, First Affiliated Hospital and College of Basic Medical Sciences, China Medical Univer- sity, Shenyang, Liaoning, China; 2Key Laboratory of Medical Cell Biology, Ministry of Education, China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, Liaoning, China Received January 6, 2016; Accepted March 20, 2016; Epub April 1, 2016; Published April 15, 2016 Abstract: We present the case of a 52-year old male with progressive reduction of vision. Though the case was ini- tially misdiagnosed as pituitary adenoma by radiological studies and the intraoperative frozen section examination, the tissue sections were finally diagnosed as a rare sellar pituicytoma WHO grade I. The patient is recurrence-free for 2 years after the initial diagnosis. The histological features, immunoprofile and differential diagnosis are dis- cussed in the current study. Keywords: Pituicytoma, pituitary, immunohistochemistry, sellar Introduction mass was found by cranial computed tomogra- phy (CT) in the local hospital. No clinical fea- Pituicytoma, arising from pituicytes of the neu- tures suggested endocrine abnormalities. Re- rohypophysis and infundibulum, is an extremely sults from visual acuity tests showed acuity of rare benign tumor of the sellar and suprasellar 1.0 in the left and 0.5 in the right. No bitempo- regions [1, 2]. It is previously known as “infun- ral haemianopsia were disclosed. Laboratory dibuloma” or “posterior pituitary astrocytoma”. testing showed borderline decrease of plasma The tumor usually presents as a solid, well-cir- ACTH (6.75 pg/ml), serum FT4 (8.68 pmol/L), cumscribed, non-infiltrative mass [3]. The cor- and severe reduction of serum testosterone responding clinical symptoms are closely relat- (<0.69 nmol/L, normal: 6.27-26.28 nmol/L). ed to the location and the tumor size, including These abnormalities may be caused by mass vision disturbance, headache, and hypopituita- effect of the sellar tumor. Magnetic resonance rism [4]. Clinically, the tumor mainly affects imaging (MRI) revealed an enlarged pituitary adult and only five cases occurred in children gland and demonstrated a well-circumscribed [5-8]. Neuroradiological findings are non-specif- sellar mass measuring about 2.3×3.1×2.1 cm ic therefore the most common radiological pre- in size. The lesion was isointense on T1- and operative diagnosis was pituitary adenoma. T2-weighted images, and slightly enhanced fol- Histological diagnosis is still the most accurate lowing intravenous administration of Gd-DTPA. examination for this tumor, especially with the The optic chiasm was compressed by the lesion help of immunohistochemistry (IHC) [1, 9, 10]. and slightly elevated. A nonfunctioning pituitary Till now, the best therapy is total resection. In the current study, we report a 52-year old male adenoma was suspected. A transsphenoidal patient with a sellar mass and vision distur- surgery was carried out to remove the pituitary bance, with final histopathological diagnosis of mass. During the operation, a small tumor was pituicytoma. identified and removed. An intraoperative fro- zen section was examined and diagnosed as Case presentation pituitary adenoma. However, one week after the surgery, the remaining tissue sections were A 52-year-old male patient was referred to our given the final histopathological diagnosis of hospital with chief complaints of progressive pituicytoma with evidences provided by IHC decrease of vision for two months. A sellar staining. A case report of pituicytoma Figure 1. Histopathologic features of the pituicytoma. Tumors were composed of interlacing fascicles of elongated, eosinophilic spindle cells. Nuclei were typically oval to elongated, with slightly irregular borders, as shown in hema- toxylin and eosin stained sections (A, 100×) and (B, 400×). Light microscopy showed multiple, small tumor such as reduction of libido, due to mass effect fragments composed of plump spindle cells [9, 14, 15]. Only rare cases showed pituicytoma having eosinophilic cytoplasm, disposed in in association with hypercortisolism symptoms, intersecting fascicles and bundles (Figure 1). and finally were proved the patient actually hav- There were no Rosenthal fibers, granular eosin- ing asymptomatic pituicytoma and corticotrpin- ophilic bodies, or Herring bodies. No nuclear secreting pituitary adenoma simultaneously [5, atypia or mitotic activity was present. Tumor 11]. cells were diffusely labeled by vimentin, S-100, and TTF-1, with focal expression of glial fibril- Currently, there are no special patterns and lary acidic protein (GFAP) (Figure 2A-D). The characteristics can separate pituicytomas from tumor cells were negative for epithelial mem- the more common pituitary adenomas in sellar brane antigen (EMA), synaptophysin, CD68 and and suprasellar on MRI or CT scanning [3]. The pituitary hormones (ACTH, HGH, and PRL) radiological studies reveal iso- or hypointens T1 (Figure 2E-G). The index of Ki-67 was less than signals of lesions which are homogeneously 1% (Figure 2H). Thus, other differential diagno- contrast enhancing. These features are similar ses such as granular cell tumor and pituitary in patients with pituitary adenomas. Therefore, adenomas were excluded with the assistant of the radiology studies cannot provide accurate IHC staining. diagnosis in preoperative tests. To be differen- tiated from the more common pituitary adeno- The patient is now in persistent complete ma or some other rare pituitary tumors, the tis- remission 2 years after resection without evi- sues sections of pituicytoma can provide the dence of or recurrence. most important evidence, especially when IHC Discussion are applied. Under the microscope, the tumor was composed of spindle-shaped cells arra- Pituicytoma is defined as a benign spindle cell nged in sheet, storiform patterns or interlacing tumor originates from pituicytes, and was rec- fascicles. The tumor tissue generally contains ognized as an entity by the WHO Classification no Rosenthal fibers, eosinophilic granular bod- of Tumours of the Central Nervous System in ies or Herring bodies [1, 16]. These assist in 2007 [2]. To data, there were no more than 80 distinguishing the pituicytoma from pilocytic cases of pituicytoma totally reported worldwide astrocytoma and normal neurohypophysis, [5, 6, 9, 11, 12]. Only five cases occurred in especially when sampling is limited. The nuclei children, all the others were in adult, and mainly were oval or elongated and slight pleomorphic, in patients’ fifties and sixties, with equal distri- with pinpoint nucleoli. Typically, atypia cannot bution in males and females [13]. In most be observed. According to the literature and our cases, pituicytoma mainly leads to vision dis- case, the tumor cells are diffusively positive for turbance, headache and pituitary insufficiency, vimentin and S-100, focally positive for GFAP 4850 Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2016;9(4):4849-4853 A case report of pituicytoma 4851 Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2016;9(4):4849-4853 A case report of pituicytoma Figure 2. The Immunoprofile of the pituicytoma. Tumor cells were diffusively positive for vimentin (A), S-100 (B), and TTF-1 (C), with focal expression of GFAP (D), negative for EMA (E), ACTH (F) and CD68 (G). The index of Ki-67 was less than 1% (H), all at 200× magnification. [1, 16]. Generally, the tumor cells are negative Pituicytoma: a distinctive low-grade glioma of for EMA, synaptophysin, chromogranin A, and the neurohypophysis. Am J Surg Pathol 2000; neurofilament. 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